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Trouble in Paradise

A troubled, married couple’s honeymoon takes a turn for it. Leaving Jane in another’s man’s arms.

By Jessica BandaPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 15 min read
Trouble in Paradise
Photo by Sean Oulashin on Unsplash

It was a beautiful warm night, the stars sparkled and the moon kissed the ocean. You could hear laughter all around. New loves enjoying one another’s presence. Old loves rekindling their spark that hasn’t gone out, but needed reminding. Drinks drowning the livers of vacationers trying to escape their lives , even if it’s just for the moment.

On stage Hula dancers performed, off stage there were men eating fire. So much was happening at once it was magical. Not so magical though for a couple hiding out in their hotel room missing out on a week getaway that was supposed to be their honeymoon.

“ For fuck sakes Jane I said I was sorry,” wined Steven. Jane throws herself onto the bed, shoves her flushed cheeks into the palms of her hands. Her petite hands barely cover her face. “ We just got married less than 24 hours ago Steven, and your already flirting with every female that blinks her big eyelashes your way! You think I don’t notice? We should be enjoying ourselves, being in love, but you rather act like a bachelor every second you think I’m not paying attention!”

“ Come on flirting is harmless Jane, look how about we forget about it. I love you , like you said we just got married. Is this how you want to start our marriage off: fighting?” Says Steven kneeling next to Jane rubbing her legs gently.

Jane looks into Steven’s eyes , still upset over the flirting, over his remark about how harmless flirting is. She just wants to enjoy herself so she gives a weak smile and says, “ fine I forgive you ! Can we now get washed up and go get something to eat? I am starving and I could use a drink!”

Looking stunning in a beautiful white flower dress with spaghetti straps, a pair of yellow heels, her long curly strawberry red locks put up half ways. She walks out of the bathroom spins around asks Steven if he likes. Jane really isn’t the type of girl who dresses to impress. She enjoys a casual look, enjoys just dressing for comfort.

Ever since she met Steven she worked hard on dressing more classy, looking sophisticated because that’s what Steven likes. “ You look nice babe, are you going to do your hair now?” Jane touches her hair , twirls a curl around her finger. Looks herself down and up. Knowing she could comment on his criticism but decides not to. She just really wants to head out so she just apologizes . “I’m sorry, next time. So where are we going tonight, how about we go watch the show. I never seen fire being thrown around, let alone someone swallow it!” She says with enthusiasm.

They head out to try and salvage their night. They picked a table that was further away from the entertainment yet they could still see everything that was going on. By the time they had got out there the show was close to ending. “ Aw man we missed the whole show babe! Well at least we can still eat,” says Jane as she waves down a waiter.

A tall man , athletic built, with long black hair tied up in a bun, caramel complexion and a deep raspy voice arrives to their table ready to take their order. “ Aloha, what may I get you both to drink on this magical night.” “Can I get a Mai Tai and my wife will get a Blue Hawaii, also can we get an appetizer of coconut shrimp,” ask Steven all macho. The waiter smiles and asks in his deep accent, “ would that be all or would you like me to come back to take the rest of your order bruddah?” “ Yes we should be ready in 5 minutes. Thank you,” replies Steven.

Steven has always been the jealous type. Every past girlfriend can testify. It must be his personality that has him insecure. He is quite the handsome guy. He came from a wealthy family of self-made men. His father helped him open up his own law firm right out college. He has short dirty blonde hair, always neatly gelled back, eyes that looked like the crisp sky, not built, skinny but not a scrawny type. Always wears expensive suits , welled groomed, and smells like inside a perfume shop. He spends a lot of time on his appearance, sees a nail tech more than Jane. His attitude though , now that’s something he could work on!

Everything needs to be a debate, there can never be a normal conversation with him. His needs always need to be met first. Everyone either loves him or has been bullied into just tolerating him. He has always gotten his way ever since he was a kid and he knows how to get what he wants from those who don’t give in easy to his demands.

Jane is the total opposite, they say opposites attract. They met through mutual friends about two years ago. He fell in love with her sweet , easy going personality. Proposed a year after dating. Jane really has seen all sides , the good, the bad, and the ugly. She feels he just is misunderstood and she can be that special gal he changes for.

The waiter returns with their drinks and shrimp. “ Are you two ready to order, or do you need more time.” He asks politely. “ What do you recommend,” asks Jane ever so sweetly. Steven gives her the eye of disapproval, and rudely interrupts the waiter from answering. “ We will just get a couple more rounds of these drinks and some salmon and a salad for the both of us.”

Jane was really looking forward to trying something new , it’s her honeymoon and they are in Hawaii for goodness sakes. Like usual she just sits back and lets Steven take charge. The waiter leaves , Jane gulps down her drink and looks into the ocean. Hoping the rest of the trip goes smoothly.

Drink after drink hits their lips, they are starting to have a good time. At least until Jane starts to get sleepy. Steven is a nice drunk , if only he could act this way all the time. They start walking back to their room but Steven isn’t ready to go to bed. He sees a bar inside the hotel room with a bunch of pretty girls. He decides to take Jane back to their room and go exploring. He feels it’s both their vacation if she wants to go to bed early why should he, he wants to continue the fun.

Jane is to tired to argue and a little to tipsy so she just lets him go. What’s the worst that can happen she thinks. Steven heads to the bar where he saw the cute women enjoying themselves. “Is this seat taken?” He asks politely.

One of the lady’s looked him up and down gives an intimate smile then gestures for him to sit. They chat amongst themselves. Throw back a few drinks. Some of the friends take off and let the one have some alone time with Steven. “ We’re going to head back to the room , call us if you need us. We will come and rescue you in a flash.” One of the friends says giggling. The other tells Steven, “ you better take care of our girl or else!” As she makes a hand gesture pretending to slit his throat.

“ You girls have nothing to worry about , I’ll get her back safe!” The two get to talking more and decide to head to the beach. They find a quiet spot where nobody can interrupt. She asks him ,” are you here for business or pleasure?” “Business,” he replies. “But why can’t it be both?”, he continues.

“ How about you? Are you here just with your girlfriends or do I need to be worried about a jealous boyfriend walking up to us? “ No we are here for a friends wedding. She went to bed early, she has a big day tomorrow. No, I don’t have anyone in my life you need to worry about.” How about you? Are you married, ( she laughs teasingly).”

Steven touches her face and tells her “no I’m unattached at the moment” as he brings her close for a kiss. They began to swallow each other’s tongue’s and grope one another. Things got heated pretty quick. Next thing you know their ripping each other’s clothes off.

Jane wakes up looks at her phone - 3:23am and no sign of Steven. Not even a text message. She puts some clothes on and heads to the lobby. Looks in the bar , no sign of him. She continues to look around then try’s to call him. No answer, she starts to get worried so she heads to the beach hoping he is safe and hasn’t decided he can swim now.

She heads down and walks the shore, she feels at peace. She has always loved the water and sand just caressing her toes as she walks threw. She feels like she has been walking for ever and still no sign of Steven. As she is about to give up she hears his voice then immediately followed by a woman’s. She walks slowly to just find her husband fucking some stranger on their honeymoon. She tries to get out of there without being noticed. She runs back to their room. Her heart sunk down to her stomach, she is doing her best to hold in her tears. She feels hurt, angry, betrayed, sick to her stomach.

She starts hyperventilating , feeling whoozy. Maybe it was her still feeling a little tipsy but she knows she is feeling something. To much on her mind she wasn’t watching where she was going she bumped into a man trying to unlock his room door. He was a tall man, black cowboy hat, scruffy beard, green gorgeous eyes. A black t-shirt that looked a size to small because of his built figure. Wrangler jeans held up with a shiny belt buckle, and some cowboy boots to finish his look.

“ ooh, I’m sorry ,” says Jane as she rubs his pecks trying to balance herself. He helps her find her balance, bows his hat with the tip of his finger, “are you okay miss?” “ Yes, yes I’m fine I just need to get to my room and out of here as soon as possible.” “ Do you need help finding your room, are you sure your okay, I could get someone for you. A pretty gal like you shouldn’t ever look as sad as you do right now.” He continues to say in a deep southern accent.

Jane gets a little annoyed, rolls her eyes then tells him. “ What do you know what I need , it’s none of your business, I don’t need your help or anyone else’s!” She then runs to her room and notices it’s right next door to the handsome cowboys.

He looks at her smiles then winks and opens his door. As he goes in he ends with a “ night Miss,” and closes the door behind him. Jane rushes into her room mortified! She is so upset she begins packing her bags. She hops into the shower to wash this night away. She falls to the bottom of the shower and begins to cry.

When she felt she couldn’t cry anymore she gets out and gets dressed. Jane starts thinking if she should get a different room or just leave now even if that means sleeping at the airport till she gets a flight. All she knows is she doesn’t want to be around her husband. She starts wondering if this is the first time he fucked a stranger or how many others were there before they said their “ I do’s”.

Steven walks in to find Jane dressed and packed. “Jane, hunny,” he says worried. “ What are you doing? Are you still drunk?” “ No Steven, I’m not still drunk!”, she yells in a snarky tone. “ Where have you been? Who were you fucking!” She continues, she really wanted him to confess but her anger got the best of her. His face turned red and his eyes widen. “ What are you talking about? You must have me confused.”

“ I know what I saw Steven, you can’t manipulate me anymore. I always looked the other way thinking I have it all wrong, but tonight just proves to me you're just a shallow, insecure, selfish, cheating asshole!” Steven starts to get mad and hits the night stand. “ Just calm down, who do you think you're talking to like that? What are you going to do? Divorce me - he laughs.”

Tears roll down her face, “ I don’t know what I’m going to do. I wish you’d admit that you were having sex out there when you should have been with me.” Jane grabs her suit cases and heads to the door. Steven follows her and shuts the door on Jane. “ Your not going anywhere”, he yells. “ Get out of my way Steven , please I need some space from you!” Jane try’s to push him out of her way. He finally budges and moves.

Jane leaves the room and Steven follows. “ Fine leave , I could do better anyways. So many love me. Who do you have , nobody! I’m all you got baby!”, he yells. Jane stops , slaps him then says, “ thank you for clearing things up for me.”

The cowboy opens his door, walks out asks if everything’s fine. Steven looks at him points to his room and says, “ Go back to your room cowboy, this has nothing to do with you. What you want to play hero?” He laughs then the cowboy looks at Jane. “ Miss , are you alright, do you want me to head back to my room too? Or would you like me to help you get out of here? I’m getting ready to check out in the morning too.”

Jane’s cheeks flush with embarrassment, looks at the cowboy then to Steven. She then continues to walk away in disbelief. Outside she waits for her ride to take her to the airport.

At the airport she was lucky to find one spot available on the earliest flight back to Wyoming. She finds a nice quiet spot in the airport lobby. She sits with her thoughts till she falls asleep.

Morning came fast, she was woken by a familiar voice. “ Howdy miss”, the cowboy said. Jane wakes in shock, “ Are you following me now? I already said I didn’t need your help”, she cries. “ I can assure you little lady I’m not following you, I’m here for my flight back home.” Jane sits up straight , looks down and apologizes.

Moments later her flight gets called to board. She heads to her seat. As she gets comfortable, “ Looks like I’m going to be sitting next to you for the next 9 or so hours.”He gives here a cheeky grin and proceeds to sit and gets comfortable.

This couldn’t be happening she thought. She gives a sarcastic grin and looks out the window. The flight attendant comes and asks if they wanted a glass of wine or something else. They both opted for a glass of wine.

As time went on they started talking. Just a few questions here and there. Jane still shy, and upset about what she witnessed. She just wanted to enjoy a civil conversation. Was that so awful? As they conversated they realized they had so much in common. They could talk to each other as if they had known each other for years. “ We been talking for hours and I still don’t know your name cowboy”, she says. He hands her his to shake and says, “ it’s nice to meet you” ( pauses hoping she will tell him her name.) “ Jane”, she replies. “ Jane , lovely, I’m Chance. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance”, he continues.

“ It’s a pleasure meeting you too Chance.” “So where is home for you?” “ Jackson, Jackson Wyoming.” “ Really? This can’t be a coincidence, so am I!” She says intrigued. “ Well how bout that! Maybe when we get home I could take you for dinner or you could meet Cheyenne.” Jane gives him a look of worry , thinks great he’s just another cheating idiot. “ Cheyenne?” “ Yes, she’s my favorite gal, she has been in my life for 8 years. She is my Arabian, my horse.”

Jane feels silly , smiles and responds with excitement, “ A horse!? I love horses!” “ You ride?” He asks. “ I did, when I was a kid.” Then her expression turned cold and sad.

It’s true what they say, time flys when your having fun. Or in their case when your enjoying the company of a person who isn’t always arguing. They land safely and part ways. Chase stops Jane and asks if he could get her number. “ I’m sorry Chase , you seem like a great guy but I just got married and caught my husband cheating with some bimbo. My life is a mess and I have so much to sort out. Right now is just not the perfect time.”

His face turned from happy to sad instantly. He nods his head and tells her, “ I understand, I’m sorry you even have to go through this. For what it’s worth your husband is a fool for hurting you. I hope when the times right we bump into each other again. Until then good luck and if I never see you again I wish you the best! You truly deserve it.” Then he walks away.

2 years pass by and Jane is a divorced woman. Her flower business is flourishing, she is healthier and happier. You can tell by her glowing complexion. It’s just a normal day in her shop when a cowboy walks in holding a newspaper clip. “ Howdy pretty lady. I saw your picture in the newspaper,” holding up the clip with her face plastered on it. She was interviewed for inspiring flower shop of the year.

Before Jane could say anything he grabs her and gives her a kiss. Like if it was a matter of life and death. She was shook, an electrical feeling ran through her body. The kiss was so beautiful it’s like the two souls were lost and now found their way back, as if they were meant for one another. Nothing in the world matter for those few seconds. They embraced each other as if they were lovers in every lifetime.

“I’m sorry, but I been dying to do that for years! I could not get you off my mind since the day I met you. I went out more than I usually do hoping I’d bump into you again Until I seen you in the newspaper, I knew I had to come see you.” He said like a school boy excited and nervous to ask his crush out.

“Well nice to see you again cowboy” , she says still dazed about what just happened. “ That clip is from last month. What took you so long?”

He looks around her shop grabs some roses and explains, “ I been trying to find the right words to say”, as he hands her the roses and pulls out his wallet. “ I figured now I would just come and the right words will come to me.”

“Would these roses be all?” She asks confused. “No , I’d like to get these roses and your number. I’d also like to ask you if I can take you to dinner tonight?” “ And these roses are for my date.” “ Your date? You already have a back up planned if I say no?” She says as she nervously laughs. “ No , your my date. If you’ll say yes . If not these roses are still for you. So can I pick you up at 7?”

Jane hands him the roses, grabs a paper jots her number down, hands it to him. “ I’ll see you at 7, you can bring me the flowers then.”

He gives her a big smile tilts his hat to gesture see ya then. He then walks out the door with a smile that could reach ear to ear. He felt victorious.

Jane puts her hand on her heart then touches her lips. The memory of that kiss plays in her head over and over until she heads home. The mysterious cowboy she met on the tropical island, two total unlikely pairs. One city girl and a country boy. Not knowing that one day they will meet and fall in love.

By Wes Walker on Unsplash

Photo found on Bing


Thank you for taking the time to read my story for the Improbable Paradise challenge. 🫶🏼😃

Short Story

About the Creator

Jessica Banda

Finding my purpose in life one story at a time.

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

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    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (1)

  • Donna Fox (HKB)about a year ago

    Heartbreaking and yet still a very sweet/ cute story. Well done!

Jessica BandaWritten by Jessica Banda

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