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Chapter 2

By Lady Lavinia DasaniPublished 3 years ago 10 min read

P lacing my forefinger on top of my full red lips, I signalled for my parents to stay still and quiet. Tactfully removing my house keys from the side pocket of my pale brown leather jacket, I called upon my 'ninja skills' and unlocked the entrance door as discreetly and silently as possible.

Taking into consideration that Kyle was with Storm during my absence it was extremely likely that Kyle was still pass out cold from playing too hard, eating a lot of unhealthy food and binge-watching movies, especially since today was a Saturday and the last thing I wanted was to wake up my tired baby boy. Having worked in close partnership with Detective Storm Ives for the past 2 years, my son and him have come to develop a special bond, which in turn strengthen and tighten our friendship and partnership.

Thankfully for me, Storm had an early shift this morning, saving me from immediately having to explain to my parents why a man they've never spoken to, was sleeping in my house and looking after my son like a father would. Notwithstanding, after today, they will eventually learn about Detective Storm Ives, and no matter how much I would love to delay this reality from happening, there was no getting out of it. I am on a current case with the man and Kyle had gotten way too attached to Storm.

Barely getting the time to put down all the suitcases my parents and myself were carrying, a cyclone came crashing into me with full speed. Falling on my post-derrière, I secured the little tornado between my arms.

"How come this superstorm of mine is already up?" Taunting Kyle between waves of laughter, I kissed him on the forehead and cheeks.

"I missed you." Giggling in his little five years old voice, Kyle snuggled up on me.

"Good morning Angelica, sorry, I couldn't keep him from bolting to the door. The moment he heard your footsteps, he zapped out of my grasp." Anastasia greeted with a small smile.

In her late twenties, red hair up to her neck, playful black eyes, she was the picture of affection and kindness. Fresh out of nursing school, Anastasia was an absolute blessing to my small family. She effectively looks after Kyle during my absence, cooks when I am too tired to do so, and is a great friend. Now that she is out of schooling though, she would be able to spend more time than usual working for me, which is genuinely advantageous given I now have both my parents living with me.

"It's fine, Ana, we all know how energetic this little one can be." Rising to my feet and settling Kyle on the ground, facing Anastasia, I nodded at her with my own smile.

Silently looking behind me with a questioning gaze, Anastasia placed my parents, who up until now were quietly standing by the entrance, on the spotlight. Fully turning towards my parents, Kyle steered out of my hold on his shoulder "Grandma, grandpa" running towards my mom and dad, he screeched with excitement.

"Surprise!" Doing my best to tone down the uncomfortableness of the situation, I swiftly introduced my parents to Anastasia and vice versa. Filling in the impending awkwardness, I explained the new living arrangement to Anastasia while Kyle excitedly and loudly jumped up and down.

"A surprise, indeed." Looking between my parents and myself for one last time, Anastasia voiced out her astonishment at the sudden addition in family members.

Unable to avoid or ignore her cocked eyebrows, I nodded at her in acknowledgement and mouthed, "I'll explain later" so no one would be able to hear us.

Turning towards my parents, who were already busy being entertained by our young Kyle, "Mom, dad, follow me. I'll show you both where you would be staying until, well, you decide not too. The room isn't exactly made yet, so bear with me. Anastasia and I would help you both make it more like home once you've had some rest."

Walking past my bedroom which happened to be the very first room, my parents, Kyle and Anastasia followed me to the end of the east hallway to one of the spare guest rooms, about a few feet away from Kyle's room.

"Thanks a lot, sweetheart. I truly have no words for how amazing you are. You leave me mouth agape with happiness. And don't worry about having to help us set up the room. You've brought us so far and are doing so much for us, we don't want to abuse your kindness and time." Standing inside the light beige room, my dad managed to make me happy and angry at the same time.

Receiving the loud affirmation that I was still a great daughter despite my many defects and wrong steps was amazing. However, listening to him insinuate he might be a burden to me when I literally had to drag his, and my mom asses here was hurtful. I recognized it wasn't necessarily his fault for thinking or talking as such, which made it so much harder for me. In that moment, the reality that my own blood-related brother was responsible for all of this hit me harder.

Deep down, I really wanted to teach that asshole of a brother of mine a lesson he would never forget. But this approach of mine would inevitably hurt my parents, especially my mom, more. At the same time, there was no denying that my brother would perish if he ever shows me his face without any decent excuse and explanation.

"Dad, Mom, I am doing all this because it is my responsibility as your daughter and also because I want to. Pete doesn't know what he is missing out on, but trust me, I do. Heck, both Kyle and I know what it's like to not have the luxury of having your physical presence in our life whenever we want."

"Oh, sweetheart -" Taking hold of my dad's hand, I locked gazes with both my parents.

"No, for real dad. I am sorry for what has happened with Pete, but I am also truly grateful to have you both here with me after so many years of being separated. So please remove the idea that you might be a burden to me. Treat this home as your own."

"I am almost always here to help out, as well." Anastasia butted in with enthusiasm and glazed eyes. Clearly, she was getting emotional, as well.

"Hey Miss Over-Emotional, don't forget you got other responsibilities as well." Teasing Ana, who gave me a mocking expression, we lightened up the atmosphere which had started to weigh on us.

"Oh, it's just University and little Kyle for me… that's my life..." Ana dramatically summarized, "Right, Kyle."

Messing with Kyle's mass of hair, Ana brought our attention back on my curious little Kyle, who seems quite interested in our discussion. Full brown eyes opened big like a saucer, Kyle's face was the perfect picture of an innocent child who was introduced to full-on real-life drama for the first time.

Bending halfway to my knees and looking directly at Kyle, "Hey baby boy, would you please go help Ana in the kitchen to make sure she makes an excellent cup of tea for mommy. I am really thirsty and tired."

Nodding his head furiously and energetically, Kyle clapped his hands in excitement and pretty much screech "Yes, yes" before running in the direction of the kitchen to wait for Ana to catch up to his flashing speed.

Turning towards my parents, "You guys settle in. I will be in the kitchen explaining the entire situation to Anastasia and spend some time with my son. But if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask either me or Ana. She might be a little too energetic in the beginning, but she is a lovely individual."

Studying me with a peculiar look, "Are you two…. you know… a thing…?" My mother all but questioned with uncomfortableness laced in her voice.

Gawking at her and her flushed face for a beat without any word, a cloud of awkwardness formed above our heads. Gawping between my mom and myself, my dad started to rub the nape of his head in uneasiness, not knowing what to do or say next. As my mom opened her mouth to say something else, I simply couldn't keep a straight face and cracked up like a lunatic.

Clenching onto my stomach while laughing my ass off, I tried my best to recompose myself and not look like I am having a laughing attack. "Oh, mother… jeez…" Venting myself and wiping a single tear from my eyes, "Gosh… I miss you… your sense of humour… God…"

"What's wrong with you?" My mom asked with caution and confusion. Watching me cracking up out of nowhere, probably giving her ideas to send me to the funny farm.

"It's your question, mom." Composing myself and taking a deep breath, "Anastasia is like a sister to me and an incredible aunt-figure to Kyle, not my girlfriend."

"Oh." Red as a beet, my mom, simply responded.

"Yeah, oh... The woman and I are best friends and know pretty much everything about each other's lives. But if you do have any questions about her, feel free to ask her or me. Just keep in mind that even though she lives in this house and works here part-time, she is out a lot and sometimes even gone for a few days."

Kissing both my parents on their cheeks, I turned in the direction of the kitchen, but just as I was about to turn the corridor, my mom surprised me.

"Angelica… I just wanted to tell you… I am truly sorry for being judgemental of you and your decisions five years ago. I regret not being there for you when you desperately needed me. But most importantly, I apologize for not calling you, much less informing you when we were facing hardship and didn't have a place to live. I understand my actions hurt you more than what I had anticipated."

Stirred and touched, I instinctively ran towards my mom and gave her a bone-crushing hug. Like my father, I was an emotional fool, and more times than none, I take pride in it. Many people, like my ex-husband, Dylan Henry, have tried to remove this character from my personality. An essential character which makes me who I am today. Thankfully, I also have my mother's resilience and stubbornness within me, which have helped in keeping my emotions alive.

"There, there…" Gently tapping on my shoulder like I was a crying baby, my mom truly seemed out of her element.

Letting out a small laugh, "Thank you, mom. This got to be the nicest thing you've said to me in years."

Cocking her delicate eyebrows at me, "In years… I don't believe I'm that cold to you, Angelica." Staring intensely into her eyes, she astonished me once again. My mom, Elize Buar, honestly thought and believed she was not that cold when her nickname literally is 'The Ice Queen'.

"Don't worry mom, all frozen blood turns warm in this house." Swiftly kissing her on her cheeks, a bright smile plastered on my face, "Just remember, unconditional love and respect is the magic trick in this house." Turning on my heels, I left my mom and dad to settle in their new home.


Sitting at the counter like an investigator ready to grill the life out of me, Ana's fingers drummed on the counter-top, causing small ripple effect inside my cup of tea.

Unbeknown of the situation, Kyle stared up at me from his seat and began to excitedly recount all he and Storm did while I was gone. Smiling down at Kyle, I tried my best to keep my interest in him and in what he was saying rather than letting my attention be diverted by Anastasia's inquiring gaze.

"So mommy, do you wanna play lego with me, please?" The way and speed that kid jumps from one conversation to another were hilarious without any doubts. The very moment he was done telling me his life story during my absence, his next question came up, leaving little to no space for a breath in between.

Playfully ruffling Kyle's dark hair, "I would love to, baby boy. How about you go get everything ready while I have a private talk with auntie Ana? I will join you when I am done, okay." With a gentle smile, I sent an overly energized Kyle to the living room with his boxes of legos. With the amount of energy pumping through him, there's no doubt Storm spoiled him rotten with candy last night.

"I love Kyle, but finally! … Now tell me all. What happened over there? How come your parents are here with us? Do you know how long they will be living with us? Where's your brother? Why didn't he come along? … Wait! … Should I be scared of your mother? I remember all the stories about her-"

"Calm down, girl! You're gonna kill yourself with all these questions." Laughing the memory of my brother's action away, I managed to keep myself calm and collected.

"It is your tardiness to provide me with answers that's gonna kill me; not my many questions. Keep me waiting, and I might start having a cardiac arrest." Throwing a piece of smarty chocolate at me from the glass bowl we keep on the kitchen counter, Ana had me cracking up at her childishness.

"Curiosity killed the cat, young woman. One would think you would be aware of the latter by now." Purposely dragging the conversation, Anastasia's impatience level rose even higher, making the situation all the more priceless and funny for me.

"Angelica Buar, I would like to remind you, your dear son is waiting for you, so out with the answers or you are staying here with me." Playing dirty, Anastasia quirked her eyebrows at me.

"You, my dear Anastasia Riles, are a major party-pooper."

Giving in her persistence, I recounted all I found out when I went back to my home State. Letting her know of my confusions, feelings and disappointment, I answered all of her questions. At least those I had an answer for.


About the Creator

Lady Lavinia Dasani

Entrepreneur and small business owner.

Founder/CEO of Plumitif Press, LLC & Plumitif Empowerment Academy

I have a passion for writing, reading and helping others. I like sharing what I learn along the whirlwind adventure that we call life.

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    Lady Lavinia DasaniWritten by Lady Lavinia Dasani

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