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To Know Death

A deadly game of questions

By Christina Nelson Published 2 months ago 5 min read

It was just another day. A day like every day. There she was. Sitting on that same bench, in that same spot. With that black laced umbrella and her small black book with no title. Her skin was so beautifully tan and even. she had ghost white hair and her eyes were a burning scarlet red. I've never seen eyes like hers. I always wondered if they were contacts but upon clearly seeing them today, they were not.

Eyes of scarlet red. So interesting. Deadly.

It was pretty cloudy today. Sprinkling on and off. Her umbrella she had every day was attached to the bench with some kind of fancy holder. How she seemed to be so dry, was a mystery to me.

She never moved her head to look up, but her eyes shifted over the top of her book, at me.

You might as well sit down this time.

Her eyes pierced right through me. I heard her in my mind but on her face as she finally looked up from her book, was the smile of a killer.

I hesitated to move, but I could feel myself walking towards her. I sat down on the bench but it felt involuntary. She closed the book and faced forward, looking at the park in front of us.

You don't have to speak out loud if you don't wish to. A conversation through the mind works well when you don't wish to physically speak.

She was in my head again. I didn't too much mind it. I already knew what this was.

"How come you don't speak?"

To hear my voice could cause great pain. That is unfair in the face of all things. However, if you wish to leave early without getting a chance to talk, that can be arranged.

"No. It's ok. So how does this work?"

You have 3 questions. They can be as simple or as complex as you wish them to be. I will answer them to the best of my knowledge.

"Does it start n-"

Before you finish that sentence, yes it does start now. I try to be fair. Especially when you're at the end of it all.

That was slightly comforting. But now I had to think of what it was I wanted to know. It didn't seem like there were any limitations on the questions. I don't think I can ask for more questions.

I turned to her slightly and she shook her head.

No. You cannot ask for more questions.

This must be one of those one question, one answer things.

"How did you die and become death?"

She looked a little surprised at this question. I guess I wanted to start off strong. It wasn't the first question that came to mind but it is one I've always wondered.

Death is a human concept. I didn't have to die to become myself. But I simply exist as the means to an end. It is unnatural for mortal creatures to extend beyond time that is allotted to them. And it is the solution of the universe that I and my power exist. I am only personified by the fear of humans and their inability to let go of the physical and embrace what is beyond time.

That answer surprised me. I'm not sure what answer I was expecting but I don't think it was that. I don't think. I tried racking my brain for another question. But I wasn't sure. Asking death a question wasn't something on my radar, let alone 3 of them.

Finally one hit my mind. It was interesting. It isn't something I've ever really believed in. But then again, I haven't believed in anything for a long time.

"Will I ever experience life again?"

She had a slight smile on her face. Her scarlet eyes shifted down to that book of hers.

Imagine the world is the biggest library in the universe. Everyone's life is a storybook. Stories must come to an end. There's action, drama, and sometimes even adventure. Fantasy in dreams, science fiction in the nightmares. Other entities are responsible for those. But every entity is a writer and you're all characters with your own book. With that being said, it's not uncommon for some books to have cliffhangers that lead into a sequel.

To this, I shed a tear. No one has ever explained life to me that way before. I have always wondered what would be after death, but I only ever imagined emptiness, nothingness and the darkness all culminating together. But to hear that impossible things can be made possible, soothed my soul.

I could feel her eyes on me. She still hadn't full on turned to face me, but her eyes shifted over. I knew I only had one more question. My body was getting tired. The aches were coming back. It was time for my medication but, I knew, as soon as I sat down, that today was my last day.

One more question. One more answer.

I looked down at her book, and noticed that it was simply a planner like book. So of course it didn't have a title. And she sat here every day, until it was my scheduled day.

"When choosing when and how people go, is it scheduled or do you just wing it?

She smiled and looked down.

I only ferry you to the time beyond time. It is only written that it is your turn. So I arrive to make it as painless as I can. However, there are forces who work against peaceful passing. Deals are struck. Souls are traded. Meetings are held. And I only appear when I am needed. If I could choose, I would choose peace and quiet every time. I am emotionally and mentally attached to all those who are close to their time so I experience it as you do. So to answer your question, I come where and when I'm scheduled but how you go, will ALWAYS be peaceful, no matter how violent the incident that got you on my list.

I wanted to ask for clarification, but I knew my time was up.

And to clarify, if for example, someone is shot, there is a lag between the injury and the passing. That lag is me. It is me bringing you peace so that I can ferry you properly.

There it was. That is what I was looking for. I started to think back, as my life, ironically, flashed before my eyes. All the people I lost. Knowing that they were truly at peace when they finally let go. It brought peace to me.

I let out the deepest sigh and when I looked up, she was standing with her umbrella with her hand outstretched. I took it without hesitation and when I finally stood up, I felt light and free. No aches. No pains. No exhaustion.

Time beyond time awaits.

Short StoryPsychologicalMysteryHorror

About the Creator

Christina Nelson

I started writing when i was in the 3rd grade. That's when i discovered I had an overactive imagination. I'm currently trying to publish 2 books, hopefully I can improve my writing here before I hit the big leagues in writing.

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Comments (2)

  • Shellz TooTall Johnson2 months ago

    The second question 😊. Great read great job.

  • Kendall Defoe 2 months ago

    I hope that I can ask the same questions when I go... ;)

Christina Nelson Written by Christina Nelson

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