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Valekta (VOL 1)

This is the first of 5 Volumes. I know the chapters are a bit small and its very action packed for a book but i still hope you enjoy :)

By Adrien JacksonPublished 3 years ago 10 min read
Valekta (VOL 1)
Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on Unsplash


Candy, a gamer and son of game creator Eric Vodilla.

Eric Vodilla died in a car crash when Candy was just 6 years old.

However, someone created a game under his name to attract gamers, one of which is Candy Vodilla.

Valekta, The only game that has enough power to teleport one to a totally virtual world.

Now he has just gotten the last copy in the world from his local video game store.

“Oh man, I’m so glad i got the last copy of Valekta” He says

As Candy Dances through the night on his way home he sees a shady man with a crow by his side.”Hey kid...Give me the game” he said.

“Uhh no.” Candy said

Candy walks past the man and he grabs his shoulder.

“Give me the game or get lost” He says in a deeper voice.

Candy runs home and locks the door.

he hears banging on the door as he puts on his Virtual Reality headset.


“W-where am I” Candy says.

“Hello Candy Vodilla and welcome to Valekta you are the 1.2 billionth person to register today” says a voice in the sky.

Candy looks around. It's almost as if he's actually in the game.

Candy walks around the Grand Dead Forest of Topola. While walking he sees 2 people fighting with some sort of magical power.

Candy sits back and watches.

“I told you I don’t want any trouble alright? Just back off” says one of them.

“Enough give me your Energem!” says the other.

One runs away and the other chases him.

Candy runs behind them sneakily. Suddenly the first one stops and says “Cut!”

They then look at the tree Candy is hiding behind.

“Come out” he says.


Candy jumps from behind the tree and says “That was amazing!”

The person walks toward him and shakes his hand. “I’m Ramie but you can call me Rush.” he says.

“Hi my name is Candy Vodilla!” he says back.

The other boy comes and waves at Candy while Flattered. “My name’s James but just call me Jay,” he says.

Candy gets pushed back by Rush.

“Someone’s here, Let’s move,” says Rush.

Rush, Candy and Jay all sweat while walking slowly out of the forest.

Someone is watching them.

Rush hears leaves rustle and turns around as fast as he can.

Rush then jumps up at where he heard the noise and thrusts forward as the speed of light.

Jay and Candy run away.

“Rush can deal with that guy...We need to go to Denland to learn the basics first” says Jay running. Candy looks back and sees a giant lightning bolt in the middle of Topola.


Jay and Candy run for half a mile and fall down.

They both fainted.

They wake up in Denland Oasis. the hospital\Inn in Denland

Candy gets up and looks around the inn for Rush.

He finds him in a pool.

“WOOOOAH A POOL!?” yells Candy.

“Yup, wait, have you gone through the tutorial yet?” Rush asks

“No, Teach me,Teach me TEEEEACH MEEEEE” yells Candy.

“Okay Okay Okay!” says Rush.

“Energy Jade Release.” says Rush.

Suddenly a Teal and Yellow gem appears before them.

“These are Energy Jades or Energems for short and they contain tons of EXP but the only way to get it is from killing other players”

“Status” he says.

Suddenly a green health bar appears and so does a blue bar titled mana.

“With this you can see your health and mana. If you ever reach 0 health then you’ll die in real life” he says seriously.

“The more Energems you collect the stronger you become and the only way to get Energems is to kill other players.”

“I put you and Jay in my party so we can’t hurt each other at all”

“That’s really it,” Rush explains.


“To beat the game we must win one of the yearly coliseums” says Jay as he creeps behind Candy.

Candy jumps.

“The nearest and strongest player around is Abigail Whitetail.

In Denland Cave.” says Jay.

“So are we going?” asks Candy

Rush nods.

The three begin to walk towards the Cave fearing how strong their new opponent is. The 3 get ready to fight their first real battle.

Candy,Jay and Rush step into the cave walking through countless large diamonds and gems.

As they climb up rocks through the cave.

They reach the top floor and see a giant hole in the top and a girl sitting on a diamond throne.

It’s Abigail.

Candy sees a Snowy creature that seems to be humanoid with cyan skin and a mask on it’s face feeding her.


“Huhuhu~ what adorable little creatures! It’d be a shame if they were to get hurt.” The creature with a mask with a sad face attacks them.

Candy dodges the creature's jab.

“What are you doing? Creamie just wants to play”

Says Abigail.

Creamie roars and swiftly jabs Jay in the torso.

Jay blasts back carving a hole into the wall. Jay holds onto the edge of the mountain. Yes the cave is really a giant mountain, Mt.Denileni

Named after Denland.

Jay crawls up from the edge.

Rush summons his own creature.

Gem beast activate: Flasher!

Suddenly Rush Flashes all the way behind Creamie and chops his neck.

Creamie’s skin is so tough though that Rush got a bigger injury. Creamie then slams Rush into the floor causing the Mountain to rumble.

“That’s it!” says Candy

“Jay I need you to make this mountain rumble with whatever your ability is!” says Candy.

“Sorry Candy but all I can do is make things warmer.” says Jay.

“So I have to do it then,” says Candy.

Candy runs toward the wall and punches it while whispering “Gem Beast...Activate!” when he punches the wall the Mountain comes tumbling down.


In an attempt to save it’s master, Creamie abandons Rush and saves Abigail in the rubble. Giving them a chance to run. Rush however struggles to get through the falling rocks. Rush squeezes his hand through the boulders as Jay and Candy run.

In a split second all of the rocks surrounding Rush turns into candy as fragile as glass. Rush kicks a hole through the rubble by using Flasher. All 3 left the building unscaved.

“At least it wasn’t a loss,” says Jay.

The mountain comes tumbling down behind the three.

Creamie turns giant and blasts through the destroyed mountain.

“Y-Y-You STUPID...GRRRRRAHHHHHHH” yells Abigail furiously.

Abigail and Creamie charge toward the three.

Creamie punches Rush into the ground.

Abigail runs toward Jay and Candy.

She then creates an ice spear and stabs Jay in his chest.

Candy punches Abigail in the face blasting her into the mountain.

Jay rolls around in pain. Creamie repeatedly punches Rush deeper into the earth.

Creamie does one big punch causing a huge explosion exploding some of Denland.

Creamie fades away into a gem after that blow.

And Candy levels up to level 22.

“Whaaa?” says Candy


Candy carries both Jay and Rush into the Oasis.To recover and Candy goes to Valerie City to check out the Mission shop run by Otto his neighborhood best friend and only friend before this game.

When Candy arrives he sees the man who chased him to get the game as he kills an employee named Otto.”Remember my name...The Crow.” he says before he disappears. Otto has died. Candy runs away back to Denland.

he waits for her friends to recover but the doctor comes out first. “Ramie has 6 broken ribs and in total 76 broken bones with a bunch of squashed veins and internal bleeding.” says the doctor.

“Jay has an impaled windpipe,his stomach has been impaled,spine broken and a bruised and blistered hand.'' To fully heal them you need about 10 healing potions which costs about 2000 Dewcoins.

Candy thinks. he doesn’t have enough money but they still have to progress the game.

Candy says “I’ll raise enough money to heal them” Candy says.

The Doctor smiles and thinks to herself “I wish I had a caring friend like that”

The Doctor goes back into the room.Candy gets a notification that he can enter a Forest with countless Goblins and orcs with 4200 in Dewcoins in prize money for his mission.

Candy walks to Fatalia, the 5th biggest city in Valekta.

On his way he sees Amior Tower, one of the 18 Waltzing towers that are said to be owned by some sort of Mafia Gang called Black Ruby .The wind blows as Glitter flows out of Candy’s Pink hair. Candy steps into the tower and is immediately put to sleep.


Candy wakes up in a cage across from a little girl with Lime green and Black hair. “Uhhh hey little girl!” Candy says.

“Huh?” she says.

“Do you wanna get out”

The girl nods.

Gem beast… Activate. “Sugar!”

A creature like Creamie called a gem beats appears. It has a humanoid body with Pink Boxers, pink skin, and an 8 pack. It tears the bars open for both of them. The girl escapes with Candy. They both see a man with the number 5 tattooed on his hand. He seems to be watching a play. He was controlling them with strings coming out of his fingers. The actors were dead players.

The guy was sadistic.

Candy sneaks behind him and the girl leaves the tower.

A dead puppet attacks Candy and so does 60 more. Candy evades them all.

“Oh? You’re very late.!” says the guy.

“My name is Sadime, your new boss.”

“Sugar coated!” says Candy

Then all of the strings controlling the people turned into glass candy.

Out of nowhere Rush shocks the strings, shattering them. “Candy...Go save Jay.” he says

“How are you okay?” asks Candy

“The Doctor gave us some potions.” Rush responds.

Rush Runs toward Sadime with his eyes closed focusing on where the strings are going.

Rush dodges every string coming toward him and evades every person being manipulated.

Rush then headbutts Sadime.


Candy runs up the many stairs hearing booms and bams from the ceiling and where Rush is.

Candy arrives at the top of the building and sees Jay being kicked around.

“The names Kross now remember it!” says the guy.

Candy punches Kross in the face which does absolutely nothing. Kross kicks Jay off of the 42 story building. “JAYYYY!” yells Candy as Jay falls.

“Finally, I can be free from this game. See you on the other side...Candy.” Jay says in his head. Candy tries to attack Kross but it just doesn’t work.

Kross slams Candy into the ground, throwing him into the 26th story.


He grabs onto the wall and kicks the glass open so he can enter.

He sees Candy in the 3rd story above him.

Candy weak crawls away.

Kross jumps down the hole.

Candy crawls away and cries.

Jay punches Kross repeatedly.

“NGAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” yells Jay as his knuckles start to bleed.

Kross grabs Jay’s fist with a more serious look.

Kross punches Jay in the stomach and punches him repeatedly at the speed of light.

Jay begins to white out.

Meanwhile, Rush and Sadime are still fighting.

Sadime’s flexibility outmatches Rush’s speed so he can’t get a clean hit.

Rush evades and attacks.Eventually, he must open his eyes.

His eyes burn with fury.



Suddenly he moves 5x faster than light itself.

Sadime begins to be aroused.

“Yes, This is what I wanted!” says Sadime softly.

Rush jumps off of a wall and punches Sadime.

He does this over and over.


Eventually Sadime gets pushed back a bit.

To put into perspective light travels 670,616,629 mph

Multiply that by 5 and that’s 3353083145 mph!

On one last attack Sadime notices that Rush had been storing energy in his left hand.

He enfuses the energy into his hand giving it over 67 million volts. He creates an explosion so big that the tower comes crumbling down.

Kross jumps out of the window and Sadime evades the explosion before jumping out of a window.

Rush runs up the stairs evading the different boulders and more falling down. He grabs Candy but Jay is gone.

Rush has no time to look for him. Rush runs toward the door as fast as possible. “I will protect you, I’ve lost 9 and I won’t lose another” Rush whispers to himself.

As they exit Rush’s legs break and Candy’s in a lot of pain.

Candy drags Rush to Fatalia hospital. And both get treated immediately.

Candy has a broken spine, 102 shattered bones, a concussion, Impaled stomach and internal bleeding in his stomach,intestines and liver.

Rush has completely shattered legs and a hand covered in 5th degree burns.


After 3 months they fully recovered.

They are told to go to the Recruiting site because they need 5 members.

Rush and candy go to the Recruiting site.

Candy sees the little girl that he set free.

“We have 12 available applicants.” says the commander.

After Rush and Candy inspect them all,They choose Ethan ; Abilities Fire and Sound and his Gem beast is called the dragon. Emerald the girl Candy saved and her ability is to create Shields. They only need one more member.

“I’d suggest Berry! she’s on Mt.Shivermoon.” says the commander.

The 4 set off on their quest to find the strongest Applicant looking for a party.

Berry Frostmen.

They run toward Mt.Shivermoon talking about the future adventures to come.

“Did you know, If you close your eyes and slow your breathing you can move faster by focusing on your surroundings?”

Says Rush

“No I didn’t” says Candy.

Atop the mountain they see Berry.

Berry jumps down and says

“Oh, so you are the ones who wanna join me? Then first attack me and don’t die like the other 23.” she says.


Berry attacks Rush and Candy but they both dodge.

While talking they came up with a plan.

Rush and Candy run around quickly.

Berry tries to attack but she misses while she’s trying to focus on them Emerald traps her in a shield.

“Hahaha see it wasn’t that hard! Those 23 players were weak.”

Says Berry.

Emerald lets her out.

“Perfect teamwork!” she compliments

“Off to Orc Forest!” They cheer.

Emerald and Ethan enter after the first 3.

Berry,Rush and Candy look around the forest and see 4 goblins.

“Rain-Bow” call Berry

A bow made of water and shoots in killing all 4.

The 3 sweep through the thousands of goblins and orcs.

Finally they see a giant Orc.

The 8 year olds battle a goblin

This could be trouble for them.


About the Creator

Adrien Jackson

I really only wrote Valekta 👀

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