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Chapter 4

By Lady Lavinia DasaniPublished 3 years ago 15 min read

H elping Kyle installs his game on the large screen TV, I sat him down on the carpeted floor with his controller in hand and headset on. Aware I couldn't push the inevitable any longer I took my seat beside Storm on the couch, facing the other sofa my parents were impatiently occupying.

"I can literally sense the trillion questions boiling inside you guys. So how about you converse between you two then ask your questions one by one before either of you starts erupting like a volcano." Attacking the massive elephant in the room head-on, I spoke up to both my parents.

Intently studying Storm and me and our close proximity, my mom and dad silently nodded their heads. A silence capable of slicing us into pieces. Whispering between themselves for what felt like forever, Storm looked down at me as I look up at him with a hint of anxiousness and nervousness. The wait was slowly killing both me and Storm.

"Detective Ives, how about you for starters. Tell us how you know our daughter and for how long?" My father professionally demanded, his usual jocular demeanour and tone vanished into thin air.

Anyone who would look at my father right now would never ever guess or believe he is one of the most kind-hearted, open, caring and genuine men. At that moment, he resembled my mother; cold, standoffish and distant, shocking me. It was the first time I've even seen my dad this serious. Heck, he wasn't ever this serious and stoic when questioning my ex-husband, Dylan Henry, about his intentions when I brought him to my parents' home for the first time.

"Please call me Storm, I insist. To answer your question, I've known Angelica for about 3 years now. And given your daughter is one of the best cognitive behavioural psychologist, analyst and profiler in this entire State as well as the only woman who's been able to put up with me for more than a few months, our bosses deemed it necessary to have us work together. I work with the State law enforcement on special circumstances criminal case as the primary Detective. We can't divulge too much about our professional relationship or what it is we do, but if you should know, Angelica uses her expertise and talent to assist me as my primary partner."

"We've officially been working together for two years now." I jumped in, cutting Storm's extensive praising short. I get he was trying to impress my parents, but it really wasn't necessary. We were both adults, and my parents couldn't break our friendship even if they tried. We were just explaining ourselves as a courtesy and a sign of respect.

"Two years and 3 months actually." Turning towards me, Storm corrected me as if the exact time mattered.

"Why don't you tell me the exact day, minute and seconds while you are at it." My tone laced with sarcasm, I defied Storm.

Looking down at his watch, Storm remained silent for a few seconds, "Two years, 3 months, 8 days, 33 minutes and 50 seconds from today."

Mouth agape like a fish in desperate need of air, I gawked at Storm, baffled and out of words. The man was impossibly frustrating sometimes.

"I'm glad you know the exact time, Storm. Now tell me, you two are only work partners?"

"Mom! I told you earlier, we are not dating." Somewhat annoyed by her incredulous gaze, I exclaimed with exasperation, not giving Storm the chance to speak.

"I'm speaking with the man, Angelica, not you. Sit quietly until your turns come." Flashing me an icy glare that I returned with a fiery one, my mom tried to dismiss me.

Resting his big warm hand on top of mine, Storm calmed the fire within me in seconds. Truly speaking, I didn't have much against my mom and her prying questions, I was simply exhausted from always having to fight people about my relationship with Storm. Yeah sure, I would totally let the guy make love to me and date him if I wasn't such a scaredy-cat with a wall as high as the length of China wall. But the latter wasn't the case now, was it.

Linking his fingers with mine and ignoring my parents' eyes following his every movement, "Our relationship is far more than just work partners, Ma'am. I'm sure you are mainly referring to Angel's and I's behaviour when I first came in tonight, but I assure you, Ma'am and sir, our relationship is platonic. Working in the field together, our lives literally depend on each other, which requires a tremendous amount of trust and honesty. The two of us are exceedingly close because of this, but at the end of the day we are just extremely close friends."

Platonic, my ass. The man has had an erection for me more times than I can count. Not only does he openly eye-fuck me whenever I wear something tight or revealing, but has admitted dreaming about fucking me in ways that make me blush from just thinking about it.

Storm Ives has purposely got me hot and bothered, in need of sexual release and played with my hormones just for the mere fun of it and his sick satisfaction. Heck, we've even kissed with a passion threatening to burn us alive on the occasions we've slipped and briefly given in the sexual tension between us. Thankfully for both of our sakes, we've never, or rather, I've never let the two of us go any further than making out like two starving animals and blissful oral sex. I am a grown woman with need, after all.

"Yeah, platonic for sure," I mumbled loud enough for them to hear.

"Do you always walk around here with a gun on your hips?" Giving me an 'I don't believe you both' look, my father continued with his questioning.

"I don't, sir. And again, I apologise for pulling my weapon at you. But sir, I'll do it all over again if such a situation arises. My main aim and focus are to protect Angelica and Kyle and make sure nothing bad befalls on them." Squeezing his hand as a 'thank you', I was honestly appreciative of him.

In comparison to the people I've had in my life, Storm has always put me first, no matter what the situation, even when he gets mad at me. He is overprotective, yes, but I'm quite aware he only means good and wants what's best for me. His caring and loving self, among other aspects, are the main reason why I have stuck with him despite his playboy arrogant overconfident and often controlling demeanour.

Then again, my attitude and stubbornness have kicked his ass quite a few times, putting him back in place. These back and forth exchanges of power, our chemistry and the respect between us together with the ability to support each other's best and worst are what has been keeping our link strong. Especially when we get into testing each other's limits.

"Don't apologise for what's right, son. The knowledge that you would stop at nothing to protect our little girl and her kiddo is assurance enough for me to openly and heartily welcome you in my family."

"Thank you, sir. I highly appreciate it."

"You can drop the sir, Storm. The name is Auden, remember." Stretching his hand out to Storm, both men shook hands. The power in their handshake creating an unbreakable alliance between them.

"How close are you to Kyle, anyway?" My mom interrupted both men's bonding moment.

Unlike my dad, who had returned to his warm, loving self, my mom was still holding onto her iciness. Then again, anything less can't be expected from her.

"We are extremely close, ma'am. At first, Kyle had an understandable reserve towards me, but throughout the two-ish years I've been working with Angel, staying over here for days and babysitting him whenever Angel is absent or gone on a trip, Kyle and myself have grown really fond of each other. I teach and treat him like I would my own son if I had one."

Storm was soon going to make me teary if he doesn't stop. Gazing up at him, the desire to kiss him on the lips was driving me insane and causing butterflies to have a dancing party inside my stomach. His words and unusual spoken love for my son was making me wish I could tell my parents to fuck off somewhere else in the house while I straddle Storm and freely make-out with him.

"So you are not married, have a girlfriend or anything as such?"

Letting my mom's question sink in, I cracked up, "Girlfriend – and him?" Pointing at Storm, I let out a fit of laughter.

"As you can see, ma'am, I do not have any girlfriend or any sort of intimate long term relationship with anyone." Keeping his composure, Storm sent me an indisputable warning glare.

"Oh my God… That was funny….. Girlfriend, ha." Pushing aside his intense irrefutable reprimanding glare, I bellowed another fit of laughter.

"Are you done, Angelica?" My mom asked with a hint of impatience and curiosity. My dad, on the other hand, was on my side. He allowed himself to show his amusement through a smile.

"Mom, the man is a player." Chuckling, I voiced out a truth about Storm's character.

"A player, huh." Eyeing Storm with a scrutinising look that asked 'should I or should I not trust you? ', my mom glance between Storm and me once more.

"Allege player, ma'am. I'm mostly keeping to myself these days." Explaining himself, Storm tried to win a point with my mom. Little did he know it is close to impossible. Heck, even I am still trying to earn points with her, so who was he.

Enclosing his hand around mine in a firm redoubtable squeeze, Storm briefly imprisoned me in his greenish-greyish coloured eyes. Slightly gulping on my own spit, the message written in its depth was loud and clear as daylight. My impulsiveness to disobey his unmistakable forewarning to shut up and not to trigger him broke the well-locked box. A box whose dangerous contents were still vague to me.

To make matters worse, there was no way to lock it again. The deal was once I opened it, the contents of this box could be used against me at any time, and however much it was deemed necessary. It was definitive, I was now screwed until the end of days. Storm Ives was going to find a more than suitable punishment for me. Perceiving the evil glint in his eyes, the stupid and hormone-filled promises we made to each other a few months ago after a particularly sexual straining case clouded my mind.


"What did you think of our case today?" Keeping his now empty container of food on his wooden table, Storm inquisitively inquired.

Finishing my food, I placed my empty container beside his and fully turned towards him with a perplexed look. "The BDSM murder case, you mean?"

"Yes." Shifting on his black wide leather couch, Storm answered with an almost nervous tone, confusing me.

"Other than how dangerous BDSM and their clubs can be, nothing much." Shrugging my shoulders, I didn't think twice about it.

"Technically Doc, neither the club nor the BDSM practices were at fault during this case. It was the apprentice member researching how to be a dominant who was at fault."

Observing his eyes darkened as he spoke of the BDSM club and its practices while running his eyes all over me, I finally understood his nervousness and the type of information he was trying to get out of me. Taking Storm by surprise, I slowly approached him with an evil smirk and climbed on top of his lap, my legs on either side of him.

"Doc." Storm warned, aware my intention was to tease him.

"Tell me, Stormie, did you get turned on watching all these submissives getting spanked, whipped, restraint, strapped and fuck like no tomorrow?" Bringing my lips inches away from his, eyes locked with each other, I sensually taunted.

"Doctor Buar!" Taking a deep sharp breath and closing his eyes, Storm attempted to regain control over himself. It was too late though, his manhood was already poking its interest at the subject at hand.

"That's my title, Detective Ives." Grasping his front shirt in my fist, I pulled hard, propelling his face and chest closer to me and his eyes to pop open.

"You are pushing it, Doc." His eyes pleading with me to reconsider my actions, or he won't be held responsible, I utterly disregarded his warning.

"What will you do, Detective? Will you punish me? – Will you cuff me, strap me down and whip me into submitting to what you consider good behaviour ….. Will you, Storm, bend me over this table behind me or on this couch under us? Will you spank my ass and eat me out to the point where I find it difficult to walk tomorrow morning?" Sexily and sultrily teasing Storm, I could see him breaking under my fingers.

Storm should have kept his mouth shut. This whole week was already filled with heightened sexual tension between us. This case and having to watch people torture and fuck each other into oblivion would do that to anyone. Now we were all alone in his apartment with completed paperwork on his living room table, and he had to open his beautifully shaped skilled lips and ask how I felt about the fucking case.

"FUCK!" Snapping under his breath, Storm took hold of the back of my neck and crashed his lips onto mine.

Kissing me like no tomorrow, he sharply pulled onto my hair and shoved his tongue inside my mouth without permission when it opened from the pain on my scalp. Hands flying everywhere, caressing my sides, my back, my hips, my thighs and my breasts, Storm devoured my lips.

"Why don't you listen when I ask you to stop?" Demanding in an almost pained tone, his breaths laboured, Storm kisses ran from my lips to my jawline to my neck as he ground me against his shaft.

"Maybe you should punish me, Detective." Continuously moving my hips on top of him, Storm bit down on the junction between my neck and my shoulder. Throwing my head back with a loud yelp, the realisation the game I was playing was verging on an extremely dangerous point dawned on me.

"Maybe I should."

Left with no time to think about his words or what was happening, Storm pushed me off him and flipped me onto the couch with my ass up in the air in a flash. Shoving my office skirt over my ass and on top of my hips before I could utter a word, Storm literally ripped my lacy blue panties off me like a brute.

"Storm! – What are you doing?" Feeling fear and anticipation for what's to come pulsing through me, I was confused if I should scream at Storm out of pleasure and lust or anger and fear.

"Why, punishing you of course." Skimming his hand over my butt cheeks a couple of times, his eyes practically burning holes on my ass, Storm declared as if he was announcing the most natural and normal thing in the universe.

"Storm, you are not a dominant. You just watched them and took a few introductory classes as did I."

"Actually Doc, that's not true. I lied to you when I said I didn't know anything about the BDSM world. I wanted to see your reaction to that side of the world."

Confused and slightly turned on from his skimming hand on my buttocks, "What?"

"Did you seriously think getting into such a private and prestigious club as easily as we did was normal?"

"No – but…"

"Doc, I have been a dominant and a member of that particular club for years now. It has branches all over the country, and the owner is a good friend of mine. You, Doc, were introduced as my submissive behind closed doors. One who was new and unaware of the BDSM world. Reasons why we took the classes. And I gotta tell you, Angel, watching you get aroused and smelling the arousal off you while you were studying them was a major turned on. – Trust me when I tell you; being a submissive is what you need deep down."

Astounded at the normality of his voice, I found it hard to retaliate. Sliding his hands and emitting extreme warmth down my inner thighs, Storm spread my legs further apart without any warning. He was lucky I was already holding onto the armrest of the couch for dear life. The fear within me only increasing with every passing second of his caress on my ass.

I didn't fear Storm, per se, I trusted the man with mine and my kid's life. What I was dreading was what we were doing. I was afraid we will go too far and not be able to return back like the usual. Moreover, I watched those submissives for hours and days on end, I wasn't sure I was ready to play in the court they did.

Gliding his fingers on my slick and throbbing womanhood, I tensed up when Storm applied pressure on my entrance from the back. "Storm, wait!" Turning my head towards him and maintaining position, "I don't think I can do this. Sorry."

Slowly leaning forward, his face dangerously close to mine, Storm fisted the back of my hair. Pulling my face upward, his hot breaths were doing tricks inside my body.

"What did I say you should have done, Angel?" With a hint of danger in his tone, Storm demanded.

"To stop." Looking straight into his eyes, I answered in a low tone.

"Did I or did I not give you fair warning of what was going to happen if you didn't stop?" Without mercy, Storm questioned with authoritativeness. His bulging length pressed against my bare ass, as unforgiving as him.

"You did, and I'm sorry. I promise to not go this far next time."

"Babe, you don't get to tease me as such with the clear intention of leaving me hanging and not pay the price for it."

"Please Storm. I know I'm sexually frustrating you to the point of no return and I'll make up for it. But this BDSM stuff right now would bring things too far, and I'm afraid I won't be able to hold back as usual." Finding no reason to hide my true feelings and thoughts from him, I blurb out the truth.

"Why do you insist on holding back? We can be good together." Touching his forehead to mine, Storm asked in a much gentler tone.

"I'm sorry Storm, but you know how I feel about relationships and commitment. I simply can't put myself through all of what it means and brings with it."

"You realise I will never truly intentionally hurt you or your heart. Punishment through BDSM is utterly different from intentional physical abuse. You've been with me throughout this whole case to know it is a form of love, lust, discipline, respect, power and release of any sort. Heck, it is even therapeutic for some."

Supporting my weight on only one arm, I grabbed the back of Storm's neck with my other hand and press his forehead further into mine. "This is why I am so apologetic about it. Truthfully part of me wants this; wants us. Even the punishment you were going to inflict on me, but a major part of me knows there is a limit we cannot cross just yet."

Releasing a breath, "Fine. If you don't want to do this right now, we won't. But on only one condition."

Fixing my eyes on his with curiosity and slight trepidation, "What?" I simply mumbled.

"I'll postpone the punishing until next time you push my buttons despite my warnings. It can be for sexual or non-sexual reasons. And because I'm being so lenient and considerate towards you right now, I'm now allowed to punish you in any way I deem fit every single time I feel I'm being purposely disobeyed or just for my mere pleasure once this box is cracked open. Think carefully over what it all means, before you answer, Doc." With finality in his tone, I realised I had only two choices.

Take his offer for later when I'm more under control and unlikely to misbehave as much or get punished right now where I will most definitely lose control.

"Deal. I accept your conditions."

"Great. Good girl." Patting me on my hair, Storm retreated back.

"Hold onto the couch armrest for me."

"What? – Why?" Perplexed, I instantly enjoined, the uncertainty of this moment not sitting well with me.

"Our promises was about me not punishing you right now, not about refraining myself from having a taste of you. Now, don't make me repeat myself, grab the armrest." Nudging my legs apart with his knee this time, I watched Storm dived between my legs.

To reviewer: (Please delete this part after review)

This chapter is part of a short story novel that's available on other platforms along with already being printed. I am the author of the novel. You can find more information on the novel and where it is published on my website:


About the Creator

Lady Lavinia Dasani

Entrepreneur and small business owner.

Founder/CEO of Plumitif Press, LLC & Plumitif Empowerment Academy

I have a passion for writing, reading and helping others. I like sharing what I learn along the whirlwind adventure that we call life.

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    Lady Lavinia DasaniWritten by Lady Lavinia Dasani

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