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Witchcraft Gone Wrong

I will never forget what we did in that old barn

By Susana ShadowsPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Witchcraft Gone Wrong
Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash

God, How I hated that old barn. To me, that barn symbolized everything I felt was wrong with my life. I had spent the majority of my life trapped in this tiny hick town. I thought my life would never change.

There were so many emotions running through my head these days I could barely keep track of them myself, never less expect anyone else to.

The wind blew gently through my opened bedroom window. I caught the faint smell of lilacs from the bush outside. This is it, I proclaimed! Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Boy, was I wrong!

I hurried through breakfast and my household chores before calling my best friend, Lisa. Lisa and I were just a few days apart in age, and lately, we had both been going through some major changes.

I waited for Lisa to arrive at my house to begin making this summer's adventure plans. Twenty minutes later, Lisa came barreling through my back door. She was out of breath and carrying a giant paper bag and what looked to be a gameboard of sorts.

"You are never going to guess what I found" she screamed with excitement! "I give up I said with a hint of boredom."

"Well! My sister Carla left this morning for summer camp. When I went into her room, I noticed she had forgotten a few things."

" surprise there, your sister is always forgetting or losing something." "Well, not stuff like this," Lisa said."

"First of all, mom would kill her if she knew she even had this stuff in her possession."

"OH, for damn sakes, spill it already, Lisa!"

"Okay, but what I am about to show you, you have to pinky swear to never tell another living soul about."

I held up my pinky, thinking to myself, my God, Lisa is so dramatic but is my best friend, so I will go along with her demands.

Lisa moved closer to me and asked, "Is there anyone else here now?" "Nope, I stated; I told you mom and dad were gone for the night to some tractor convention. That is why I asked you to stay over with me for the night.

Lisa looked nervously around the room as if she was expecting someone to jump out from behind the curtains. But, instead, she carefully dumped the contents from the paper bag onto the living room rug.

There were four tall pillar white candles and one black star-shaped candle. Next, Lisa pulled out a small lighter, a container of salt, and a small dagger.

Now that she captured my attention, she took out a small leather-bound book and an Ouija Board. I have to be honest, I was trying to keep my cool demeanor, but I was seriously getting a little spooked out.

I swallowed harder and louder than I intended and nervously giggled, "what are we suppose to do with this stuff, I asked?" Lisa flipped open the leather book. It was old and dusty and smelled of mildew.

It was full of pages that were scribbled upon and looked as if someone, somewhere along the way, might have spilled something on them. "Wait, was that faded brownish stain blood?"

Lisa laughed and said, tonight is the most potent super moon of the year.

"It is the best night for sister witches to make contact with the dead." "Uhm...sister witches?"

What are you talking about? We are not witches of any sort. "Well, Lisa explained we would be if we follow the spell in this book precisely and use the Ouija Board to evoke a spirit.

We sat quietly for a few minutes, then I started to laugh nervously. "You are kidding me, right?" "No, Lisa exclaimed. I have always felt a special connection to witchcraft and to you. I believe if we work together, we can do some pretty magical things."

I thought a bit more about the things Lisa had told me. "Oh, what the heck, what else do we have to do tonight? If anything, it will make for a great laugh and a fun summer story to share with our friends."

Lisa's eyes went dark. She shouted, "NO! This is between you and me only. What is said and done here must never be shared with anyone else.

"Okay," calm down, I get it. No one will ever know. Next, Lisa and I went into my room to change our clothes. Lisa read from the book. We dressed in all black.

The book of shadows states we were to go into a barn located on Woodcreek road. "Wait, that is my address and where my barn stands."

"Yes, I know, Lisa whispered.

The moon was full, and it was close to midnight when Lisa and I went inside the barn. We took the container of salt and made a giant circle around us. "This is for our protection, she claimed."

We sat down on the ground across from each other. Lisa lit a white candle at each corner of the Ouija Board. To the left, the black star-shaped candle and dagger sat, casting a terrifying glow.

Lisa took the dagger and made a small slice in the palm of each of our right hands. She held them tightly, squeezing the blood into the black candle.

Next, she looked me in the eye and said that no matter what happens next, do not let go of my hand or stop touching the Ouija. I was starting to shake, Lisa's eyes turned black.

She began chanting in a language I have never heard, and she was swaying back and forth. The Ouija board planchette was speeding back and forth, making eerie scraping sounds.

The wind began to howl outside the old barn. Then, a large crash came barreling down in the barn, and that is the last thing I remember.

I don't know how long we had been out there if it was minutes, hours, or days. My mother was awaking the next thing I recall. She was screaming my name in a panicked voice.

"Jody! Jody, oh, Thank God we have found you. What happened to you? We have been searching for you for hours. My voice was weak as I asked, "Where is Lisa? Mom, Where is Lisa?"

"Honey, my mother answered, are you okay?'

"No, where is Lisa? What happened to her?"

"Jody, Lisa is dead. She has been dead for five years. She died in a barn fire the night you girls slept out here with her big sister Carla."

It was more than twenty years ago, and to this day, I still can't quite put together all the details of that night. However, I can still faintly hear the screeching cries Lisa made during that night. The one thing I do have to remind me that something awful and horrifying had taken place that night is a nasty scar across the palm of my hand and the absence of my best friend, Lisa.

To this day, I have yet to step back inside the barn at my parent's house.


About the Creator

Susana Shadows

A woman of the world who feels like she has already lived many lifetimes and adventures in just a handful of decades.

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Comments (1)

  • Test9 months ago

    I wish you all the best in your healing process.

Susana ShadowsWritten by Susana Shadows

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