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Why Even AI Can't Bring the Dinosaurs Back

An Epic sci-fic Journey

By Stock CreationsPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Why Even AI Can't Bring the Dinosaurs Back

Get ready for an epic sci-fi Journey artificial intelligence may be scary in movies but in real life scientists are using the power of AI to revolutionize our world there are many ways to use AI for the better including in biology for example to de-extinct species now hold your horses I know it sounds scary but before you start worrying about t-rex rampaging through your neighborhood let's set the record straight.

According to scientists dinosaurs are off the table when it comes to cloning after all you can't clone from stone however there are plenty of other more peaceful candidates for de-extinction and there are many reasons why this might be a good idea life on Earth is facing some serious challenges Human exploitation, habitat destruction, and natural disasters are wreaking havoc on our precious planet like never before. Remember how the dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago? Well, studies show that the rate of species extinction today has skyrocketed to nearly the same level. More than a million species are in danger.

Scientists believe that if current trends continue, half of all Earth species will be extinct by the year 2100. While we all love cute and cuddly panda bears, the importance of biodiversity is far greater. Beyond the warm and fuzzy, all life forms on Earth are interconnected like pieces of a giant puzzle, with some species providing food, shelter, and support to others. When one species goes extinct, it can set off a chain reaction, similar to a domino effect, putting others at risk.

So we're talking about preserving the delicate balance of life on our planet, after all, it's our only home, and here comes the idea of extinction, so how does it work? Well, we'd have to use things like artificial intelligence, digital memory, and data analysis, and thanks to them, we can bring back the DNA of extinct species. The Woolly Mammoth for example it roamed the Earth from about 300 000 years ago up until about 10 and now it might just make a comeback scientists have been working for years to bring it back to life what they're trying to do is take Frozen mammoth's DNA and combine it with elephants DNA using AI this would create a new mammoth elephant

Something like this will take years but the benefits will be amazing ancient Beasts that actually restore grasslands and balance greenhouse gases imagine seeing a real-life Mammoth, the first to walk the earth in 10,000 years, and making our world a better place. A Greener place isn't that fantastic Who knew that the key to saving our planet could be found in the Ice Age? Bringing them back would be a mammoth task, involving working with elephant eggs and surrogate families to raise the mammoths. We must be careful to ensure that everything is safe and respectful to the elephants.

Another extinct animal is the passenger pigeon this bird was once one of the most common species in North America imagine a world where the skies are once again filled with the Majestic flight of billions of passenger pigeons the most abundant bird species in history these beautiful creatures with their distinctive spotted tails and iridescent feathers used to dot the skies like confetti sadly they went extinct in the early 20th century due to habitat loss and overhunting but now thanks to the AI we can analyze the DNA of the passenger pigeon and recreate this species in the lab.

There's Martha, the last surviving passenger pigeon she died in a zoo in 1914 but her story does not end there genetic samples from Martha and other preserved specimens would allow researchers to piece together the pigeon's DNA puzzle the goal is to revive the species by 2025 it's an ambitious timeline but with dedication and innovation it's absolutely possible and finally the Tasmanian tiger. The Tasmanian Tiger also known as the thylacine is another species that scientists are hoping to bring back to life millions of years ago these wolf-like creatures roamed Australia Unfortunately they vanished from the mainland around 2000 years ago they remained in Tasmania until the 1930 and then went extinct due to habitat loss and hunting but a team of brilliant scientists is on a mission to resurrect this adorable creature.

The amazing thing about the thylacine is that it was very important every major Museum wanted one in their collection so there are hundreds of samples of their DNA around the globe talk about a treasure Trove of DNA these are only a couple of instances however this doesn't mean that we'll begin to massively resuscitate a bunch of extinct species left and right it's not that simple first off we can't revive all animals DNA has an expiration date it can't last more than 1.5 million years that's why having a pet T-Rex is still a distant dream but animals from the Ice Age are a more realistic possibility.

There are also other criteria scientists prefer no wild Wanderers monogamous species who would help grow their population more quickly and so on also before we go full on Jurassic Park there are some obvious dangers to consider our genetic games could easily upset existing ecosystems after all since these animals became extinct other species have evolved and adapted to fill their place while bringing them back cause more harm than good also over the years the environments where these creatures lived have drastically changed especially when it comes to Ice Age animals the plants they used to feed on could be long gone too squid mammoths or thylacines be able to survive on their own in the wild if not who would take care of them. It would be a shame for them to end up as mere curiosities in a zoo, but don't worry, even without the Reviving component, this technology could help us save living species on the verge of extinction, such as the White Rhino.

These amazing creatures are critically endangered, and saving them from extinction is a race against time. Sadly, we recently lost a northern White Rhino at the San Diego Zoo, and there are now only five of these majestic animals alive on the entire planet, with only one male remaining among them. Imagine a world where black and white rhinoceroses roam freely by taking what's preserved of them in museum collections we could help revive their populations we could bring back the Glory Days with black and white rhinos leading the charge of course there are debates about the ethics of this entire operation but many experts argue that it would be unethical not to try to undo the damage humans have caused if we have a technology to undo the damage we've caused and save endangered animals.

Why not make use of it? If you could bring back any extinct animal, which one would it be? It's a difficult question, but the dodo is the epitome of silliness with its inability to fly, juvenile characteristics, and lack of fear of humans. Imagine having dodos waddling around in their native habitat with a beautiful island of Mauritius as a backdrop. What about the most dangerous one? Well, there might be no dinosaurs, but there is one animal that would send chills down your spine: the giant short-faced bear. Imagine encountering a 12 foot tall Beast standing on its hind legs in your backyard; yikes, I'd rather not have that heart stopping moment. It's difficult to say if we're talking about developing animals with certain qualities of their extinct counterparts like the ones we've mentioned, but it may happen within a few years to a decade with all of their genes and habits.

One thing is certain: the future of the extinction is as exciting as it is uncertain. The possibilities are thrilling and awe-inspiring, demonstrating that science can be like a real adventure. Let's hope that one day we'll be able to see these incredible creatures walk the earth again.

Sci Fi

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