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The whispering gallery

Haunted House

By Loreen soi Published 11 months ago 3 min read

Amelia had always been intrigued by the abandoned mansion at the edge of town. Its weathered walls, ivy-clad windows, and air of mystery seemed to call out to her in whispers. As the sun dipped below the horizon one evening, casting long shadows over the overgrown gardens, she finally mustered the courage to explore its secrets.

She pushed open the heavy, creaking door, her heart racing. The interior was shrouded in darkness, but the glimmer of a moonbeam revealed a grand hallway adorned with dusty portraits. Amelia's footsteps echoed, creating an eerie cadence that filled the silence. As she ventured deeper, she noticed a faint glow at the end of the corridor.

Following the ethereal light, she arrived at a room bathed in an otherworldly luminescence. In its centre stood a tall, ornate mirror framed in silver. Its surface shimmered like liquid moonlight, reflecting an image of Amelia bathed in an almost surreal glow. She approached, entranced by her own reflection.

But then, she heard it—a soft, melodic whisper that seemed to resonate from within the mirror itself. "Who are you?" the voice asked, its tone a mixture of curiosity and longing.

Amelia hesitated before responding, her voice shaking slightly. "I'm Amelia. I'm just... exploring."

The whisper grew clearer, as if carried by the wind. "Amelia, seeker of mysteries, tell me your deepest desire."

Taken aback, Amelia pondered for a moment. She had always longed for adventure, to escape the monotony of her ordinary life. "I wish for a life filled with excitement and wonder, where the mundane is left behind."

The whisper in the mirror seemed to chuckle softly. "Very well, Amelia. Your wish shall be granted, but every adventure comes with its own price."

Before Amelia could react, the mirror's surface rippled like water. She reached out instinctively and was pulled into its silvery depths. The world around her spun, colours swirling in a chaotic dance, and then she found herself standing in an unfamiliar place.

Amelia's surroundings were no longer the mansion, but a vibrant, fantastical realm. Enchanted creatures roamed among shimmering flora, and the sky itself seemed to pulse with magic. Adventure had become her reality.

Days turned into weeks, and Amelia's life indeed became a whirlwind of excitement. She soared through the skies on the back of a majestic phoenix, delved into ancient ruins brimming with secrets, and encountered characters from tales she had only dreamed of.

Yet, with each adventure, Amelia felt a subtle emptiness gnawing at her. The thrill of the unknown began to lose its luster, and she realized that she had left behind the people she cared about—the familiarity and warmth of her old life.

One day, as she stood atop a breathtaking mountain peak, the whisper returned, its voice gentle and knowing. "Amelia, seeker of mysteries, do you understand the price now?"

Tears welled in her eyes. "Yes, I do. I miss my home, my family, the ordinary moments that I took for granted."

The whisper in the wind seemed to embrace her with its words. "Your longing for adventure was heard, but remember that even the most extraordinary tales have their beginnings in the ordinary. To find true wonder, you must weave the threads of both."

As if in response, the mirror reappeared before her, its surface no longer a portal but a reflective window. Amelia gazed at her own reflection and whispered, "I wish to return."

The mirror's silver frame glowed softly, and the world once again spun around her. When the whirlwind subsided, Amelia found herself standing in the hallway of the abandoned mansion, under the gentle light of dawn.

Amelia left the mansion, her heart now carrying a newfound appreciation for the mundane and the extraordinary. As she walked back to town, she realized that the most wonderful tales could be found in the whispers of everyday life—the laughter of friends, the embrace of family, and the beauty of a world that was always there, waiting to be explored.


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    LSWritten by Loreen soi

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