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Voyager (NEW)

A Time Traveling Odyssey

By Damion TrimmierPublished about a year ago 70 min read

Chapter One : 2021

At the tender age of twenty-six, I had thought that I had seen it all, experienced all of life's twists and turns. But little did I know that fate had something else in store for me when my dear friend Bobby invited me over to his abode to celebrate my birthday. Bobby, a burly, middle-aged man with scarce follicles on his head, had promised me a modest and relaxed gathering, just a few fellas enjoying each other's company. But as it turned out, he had something else entirely planned for me.

As I stepped into the house, I was immediately struck by the mesmerizing sight of gorgeous women adorning the premises. It was a birthday party that seemed to have materialized straight out of a dream, complete with my favorite golden wheat beer stocked in the fridge. My comrades and I drank copious amounts of alcohol, our revelry resembling that of triumphant Viking warriors, leaving behind a trail of beer cans, articles of clothing, and even a few puke puddles.

The night proceeded with beer pong and drunken dancing competitions, but as the night grew older, we eventually settled down to watch the globally acclaimed fantasy series, Game of Thrones. I was riveted to the screen, spellbound by the ferocious dragons, chivalrous knights, and strikingly beautiful women surrounding me. And just when I thought that nothing could top this incredible birthday celebration, I suddenly felt a pleasurable vibration emanating from my damp nether regions. "Can you carry me to the bathroom?" Misty slurred drunkenly, interrupting my thoughts.

The task of carrying Misty to the bathroom proved to be no small feat. However, once inside, she wasted no time in lavishing me with flattering compliments and suggestive touches. Initially, I tried to maintain a chivalrous demeanor, but the constant regurgitation of vomit proved to be a rather unappetizing aphrodisiac. However, we soon found ourselves in the throes of passion, seeking solace in each other's embrace under the showerhead. And when we finally emerged, our night of passion culminated in us making out on the couch, occasionally glancing over at the captivating events unfolding on the screen.

As the first rays of sunlight began to stream into the room, Misty and I woke up to a brand new day, our faces awash with its radiant glow. I gently rearranged her into a comfortable position on the couch before heading to the kitchen to whip up some breakfast. The delicious aroma wafted throughout the house, and Misty's nose soon led her to my side, where she embraced me tenderly and planted a kiss on my cheek. The chemistry between us seemed to grow stronger with every passing moment.

Chad, another close friend of mine, sauntered into the kitchen with a big yawn and exclaimed, "Hey man, you better be cooking some of that up for me too!" Grateful for Misty's attention, I happily obliged, rustling up breakfast for the rest of my friends as well. And soon enough, we found ourselves swept up in another raucous party, toasting to my birthday and the enduring bonds of friendship that we shared. "Happy birthday, Jack. Here's to you, my friend. I'm glad we could spend this time together. It's been far too long," Spencer proclaimed, raising his glass in a salute to our camaraderie.

Spencer was my best friend from childhood. He changed drastically on me, because he use to be a skinny geek of a boy. Though the man sitting in front of me today looked like a member from some rock band, with long flowing black hair dressed in cut-up black clothing. After filling in the gaps of our lives with conversation we eventually plan a trip together, a kind of reunion tour if you will. The trips destination, Bali, the city of the gods. We've always wanted to visit there and knew the vacation time would be lit. He even said I could bring Misty and that he would help cover her fees. I was super stoked for that.

As the day turned into night and the stars came out we migrated outside, we lit a bonfire on the beach and continued our celebration. The air was filled with laughter and music, the waves roared against the shore line, and I knew then that this was what life was all about. Connection, adventure, and love. I was in Santa Barbara for just another couple days and knew to make the most of my time with each of them before my return to my busy life in Los Angeles.

Chapter Two : Los Angeles

Three days later I found myself back in my office working on a listing deal with a new agency I recently joined. I was setup to receive a seven percent commission on a two million dollar home. This was the commission that I was waiting for! With this money I could catch up on my bills and fund my trip to Bali all in one and I would even have a ton of cash to return home to. I began to work diligently creating everything from social media posts to sending content to my enormous leads list. After sitting alone for a few hours in my office I left to the company break room.

In the break room, I sit with a few of my colleagues and chat about some of our recent business deals. As we chat and munch on what we gather from the fridge and vending machine I decide to call and tell Spencer about my new listing deal. When he picks up the phone I tell him that I just took charge of a two million dollar home that would eventually bring me over one hundred thousand dollars in profit. Before letting him go and hearing his congratulatory remark I even told him I could cover Misty on our trip to Bali. We made the deal to set our departure date to the closest warm month after I close on my property.

Rodney, one of my colleagues in the break room overhearing my phone call, freaks out and tells me some paranormal news he's gathered online. "Have you heard of what they've reported seeing in Bali lately?" Rodney says to me. "No, what's going down in Bali these days Rod?" I ask him. "The Gunung Kawi temple is being tested for extraterrestrial phenomenon. King Anak Wungsu in honor of his father, the great Balinese ruler Udayana, was thought to of built the temple for the Warmadewa Dynasty. Well that was just half of the story the other reason could be a large unknown metal compound about three hundred and sixty-seven feet in diameter has just been detected beneath the surface. And get this, they can't dig it up because the place is under a sanctioned trust clause. If partying in Bali I'd say you and your friends should go take in the energy of the place."

I couldn't believe what Rod was telling me. This just seemed to be too good to be true. Proof of extraterrestrial life just below an ancient temple. The entire break room was is awe of this news. Though to cool the room I just answered back, "That is awesome man, though I am not going to Bali to meet the aliens. I am going to party and get drunk on the beach!" Saying this while nodding diligently and cheersing my honey bun to other members in the break room. Rod returns to his original seating position while muttering to himself, "I was just trying to hook you up with a monumental excursion you didn't have to geekify me."

Though that is just exactly what he did. I couldn't wait to add this excursion to my Bali trip agenda. I just wanted to feel like Leonardo DiCaprio in that Wolf of Wall Street movie. A chance to own the title of coolest guy in the room should never be passed up, right? Though before Rodney seemed too jealous or upset by my “coolness” I slipped him ten dollars for the vending machine. He smiled and I winked. Satisfying the hearts of all of my colleagues shouldn't be passed up as well.

Returning to my office I knew I really need to buckle down to business and get my listing on the move. I finished up sending emails to the rest of my leads list and then spent the rest of the time finalizing agreement documents and creating a list of new potential listings. I was incredibly determined to make a true profit this year and from the looks of it the cards were in my favor.

When I felt like I completed enough work and saw the evening on the rise I begin to pack up what I needed for the journey home. Before leaving the building I lean into my co-workers doorway across the hall and tell them bye. Then I made my way to the parking garage. Reaching my twenty-seventeen Ford Mustang in mint condition after a full days work is always a delightful experience. The vehicle was a dream to own. I throw my jacket and shoulder bag in the back seat and roar up the engine.

On the way back to my apartment I couldn't help to dream about my future trip to Bali. The clear ocean water and holding Misty's perfectly tan body was on the forefront of my mind. I even imagined turning Rodney's UFO temple into a viral social media post. Continuing my trip I watch nightfall change the crowns of palms and eucalyptus, investing them with a prehistoric glow. The bustling city now engulfed in blurs of light and shadow.

Arriving at my apartment complex I park my vehicle in the lower parking garage and then head for the elevator. Once I reach my front door and unlock it I am greeted by my pet cat Trixie sitting on the floor in front of the door waiting for my return. She stands up and circles the area In front of me motioning me for some physical attention. I pick her up and we rub noses just before I give her a light peck on the nose. I take her to her automatic food dispenser just to make sure I stocked it enough before leaving for work. The next thing you know Trixie and I are passed out on the couch.

While on the couch I dream of my birthday party experience with my friends just the other day. Remembering the taste of Misty's lips drug me into a heavier sleep. When I awoke I was surprised to find a few of my listing emails had been replied to by some of my leads. I felt my vacation peaking over the horizon sooner than expected!

Chapter Three : City of the Gods

Six weeks had passed since I took over the two million dollar listing and still none of my leads had turned into buyers yet. Though another listing I had found was paying off. The house was just a one-story rental home less than three thousand square feet, though it was bringing me in a good five hundred dollars a month. Not bad considering I was new to the agency. I knew just a few more of these would get me to my vacation plans, and being in the golden city of L.A., there had to be some angels out there hearing my prayers.

During the past nights, I had been texting Misty flirtatiously. We enjoyed filling up each other’s inbox with snaps and cryptic text messages. She even showed me her own pretty little kitten. This gave me great comfort having someone to love on after long work days. Days passed, and as we got closer, my mind reminded me of what Rodney said about the possible phenomenon hiding beneath the Gunung Kawi temple. I dropped the information in a text to see what she thinks about visiting the area when we get the chance to go. She was totally game.

Just a couple of weeks later, we started dining out and beach hopping on the weekends that we didn't have anything scheduled. My imaginative Bali romance was put on the back burner for an even stronger romance building up right at home. You should have seen her face when she met my little white kitten. Let's just say Trixie is a little too cute for her own good. I would find them cuddled up on the couch when returning with food or after running errands. The sight of them gave me more hope for my own future. Being lonely can feel like a burden.

One night while making love to Misty, she looks up into my eyes and tells me, "Jack, I want to marry you." I wasn't prepared for those words and pulled out of our emergence of body and mind with a nice but awkward smile. I began to try to form the usual sentence most guys say when asked that question super early. You know the one where we ask the question, don't you think we are moving a bit too fast? Before telling her anything, my phone rang.

That was just the distraction I needed. I picked up the call and told Misty, "I will be just a moment, babe." "Jack? Please tell me you're not busy!" the caller's voice seemed to be overly thrilled about something. "Yes," I said to the caller. It took me a minute to figure out whose voice it was. Finally, a name came to my mouth. "Eric, is this you? What's up?" I asked the caller. Eric was my boss and CEO of the agency that I work for, so I gave myself extra props for picking up the call during the intimate but pressured situation I was in. Misty's eyes just drifted up to the ceiling displeased with the current experience taking place. Without even being able to lift my body from my cool white sheets, Eric shouted out, "We are currently securing a buyer for your property!"

Misty's eyes widened overhearing the conversation and watching my jaw drop to the news. I accidentally dropped my phone on the bed and started laughing, picking up Misty in the process, playfully kissing and hugging her. I then went back to the phone, saying to Eric, "That is great news, Eric! I will see you all early tomorrow!" After hanging up the phone, and before changing Misty's desired topic of the occasion, I grabbed her and looked into her eyes and told her, "Let's do it!" She was completely uplifted by this statement. She even entered into a pouncing mode when I explained, "Though if we are going to do this let's do it in Bali."

Early the next day I returned to work and filled out the documents necessary to receive my commission. After hanging out with Eric in his office discussing my current achievement and my future with the agency over a few drinks I found myself back in my Mustang heading back to my house to accompany Misty once again. On the way home I tell Spencer the news. He was super pumped about my wedding proposal.

One month later, we both hug my Mom at the door of my apartment telling her bye as we set out to the airport. My mother wishing to join our expensive getaway settled for watching both of our cats as long as we send my father and her coverage of our trip and wedding on YouTube. This was certainly a deal. After all I had a viral video that need to be made.

We met Bobby, Spencer, and Misty's best friend Sara at the Los Angeles International Airport All of us were extremely excited to see each other and went to go eat breakfast at the airports Cinnabon after completing check-in. Once we were able board our flight I could instantly tell Misty hadn't gone on too many flights. She gripped my hand in a fierce manner on take off and didn't let it go. That is until the stewardess passed out concessions for everyone. Holy god this girl could handle some mini bottles of Crown Royal, Jim Beam, and Fireball. I was truly impressed with our stewardess service as soon as she was out cold.

Thirteen hours later we were landing in the City of The Gods. From our windows we could see the most beautiful lush environment stretch from edge to edge of the sacred island. Misty's eyes could not disconnect from the enriched beauty we were all taking in.

After a smooth landing and multiple gift shop tours we made our way outside to catch a cab. As soon as the taxi pulls we all tell the driver, "To The Udaya please!" The Udaya Resort is one of the best resorts in Bali. Known for it's luxurious amenities and breathtaking views, it was the perfect place for us to spend our honeymoon.

As we drove through the bustling streets of Bali, I couldn't help but feel grateful for everything that had led us here. From the hard work at the agency to Misty saying yes to my proposal, it all felt like it had culminated to this moment.

When we arrived at The Udaya, we were greeted with warm smiles and friendly staff. We were immediately whisked away to our villa, which overlooked the rice paddies and lush forest. It was the perfect retreat for us to unwind and soak in the beauty of Bali. Each one of us felt like royalty.

Chapter Four : A Time Before The Wedding

The morning had arrived, and the realization that our stay in paradise was limited to just one week filled me with a sense of urgency. Carefully slipping out of bed, I made sure not to disturb Misty and left a note on her bedside table. The note read to call me as soon as she woke up. Stepping out into the resort, I was immediately taken back by the beauty of my surroundings. Every inch of the place was picturesque, and the atmosphere was enchanting. I decided to explore the hallways filled with tropical plants and sculptures and then blissfully venturing into the Udaya's luxury dining area, where I was greeted by the sight of the most delicious breakfast I had ever seen. The crew members were busy setting out plates of mouth watering food, and I couldn't resist the temptation to try some. I filled two plates and carried them back to our room.

As I walked back into our room, Misty was still asleep. I placed the plates of breakfast on the bedside table and waited patiently for her to wake up. When she finally stirred, I could see the joy on her face as she saw the plates of food. We ate breakfast together, savoring every bite and enjoying the peacefulness of the moment. It was a perfect start to what was sure to be an unforgettable day in paradise.

While finishing our breakfast, Bobby waddled into our room, looking happier than ever. Despite his chubby physique, he was a master at picking up chicks and always had a new conquest to brag about. "Hey guys, what's the plan for today? I've already met a few ladies at the beach," he said, grinning from ear to ear. Misty and I exchanged a knowing look - Bobby never failed to surprise us with his unending charm.

As time was limited in paradise, and I was determined to make the most of every moment. Waking up early and exploring the resort had given me a sense of purpose, and sharing my experiences with my friends made it all the more memorable. Bobby truly had been picking up chicks like a pro since we arrived. His infectious personality and hilarious antics had everyone laughing and having a good time. He even managed to convince some of the resort staff to teach him how to make some of the local dishes, which he shared with us during one of our meals.

Spencer, my handsome best friend from the past, was also having a great time. His good looks and charming personality had caught the attention of Sara, Misty's hot best friend who couldn't help but be attracted to him. The two of them spent most of their time together, exploring the resort and enjoying each other's company. It was clear to everyone that there was a spark between them, and we all secretly hoped that something would come of it.

As for Misty and me, we were living our best lives in paradise. We spent our day lounging by the pool, sipping on cocktails, and enjoying each other's company. We also took part in some of the resort's activities, such as snorkeling and paddle boarding. We even went on a romantic sunset cruise, where we watched the sun sink below the horizon while sipping on champagne and listening to the sound of the waves.

As the second day of our vacation in paradise drew to a close, we couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness creeping in. We had been having the time of our lives, and the thought of our time here coming to an end was difficult to accept. Nevertheless, we knew that we would always treasure the memories we had made together, and our friendship had grown stronger as a result.

That night, as we sat down for dinner at an outside dining platform perched over the ocean, we couldn't resist talking about our upcoming mini wedding ceremony at the Gunung Kawi Temple. We discussed how we wanted to capture the moment and preserve it forever. It was then that Bobby, our irrepressible friend, came up with the most hilarious plan we had ever heard.

He suggested that he should not only be the ring bearer but also one of the groomsmen. We were initially taken aback by the idea, but Bobby's infectious enthusiasm soon won us over. He proposed using his two new girlfriends that he'd been dragging around with him, two phones on tripods, and a mop or a wig to make it seem like there were more people in the wedding party than there actually were. It was an outrageous idea, but it seemed like the perfect way to make our mini wedding even more memorable.

After dinner, all seven of us decided to take a walk on the beach, and unanimously enjoyed the cool pleasurable sand beneath our feet. The moon was full, casting a silvery glow over everything. As we strolled along the shoreline, we finally told Bobby and his girls about the massive unknown object under the temple that we are going record the wedding. Then I revealed even more about our plans for the next day, when I looked into their eyes I could tell that they were all excited about what was to come.

Chapter Five: A Time After The wedding

I wake up from my slumber with Misty's body draped over me wearing nothing but the final sheet of bedding. I kiss her until she wakes with me. We share smiles and a moment watching the occurring sunrise. We shower and then dress in our formal wear preparing ourselves for our big day. Before leaving the room and gathering with the rest of group out front we call our wedding officiant and ceremonialist, Gedeon Wita, and told him to begin his departure to the temple.

We soon gather up the crew into a rental car and head to the closest supermarket to buy the tripods and a wig. We find some strong universal tri-pods and a cute blonde wig. We also find a smaller suit for Bobby to fit in for a more comical experience of him being our ring bearer. Back in the car we make some modifications to his costume and continue our journey to the Gunung Kawi temple.

When we reach the temple we see Gedeon waiting on us out front. We exit our rental car and proceed to follow Mr. Wita into the candi shrine area and set up our wedding scene near the temple nearest the shrine. Mr. Wita stands on the last step of the temple and begins the wedding ceremony. When it came to the part where the ring bearer brings out the ring we had Bobby come deliver the wearing a tight and a blonde females wig made to look like a young boys chili bowl hairstyle. Then he returns back into frame as a groomsmen wearing proper wedding attire. The scene was absolutely hilarious.

As we showered and dressed in our formal wear, excitement and nervousness filled me. Today was the day of our wedding, a day we had been eagerly anticipating for months. We called our wedding officiant and ceremonialist, Gedeon Wita, and told him to begin his departure to the temple.

Gathering our crew into a rental car, we headed to the closest supermarket to purchase some supplies for the wedding. We found some strong universal tripods and a cute blonde wig, perfect for the comedic scene we had planned. We also found a smaller suit for Bobby to wear as our ring bearer, adding to the humor of the scene by making him look like a faked youth.

Arriving at the Gunung Kawi temple, we saw Gedeon waiting for us out front. We exited our rental car and followed him into the candi shrine area, setting up our wedding scene near the temple nearest the shrine. Gedeon stood on the last step of the temple and began the wedding ceremony as soon as we rehearsed some lines and were ready for him to begin.

As the ceremony progressed, we reached the part where the ring bearer brings out the ring. We had Bobby deliver the ring while wearing a tight, blonde female wig that made him look like a young boy with a chili bowl hairstyle. The comedic effect was priceless, and we all laughed heartily.

After two takes, we thanked father Gedeon Wita for his time and asked the temple's main office if we could tour the Gunung Kawi caves. Deep beneath the ground, we discovered a vast, ancient cavern, filled with secrets and mysteries.

As Misty and I trekked through the winding cave tunnels beneath the Gunung Kawi Temple, I couldn't help but feel awestruck by the natural beauty around us. Stalactites and stalagmites jutted out from the walls and floor, creating an otherworldly atmosphere.

Spencer, Sara, as well as Bobby and his two new girlfriends followed behind us, their voices echoing through the cavernous space. We had come to the caves after our comical social media wedding, hoping to explore and uncover something from out of this world.

As we journeyed further into the cave I saw a entrance to another area of the cave that seemed almost off limits to tourists. Spencer and I managed to talk the others into exploring the area. Inside the hidden area were tools and rubble from a recent excavation. We venture deeper into the area and come across an object unlike anything we had ever seen before. It was a metallic sphere, about the size of a basketball, covered in intricate markings.

"What is this thing?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

Spencer leaned in to take a closer look. "I have no idea, but it looks like it's been here for centuries."

Misty reached out to touch the sphere, but before she could make contact, a sudden surge of energy pulsed through the cave, knocking us all off balance.

I watched in disbelief as Misty and the others were thrown backwards, while I was inexplicably drawn towards the glowing sphere. As I reached out to touch it, the energy around me intensified, and I was enveloped in a swirling vortex of light.

For a moment, I was weightless, floating through a sea of colors and sensations. Then, just as suddenly, the vortex dissipated, and I found myself standing alone in the cave. The orb was gone as well as tools and rubble. The space I was standing looked extremely renovated. In place of the orb was a shrine. Confused, I moved eagerly to the entrance of the area. Reaching the entrance I found that the small entrance had been changed to a beautiful entrance fitted with small screens explaining the history of the Gunung Kawi cave.

Exiting the cave was a mindblowing sight The sky was a sickly shade of green, and the air tasted metallic and sharp. Strange, futuristic buildings loomed in the distance, casting long shadows across the lush terrain. I see a man dressed in a robe praying to a close by shrine and rush up to talk to him. I approach the man and ask him, "Sir, can you please tell me the year?" The man gets up off his knees and turns to talk to me. I quickly notice that his jaw and neck have been replaced by advanced robotic technology. He tells me the year is twenty-one sixty-seven.

Chapter Six : Indonesia 2167

The advanced man towered over me with a confident posture, his eyes scanning my overwhelmed expression with an acute awareness. "May I know your name? I can search my internal database to find existing family." he inquired, his tone gentle yet commanding. I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I could trust this stranger with my identity. But something in his gaze assured me that he was someone I could rely on.

"My name is Jack Cross, from the year twenty twenty-one," I replied, my voice shaking with excitement and uncertainty. The man's eyes widened in amazement as he processed my words, his mind racing with possibilities. "How is that possible?" he asked, his voice tinged with awe.

I took a deep breath, summoning the courage to share my story with this advanced man. "I found an extra-terrestrial orb in a nearby cave," I began, my words tumbling out in a rush. "It transported me to this time." As I spoke, the man's face became a canvas of emotions, his features contorting with shock, disbelief, and wonder.

With a calm demeanor, the man assured me that he could use his internal database to track any existing family members.. Without hesitation, I watch his eyes light up and flicker, his brow furrowing in concentration. For a moment, the temple area was filled with a intense silence, broken only by the sound of my racing heart.

And then, as if by magic the man's eyes snapped back to normal, his gaze meeting mine with a newfound intensity. "Here is something," he said, his voice steady and sure. "I have a Cross family matching your DNA structure living in Santa Barbara, California." I gasped, unable to comprehend how this advanced man could have found my family without even touching me.

He continued to astonish me with his revelations. "My database show a Rick and Victoria Cross. Rick, being your great-grandson, works for the advanced robotics manufacturer OrgaTech as a chief lab technician," he revealed. My mind reeled at the thought of having a great-grandson working with such cutting-edge technology. I wondered what kind of world awaited me in my original timeline, a world where my descendants had become pioneers of futuristic innovation. After he uncovered this information my jaw dropped and my mind raced with questions. Could I have gotten Misty pregnant before our wedding day? Did she truly stay noble to my last name?

All of this news was pulling me into an overwhelming state of incredulity. I felt as though I was in a dream, a surreal landscape where anything was possible. The advanced man calmed me and introduced himself as Nyo Xung. With a reassuring smile, he beckoned me to follow him to his vehicle, and I willingly obliged.

I followed him past the polished up shrines and temples towards the same parking lot we left our rental car. But my awe was peaked with astonishment as we reached the parking lot. The vehicles there were beyond anything I had ever seen, their sleek designs and state-of-the-art features leaving me breathless. Some vehicles even flew in from the sky, landing effortlessly in their designated spots.

We approached Nyo's vehicle, and he placed his hand on the door. The door scanned his hand and unlocked, the doors sliding open with a graceful swish. I stepped inside, taking in the advanced interior with a sense of childlike wonder. Buttons and touch panel screens were scattered in every direction, each one beckoning me to explore its functions.

As the vehicle started up with a soft hum, I watched in amazement as the wheels pushed out and transformed into propellers, lifting us off the ground and into the Indonesian skies. The scenery below us was a mosaic of colors, textures, and tropical vegetation. I told Nyo that I felt as if my life was transitioning into a science fiction fantasy. Looking out into the futuristic landscape Nyo turns to me with a smile and says, "You haven't seen anything yet kawan."

We soar the skies at incredible speeds over the tropical environment. Nyo even introduced me to his futuristic playlist. I indulged my ears with music far ahead of my time and generation.

An hour later we begin to land in Nyo's neighborhood West of Bali on the Tanahmasa Island part of the Batu Islands of Indonesia. Completely grounded the vehicle began the process of retracting the propellers transforming them back into wheels.

Nyo's place, gorgeously encumbered with exotic plant life and spiritual architecture, was quite the sight to take in. Before exiting the vehicle Nyo's mother, who looked like a robot to me, came running out screaming at him. Nyo tells me to wait in the vehicle. They both argue in Indonesian dialect for a good while before Nyo had the chance to introduce me. I step out and walk up to greet Nyo's mother, Mrs. Xung. She takes my hand and speaks to me in english telling me that I am welcome in her home.

We enter the home and she brings us a tray of refreshments. Nyo then tells his mother about me. She was in complete disbelief until I told her my whole story. After she hugs me compassionately, and kisses me on the forehead telling me that they will do their best to help me, I thank them both for the hospitality and soon after share a incredible dinner with the Xung family.

After dinner, Nyo led me to my guest room, promising to take me to the Domes of California in the morning.

"What are the Domes of California?" I asked immediately..

Nyo explained that after machines were created to advance humans, there had been great wars and mutated viruses that had ravaged the planet. As a result, the United States as well as many other nations, had built domes to protect themselves from the harsh environment outside. These domes had become advanced cities, where the technology had progressed beyond limitation.

The thought of seeing this futuristic world filled me with excitement and wonder. I couldn't wait to see what the future held and what advancements had been made in my absence.

The next morning, Nyo and I set off in his advanced vehicle, soaring through the skies once again. While flying I marveled at the sight of the gigantic structures, gleaming in the sunlight. During our flight he told me that we were going to stop, recharge, and rest once we reach Africa's west coast.

Chapter Seven : Africa

After ten hours of flight time and a smooth landing, we were greeted by a group of people wearing advanced suits that seemed to mold to their bodies. They had an otherworldly air about them, their movements graceful and fluid. Nyo introduced me to them, and they welcomed me with smiles and handshakes.

As Nyo and I made our way through the African city, I was struck by the beauty and advanced technology that surrounded us. The buildings seemed to glow with an inner light, and the streets were paved with a shimmering material that seemed to react to our footsteps.

I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of it all. It was as if I had stepped into a different world, one that was light-years' ahead of my time.

Over the course of the day, I was introduced to the various technological advancements that had been made. I saw robots that could think for themselves, buildings that could heal themselves, and even vehicles that could fly through the skies without the need for propellers.

Nyo sensed my thoughts and took me aside. "Jack, your journey here was not by accident. You were chosen for a reason," he said, his voice soft but commanding. "You have the potential to change the course of history, to make a lasting impact on the world."

I looked at him in disbelief. "But how? I'm just a regular guy from the past," I said, my voice tinged with doubt.

"God will present your purpose when the time comes.", He answers.

That night while fast asleep in our shared hotel, Nyo and I awake to the sound of an alarm and see flashing headlights coming through our rooms window. Nyo jumps out of his bed and peaks through the window. Outside the window he watches as men bash in his glass and tear things out of his vehicle.

Not having a weapon on him, he asks his internal A.I. to explain to him what is going on out front. The A.I. reports that the vehicle's live surveillance system has been hacked and that the drive for the footage of the past fourty-eight hours had been stolen. Nyo looks over at me practically cowering away in my bed. He says to me, "Mr. Cross you may be more important than you think." From what he has told me about my present family I was certain he was right.

Nyo calls the authorities, though when they arrive they tell us that they can't do anything other than analyze the surveillance feed of the hotel for a suspect. While they were here Nyo did his best to keep me and my story out of the report. After the police finish their report Nyo and I take his vehicle to the nearest mechanic.

The mechanic tells us that he will have the vehicle ready by tomorrow. Nyo asks me if I would like to to take a tour through the cities of The Gambia in the meantime. I agreed on the journey. We rented an e-cycle using Nyo's identification and traveled from Jambajali north into Banjul. Africa's advancements were astounding and even the food was in the wake of these advancements. We end the enriched night staying at an accommodating west coast hotel in Kololi.

In the living area Nyo sets up the augmented high resolution entertainment system. I use my voice to select something that reminded me of my own time. Though I guess Nyo wasn't much interested in that type of entertainment, because Nyo was pretending to watch the show with me and was asleep. I notice this because his smile hadn't changed in a while and when I called out his name multiple times he didn't answer. I really took the hint when I waved my hand in front of his face.

Letting Nyo rest, I journeyed out into the back porch. I stood in the breeze listening to the ocean roar while watching the moonlight glisten upon it like a thousand diamonds spread across a blue plane. When I stared at the moon I imagined all the things I was yet to discover about the time I was in. I knew when I reached my grandson Rick I would begin a new life.

Chapter Eight : A New Fate

Nyo woke me with a gentle shake, informing me that the vehicle had finally been fixed. We quickly showered and ordered breakfast before hopping on the e-cycle to drop it off at the vendor. Upon arriving, Nyo settled his payment with the mechanic and thanked him for his repairs. With our business concluded, we drove to pick up lunch and dinner before embarking on our long journey to the United States.

As we traveled I experienced more of the future's music. Its infectious beats and lyrics of hope, love, and unity spoke of a world finally coming together for a common goal. I felt a sense of euphoria wash over me, transported by the music as miles of ocean swept by below us.

Hours later, I eagerly opened the to-go box we had picked up from a West Coast restaurant. The tantalizing aroma of tropical fruit and fresh seafood filled the cabin, and the flavors were beyond anything I had ever tasted. The future's food was truly incredible.

When Nyo woke from his nap he shared stories of his past. He was even open for me to view some of his memories. Nyo had been a cybernetic hybrid for quite sometime and watching his memories was similar to watching a feature presentation. I saw that working incessantly for his community and giving himself to God at a young age had turned Nyo into a great man.

I to shared stories with Nyo on the way. Stories of my youth as well as stories about my friends and meeting Misty for the first time. Our bond grew stronger with each passing mile, and I knew I would miss him dearly when our journey was over.

As we flew over Texas, I marveled at the domed cities and abundant above-ground transportation, a stark contrast to what I had previously seen in Africa and Indonesia. Flying over New Mexico, Nyo informed me that we would need a plan before landing in California. He presented two options: join a tour of the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History or come clean with my story to the authorities. Fearing being poked and prodded, I opted for the tour.

Finally, we arrived in California, and I was stunned by my home state's level of advancement. Nyo's vehicle landed in an un-domed territory in Mission Canyon, just outside the Santa Barbara dome. Our plan was to sign into the museum and then escape the tour out a back door or window, depending on the level of security.

At the nearest California Welcome Center, we signed up for the tour of the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. This part was easy compared to what we anticipated would come next. The receptionist informed us of a three-to-four-day wait for confirmation.

As we stepped outside the center, a cybernetic boy selling emotion upgrades and mainstream news content approached us, trying to solicit his resources. Nyo, being highly advanced, was not interested, and as we attempted to leave, the boy grabbed him by the wrist. Before shrugging the boy off we are alerted by holo-screens outside of the Welcome Center. It was breaking news coverage that a tri-breed girl has been obtained within the dome city.

The coverage informed us that she was obtained for carrying the mutant genome. Nyo had shared information about this gene in Indonesia and I couldn't help but feel a great amount sympathy for her situation. Though when I found out the name of the child I fell into state of complete shock.

The broadcaster alerts, "The child's name is Jenna Cross. Her father Rick Cross, the senior lab technician at OrgaTech, and mother Victoria Cross have all been detained by authorities and have been placed in quarantine. The surgeon general has issued a warning to all those who have come into contact with the Cross family in anyway to come forward and be quarantined immediately."

My plan to meet my great-grandchildren had been shattered, and I turned to Nyo for comfort and guidance. He urged me to wait for more news, reassuring me that Rick could test negative for the genome and be released from quarantine.

For three weeks, Nyo and I traveled from one hotel to another, trying to stay under the radar. But one night, while Nyo was speaking to his family in Indonesia and I was watching the news, another alert sent the dome into panic. The youth quarantine sector had been breached and all of the children inside had been kidnapped by a unknown mutant gang.. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The situation had escalated beyond what I could have ever imagined. My great grandson and his family were in danger, and I felt helpless. Nyo tried to calm me down, but I could see the worry in his eyes as well.

Nyo having no combat experience and with myself being completely human we felt incapable of pushing forward. I turn to Nyo with dismay and shout, "What is going on? Why would the extraterrestrials send me here to witness such a tragedy? This is bullshit!"

I set in the living crying while Nyo did his best to ease my pain. He comforted me with a hug and tells me that he has located a nearby area were mutant civilians are permitted to live. Informing me that tomorrow morning we can enter the area and try to gather information on who orchestrated the kidnapping. The idea was our only hope of getting me closer to meeting my future family.

Pleased with our new objective though still in a place hurting I did the only thing I could to stop the torment. I walk into our rooms kitchen area and grab the complimentary bottle of the counter. If there was ever a true cure for suffering in the twenty-first century drinking was that remedy.

Chapter Nine : Party Time

As I woke up on the couch, I found myself covered in alcohol with an almost empty bottle beside me. Nyo walked in and spoke in a sarcastic tone, "Getting a little too far ahead of ourselves, are we?" I couldn't comprehend what he was talking about, so I just smiled awkwardly. It wasn't until we reached the mutant living area that I finally realized what he meant.

The mutant sector outside the domes was a sight to behold. It was lively, vibrant, and filled with exotic music and cybernetic dancers that adorned the streets. As we walked, we met many friendly people and asked if they had any information on who infiltrated the dome of Santa Barbara. While everything was technologically advanced and breathtaking, not everything was glitter and gold.

We came across a bar guarded by a mutant bouncer. Nyo paid the bouncer for us to enter, and the bouncer scanned him for weapons. Once we entered the back room, my eyes were opened to the underbelly of the city. What I saw would shock anyone from my time.

Inside the back room was a large cage with chairs surrounding it. Nyo and I sat in front of the empty cage, and a waitress greeted us. After we ordered our drinks, Nyo leaned in and whispered, "What you're about to see is going to scare you, but I need you to stay calm." I thought I had seen everything, but I wasn't prepared for what was about to happen.

Moments later, an announcer's voice echoed in the room, welcoming everyone. The entrance to the back room shut like a vault door, and the lights dimmed. Music played while the announcer spoke, and then the lights in the cage beamed on. What entered the cage sent shivers up my spine that still haunt me to this day.

Nyo and I watched in horror as two cybernetic wheelchairs covered in chains were pushed by androids into the cage, carrying strange humanoid-looking creatures. The androids left the cage, and the cage door shut. The chains and helmets of the creatures were released when the announcer started the match.

The creatures fighting in the cage resembled beings that I had only seen in horror films. I gripped my seat in fear as the creatures opened their giant mouths, exposing a set of fangs that could tear through flesh with ease. Nyo explained to me that they were human once, but the mutant genome had triggered a negative reaction within them, causing them to deform. The match was brutal, and only one victor remained standing, almost in one piece.

I have never been more frightened in my life. After the show, we greeted the man in charge of the fights, Kofi Owuso. He told us that it was either euthanize the overly mutated before the government did or let them devour each other, and he felt as if he was choosing the better path. He then asked us to follow him to his office when we began to ask about the recent attack on the Santa Barbara dome.

As we entered Kofi's office, I was taken aback by the sheer opulence of the place. The walls looked like digital windows, giving a glimpse into other dimensions, and the furniture was beyond luxurious. Kofi apologized for the show, telling us that the androids were at fault for capturing the mutated creatures in the streets and mountains. He informed us that he had made deals with local law enforcement to keep the creatures off the streets.

Nyo seemed visibly shaken by Kofi's words and whispered to me, "I don't like the sound of this, Jack." I put a reassuring hand on Nyo's shoulder and turned to Kofi. "You mentioned you knew something about the situation in the dome."

Kofi leaned in closer to us, "There's a local kingpin called The Marauder who's been abducting innocent mutant youth and turning them into soldiers for his army. The government's been covering it up for a while now, but with the number of missing mutants increasing, it won't be long before the truth comes out."

We graciously thanked Kofi for the information, and he handed us drinking credits for his bar. As Nyo projected a holo screen on his hand showing the seven thousand seven hundred and seventy CALI Coins, we couldn't believe our luck. "We have just been handed over seven thousand dollars Jack. That's seventeen million Rupiah in Indonesia!", he says to me incredibly thrilled.

Kofi chuckled. "I always treat my guests well. Would you like to join me in the bar and share a drink with some of the other less fortunate souls affording life outside of the domes?"

We followed Kofi to the bar, and he ordered us tequilas with chasers from an attractive bartender. As we sat near a digital jukebox, Kofi raised his glass in a toast. "Here's to you, Jack and Nyo! May those affected by the recent events find peace."

We clinked our glasses and drank, feeling the warmth of the alcohol spread through our bodies. Kofi then introduced us to the beautiful waitress named Rose. She flirted with us, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt, remembering my wife Misty back home.

Kofi noticed my hesitation and said, "Don't be shy, Jack. Rose is stunning, isn't she?"

I chuckled, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Yes, she is, but I'm a married man. I have to be faithful to my wife."

Rose apologized and sat next to Kofi, engaging him in conversation. As we continued drinking and sharing our stories, another emergency broadcast interrupted the peaceful atmosphere of the bar.

The large television inside the bar blared, "Breaking news! A team is being constructed to search for missing children, and all mutants must present authorities with updated genome-level readings."

The room erupted in cheers, but some mutants groaned at the thought of presenting new tests. Kofi raised his glass, a sly smile on his face. "I told you, didn't I? It's only a matter of time until they're forced to deal with this growing horror show."

After the news died down, Kofi leaned in closer to me and said, "I know of someone who could give you more information. There's an elderly woman in Witch Point on Marsh Harbour in the Bahamas. She was born the same as the missing tri-breed girl and is said to have the ability to see the future and grant wishes."

I was intrigued by Kofi's mysterious woman and asked him how we could find her. Kofi smiled, "Just ask the people within Marsh Harbour about the Fortune Teller on the hills of Witch Point. They'll know who you're talking about."

After another hour of partying with Kofi and Rose we left the bar, I couldn't help but feel grateful to Kofi for his generosity. The new information he gave us was what I needed to hear. Maybe this woman Kofi spoke of could help find my great granddaughter as well as give direction on how to kindle a relationship with my Cross family of the future.

Chapter Ten : Alien Oracle

After our tour of the mutant sector, Nyo and I returned to our hotel, located just a few miles outside of town, to rest up before our trip to The Bahamas. Thanks to our new friend Kofi, we had acquired a way to help with the recent tragedy, and I was finally able to sleep more soundly.

The next day, we visited the local grocery store to gather supplies for our journey. The advancements in technology at the grocery store were truly amazing; we could scan items with our cart and purchase them at any time. Once we left the store, we took a quick tour over Los Angeles before making our way to the airport and navigating our way to the tropics.

The five-hour flight to The Bahamas was even more exhilarating than the previous one. Now that Nyo was my drinking buddy, we splurged on a couple of packs of futuristic beer and wine. It was a beautiful sight to behold as we flew over the crystal-clear waters and white sandy beaches of The Bahamas. Nyo's vehicle hovered over the sea, creating ripples in the water below us. The warm sun and cool breeze made for the perfect combination as we approached Marsh Harbour.

Upon landing, we were greeted by friendly locals who were eager to share their stories and culture with us. Before starting our search for the Fortune Teller, we relaxed our long journey off at the nearest beach and watched as futuristic jets skis and electric surfboards dived from above to below the water. Feeling welcomed, we asked the locals about the woman known as the "lady on the hill" of Witch Point. They told us that she was a wise oracle who had lived on the hill for as long as anyone could remember.

With an approximate location in mind, we ventured out to Witch Point to see the lady for ourselves. As we drove up the hill, we marveled at the beauty of the landscape around us. The lush greenery and colorful flowers were a sight to behold.

Finally, we arrived at the top of the hill and found a handmade path into the woods. There, we found an old distressed house. Before knocking, we peeked through the windows and cracks of the house to see if anyone was home. Inside, we saw a covered figure sitting on the floor. We knocked on the door, and I continued to watch from the cracks of her home. I watched as she slowly got up from the floor like a normal elderly lady should. Then, she startled me by rushing up to the door. She wore a simple white robe, and her hair was long and flowing. When she released her hood, I could tell her skin was very worn. She must have been truly ancient.

Nyo approached the lady and greeted her respectfully. She opened her eyes and smiled warmly at us. "How da wybe? " she said in a soft, melodic voice. "What brings you to my home?"

"We have come seeking knowledge," Nyo replied. "We were told that you are a wise oracle who can offer guidance."

The lady nodded. "I see," she invited us inside and asked, "What is it that you seek?"

Nyo informed her, “We need your help finding a lost child.”

We followed her and sat in her barren living area. The lady listened intently and then closed her eyes in deep concentration. After a few moments, she opened her eyes and looked at me. Her eyes were large, white, and ghostly. "Jack, your family is indeed in grave danger," she said. "The Marauder is a dangerous adversary, and he is now in relentless pursuit of you. But there is hope for your human life. You must find the key." This was quickly becoming a paranormal experience because I never told the lady my name.

"The key?" I repeated, confused.

"Yes, the key," the lady said. "It is a powerful artifact that has the ability to unlock the full potential of your genetic makeup. With the key, you will be able to defeat The Marauder and protect your family." The rooms decor began to shake on the walls some articles falling to the floor.

"But where do we find this key?" Nyo asked.

The ladies eyes were fluttering as if she was possessed by something. "You have already been in the presents of the key," she said. "But fear not, for you are not alone. There are others who will help you on your journey."

With that, the lady collapsed on the floor. Nyo and I looked at each other in disbelief. What kind of oracle was this elderly lady? We needed to know more.

As we helped her up from the floor after having her paranormal seizure, she placed her hands on us, sending a shockwave throughout our bodies. The feedback we received from her touch was overwhelming, and our minds were filled with vivid glimpses of her past. The first thing that we saw were three alien ships hovering high above the clouds, observing the Bahamas. Suddenly, one of the ships crashed into the ocean, and a group of extra-terrestrial's swam out from the ship within The Bermuda Triangle onto the shores of The Bahamas.

Nyo and I were stunned by what we had just seen. We knew that the Oracle was one of the extraterrestrials who had managed to escape the crashed ship. She pleaded with us not to tell anyone about what we had just experienced. We assured her that we would keep her secret safe.

As the Oracle could not remember everything she was channeling, she asked us to recall the information she gave to us. We told her about the key that I was in contact with, and how the sphere I found in the Gunung Cave might be the key. The Oracle was eager to join us on our mission, as she could speak to her spirits while inside the cave and maybe recover a name or resting location to the extra-terrestrial artifact.

Nyo and I agreed to take her along, and we gathered what she needed from her home. As we headed to the backyard to lock up her pet, we were surprised to see that her pet was not a dog, but an otherworldly creature, just like the Oracle herself.

After saying goodbye to her pet, we proceeded down the hill to where we left Nyo's vehicle. However, as we neared the vehicle, we saw large black vehicles passing by, and a few men dressed in all black hidden in the distant tree line. Nyo and I wondered if we had tipped off too many people about our mission.

Instead of picking up supplies in Witch Point, we decided to venture east to the nearest island, the Lubbers Quarters Cay, to stock up on supplies for our trip back to Indonesia. We asked the Oracle what she wanted for the trip, and were surprised by her snack choice of fruit and raw meat.

As we flew to Indonesia, we were intrigued to find that the old lady was quite humorous and pleasant to be around, even though she liked shoving her face with raw bloody meat. We shared stories of our pasts and played games to pass the time. The Oracle's stories were by far the most amusing, and we couldn't help but laugh at her comical anecdotes.

Chapter Eleven : Men in Black

After a much-needed stop in Somalia Africa to recharge, we made our way to Nyo's home on the exotic island of Tanahmasa before entering Bali. As we landed, we were greeted by a warm breeze that carried with it the scent of the ocean, and the soft lull of the waves as they crashed against the shore.

As we stepped out of the vehicle, Nyo handed the Oracle a robe to disguise her slightly alien appearance. It was a small gesture, but it made all the difference. When we introduced the Oracle to Nyo's mother, we saw that she was taken back by the elderly lady's otherworldly appearance. Though soon they were inseparable, sharing knowledge and visions that Nyo's mother had been seeking all her life.

We rested the night inside Nyo's home, and it was there, as I lay in the guest room, that I noticed something strange happening outside. I was binging on the futures media on the holo-screen when I saw three vehicles stop in front of the house. I watched through the window blinds as a group of men dressed in all black scanned Nyo's vehicle and home before driving away.

The next morning, I told Nyo of the event that I saw during the night. His eyes widened in concern as he said, “Whether they are some kind of quasi-government group or working with The Marauder, we need to stay on full alert. They could even be our answer to finding the key.”

We began to accept that the road ahead would be fraught with danger. But we also knew that we had to continue on our mission to uncover the secrets of the mysterious sphere that had brought me to this time. We had come too far to turn back now.

After Nyo said his goodbyes to his family, and kissed his mother on the forehead, we began our accension into the Indonesian skies. We land in the Gunung temples parking lot within the next hour. Nyo goes to the front office to pay for our visit into the temple. While I wait with the Oracle she tightens up her robe to keep her apprearence conceled. When Nyo returned with our reciept and wristbands we make our way into the area with the royal tombs carved into the cliff wall. Nyo supports the Oracle while she walks making her appear more elderly and fraile than she really was.

As we walked past the ancient tombs, we could sense that we were being watched. We could feel the eyes of some unseen force watching us from within the shadows of the jungle. I watched a strange feeling come over the Oracle. “I can hear their voices”, she said after almost slipping into one of her trances.

When we reach the cave Nyo and the Oracle follow me to the area where I came in contact with the alien artifact. Nyo shuts the gate to the area, making sure that no one can disturb the Oracle while she reads the area. The Oracle sits in front of the area where I said that I had last seen the sphere. While sitting she begins to chant. An hour flies by with no results. It wasn't until I touched her shoulder that she began to see visions of my timeline and the sites history of excavation.

“They are coming. They see me.” She begins to repeat, her tone of voice becoming more fearful each time. We try to ask who is coming, but she ignores us just repeating the same words. Then suddenly her eyes roll back. She then lifts her head straight back and stares at the ceiling with her mouth open wide. Strange sounds from her mouth echo the room. The lights inside the area blow out leaving Nyo as the only light in the room. Nyo steps back, and as soon as I want to make the same decision, she turns her head towards me and says, “We are here.” Encapsulated in fear, I felt the need to run overcome my body.

Though before giving into fear the voices coming from her mouth say, “The device that you seek is in the hands of the men that seek you.” I turned to Nyo acknowledging his theory prior this moment. She gains control of her mind asking, “What happened? Why is it so dark?” We pick her up of the floor and unlock the entrance.

As we emerged from the cave, the sun was setting over the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape. The Oracle's premonition about the men in black made my skin crawl. I looked around, scanning the temple grounds for any signs of the ominous group that had stopped at Nyo's home. But all I saw were the tourists and the local vendors selling trinkets and souvenirs.

Nyo seemed to sense my unease and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "We have to stay calm and keep moving forward," he said, his voice low and steady. "The Oracle's vision confirms that we are on the right path. We just have to find those men and the relic." I nodded, feeling a surge of determination wash over me. We couldn't let fear paralyze us. We had come too far, and we couldn't let anything or anyone stand in our way.

We pretend to explore the temple grounds, studying the ancient carvings and reading the deciphering' of cryptic messages left behind by the long-dead royalty. But despite our efforts, we couldn't shake the feeling that we were still being watched. It was as if the spirits of the temple were warning us of impending danger that could take place at any moment.

As night fell, we retreated to a nearby inn to rest. But sleep eluded me, as my mind raced with the possibilities of what may lay ahead. I must have dozed off at some point because the next thing I knew, Nyo was shaking me awake. "They're here," he whispered urgently. "We have to move." My heart pounding in my chest, I gather up my duffel bag and supplies as quick as possible.

Nyo then tells us to stay put and that he will check to make sure that the coast is clear for us to take off. He exits the room and walks up to his vehicle in the parking lot. Though before he reach the door three large black vehicles enter the area. Nyo then turns back towards our room acting as if he was talking to someone. When he meets us back in the room he tells us that we are going to have to make an escape. Though before we could make an escape our door is opened without the key and three men dressed in all black enter our room.

They were armed and dangerous, their cold eyes fixed on us with deadly intent. "Give us the Oracle and we will take you to the artifact, and we'll spare your lives," one of them snarled. The news was exactly what we wanted to hear, but we refused to back down. With the Oracle in our care, we couldn't let her fall into the wrong hands. In a flash, Nyo charged at the men, his fist flying in the air towards the doorway.

The Oracle stayed back, chanting under her breath as she called upon the powers of the universe to aid us in our fight. The men in black were skilled fighters, but Nyo was determined to come out on top. The battle looked fierce and Nyo looked like he had a fighting chance. Though when I saw him fall to the ground for the first time I stood up and yelled, “Please stop! We do whatever you want! I just want to get back to my own time.” The men in black look over at me and release Nyo from the fight. The man who pushed Nyo to the grounds says to me, “Great choice.”, before exiting the room. The remaining two ask us to please follow. We exit the room and then we are placed into the backseat of the closest large black vehicle.

Chapter Twelve : Department of Defense

The following day, our landing in Arlington County, Virginia was a surreal experience for us three. The significance of entering The Pentagon, the behemoth of military architecture, was not lost on us. As we stepped into the imposing structure, we were instructed to maintain a stoic silence until permitted otherwise. Our descent in the elevator carried us far below the five visible floors, to a secure location manned by the men in black. They escorted us to a team of scientists adorned in white trench coats, their eyes gleaming with excitement. They explained that each one of us was integral to the activation and operation of the enigmatic alien device.

As we entered the secured room, we laid our eyes upon the magnificent sphere, attached to a massive mechanism. The scientists informed me that previous test subjects experienced nothing more than minor burns or temporary disorientation from contact with the artifact, but I had been the only one to travel through time. Using an advanced scanner, they had discovered technology that was only found in the Trinity Experience Machine, developed by the esteemed cybernetic company OrchaTech. To my surprise, the lead scientist informed me that my great-grandson was the lead technician for the same company. As he reintroduced me to the sphere, he mused, “I don't comprehend how your great-grandson could have sent this device into the past, or how it transported you to us. However, your arrival brings us one step closer to uncovering the answers we've been searching for.”

To further scrutinize my unique experience and relationship with the alien sphere, they procured samples of my blood and employed scans of my hand to fashion a synthetic version of it. The men in black thanked me for being the missing link in their chain of progress, and promised to facilitate my reunion with the future Cross family and my return to my own timeline. Yet, I remained apprehensive about their ulterior motives and the probability of betrayal, rendering me powerless to intervene.

As they engineered my hand, they revealed to us the clandestine room containing more alien artifacts, secured behind glass and safekeeping. Nyo, bewildered by their secretive nature, asked, “Why keep such advancements from your own people?” To which a scientist replied, “What lies in this chamber would only trigger chaos and panic, potentially leading to the apocalypse. Hence, it is imperative that the artifacts remain classified information.” Nyo acquiesced and acknowledged the gravity of their decision. We were later taken to the advanced training floor, where we tried our hand at flying and manipulating our form, a feat that seemed beyond our comprehension.

Afterwards, we were led to the exquisite mess hall, where we were served the finest gourmet cuisine, prepared by cybernetic chefs. The men in black joined us in our indulgence, giggling at our expressions of pure delight.

Soon the synthetic hand was perfected, and brought to our attention while we waited in the mes hall. We were then treated to a performance inside the laboratory. The hand displayed an array of moves, from gang signs to dance routines, eliciting awe and laughter in equal measure. The head agent of the men in black confided that they no longer needed the services of Nyo and the Oracle, granting them the option to depart if they wished. I communicated this message to them, but they opted to stay, enamored by the exceptional treatment they had received.

Finally, we gathered in a secure viewing room, with only the android scientists and helper bots remaining on the main floor. One of the cyborgs emerged carrying the synthetic hand up to the alien device, and the intercom issued voice commands for system checks, awaiting a signal from one of the android scientists. Then the voice began a countdown, “Activating artifact in ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.” The robot places the hand on the alien sphere.

A colossal surge of energy propelled the robot backward, as electric waves of blue and green permeated the room. The device’s energy coiled into a circular form, generating thin lines of light that appeared to be tearing the fabric of reality. More lines emerged, forming geometrical patterns that seemed to be spinning. Suddenly, a portal materialized before us, and we watched, transfixed, as the energy poured into the gateway.

Chapter Thirteen : Home Planet

As we gazed upon the star gate, we couldn't believe what we were seeing. The portal was a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors that seemed to be alive, swirling and dancing before our very eyes. The scenes within the ever-changing patterns were impossible to make out at first, but as the scientist adjusted the frequency of the machine, the images began to sharpen and come into focus.

As the crystal-clear picture of another plane materialized before us, we gasped in wonder. Suddenly, a robotic voice crackled through the intercom, "We have successfully created and sustained the star gate."

We watched in fascination, one of the cyborgs was sent in to explore the alien planet, its live feed projected onto screens in the viewing room. The lush vegetation and towering structures were unlike anything we had ever seen before. We were in awe of the breathtaking beauty that lay before us. It was then that the Oracle, a being that we had been traveling with for some time, revealed that this world was her home. We were overjoyed at the opportunity to witness her world firsthand, but we knew that there were stipulations.

The government had been watching the Oracle, and they were keen to learn more about her planet. They offered her the chance to return home, but only on the condition that cyborgs be sent with her to capture footage of her world for intergalactic research purposes. The Oracle agreed to the terms, and when she asked the men in black if we could join, we were given the opportunity to accompany her for forty-eight hours.

As we entered the star gate, the experience was surreal. My heart raced as I stepped onto the Oracle's planet, surrounded by towering trees and strange creatures. Nyo, being part cybernetic, was able to enter the portal as is, while I was given a cybernetic suit to protect myself.

For the next forty-eight hours, we explored the Oracle's world, marveling at the wonders that surrounded us. The vegetation was unlike anything on Earth, and the structures that dotted the landscape were truly awe-inspiring. As we recorded our journey, we knew that we were living out a historical moment.

But as the hours ticked by, a sense of unease began to settle in. We were in a foreign world, surrounded by unknown dangers. The cyborgs that accompanied us were meant to protect us, but their metallic presence only served to heighten the feeling of isolation and vulnerability.

The Oracle led us through the dense jungle, pointing out the various species of plants and animals that inhabited her world. She spoke of the history of her people, and their struggles to maintain their way of life in the face of outside forces.

As we approached one of the towering structures, I could feel my heart racing with anticipation. What secrets lay within its walls? What mysteries awaited us inside?

We entered the structure, and I was immediately struck by the intricate beauty of its design. The walls were covered in strange symbols and glyph's, and the air was thick with an otherworldly energy.

Suddenly, we heard a sound that sent shivers down our spines. It was a low, rumbling growl, and it was getting closer by the second. We turned to face the source of the sound, and what we saw left us paralyzed with fear.

A massive creature stood before us, its eyes blazing with an otherworldly fire. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before; a true monster from another world.

The Oracle drew up energy from her body and we could see it pulsating from her veins, and we prepared to defend ourselves. But before we could even raise our weapons, the creature lunged forward, its massive jaws open wide.

I thought it was the end; that we would be devoured by this monstrous beast. But then something incredible happened. The creature stopped in mid-air, as if frozen in time.

I looked around in confusion, and saw that the Oracle was holding out a small, glowing object in her hand. It seemed to of materialized out of thin air and was emitting a powerful energy field, holding the creature at bay.

With a flick of her wrist, the Oracle released the creature from its stasis, and it slunk away into the darkness. We breathed a collective sigh of relief, but our adventure was far from over.

Over the next forty-eight hours, we explored the planet in its entirety. We witnessed incredible sights, and met beings that were unlike anything we had ever encountered before. She showed us her kingdom, and we were even granted access to their elder's inner sanctum by passage of a bridge made of light and energy . We learned about the history of this world, and the struggles that its inhabitants faced on a daily basis.

And at the end of our journey, as we prepared to return to our own world, the Oracle turned to us with tears in her eyes. "Thank you," she said. "Thank you for showing me that there is hope beyond the stars."

Chapter Fourteen : A Mission and A Purpose

Following our long journey through the star gate, the cybernetic robots successfully navigated us back to our own world. I stood there, filled with a sense of awe and wonder, knowing that I had just experienced something truly incredible. The journey had been full of danger and excitement, but it was worth it to witness the beauty and wonder of a world beyond our own. As I looked at the Oracle and Nyo, I knew that I had formed a bond with them that would last a lifetime.

As we were greeted by the scientists upon our return, they presented us with drinks and a surprising party to celebrate our safe return. We shared our stories with them and showed them the moments we recorded from our suits and androids. The scientists were amazed by what we had witnessed and achieved during our journey.

The lead scientist spoke to me in a low, serious tone, "Jack, we have been watching you. You have demonstrated exceptional abilities and we believe that you have the potential to help us in a matter of great importance." I was intrigued and asked him to explain further.

The scientist continued, "While you were gone we have been analyzing the many ways to alter events in the past, potentially changing the course of history and even time itself. We need someone with your skills and experience to help us in this mission. Do you feel that you can accept this mission, Jack?"

I was shocked and overwhelmed by this proposal. I didn't know what to say.

After a few moments, I finally spoke up, "I don't know what to say. This is a lot to take in. Can I have some time to think about it?"

The lead scientist nodded and gave me a small device that would allow me to contact them whenever I was ready. As I left the room, Nyo approached me and said, "Jack, this could be your chance to make a real difference in the world. You should consider it carefully."

I took his words to heart and spent the next few days thinking over the decision. I thought about the potential consequences and the impact I could have on the world. Finally, I made up my mind and contacted the Men in Black from what could eventually be my own room.

I met with the lead scientist once again, and expressed my willingness to join their mission. My only fear was not developing my marriage with Misty, though I knew that this could be easily solved with a simple trip into the past once my missions were complete. He smiled and said, "Excellent, Jack. We knew you had it in you. We will provide you with everything you need to succeed in this mission, including state-of-the-art technology and advanced cyborgs to protect you."

Over the next few weeks, I underwent rigorous training and preparation for each new time altering mission. I was given complete access to constantly created new designs of the advanced star gate technology that allowed me to travel through time and alter events in the past. Each portal with a different size of entrance and way of creation. The first of them being created not for portability and able to create widths large enough to send in a convoy vehicle. The next developed to project the portal from a armband fashioned from further analyses of the alien artifact. The Men in Black had identified several key moments in history that needed to be changed to prevent catastrophic events.

As I traveled through time, I saw things that I never thought possible. I witnessed wars being averted, natural disasters being prevented, and lives being saved. It was an incredible feeling, knowing that I was making a difference in the world. I did all this by taking on different lives based upon the missions location.

Two years had passed, and Nyo had returned home to take care of his mother and tend to his wife and children. It was then I began to realize that altering events in the past came with its own set of consequences. I saw how the slightest change could have a ripple effect on the future, sometimes leading to unintended consequences that were even worse than the original event. Some event's even took multiple tries sending me into unwanted loops within the timeline. I even had to meet with the cybernetic minds of the future to discuss whether or not I should leave the creation of strange events alone.

I became conflicted, unsure of whether some of my missions were truly making a positive impact on the world or if it was causing more harm than good. I shared my concerns with the Men in Black, but they assured me that they had calculated every possible outcome and that their were still many uncompleted missions that were of significant importance.

I eventually used my position of power for my own good when I determined that if I traveled into the future, and returned seconds after leaving, that maybe I could convince the room that the experience they just witnessed was a glitch. Then I could ease them with the solution that we should try their mission once more. It was going to be a lie, though I needed to know what the future had in store for the Cross family. Really, I just wanted a vacation from my new job as a time traveling hero.

Once the next scheduled mission came around, I waited until they ended their countdown, and it was time to travel. I proceeded to press the ignition toggle of my arm device and then paused before inputing the instructed missions year and choosing their desired destination on my star system map. This caused a voice over the intercom to ask if I was okay. Then I began to enter my own coordinates putting in a time that was twenty-one years ahead of the one I was in. My thought was maybe a lucky number like twenty-one could bring me to both a universe and time that could give me the information that I need to fix my families lives, and maybe even create better outcomes for some of my previous missions.

I chose to travel to the year twenty-one ninety and just outside the Santa Barbara dome onto a beach area that I knew would be empty and allow me to be unseen by the futures wandering civilians. While I was in the process of doing so, the machines alerted that what I was doing was an illegal action and any further actions could be considered a federal offense. Before the cyborgs could put their hands on me I vanished from the moment.

Chapter Fifteen : Santa Barbara 2190

I arrived at my set location, hidden amongst the rocky cliff side that surrounded Shoreline Park in Santa Barbara. I took a deep breath, inhaling the salty ocean air, and scanned my surroundings for any signs of life. The coast was clear, so I made my way to the nearest hotel, eager to immerse myself in the futuristic world that lay before me.

As I entered the hotel lobby, I was struck by the sleek, minimalist decor that surrounded me. The walls were adorned with shimmering holographic displays, and the floors were made of a material that seemed to shift and change with every step I took. A voice greeted me as I stepped into the elevator, directing me to my room with a cheerful beep.

The door to my room slid open with a soft hiss, revealing a space that was both luxurious and functional. A massive panoramic window looked out onto the stunning Santa Barbara coastline, and a plush, king-sized bed beckoned me over with its inviting softness.

I couldn't resist taking a moment to relax and soak in the stunning view. The sun was just beginning to set, casting the sky in a brilliant wash of pinks and oranges. The ocean stretched out before me, vast and endless, and I felt a sense of peace settle over me.

But I couldn't stay here forever. I had come to this futuristic world for a purpose - to learn about the advancements that had been made and to reassure myself that my loved ones were safe and happy.

I used my new advanced knowledge to activate the room's advanced network and began to scan for news about my family and friends. The holographic displays lit up with a dizzying array of information, and I quickly began to sift through it all.

To my relief, I found that my family and friends were all thriving in this new world. Ethan, Jenna, Rick, and Victoria had reunited and were working together to take down the most dangerous criminals of the future. Ethan and his sister had become an unstoppable team, using their unique abilities to fight for justice and protect the innocent.

Nyo, too, had found happiness in this futuristic world. I watched as he played with his grandchildren on a remote Indonesian island, his face lit up with joy and contentment.

As I sat there, watching my loved ones from afar, I couldn't help but feel a sense of longing. But I knew that I couldn't risk interfering with their lives.

Instead, I decided to explore this new world and learn as much as I could about the future. I changed my form and visited museums and art galleries, marveling at the incredible works of art and technology that had been created. I sampled exotic foods and visited bustling marketplaces, soaking in the sights and sounds of this new world.

As I walked the bustling streets of Santa Barbara, I felt a sense of awe and wonder at the incredible advancements that had been made. Flying cars zipped overhead, and towering skyscrapers stretched towards the sky. Everywhere I looked, there was evidence of the incredible progress that had been made.

But as I wandered, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. For all the progress that had been made, there were still problems that needed to be addressed. Poverty and inequality still existed, and there were those who sought to use their power for their own gain.

As I sat in a bustling cafe, sipping a cup of steaming coffee, I couldn't help but think about the future that lay ahead. Yes, there were challenges to be faced and obstacles to be overcome. But there was also a sense of hope and possibility that was prevalent in the air.

And for the first time I took a deep breath, savoring the salty air and feeling the cool breeze on my face. It was exhilarating to be further in the future, to witness all the incredible advancements that had been made. I could see the towering skyscrapers and sleek flying vehicles zipping through the air.

As I walked towards the nearest motel, I couldn't help but marvel at the incredible architecture that surrounded me. The buildings were made of a material that shimmered like diamonds in the sun, and the colors shifted and changed as I moved. The sidewalks were made of a soft, spongy material comprised of nanites, that was gentle on my feet, and I could feel a slight bounce in every step. They nanites could create a layer to transport you to your voiced destination. It was like you had access to airport travelator's in every direction.

Once I had secured a room, I immediately reconnected to the network and returned to the analysis of my loved ones.. It didn't take long to find them. Jenna and her husband had returned to Rick and Victoria, and together with their son Ethan and daughter Sophia, they had been working tirelessly to stop the future's most dangerous criminals.

I smiled with pride as I watched the news coverage of their latest mission. They had taken down a notorious cyber criminal who had been wreaking havoc across the globe. Ethan and Sophia had been integral to the mission, using their advanced cybernetic implants to infiltrate the criminal's network and take it down from the inside.

I turned my attention to Nyo, who was living a peaceful life on the beautiful island of Tanahmasa. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him. Nyo had always been a man of simple pleasures, and it was heartwarming to see him surrounded by his family and enjoying the simple pleasures of life.

As I continued to watch, I realized that this was what I had come back for. Not to interfere with their lives or change their fates, but simply to bear witness to the lives they had created for themselves. To see the fruits of their labor, the beauty of their accomplishments, and the joy of their simple pleasures.

And with that realization, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. It was time to go back to my own time, to take what I had learned and apply it to my own life. But I knew that I would always carry the memories of this future with me, a reminder of what was possible if we only had the courage to dream and the determination to make those dreams a reality. It was time to make this dream vacation just a flash in time.

Chapter Sixteen : A Dream Come True

I took a deep breath and set my wrist band to return to the year twenty-one sixty-nine. The blue light on my wristband started blinking rapidly as I pressed the ignition toggle on the screen. I closed my eyes and waited for the inevitable disorientation that came with time travel.

When I opened my eyes again, I was back in the lab I had left just moments ago. The robots in the room circle me and grip me with their hands. Looking around the room I could see everything was the same as it was before. I checked the time on my wristband to confirm that I was indeed back in the year twenty-one sixty-nine.

As I was lost in thought, I heard footsteps approaching. It was the lead cybernetic scientist, and the head of the time travel program. He looked at me with a mix of confusion and concern.

"Jack, what happened? The video feed showed you going to Santa Barbara in twenty-one ninety, but you were only gone for a second of time. What went wrong?"

I decided to play it cool and act like it was a technical glitch. "I'm not sure, Doctor. I must have accidentally set my wristband to the wrong time and place. It must have been a glitch in the video feed."

The scientist nodded, relieved. "Well, we'll have to look into it more, but I'm just glad you're back. We have a mission for you to go on next."

I raised an eyebrow, surprised at how quickly they were able to move on from my mysterious disappearance. "What kind of mission?"

"It's classified," the scientist said, his tone serious. "But we need you to retrieve a specific piece of technology from a highly guarded facility. It's crucial to our research."

I nodded, understanding the importance of the mission. "I'll get started right away."

I spent the next few days completing the mission, which proved to be more challenging than I had anticipated. The facility was heavily guarded and I had to use all of my skills and training to retrieve the technology without being detected.

When I returned to the lab with the technology in hand, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. I had successfully completed the mission and proven my worth as a time traveler.

Over the next few months, I completed a few more missions for the time travel program. Each one presented its own set of challenges, but I was able to overcome them all.

As I completed my final mission, I felt a sense of satisfaction. I had saved the world, one mission at a time. But I knew that my journey was far from over.

The Men in Black said I could finally return to my own time. They asked me to join with the cybernetic scientists in a secure meeting area to find out what would be the best approach. Once we agreed on the method of interaction, I took off my cybernetic suit and placed on the clothes I wore the day of my disappearance.

I returned to the hidden cave room where I had first traveled through time. I appeared in the room just minutes after they saw me vanish from the room. They looked at me with a mix of curiosity and confusion, as if they couldn't quite believe what was taking place before their eyes.

I smiled at them, feeling grateful for their friendship. "I have something to show you," I said, as I pulled out the sports and event history that I had brought back from the future.

Together, we pored over the information, amazed at how much had changed over the years. But as we studied, I knew that there was still so much more to be done.

Over time, I completed more missions and saved the world from impending disaster's within my own time. I fell in love with Misty, and made her into my fellow time traveling companion, and together we eventually created a child to join our journey.

One day I looked over the lists of events from the future, I couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. The fate of the world was in my hands, and I had to act quickly if I wanted to make a difference. But as much as I wanted to focus solely on saving the world, I knew that I had to think about the future of the people I cared about.

I started with my future Cross family. I knew that they had been through a lot, and I wanted to do everything in my power to ensure that their future would be forever changed and secure. Using my knowledge of future events, I invested in certain companies and industries that I knew would be successful. I set up trust funds for each member of the family, ensuring that they would never have to worry about money again.

Next, I turned my attention to my friends. I wanted to make sure that they were taken care of as well, especially since I had dragged them along on this crazy journey with me. I set up a fund to help pay for their education and future endeavors. I even bought them each a small piece of land, so that they would always have a place to call their own.

Finally, I thought about Nyo. Even though he hadn't been born yet, I knew that he would play an important role in the future. I set up a trust fund for him as well, and made sure that it was in the hands of a corporation that I trusted. I knew that he would be well taken care of, even if I wasn't there to watch over him myself.

With these plans in place, I felt a sense of relief. I knew that I had done everything in my power to ensure that the people I cared about would be taken care of, no matter what happened in the future. And with that weight lifted off my shoulders, I was free to focus on living a satisfying life.

But even as I settled into a new life with my family, I knew that my work was far from over. They were now calling me The Voyager in the time travel program, and I knew I was destined to change the world ahead.

AdventureSci Fi

About the Creator

Damion Trimmier

I am a multi-talented aspiring author with a passion for storytelling. As a filmmaker and a lover of literature, I will create unique perspective when crafting compelling narratives. Together, we will share our thought-provoking stories!

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  • Damion Trimmier (Author)about a year ago

    Thank you for reading my first of many books to come! As I prepare to take this project to the next level, I'm excited to explore the possibility of working with talented ghostwriters who can help me expand and enrich this story. If you're a skilled writer with a passion for science fiction and a desire to collaborate on a project that's sure to capture the imaginations of millions, then I'd love to hear from you. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me @ [email protected] if you're interested in learning more about this exciting opportunity. Together, we can bring "Voyager" to life in a way that will entertain and inspire readers everywhere.

Damion TrimmierWritten by Damion Trimmier

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