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The Whisper Within: A Thirteen-Year-Old's Descent into Darkness

A Thirteen-Year-Old's Descent into Darkness

By Md. Sayhanul ArifPublished 2 months ago 4 min read
The Whisper Within: A Thirteen-Year-Old's Descent into Darkness
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Maya had always known her grandmother, Elara, to be a bit eccentric, but the urgency in her voice during their last phone call was different—frightening even. Grandmother Elara spoke of a spreading darkness and urgently needed Maya’s help. At just thirteen, on the brink of summer vacation, Maya should have been far from concerns like these, yet here she was, miles from civilization, her phone dead in her pocket, following the cryptic instructions left by her grandmother to reach the old family home.

As Maya walked, the air was heavy with the scents of mildew and woodsmoke, and her backpack felt like a ton on her tired shoulders. When the sun dipped low, casting elongated shadows from the skeletal trees, she spotted the house—a ramshackle Victorian manor that seemed to swallow the last bits of daylight. The windows of the house flickered like malevolent eyes, unsettling Maya even before she entered.

The front door creaked ominously as she pushed it open, stepping into a foyer where darkness seemed to consume the feeble moonlight. Using her phone’s flashlight to navigate, Maya called out for her grandmother but was met only with echoing silence. A chill ran down her spine as she ventured deeper into the house.

The further Maya walked, the stronger her feeling of being watched grew. Shadows twisted into threatening shapes in the corners of her vision. Occasionally, doors would creak open, revealing rooms draped in cobwebs and dust-covered furniture, adding to the house’s ghostly atmosphere.

Suddenly, a harsh, throaty scratch from upstairs made her jump. Heart racing, Maya forced herself to climb the rickety stairs, each step echoing in the oppressive stillness of the house. At the top, she was met with a door ajar, emitting a sickly green glow from within.

Pushing the door fully open, Maya gasped. The room was chaotic, with papers strewn about, some marked with cryptic symbols in what looked like dried blood. At the center, her grandmother, Elara, hunched over a desk, her face ghostly pale. From a gash on her arm emanated a dark, writhing mass.

"Maya," Grandmother Elara’s voice was barely a whisper, "you have to stop it... the hunger..."

Before Maya could move, a shadowy tendril shot from the darkness, wrapping around her ankle. It was cold and pulsating with an evil energy, pulling her towards the dark mass on her grandmother’s arm. Maya screamed and struggled, but the tendril’s grip only tightened.

Just as she felt herself being drawn inexorably closer to the ominous mass, a burst of blinding light filled the room. The tendril recoiled with a screech, releasing Maya. Blinking through tears, she saw a shimmering figure hovering near her grandmother.

"Who are you?" Maya gasped, hope mingling with her fear.

"A protector," the figure replied, its voice resonating within Maya rather than through the air. "Bound to this house, I keep the darkness at bay. Your grandmother tried to contain it, to bind it back to the void from whence it came, but its power is too great. It consumes her."

As the figure spoke, the tendrils regrouped and advanced again. The protector emitted a wave of radiant light, forcing the darkness to retreat momentarily.

"You must leave," it urged Maya. "Go back. Tell others of what you've seen. Warn them..."

But the figure’s light was dimming, the dark tendrils closing in. Determination ignited within Maya. She could not leave her grandmother to this fate. Scrambling for anything that might help, she remembered the smartphone in her pocket—useless for calls here, but perhaps not entirely useless.

Ignoring the protector’s pleas to flee, Maya opened her camera app and turned on the flash, directing the bright light at the tendrils. They recoiled slightly, giving her grandmother a moment of respite. Encouraged, Maya flashed the light repeatedly, each burst driving the shadows back further.

Seeing their chance, the protector surged forward, its own light intensifying. "Quickly, child, help me!" it cried.

Maya didn't hesitate. Together, their combined lights formed a barrier that seemed to hold the darkness at bay. Grandmother Elara, gaining some strength, whispered instructions for an incantation that might reinforce the protector's efforts. Maya repeated the words carefully, feeling a surge of energy around them.

With one final, concerted burst of light and energy, the room was filled with a blinding brilliance. The tendrils shrieked and withdrew completely into the gash on Elara’s arm, which healed over as if it had never been.

Exhausted but alive, they collapsed. The protector’s form stabilized into a more solid appearance, a guardian spirit of the house, grateful for Maya’s bravery.

"Thank you, Maya," it said, its voice now gentle and fading. "You have saved this place and your grandmother. But beware, the darkness is not destroyed, merely contained. Stay vigilant."

Grandmother Elara embraced Maya, her strength returning. "I knew you were strong, like your mother," she said with a mix of pride and relief.

Maya, overwhelmed but empowered, knew her summer vacation had taken a turn into uncharted territories. She had faced unimaginable darkness and had emerged victorious. But as her grandmother and the protector warned, she would need to remain vigilant—darkness, once awakened, often lurks just beneath the surface, waiting for another chance to rise.


About the Creator

Md. Sayhanul Arif

Md Sayhanul Arif, a scholar with more than 10 years of involvement, changes complex thoughts into drawing in satisfaction.

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    Md. Sayhanul ArifWritten by Md. Sayhanul Arif

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