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The Truth

The vampire Story

By Vara RainePublished 14 days ago Updated 13 days ago 4 min read


The Vampire Story, a series of short stories of a young woman who is the direct descendant of Luceda Louis who was turned into a vampire by her lover Lord Ademis Bouquet in the 1900s. When she is killed by a vampire hunter, Ademis is beyond inconsolable, until he realizes he can bring Luceda back through one of her female lineal descendants. When Ademis finds Luce and turns her, she remembers the past life of Luceda through dreams within her transformation

This story in the series introduces Marin Dubois, Luce’s best friend whose character develops into one of the heroes alongside Luce.


My best friend's parents sit in front of me begging for answers.

Since I was the last person to see her, naturally they blame me. “It's been one month and she still has not turned up, what you have done with her Marin.” Mrs Louis screams at me while Tears drop down her face, she can barely look at me.

I promise Mr. and Mrs. Louis I have not done anything to her, we've known each other since kindergarten and since the fifth grade i’v…

“You what?” Mrs. Louis looks at me for answers that I can't give. I have never said it to anyone and I've barely said it to her so what good is it to say now, it will just make the situation more complicated.

There is a knot in my stomach and I try to keep it together, to convince them that I didn’t hurt her. They look at me as if I’m hiding something from them. The truth is a far different reality than what they think. If I had not witnessed it myself I would not believe it. In a quick moment I could replay that night over in my head as if it was happening now:

Eva was beautiful, and had this classic charm about her. The way she spoke reminded me of a whole different era. She was so intense that I felt myself intoxicated just from being in her presence. I thought of two questions after she pulled me into that pool house, how could there possibly be such an attraction? I’ve just met her and there’s one other thing that I’ve known since the fifth grade. Yet I’m following her around and drooling from the mouth as if a big juicy steak has been set in front of me. I had to get a grip so I ran out and leapt into the pool. I dropped into the bottom and idled there for some time. While floating around I see a single light shining at me from the skimmer. The magnetism from this thing was so strong that before I knew it I swam down to collect it. In the debris was a ring with a flower embedded into the large stone piece. The weird thing is I have always found and collected things like this so it wasn’t strange that I would find this. I swam to the top of the pool and cleaned the gunk off and slid it on my finger. At first I didn’t pay much attention that everyone around me stopped moving, but now I could feel the intensity of the stares so I clutched the ring on my finger inside my palms and slowly raised my eyes up. I locked dead on Eva who was standing there looking hard enough to burn a hole in me. Next to her, there was a guy sitting in a chair who at one point in the evening was plainly making out with some girl, now there was blood dripping down from her chest. I scanned around the pool and I could see vampires sucking their victims dry and in the middle of the chaos was Eva.

My thoughts immediately went to Luce, I swam to the other edge of the pool and ran into the house. Dripping wet I was now slipping on the marble flooring and could see I was being chased. Eva leaped onto the island counter-top and jumped in front of me. She now has her fingers clenched around my throat and pulls me up. “How did you break through it?”

She looks into my face as she proceeds to dig her nails into my neck. She comes closer to smell the blood dripping and takes one lick. She immediately lets go gagging from the taste. Just as I'm loose from her grip I push her back and the ring brushes her shoulder, she lets out a wailing screech and falls to the ground looking in disbelief. As I escape from her vampires move in to attack yet it’s something holding them back.

Admis comes out and sees Eva on the ground and runs to her. She whispers something in his ear and he turns to look at me and looks down at my hand and then takes Eva and vanishes. All other vampires scatter off leaving a sea of bloody bodies in the house.

I searched each room until finally, Luce was slouched over in the corner. I tried to set her up in the chair but there was so much blood gushing from her neck. I laid her on the floor and propped my legs under her head. I looked down on her as tears now run down my face I could see her closing her eyes,

Luce don’t go, please I love you!

Now, I turn my face away from Luce's parents so they cant see the tears. I wish I could tell them, but they would never believe me.

I’ve told you and the police all I could. We went to the party and she disappeared.

Mr. Louis stands up looking me straight in the eyes piercing through my soul. “Marin you are not being truthful I think you know something about that night; until you come clean please do not come around here anymore”.

I left Luce's house wishing I could tell the truth. Their daughter's body is resting in an old decrepit basement of a St Augustine’s burial chapel.

Short StoryMysteryLoveFantasy

About the Creator

Vara Raine

A lover of fiction, writing whatever comes to mind.

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