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Under the Glass

Chapter 1 The game of distraction and truth

By Sarah DanaherPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
Under the Glass
Photo by Zoe on Unsplash

The year 2173

The outside world was unknown to her, but she could see a glimpse of it through the window in his room. He, Braddock Armistead, thought he owned every room he walked in. The star in his mind with mid-length light brown hair and blue-eyed and pale skin- had won most of his races. He was also considered handsome. Sophia stared at the open ceiling with the largest window to the outside world surrounding the entire city complex of Cozencover. Ever since the super-giant volcano at Yellowstone National Park exploded, destroying the mainland United States in 2072. All survivors were gathered to live in glass cities with a protective glass shield from the ash and the weather. Also, everyone was divided by hair color, eye color, and skin tone to keep all races and features from disappearing. Sophia, brown-eyed, with dark brown hair and olive skin, just looked annoyed at Braddock's demeanor.

Two different genetic combinations were not supposed to have too much contact. Sophia knew her genetic combination runner could win the upcoming race if he was rattled. With an arrogant smirk, he stated, "my endurance will let me win. My genetic group has been great winners, just like my grandfather." Sophia answered equally intelligently, "Well, we have won our fair share, and you are nowhere as fast as your grandfather." Braddock's face grew angry since she completely disrespected him. Everyone was always enamored by his remarkable talent except her. Track and field was their best sport. He bluntly spewed," well, I can be as good as him if I can get my practice in and not bother with the other genetic combinations." "Everyone must stay to their genetic combination and under the filtering glass protection." She scoffed at his remark, "protection or control, you fool."

"You think dividing us into all these groups is making us stronger or weakening the genes as human beings." That was it, and he was ready to leave the standard room between the boys' and girls' dressing rooms for practice. The insolence of her answers and realizing that he was not the most extraordinary person to her. He stormed off with a pout and a tantrum. Sophia just looked pleased she finally shut down the not-so-great Braddock Armistead. The room was hers again to look out into the outside, but she yearned to ever visit it. Despite the ability to see the outside world and its beauty, leaving the glass encasement was portrayed as dangerous.

Braddock stormed off to his team of boys that looked like him. It was a needed break from the insolent and treasonous remarks of Sophia. Jamison Brock remarked, "where have you been? You still have to stretch out before our morning run." "I knew and was held up by another annoying genetic combination that thinks they will win the next race. "The next thing they hear is their coach, "now boys, we were behind last practice, and now we will run double to make up for that time. Do I make myself clear? Yes, the guys all answered. They jogged along the track with the filtered sunrays coming through the glass. The weather always remained the same since the glass enclosure was kept at an even temperature all year. After the volcanic winter caused by ash in the atmosphere caused the world to go cold for quite some time. The different genetic combinations joined in their groups, waiting to start, and finally, Braddock's team as they ran on the track. Each step became harder since he knew he was weaker, but the leading scientists would never hurt them. He wondered if only his hard work would let him win. After looking at his grandfather's record, he realized it might be more difficult than expected.

Other groups started running when Sophia and her group were with her expected mate, Sebastian. He was one of Braddock's rivals and realized what she was doing. His temper flared, but Braddock had to control himself while the others ran by. She just smirked as she knew that he had seen her. Elise Maniford, Braddock's perspective mate, just nudged him and replied, "pay her no attention; they are just jealous of your talent." "Our combination is the best, with the most winners in this great city of Cozencover." He calmed himself for their group to start the run and an extra long one. Still, he wondered how anyone could not feel safe from this protection and that the government would never mislead them into staying. The run seemed to go by faster when he was distracted from encounters with Sophia Altcalm. Beating the other boys in the next race was his goal. He was determined to stay focused on the practice.

During the rest break, Braddock smirked, "the government is the great protector." She noticed his irritation but stirred the pot worse. She remarked, "do they protect us from the trees and plants outside this place." "Are you sure the ash has not settled with all that growth?" He looked at her trying to counter her remark. Finally, he said, "who would give us freedom and a place to live?" Her answer was, "Freedom or just an illusion of it. If you follow what they say." Suddenly he heard his coach, "Braddock Jackson Armistead, you know the rules with other genetic combinations and dare not like them." "That is not a problem; he stays to those rules." Answered Sophia. She walked off, and Braddock was just simply fuming. His coach remarked, "She is a troublemaker; just ignore her." "Now get back to practice." He knew that it was better to start stretching than prove her wrong. Each team started running, and the day was not going his way. It was an extra long run, and he started thinking about what Sophia had said. He hoped he could avoid her for the rest of the day.

All the teams took a second rest break for water and stretching. Braddock wandered away from the group to cool his head and gain some focus for his run. Sophia spotting him from afar, calmly went away to give him another lecture. She walked behind him with a simple question. "Do you think this is the science they are telling us or their opinions?" "Did you ever ask when our ancestors came to these cities, the ash was to settle, and everyone will be able to leave?" "Yet, every time things looked like they would be free, the goal would change from ash settling to when all the ash around the world would disappear."

"It seems that changing goals that we never fully reach the goal with the ash is still a dangerous, invisible enemy." "And your point is, Sophia, you act like they use fear to control us," responded Braddock. "Are they willing to give up power, or will we have to fight for it." "See how anyone that has a different opinion than them."" The debate of different opinions died when only the government's voices were heard as factual information." Retorted Sophia. "The government would only do what is right for the people and silence the counterproductive voices," said Braddock. He was so sure of himself. Sophia started walking away, saying, "I guess you think control works the best." Braddock was just getting angrier.

While the other teams finally left the track, Braddock and his team continued to run. He looked out and saw the blue sky and birds in the air. If the leaders were telling the truth, would the animals thrive with green vegetation? It did confuse him if the government was telling the truth. He straightened himself out and ensured that this was a place of protection from the awful ash from Yellowstone. The well-built track was taking its beating for today as he headed off to his home. Plus, it was a better time to start his schoolwork.

Back to their sections, each genetic combination lived away from the other variances. Each is a section of small living apartments for each family with a few bedrooms and common areas for a kitchen and living room. All returned to their families, and all he could think of turning eighteen, graduating, then marrying Elise Maniford. He knew what was expected of him and would follow it to the day he died. As for Sophia, she knew that Sebastian would be after she turned eighteen, and all she wanted was to see past the glass enclosure. The rules were only increasing, and still no free thought. Even though her parents were not in love. They tolerated each other.

Each day included a strict regimen of schooling with each genetic combination in a class. The hallways are where everybody can mingle, and Braddock was coming to ignore his lessons. He only stopped to see Sophia in her skirt but quickly looked away. Braddock knew that it was not allowed under any circumstance. Elise was arranged for him, but still, he had some doubt in his mind. The reading room was where the students could have their privacy. Sophia spotted Braddock goofing around with some of his friends. Braddock decided to head away, and Sophia caught up with him. He was annoyed and trying to avoid her. But he could not after she said, "do you think there are non-glass cities?" With his long hair, he turned around and answered, "Of course not; it's too dangerous with the ash." "Are you sure about that, Braddock?" "It seems like we are more like experiments than people." "Why can't different genetic combinations be together and find whom they love instead of their perceived mate?" "What is your purpose, Sophia?" "To mess with my head before the race or what?" "Why are you questioning the rules for our safety?" "Well, do you think I am doing?" answered Sophia as she walked away. The anger was tremendous, but only focus could bring him back. The big race was coming up, and she was just trying to distract him. He stormed back to the reading room and tried to forget the whole matter. His head was spinning, but he was the great runner Braddock Armistead. Though in the back of his mind, he thought about life outside the glass enclosure but kept repressing them. He looked outside the glass and only thought of the danger of the ash. Sophia just looked disgusted and wondered why he would succumb to fear instead of thinking for himself. The world was still a mystery to them, but only a tiny crack could break the glass open.

Young Adult

About the Creator

Sarah Danaher

I enjoy writing for fun. I like to write for several genres including fantasy, poetry, and dystopian, but I am open to trying other genres too. It has been a source of stress relief from my busy life.

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    SDWritten by Sarah Danaher

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