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The Town

A small town that is a vestige of the old world runs into a existential crisis. Though, knowledge from the past may just give them the guidance they need..

By Jordan FlynnPublished 10 days ago 9 min read
The Town
Photo by Tyler Callahan on Unsplash

By Evi Radauscher on Unsplash

In the summer the fields would shimmer with golden wheat that danced in the wind from the Great Lakes. To the town the lake may as well have been a sea. During one of these summers, miners searching for precious ore and metals for found something much more profound. In digging they collapsed a wall into a mostly preserved building. Not just any building but one that was from the old times. A time some called the information age, others called the forgotten age. But the name isn't important. What was important was what was found. Inside this vast library were books. Most of which had been eaten by both time and insects. The text that was decipherable was written in the same tongue the townspeople spoke, though far more complex.

By Sergiu Vălenaș on Unsplash

Leader Baas’ assistant Herbert read the findings to Baas as he lay in a bed of feathered pillows. Herbert closed the thick journal.

Baas’ burly eyebrows nearly drooped covering his eyes. He gruffed, “What of it? Is knowledge of to mine ore better?”

Herbert winced, “Leader this is knowledge of the old times. We use it to know how they live, how they lead.”

“Bah, give it to the readers guild.” Bas said with a wave of his veiny hand.

And with that, years of information were waved away and deemed not useful to the present. Until one day some years after that wave of the hand, the information was useful.

You see the town was one that had been under the leadership of Baas’ family going back many years since the fall. It was carved from the ashes of the old world. People all around heard of the town and their piece of the old times. It wasn't truly like the old times, but it was as close as many places got before starvation, elements, or raiding marauders set in.

One fine day the town ran into a problem, Leader Baas died from dysentery and his son Ricard Baas did not want to be the leader.

Not soon after Baas had passed the townsfolk gathered in the meeting hall by the dozens to decide the leadership of the town.

Some said that the assistant Herbert should lead, though the complaint was that he was too old and they may find themselves in this situation soon again.

Others said the blacksmith Biron should, he refused saying that overseeing a town would take away from his labors.

Only a few voices wished to lead, but were talked down from it.

It wasn't until Nic the town merchants name was brought up that there seemed to be agreement. Someone said, “Oh yeah, Nic be real good. He have connections to the other towns, and knows what items the town needs.”

“Aye!” Said many.

Someone, who was a rueful gentleman, spoke, Ol, the town butcher was his name. He had his trades undercut some time ago by Nic because there was a surplus of meats that came from other towns.

He said “If we would pick Nic we may well pick Silus.

There was laughter, for Silus was the town fool and babbled nonsense nearly all day to anyone who would listen. Silus stood waving theatrically, he then spoke. “Silus would be a great leader, better than Nic. Nic just wants to steal the food and trade, Silus would bring more trade than Nic. So much more, we also would be more safe from bandits.”

Some of the laughs turned into murmurs and nods of the head. He continued, “Also, Nic always bring trade from other farmers from other towns, and make our farmers poor.”

Nic and others came into an uproar of argument. Silus’ words hit a chord with some of the people.

Others didn't say a thing or were undecided how to proceed.

It wasn't until the local archaeologist Elisa spoke up that the people were gifted a idea. She talked about what they had found at the old library, there were pages of history and knowledge.

As the town folks attention began to waver she spoke about information more pertinent to their current situation; about how they used to decide leaders.

She said: ‘“They did a thing called voting, and it took place in elections.”

There were questions. “What the hell's election?” Stev a farmer, asked.

The archaeologist began to explain her understanding. “So first we give the two candidates much wealth or things. We have them tell us their ideas. Then they debate.” She noticed the more puzzled faces. “They argue their ideas to us.”

Then Nic asked. “Why do we get much wealth?”

At first the archaeologist shrugged, but then answered, “Maybe is test?” She continued. “Then the final step is everyone vote and say who they want to lead, and whoever have more vote is the leader.”

Silus stood once more, parting his wild hair down the middle exposing his beady eyes. “If you choose Silus, I will promise to make our farmers have the most land, and to sell the most, not like Nic who let other farmers sell here. Farmers from far!” Silus gave a uncomfortable pause and then said, “This idea, the voting, is a cheat against people like Silus. It is rigged if I lose. If I win then we know that is a good system. For if Silus can win, anyone can.”

Nic shook his head, despite being a fool Silus was clever in undermining the results before they happened.

Some people nodded in agreement. He continued, “And if Silus picked you will be richer in trade and in your belly.”

There were claps now. Nic was exasperated, “Well I don't really wish to be leader either, so you all can pick him instead of doing this strange vote idea.”

There were those in the crowd who swayed him otherwise. Pleading that he run in order to stop the fool from being picked.

Nic turned to the archaeologist, “When we do this?”

She read from her book for a moment. “So first we give the wealth of the town to you all. Next you all tell us your plans, then you debate, then last we vote.”

So it was agreed upon by all to revive this ancient practice and they would vote on the longest day of the year, at the peak of the summer solstice. That way people from all around the countryside could have the entire day to partake.

Nic when he received the extra funds invested in the marketplace, as well as beginnings of a well in the town square.

By Max Tcvetkov on Unsplash

Meanwhile Silus used the newly acquired wealth to enrich himself, his friends, and to buy wine; ironically from a store of Nic’s. This accumulated into a solstice themed party for the town.

The two presented their plans furthermore.

Nic explained he would continue the prosperity of the town by investing in the infrastructure to make it the envy of the region. His them was to draw in more talented people. The more minds the easier it would be to build together.

Silus’ plans included: Investing in the farmers. Lowering the cost of wine. Outlawing for a time new residents to the town. He claimed the ones entering were taking valuable resources. No one really questioned how this would be enforced, but it sounded appealing.

Then came the day of the debate. It was held under an awning that saved the candidates from the summer sun. The former mayor's assistant Herbert was the one asking questions that had been submitted by the public.

One question was how will either of them improve the health of the townsfolk who suffered a long sick season. Nic detailed the idea of having people who are sick studied by some sort of authority and figure out treatments that helped. Then on top of that to make sure the food supply chain stays strong, and the drinking water clean.

Silus lobbed right into insulting Nic and hurling accusations at him.

“Silus think that Nic will use this to experiment on us! He decide who live who dies. Like a god.”

The crowd gasped. Some from the madness of what was said, others in a deep agreement.

Nic from there was on his back foot, only responding to the wild accusations that Silus was saying. Silus would give promises that Nic knew could not be kept. “I will make sure every person in town has full belly. I will make sure everyone in town has nice house. I will make sure we make nice clothes for everyone.”

All met with raucous applause. Nic, despite not wanting to be a leader, knew deep down he was the right person for it. He knew Silus would plunge the town into chaos.

Finally came the solstice the day after the debate. The day the people would vote. It was organized in the town square. There were small stalls setup where one could mark their vote down on a paper, and cast it into a large vase.

When it was all said and done against all odds Silus was chosen to be the new town leader. He won by just a handful of votes. His first act naturally was to throw another party to celebrate. Nic watched as the townspeople got drunk with Silus. They laughed and danced as the solstice sun began to waiver. Nic began to regret taking part in this old ritual, he felt it was exploited by Silus and his lies. He told them comfortable lies, when Nic told them the truth.

The town was relatively normal before the end began. What initially started as a joke turned into a cautionary tale. As a saying goes, if you wish to find out what kind of person you are dealing with, give that person some power. Nic thought that some people should never be allotted the chance.

When Silus got power he got drunk with it. Literally and figuratively. Nic watched the pieces move together as Silus empowered his own friends in important positions within the town; as well as distributing wealth to them.

By CALIN STAN on Unsplash

For a while things were good, Nic’s markets were churning out heavy profits as Silus kept out the other farmers from selling in town. Nic knew it was a bubble that would pop eventually. It popped sooner for him than the others, Silus appointed one of his cronies in charge of the markets in place of Nic, one of the town butchers Ol. Who seemed to relish taking Nic’s position.

Much to Nic’s dismay, the town fell in love with Silus. So much so every week he would hold a speaking event for the townsfolk. Answering their questions and doing what he did best, talking. Talking and lying. Nic went to a few of them out of curiosity. He soon found himself playing a drinking game, taking a sip for each time Silus lied. He realized quickly how unsustainable this was.

Nic felt a disgust grow as the town fell more bejeweled by Silas, people would even bow before him.

Nic grew surprised as more of his friends and family fell under the spell. He wondered if he was the crazy one.

Two solstices later and things were still going well. That was when the food stocks began to get low.

The transporters who would get the town's water from the great lakes came less and less due to the same regulations that Silas had input. Nic, who now only had one stall to sell goods from, began to notice a few of Silus’ goons frequenting a good stall. Leaving with much, but spending little.

Townsfolk began to notice, rumors spread.

It all boiled over during one of Silus’ speeches. Nic stood at the back and watched it all. Something told him to attend this time; to attend and not take a shot on every lie.

It led to one townsperson, then another questioning Silus’ motives. Eventually their words were louder than his.

He waved his hands in the air as he shouted over them. “Silus is the best thing that happened to this town. We are just safeguarding the food and water. The real issue is the enemy farmers and water transporters.”

Nic saw one man wave his arm in frustration and storm away. Others followed suit.

Eventually the crowd that once overflowed the town square, was not just five of Silus’ goons. Even one of them glanced around and stepped away carefully. Silus continued his babbling, incoherent threats at the town. His boasts, and promises that even the gods couldn't deliver. He did this until it was just him standing on the stage seemingly to convince himself.

Nic walked away with a smile, and took a shot for one of the lies,e walked until Silus was no longer in earshot, and no longer in power.


About the Creator

Jordan Flynn

Out of Grand Rapids MI. I write because I have to. (I am a noob however.)

Follow me @ Jayyeffe on instagram

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    Jordan FlynnWritten by Jordan Flynn

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