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When Light and Peace Meet

A Story of Hope

By Leah HillPublished 2 years ago 8 min read
When Light and Peace Meet
Photo by Rock Vincent Guitard on Unsplash

As Mira soared through the clouds, she couldn’t shake the feeling of sadness that overwhelmed her.

She yearned for a home where she could prove that all dragons were not angry and vengeful. As she flew farther from home than she’d ever been, the landscape changed from the arid, sandy world she had always known to lush, verdant trees. She couldn’t resist the temptation to visit this place that appeared so tranquil. As she landed and began to walk, the pop and crackle of breaking tree branches followed. Suddenly, her mind was alive with a sound unlike any before, a gentle hum. Hope sprang within and she thought, “I must find that feeling.” As she continued forward, the sound strengthened.

Lucy kept walking toward the sound that called to her. She knew it was a new feeling. Anticipation built in her body as she heard the racket of tree limbs breaking. When the sound reached its apex, she saw a great creature in front of her. She pushed her flaxen hair behind her ears and gazed with curious, chestnut eyes at Mira.

As the great white dragon and the child watched each other, they meandered closer. Lucy reached out her hand and Mira lowered her head. As her tine, soft hand met Mira’s leathery, bumpy nose, the cacophony of sound slowed into understanding.

In her curious, playful way, Lux asked, “What is your name? What are you?”

“My name is Mira. I’m a dragon from Eden.”

“I’m Lucy Lux, but my mommy and daddy call me their littlest light. Why are you here?”

Mira’s eyes grew sad, “Eden is at war. I love my homeland and family and my heart breaks because of the darkness that surrounds them every day. Everyone there accepts the war, fights in it, and I’m not sure they remember why they are fighting anymore. I needed to find a place where peace would be accepted. As I was flying over, I heard a sound that drew me here. Why are you alone here?”

Lucy gleefully answered, “I heard that sound! My family is camping and I ran away to follow it.”

“Won’t your family worry about you?”

“Yes, but I don’t know how to find them again.”

“I will help you find them.”

As they walked through the forest, Mira heard the sound again.

“Lucy, I hear the sound again. Can you hear that?”

“No, I don’t.”

Daylight was breaking as Mira kept moving toward the sound and at its crescendo, he heard Lucy squeal with delight!

“Mommy, daddy! Come see my new friend!!”

Ayla started shouting as she turned, “Lucy, where have you been? Your brother and sister are out looking for you and we’ve been frantic all night.” When she saw Mira, her eyes filled with fear and she began to run toward them, screaming, “Lucy! Come here, now! You aren’t safe with that creature!”

Ayla scooped Lucy up and ran back to the campsite. Mira retreated and was almost gone when Lucy cried, “No, she can’t go away. We have to help her!”

Xavier looked at Lucy incredulously and said, “Why would we help this dragon? Dragons are darkness in our world.”

Lucy looked deeply into Xavier’s eyes and said, “No, daddy. This is what you’ve been waiting for.”

Startled, Xavier and Ayla looked at each other and knew their daughter had heard things she shouldn’t have.

The Previous Night

The night before, they told their two older children, Clara and Aaron about their family history.

“Our family name, Lux, means ‘light’. Every Lux in history has been called upon to bring light to dark places. The world has been at peace in your lives, so you’ve never been called to bring your gift, but one day it will come. We want you to be prepared to bring the light into dark places. Light brings healing and restoration. Light will change everything in its path.” Xavier looked deeply into Aaron’s eyes as he spoke. “Our individual names indicate our unique gifts. Clara, you bring bright clarity and order. Aaron, you enlighten and exalt new beginnings. And Lucy is pure light and grace. Your mother stands strong like a tree in moonlight and I build the home, our castle.”

Aaron looked at his parents with wonder and anxiety and asked, “Dad, why are you telling us this now?”

“For generations, the Lux’s have told their children this story when they are eight.”

Aaron looked at Clara in anger, “So you knew this for five years and you didn’t tell me?”

As Clara turned to Aaron, her eyes glistened with unshed tears. “I followed the rules. I wanted to tell you more than anything. I cried to mom and dad over and over that it wasn’t fair for you not to know, but they said it was to keep you safe.”

Aaron ran to his tent in anger and Clara got up to follow him, but Ayla stopped her. “Your brother needs some time to process this information. Remember how you felt when we told you. It’s time to go to sleep and we will talk more in the morning.”

Clara went to her tent and fell into a troubled sleep. Xavier and Ayla went into their tent where they thought Lucy was sleeping in the corner.

“Do you think you should go to him?” Ayla asked.

“No, I will talk with him in the morning when he’s had time to think about this more.”

Lucy waited until her parents were asleep and got up to find Aaron. As she was walking toward his tent, she heard a noise she’d never heard in the forest. She couldn’t resist the call in the sound and turned toward it. She knew she wasn’t supposed to wander off alone, but she had to find that sound.


As Xavier looked at Lucy, he knew her words were true. He walked toward Mira and told her not to be afraid. Inside, he thought, ‘what a conundrum, I’m telling this dragon not to be afraid when this is the most frightening thing I’ve ever done.’ Mira started walking toward Xavier and as he raised his hand, she lowered her head. When his rough, calloused hand met the thick, weathered skin of her face, he understood she had no ill intentions. They walked to the campsite and sat with Ayla and Lucy.

While Clara and Aaron were in the forest looking for Lucy, they found her flashlight and saw broken tree branches and knew something big was there. They followed the trail and it led them back to the campsite where they were appalled and intrigued to see their parents and sister with a dragon! As they ran toward the group, Mira was startled. Lucy introduced them.

“Mom, dad, why is there a dragon in our camp? How did this happen? Is Lucy ok?” inquired Clara.

“All is well. Your sister is fine and we are just about to find out why this dragon is here. Come” —Ayla patted the log next to her— ”sit down with us.”

Once everyone was seated, Mira told them of the war in Eden and Xavier knew that Lucy was right. This is what they were waiting for. Before Xavier could say anything, Aaron jumped up!

“Dad, this is what you were talking about last night! We are light, and this is dark. We have to help them!”

Xavier looked proudly upon his son, “Yes, we will help them. We will go to Eden and bring light”

Mira gazed lovingly at each of the family members and knew she had found what she dreamed. She told them she would fly them all to Eden. While Xavier, Aaron, and Lucy were delighted at the prospect, Ayla and Clara were filled with trepidation, but knowing this was the only way, they agreed to fly.

The Lux’s put on their backpacks and rode Mira to Eden. As she flew closer to their destination, they all wondered how anyone could live in such a desolate place. She had told them that Eden hadn’t always been this way. Before the war, it was a lush paradise where everything was peaceful. When one dragon, Lucius, became disenchanted with the status quo, he spread vile rumors and gossip to the other dragons and turned them against each other. Once the fighting started, the dragons burned the ground so much it stopped producing.


The family, other than Lucy, was apprehensive as they neared Eden. They knew that the dragons were used to the world they created and would likely not readily accept light. Generations of habits were about to be challenged. Lucy was confident that everyone wanted the light, the truth, the grace she had to offer. The closer they got, the more her determination grew to shine!

In the distance, they could see ten dragons flying toward them. The closer the dragons got, the more worried Mira became that her new friends would be hurt.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” she inquired.

Xavier replied, “We are sure this is what we are supposed to do.”

Mira landed on the outskirts of Eden and as the family, except Lucy, dismounted, the ten dragons touched down nearby and lined up like sentries. The largest dragon walked toward Mira and the Lux’s.

He angrily addressed Mira while looking at the family. “What is the meaning of this? Why have you brought these people into our world? Is it not enough that you reject your family's ways? Now you are bringing these humans to gawk at us?”

Mira contritely lowered her head and said, “Father, I did not do this to anger you. You know how much I love my family, and yet, I cannot live in war for another day. I brought this family to you because I believe they can help stop the war. They bring light wherever they go. Aren’t you tired of the darkness?”

Xavier and Ayla grew more fearful for their family’s safety. They knew with one breath the dragon could annihilate them. As the fear screamed in their minds, Lucy popped up on Mira’s head.

In her best imitation of Ayla, Lucy exclaimed, “Can we all just calm down?”

Tension crackled in the air as the dragon father studied Lucy atop his daughter's head. Quite amazingly, he burst into laughter as he looked at Ayla and said, “This is her impression of you?”

“Y-y-yes.” Ayla stammered sheepishly.

“Mira imitates many of her mother’s mannerisms as well. I am Hugo Rhys, and this is my family.” —turning his long neck he indicated each one by dipping his head— “My wife, Anuva. My eldest son, Rabi. My daughters, Raziya, Sabri, and Jubilee. And my other sons Somaya, Bahman, Barloc, and Lev.”

With each introduction, the dragons' posture eased and they smiled at Lucy. She left Mira and asked Hugo if she could come closer. With his ascent, she walked to him with her hand lifted and he lowered his head to allow her pudgy, white hand to touch his wrinkled, leathery cheek. When they connected, light was born in his heart and his eyes glittered with unshed tears.

“I welcome you, little light, and know that you are what I’ve desired for many centuries. There will be many battles yet, but we will protect you.” He turned toward Xavier, “Please, stay and help us return Eden to its former splendor. Xavier, please allow me the honor of escorting you to our home.”

As Hugo spoke, Rabi came forward and offered his back to Aaron. Anuva stepped forward to Ayla, Raziyah to Clara, and Lucy mounted Mira.

Mira stepped toward Hugo and pressed her nose to his. With hope glistening in both their eyes, they turned to their family, the father and his youngest daughter. As each one saw the light of hope, the spark was lit within them. With Hugo leading, they all ran forward, thrashing their wings, and took flight to bring light to Eden.


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