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Wicked Tongues - Part II.

Covetous Covens & Magical Rituals. Part II. The Gathering

By Addison MPublished 8 months ago Updated 8 months ago 11 min read

Serenda shook her head and tasted her teeth. “Ugh, you never really get used to that. You’re taking this well. The first time I went through I collapsed I was so dizzy. ”

Calintha turned pale, and then an off-shade of chartreuse not befitting a healthy human complexion before falling to her knees and unceremoniously divulging the light dinner she’d partaken in hours before, all over the side of the wall.

“Why didn’t you warn me about that?!” Calintha spat wiping her mouth and clothes off as best she could.

“If I did, you’d have hesitated and we are already running behind, now come on up, here ya go,” she said, helping Calintha to her feet. “Rubber duckies, borax, and bunnies clean up the mistakes made by her tummy,” Serenda jested as she weaved the spell. Bubbles and sudds rushed out of the air scrubbing away the mess and returning Calintha to a lemonly fresh state.

“I hate you, I hate you so much right now.”

“I know, hehe. Now come along there’s still a ways to go.” The duo said as they continued on down the hallway.

It stretched onwards. The polished stones of the entrance gave way to a dingy collection of concrete pillars, and dirty industrial construction. Brutalist architecture, of squat foreboding design. Clearly a place not frequented by the prying eyes of people or authority. Distant voices, chanting, and the inconsistent sounds of animal nature were heard half-muted from a variety of directions. The odd geometry of the location applied madness to the acoustics. Graffiti was splattered all over the area. Some of which looked to be arcane enchantments and others clearly of a less esoteric but threatening nature. Without warning a rotund rat the size of a raccoon sprinted from the darkness towards them with intent in its beedie little eyes.

“Raticus!” Calintha beamed.

“Oi, Calin! Yer a vision a bu-aty, as l’ways. Good ta see ya,” Raticus squeaked the best broken English a rat could hope to manage. “Serendaah, lookin fierce as da last time I rekall. Glad ye made it, yer the last ta rive.”

“All the others are here?” Calinth inquired.

“Nah, quit the p'site actually. Most couldn’t make it or didn’t get n’ invit. A few of the other familiars are ere as what day word, umm pixies, nah umm proxies dats it. You two and Morgana are the only full witch here to rep’ rezent, and lets say Morganas a little on edge.”

“Fantastic…” Serenda replied. “What’s the crowd's energy? How many other covens are here? and what is the ritual area like? This place seems even a bit…run down even by the usual standards of the locations we move around to. I’ve been to some sketchy Rituals before but this seems a little more, umm tasteless than what I’m used to.

“Tah crones picked a lovely place. No idea what you’re on ab’out.

“This place is a shithole. Would it kill them to put up a few lanterns, I know it's temporary and we move around but seriously standards have dropped since last time. It’s Calintha's first time and this is not helping the mood. Magical mizers.” Serenda bemoaned.

“Well la-de-dah princess, next tim’ I’ll make sure they have eveything coated in gald leaf and servants ta massage ya little feetsies. Would that do it fer ya?” Raticus mocked.

They all laughed, merrily melting away the tension.

“Seriously though, are we close? I want some time to catch up with Morgana before it all goes down. Some prep time just in case would be good too.”

“Yss, Morgana sent me ta find ya, we’re close now, follow me, and put a bit of the old pitta patta into it. No Rit-uals have started yet but I don’t want ta miss any. If I do mistress Malain will tan meh furry hide. She loves these and was very admin’t about me recoring them fer er.”

“Thanks, Raticus, please lead on!” Calinth said with a smile, that inflated the rats pride, as he turned and scurried down the corridor, the sister witches in tow.

They approached a wide open area, studded with sporadic concrete pillars. It might have been a parking garage previously and would be again soon enough. The area reeked of ozone and residual magical energy. The tang of sweetness and old books filled pockets of air as they went around the outskirts of the area passing the other entrances. A circular amphitheater crafted from warped concrete dominated the center, adorned with candelabras and other ornate metallic decorations. The flames danced from one candle to another playfully cavorting as they shunted away the darkness. At the center of the stage stood a stone pedestal with an ancient grimoire a foot thick protected by a pulsing field of magical energy.

A number of groups milled about the area in various states of activity. Mostly robes figures, animals, and the occasional animal in robes. Calintha's eyes filled with excitement, seeing the collection of covens, familiars, and other creatures kept from the sight of normal humans.

The assortment of outfits, expressions of magical identity, and personalities on display was astonishing, amplified by the contrast of the brutalist surroundings mere feet away from them. It was not what she expected but no less remarkable, seeing and feeling so many sisters together. The divinity was almost palpable around them, and Calintha's anxiety transmuted into a sense of wonder and excitement at being part of what was to come.

Several women in ballroom masques and headdresses danced in a circle, practicing flourishes with their wands as marionette copies of themselves flipped and cavorted with whimsical abandon to the motions.

An unnaturally tall woman with the ears of a cat, dressed like a ringmaster from an ancient circus stood atop a stack of boxes, marking numbers on a chalkboard. Harraning passers by to place their bets, and hissing at any who ignored her.

“Not what you expected eh?” Serenda remarked.

“No, not really but I didn’t know what to expect, to be honest.”

“A colorful lot, but luck might be on our side. I don’t see any major contenders here. There are the Bitter Brew over by the stage, they would be the only reasonable competition to us, but I’ve got some history with them. We have an unspoken agreement to not Ritual against each other unless absolutely necessary. Helped them out of a bit of a mess a few decades back and it's their way of returning the favor.” As she said that, one of the Witches of the Bitter Brew, caught sight of Serenda, and casually raised a bubbling wine glass filled with a violet shimmering fluid to her, before typing it slightly and nodding before turning back to her conversation. Serenda returned the nod and added a slight courtesy. “There are a few other notable witches here but they are old stock and more here for the show and tradition, they likely have no interest in partaking in Ritual. They are more here for politics and entertainment. Morganas the most potent competitor around today.”

“So all my worry might be for nothing then. That’s a relief, but I’m sort of sad at the same time. This is going to happen sooner or later, and tonight might be as good a time as any.”

“We will play it by ear. Unless you want to Ritual, or Morgana does then maybe we can do a low-stakes Ritual. If it's just the three of us it's enough technically but our coven is way stronger when we are together even if they aren’t all contributing directly. Sisterhood ya know.”

“I luv the sound of yer voices I do, but the time for gabbins gone. We’re ere.” announced Raticus. “Morganas waiting inside tha’ room, good luck ladies. What eva, you decide I’ll be rootin for yah. I got to get a gud spot to recard for ma mistress or I’ll be in a world o trouble.”

“Thanks, Raticus” they replied in unison, as he scurried off as fast as his chubby legs could carry him.

Calintha went to knock and the door swung inward the moment before her knuckle made contact.

“Sisters! Come on in! I’ve been waiting… how are my lovely sisters this eve of Ritual?”

They entered to see Morgana, sitting comfortably in a decadently appointed lounge chair, clad in a flowing dress of gold and midnight purple, inlaid with precious gemstones that sparkled like living stars giving the outfit the surreal ethereal beauty of space. As if she wore the galaxy itself. An aura of domination, desire, and wisdom radiated from her, but there was an undercurrent of something else, something eldritch.

“Infinitely better now that we get to see you again, sorry we were held up. Problem with the gateways."

“Think nothing of it sisters, I'm ecstatic you made it! Actually so relieved.” She said with an expression of genuine relief, rising to greet them properly.

They all stood and performed the coven's secret gestures of welcome before hugging and dropping the formalities.

“Missed you, Morgana. Thanks for inviting me this time, I’m honored to be here. I've been practicing diligently. ”

“Of that I have no doubt Calinth, I can feel your aura. You’ve grown vivid since we last met. I’m thrilled to finally have you come. It's long overdue. The Crones must think so as well, otherwise you wouldn’t have been invited.”

Calintha blushed a bit.

“Wait that’s probably the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. Are we in trouble? You’re never this nice. Should I be worried?”

Morgana laughed. “No, no need to be worried. It’s a bit of a political situation nothing more. None of the others could make it, such an almost unbelievable series of misfortunes but I’m thankful that you two made it. Without at least three we couldn’t perform Ritual, and that would have harmed our covens prestige, and I don’t need to explain how important that is. I’m also not being snarky, I meant it Calin you’ve come a long way. You two are two of the best and brightest we have. Brightest for sure,” Morgana said, looking up and down at Calintha's vibrant candy-colored outfit with a hint of a snicker. Calintha's cheerful demeanor soured a bit at the implied judgment.

“I see you’re as obscenely gauche as ever. Leave any blood diamonds for the rest of the world or did that dress bogart the entire supply? Serenda interceded before Calintha could say anything back.

“Nice to see you dressed up for the occasion. Is that real denim? When did you master time magic and go back to the 1950s to find that gem, and pillage the fashion sense of every acid-addled punk rock wannabe?“ Morgana retorted and then smirked playfully.

“Ahh I missed this, the casual sass and subtle judgement. That’s the Morgana I know.” Calintha said with a grin. “Do you think we will have to perform Ritual, I’m still nervous but sort of excited at the idea.”

“Nobody has approached us yet, and I don’t think anybody will even with just the three of us. That usually would have happened by now, and we have a bit of a reputation. If anybody does muster the courage we will handle it. You would just support Serenda or myself. I don’t intend to trial by fire you. That’s not the way of our coven. With only us three I don’t intend to approach another coven either. Best wait for a more opportune time to gain some magic. For now, we are better to wait it out."

“If anybody dares step up I’ll take point,” Serenda remarked, making a finger gun gesture and pulling another drag of her vape.

“Thanks, sisters. I appreciate that,” Calintha replied, noting the subtle reference with a wink.

“Calintha, darling, when the time comes you will be fantastic, as you are fantastic! Remember what I taught you. Magic is an expression of will. The power comes from within you, that is the key to true mastery of magic. Be yourself, your true self and that is all you need to do. Don’t worry what the crowd thinks, or even what I think. Be true to yourself, and express your uniqueness through your craft. No two witches are the same, and this applies to our magic as well. Others may have more magic, but the ability to control it with your will is infinitely more vital than the amount you possess. We are after all a coven of quality not quantity.”

“That was surprisingly inspirational,” Serenda replied, knocking Morgana back into the moment, and allowing her to regain her composure after the unexpectedly emotionally honest outpour.

“Now don’t take that as a get-out-of-jail-free card Calin, I do expect great things from you, and if we are challenged and you mess it up I’ll have you scrubbing my cauldrons for the next several months.”

“Yes Morgana, I won’t let you, Serenda, or any of our other sisters down if that happens!”

“Superb darling. Now do you remember how this works if we do have to go in? There’s something off about tonight and we need to be prepared.”

“Yes sis, The primary Witch squares off against the other primary Witch, and then the other two support her. We channel our magics into the open to infuse your spells with our own will and bring the magic to life. Creating whatever you wish us to manifest to best suit the needs of the Ritual. The magic flows back and forth controlled by the Primary Witchs and once the Ritual is over the magic returns to the covens, the magic flows towards those based on their control at the end, and inevitably one side gains more than the other, and how the covens regulate their magical power.”

“Exactly, and remember the effects created aren’t real in the strictest sense. They cannot physically harm but they can be felt as if they are real. Fire burns, ice chills, and smog can choke. You won’t die but it might feel like you are dying. No true harm can come from the magic while the wards are active but it can leave scars on your mind and trauma responses in the body. It’s still not without consequences so don’t take it lightly.”

“Got it. I know it’s ‘safe’ so it's okay to not hold back as well.”

“Yes, finally remember magic is controlled by will. So the goal is to disrupt the other witches, keep them unfocused and off balance, or even crush their spirits. Attacking their character or beliefs, are acceptable. It’s deliciously cruel sometimes but these are the tricks we use to secure power in the Ritual.”

“You nerds and your words,” Serenda scoffed. “Go in talk mad shit, cast rad magic, rattle them and rake in the rewards. Simple as that. Oh and sometimes shit gets weird. That about sum it up?”

“Well umm, actually that is pretty much it,” Morgana admitted, somewhat humbled by the accuracy and audacity of the comment.

“And now you know why Serenda is such a feared member of the coven. Her comments can cut like knives, Calin, you’ll find your own way as well.”

Calintha laughed nervously. “Well, hopefully, tonight’s not the night I have to find out what type of witch I am.”

“Think she might surprise us, there's more to noodle hair here than a flashy outfit and anxiety disorder.” Serenda jibbed, rustling the flock of noodles perched upon Calinthas head.

The light flickered, the walls quivered and a droning bell tolled, filling the room.

“Ohh, a Ritual has been declared,” Morgana said smiling. It begins soon, Let's be off, wouldn’t want to miss this.”

==Part II of V==

The Story continues in Part III.


Created & Inspired by the Under A Spell Challenge.

Short StoryFantasy

About the Creator

Addison M

Artist & writer although, those may be potent terms for what I concoct. A spirited creator may be more apt. Spreading my particular brand of insanity through myriad stories and mediums. Learning the ways of the written word along the road.

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Comments (1)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran8 months ago

    Raticus is so adorable! Morgana seems so badass! I already love her! Heading to part 3 now!

Addison MWritten by Addison M

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