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The Weeping Willow

My Nightmare

By Mercedes ChavezPublished 2 months ago 4 min read

As the fog clung to the intricate woodwork of the old Victorian home, whispers of its storied past seemed to echo through the mist. The once vibrant walls, now muted by time, held secrets of laughter and sorrow, each window a gateway to the soul of the house. Even as the fog obscured its view, the home stood resolute, a testament to the enduring beauty of an era long gone, its eerie presence more inviting than foreboding, beckoning the curious to uncover its mysteries.

As we stepped through the threshold, the echoes of our footsteps in the vast foyer hinted at the house's grandeur. My father's eyes gleamed with visions of the future as he gestured to the open spaces, painting pictures of family gatherings and laughter. Meanwhile, my sister lingered in the doorway, her reluctance hanging heavily in the air, yet the gentle reassurance in our father's voice seemed to weave a spell of comfort, promising that this house could one day feel like home.

As they continued about the house, I found myself drawn to the backyard, once a haven of lush greenery, had transformed into a shadowy enclave, a giant willow tree, with a dark pond surrounding it now claimed the area. Statues that once stood proudly amongst the foliage were now but silhouettes, their features blurred and distorted as if mocking the very idea of beauty. The air was thick with a silence that seemed to hum with whispers of the past, and every step I took felt like a trespass into a forgotten realm where the land remembered every footprint.

The weeping willow stood like a silent guardian over the murky waters, its tendrils swaying gently in the breeze, whispering secrets of the ages. The pond, a mirror to the twilight sky, held a depth that seemed to stretch into another world, its surface occasionally disturbed by the kiss of a falling leaf. A black colored mud covered the area around the pond and seemed as though if you were to step onto it, you would quickly find yourself sinking into darkness, never to be seen again.

In the heart of the ancient willow, the lines between nature and myth blurred. There, entwined within the gnarled wood, was the figure of a woman. Vines of the tree look to have formed some kind of bridge, that lead from where I stood, to where the figure was being held. The night was still, the pond's surface like glass, mirroring the ghostly moon above. A chill ran down my spine as I stood there, the edge of the water whispering secrets of the deep. I could feel it, something lurking just beneath the surface, watching, waiting. It was a silent battle of wills, the urge to step forward, to peer into the abyss, against the primal fear of the unknown that clawed at my instincts. The porch light flickered behind me, a fleeting beacon of safety in the enveloping darkness.

Suddenly, the silhouette within the gnarled tree stirred, its limbs unfolding with eerie grace. The air grew thick with an unspoken dread, the ground beneath my feet seeming to pulse with hunger. Her arms, now fully extended towards me, beckoned with a silent call that resonated in the very marrow of my bones.

The air grew colder as she approached, each step deliberate and silent. The shadows seemed to cling to her, obscuring her form but not the intensity of her gaze. It was a look that spoke of unspeakable cravings, the kind that gnawed at the edges of nightmares. I could only watch, paralyzed, as she drew nearer, the darkness whispering secrets of a hunger that was not just of the flesh, but of the soul.

In the murky depths, unseen hands gripped with unnatural strength, anchoring me to the spot as she glided closer, her silhouette barely discernible through the gloom. Her eyes, like ghostly orbs, fixed on me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. The water around us seemed to grow colder, and the silence was broken only by the sound of my own heartbeat thundering in my ears. She was almost upon me now, the distance closing with each slow, deliberate movement.

She now stood in front of me, the stench of decay radiating from her was overwhelming. Her gaze was empty, a void where life once danced, and her skin, a grotesque tapestry of time's cruel touch, whispered tales of a lifelong forsaken. The air grew colder as she reached out, her touch promising an endless night, a silent scream trapped in the throes of a nightmare made flesh.

Her voice, a hollow echo from the grave, carried words that twisted the air with dread. "Beware the shadows," she breathed, a warning from a realm where death intertwines with the living. The message lingered, a haunting reminder that some secrets are best left buried in the silence of the afterlife.

In the stillness of the night, my scream shatters the silence. I awaken, heart pounding, the remnants of a nightmare clinging like cobwebs to my mind. The sheets are soaked with the evidence of terror, a cold sweat mingling with the hot tears that have escaped my eyes. In the darkness, the boundaries between dream and reality blur, and for a moment, I'm unsure if the safety of my bed is just another layer of the dream, waiting to unravel into horror once again.

thrillerShort StoryHorrorFantasy

About the Creator

Mercedes Chavez

Come with me, lets go on an adventure together, see the world through my eyes, let me paint a picture with my words, I promise you will be able to feel what I felt the first time I experienced it. Love, sadness and everything in between.

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    Mercedes ChavezWritten by Mercedes Chavez

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