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True North

Submission to Sky’s the limit

By Leslie StromPublished about a year ago 11 min read
True North
Photo by Sunil Ray on Unsplash

The day finally arrived to go on my huge adventure. I stepped through the doors of the huge jet to see tons of young people being seated, and finding places for their carry on bags.

Seat 45 section E, thankfully I had the window seat. I had to pass by two other girls looking at me with smiles on their faces. After I took care of my carry on shoving it above my head. I was ready to meet the two others. They looked my age, around 21. We introduced ourselves, and the seats ahead of us were three guys, kneeling on there seats to introduce themselves. I knew this was going to be fun.

I remember the day my tickets came in the mail and smiled thinking to myself as the plane lifted off. I won! I actually won! I entered a contest at the back of a cereal box for a trip to Bermuda about a month ago. Looking at the boarding tickets in front of me that I had opened. I was stunned that this was actually going to happen.

There was 150 winners of single young people that would be on an adventure of a lifetime to Bermuda. With sight seeing, spending the day at horse shoe bay on pink sand, and snorkelling the coral reefs. That is what actually caught my attention on the back of the cereal box.

Once in the air Anita, Suzanne and I chatted for hours. I really liked them, they were also in school just like me and needed a much needed break over Christmas. None of us had family to spend the holidays with so they like me didn’t have any reservations about being away for two weeks. Actually the guys in front of us didn’t have family either. I thought that was a bit strange but didn’t think about it much as we were all too excited to be on this free vacation. After supper all six of us got a bit tired and did our own thing. Trevor ahead of me was listening to music, beside him was Nathan he was watching a movie, and Jack was reading a thick textbook. Anita fell asleep beside me and Suzanne was also reading. I decided to get some sleep while I could.

In the distance I could here shouting, crying, and someone shaking me. “Kathy wake up, Kathy.”

I opened my eyes and saw panic on Anita’s face beside her was Suzanne reaching for the air mask.

“What the heck is going on” I yelled because everyone on the plane was panicked.

Something happened to the pilots- we are going down. I could feel the plane descending fast. I got up and shouted for the girls to move. They looked at me with wide eyes.

“No sit, they shouted, you have to buckle up”. I saw Trevor looking at me through the seats. Waving his arms for me to sit. I looked at them and said it’s ok I’m in my third year in the airforce flying fighter jets. I’ll see if I can help!

I ran down the isle towards the cockpit, the stewardesses waved me to sit down. I didn’t listen and opened the cockpit to see the two pilots passed out!

I tried to move the captain out of his seat but he was to heavy. Before my eyes there was Jack by my side asking what he could do. He helped me move the captain and co-captain out of their seats. I jumped in the captains seat, and Jack beside me.

I could now see water. I new we both had to take the plane off of auto pilot. And screamed to Jack to pull hard on the two half mooned steering wheel. The buzzers started to go off.

What the heck. I looked ahead of me and saw the Compass reading due North. That can’t be right the plane is headed downward not North. I screamed at Jack. Pull, pull. The plane started to lift up. We barely had enough time to get the plane up.

Everyone on the plane started to clap. I looked at Jack and said we are not out of the woods yet this Compass is wanting us to go down due north, but we can’t! We will all die.

I looked at the compass again and it was swirling around. The monitors started blinking and sirens rang loud. I reached to shut them all off.

“Mayday Mayday this is flight 306, we need assistance as soon as possible. The pilot and co-Pilot are unconscious and our compass isn’t working. Mayday Mayday!” I shouted into my headpiece.

Someone spoke on the other end of the mic. “We don’t have you on radar. You are off of radar. We lost you 10 minutes ago. Try to get your plane back up to 36,000 feet.

” I said, “copy.” As the plane started to go up. I looked at Jack and said, “did you here that?”

“Yes” he said, “what is going on?”

I had no answers for him but tried to get the plane up to 36,000 feet. I looked at all the gauges and they seemed to look back on track as we got higher.

Then, it happened the plane started to drop again, and due North was pointing downward. I looked at Jack terrified. But he was unconscious as the g-force knocked him out. I could hear the screams in the back.

I started to sweat and called for mayday. I heard nothing on the other end from Mission Control. The screams went silent in the back and realized the g-force took them all.

With all of my might I pulled back on the steering wheel. The plane started to tilt up. The sirens were screaming. I was yelling mayday. When all of a sudden the airplane was level to the water. If the wheels were out, they would be in the water.

The plane kept going straight. Then started on its own to decrease its speed.

“Mayday, Mayday-help!” I screamed into my earpiece. The plane started to slow down more. There was a huge airplane straight ahead.

“Oh my Gosh,” I yelled “we are going to hit.” The back of the airplane ahead of me opened up, the wheels on my airplane decended. I flew forward in my chair as the wheels in the water almost stopped the plane but we were still level to the water. I tried to pull hard on the steering wheel once again.

I looked ahead in horror and screamed like I have never screamed before. Then my plane was inside the other plane and screeched to a hault. Everything went dark. I could hear the bigger planes hatch close and in lightning speed we headed upwards. So hard my body slammed back against the seat, then everything that wasn’t bolted in the cockpit floated upwards. The pilot and co-pilot were pinned against the ceiling . Then in a blink of an eye, they dropped behind me. I screamed for Mayday until I got hoarse.

I looked over to Jake, as he was starting to wake up. “What happened,” he said looking at me with wide eyes! “Where are we and why is it so black”?

I told him everything and just as he was looking back at the pilots, he said, “ The Bermuda Triangle”?

“Are we in the Bermuda Triangle” he said. Looking all around.

I started to cry, and said, “ I think we must be! We no longer have control over this plane. What do we do?”

Just as we were looking blankly in front of us we could feel the host plane keeping on going upwards. The lights around us went on. And we were able to see aliens around the plane. Checking it.

I looked right into the eyes of one, as a huge ladder was raised up towards the cockpit!

The aliens eyes went wide and he started to yell. We couldn’t here him, but we certainly startled him. He must have expected us to be knocked out from the g-force.

All of a sudden smoke started to fill the cockpit from behind us. Jack and I reached for the air above us and held onto hands. We looked at each other then there were aliens in the cockpit with us. They reached up to unhook the air. Our eyes went wide. Then blackness.

I woke up in a bright white room, handcuffed to a white bed, in a white like hospital gown. I started to squirm and cry, moving my legs trying to sit up. I couldn’t talk, as there were tubes in my mouth. My eyes shifting from side to side, trying to think what happened and why I was here.

A tv turned on above the bed and said, “welcome to the triangle, you will be off of the respirator soon. Do not scream or try to run. You were transported from the airplane into a bigger plane, and now in space in a mother ship. The mother ship is joined with two other ships to form a triangle. This triangle is for emergencies, medical, and training. The second mother ship is for eating, socializing, games, entertaining, and work, and living cell quarters . The third mother ship is for electronics, research and plantation. The contest that you entered gave us in-depth research to your life, your education, your family history and IQ. You were chosen because of all three requirements. All of the entries are similar to your IQ, relationship status, some sort of education, and no family to miss you now that you are now missing from earth.”

I started to make a noise through my tubes, and started to thrash around.

The speaker on the TV got louder with a picture of an alien this time talking with English sub titles. It read. Kathy, you need to stop crying and thrashing. This is your new world. The 5 young people you met on the plane are in beds next to you. The faster you realize that this is your new home the faster you will be re-Unided with your friends. Supper is scheduled in a 1/2 hr., you will have time with your assigned human to show you around, show you were your cell is, and go over daily duties with you. If you have questions Loli will answer all of your questions. You must follow her for one week. After that you will be assigned duties, studies, excersize, and work. We will meet again here in one week. Thank you. And the screen went blank.

I saw Loli looking at me smiling. She said, “it’s ok Kathy you can trust me, I will pull your tube out of your mouth, and then we can talk. You will feel a little hoarse as you have been on a respirator for two weeks. The lab had to put all of the passengers in a comma so your bodies could adjust to the altitude, and harsh gasses that were put into the plane you were flying.”

I started to cry, and nodded my head. I’m glad to hear that my new friends are ok, and we will be able to see each other soon. I was frightened to hear that this is my new life. All of the questions I had were swirling in my head.

After the tube was out, Loli un-cuffed me and gave me a white shirt, white track pants, and a white sweatshirt with white runners socks and under garments. She said the bathroom was in the same room behind the curtain. After I was dressed I sat in the chair beside Loli.

She gave me a much needed glass of water which to my surprise tasted amazing. After I drank the water she said, “let’s go check out your cell” standing up. She said, “it’s not like a cell in a jail. There are no bars. It’s more like a little bachelor pad with your own bathroom, bedroom and two chairs with a lamp. There is a small shelf that you can put books in from the library, a dresser for clothes. Toiletries in the bathroom and anything you will need.”

She opened the door to a long hallway with doors on either side almost looked like an apartment hallway. A couple more doors opened and that’s when I saw Jake. We ran towards each other and hugged.

He looked at me when we parted and said, “I was so worried about you, I’m so glad your ok!” Then hugged me again.

Smiling looking at him I whispered, “I was worried about you too!” I stepped back and introduced him to Loli, and he introduced me to Dallas. They were very similar in age to us. The both nodded at each other and smiled.

Loli said, “Kathy we have to go, we don’t have much time until supper and I have to take you to your cell. You can see Jake at supper I promise.” Jake and I hugged again hoping that it was true. He smiled and said, “talk later!” Smiled and started to follow Dallas.

There were many twists and turns out of the first mother ship. A few times we walked by huge glass rooms filled with books, and a big black board. I assumed that’s were the class room were.

The second mother ship opened up to not such a sterile environment. The middle room was glass all around it with pool tables, shuffle board, darts. It looked like a huge den. There were young people all around inside socializing, laughing and looked like there were couples to! I thought to myself how can these people be so happy we are held captive.

One of the doors opened and a hansome guy walked out and said hello to Loli and nodded at me. I couldn’t help myself to watch him walk away. Loli giggled and told me that was Rob.

There were many more huge glass rooms with more young people, one was a huge library, one was a place with big couches with a projector screen, and then we went around a corner to see the massive cafeteria. People were starting to sit down. We walked right through it to a very long hallway with doors on each side. Loli said this was the boys cells, we rounded another corner to another hallway, she said this was the girls cells. She told me that my door was 451. Once in front of my door she gave me a card to put into the slot similar to a hotel door key. It klicked and we walked in. The room was stark white with everything white just as Loli described. We sat down and talked for a bit. She told me that I could sit anywhere in the cafeteria that I chose when the table was called you walk up to the front to get served. Supper was an hour. Then she would give me a quick tour of mother ship three. It was very similar to mother ship two except that many of the huge rooms had gardens. And the biggest room at the back of the ship was for computers, and research.

After a month of being in the ships I was feeling more like myself and less like being in prison. The six of us from the plane hang out all of the time. Jake and I sneak out some nights as we started dating and need alone time. My job was upgraded into learning how to fly flying saucers with the aliens. It was hard at first to adjust to the way they look and talk but part of my studies was to learn the language. I’m looking forward to flying longer and hopefully one day flying to earth.


About the Creator

Leslie Strom

Hi, I come from a small town of 2,500 in Northern Ontario Canada. I love camping and fishing, which we have access to many beautiful lakes. I also knit, crotchet, sew, read and write. Our winters are very long and cold so crafting is a must

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    Leslie StromWritten by Leslie Strom

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