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The Superheroes Mission 3: The Evil Orbs Appear Part 1

Now recruited into the secret organization of the Superheroes, Jeremiah must now prove himself in a mission to capture the dangerous villain Fireball John after dark, twisted versions of the Orb termed Evil Orbs land on Earth. Can Jeremiah capture Fireball John? Find out now.

By Jeremiah EllisonPublished 3 years ago 20 min read

Jeremiah is looking for his new base of operations, Sector 17. He was carefully following the arrow on his Emergency Watch. It took him to his school, Tamaroa Grade School. When he got to a specific spot, directions on how to open the entrance appeared. It read as followed:

1. Input the code: WSRN1B.

2. Place your hand on the DNA Scanner.

3. Go to the door that should appear.

4. In the password box next to the door, input this code: NEWHEROJEREMIAHELLISONCOMMANDINGOFFICERUNLESSSTATEDOTHERWISE. (I dare you to decode that.)

5. Create a new password.

Jeremiah complained, “Seriously?”

6. What is the deal with passwords?

After he read that step, he stated, “It has a point. What is the deal with passwords?”

7. You got a transmission.

He was doing all the steps as he was reading. He did have a transmission.

8. Answer it.

He answered it. It was the boss.

“I see you completed steps one through eight. Now, time for step nine. I have a question for you first. What do you think of Sector 17?” inquired the boss.

“It’s a bit of a dump, but a little bit of sprucing up will fix that,” said Jeremiah.

“I see. Anyway, time for step nine. Head to Superhero HQ 5. I know that you don’t have a ship, yet. So, use the teleporter I installed about 20 teams ago.”

“20 teams ago?” asked Jeremiah confused.

“You’ll find out what I mean, later.”

“Okay. Anyway, now you got teleporters!? First, it was talking computers. Then came spaceships. Now we have teleporters!? What’s next, a sky base!?” shouted Jeremiah in disbelief.

“Yes. Superhero HQ 5 is in the sky. Way to spoil the surprise. Anyway, where did the living computers part come from?”

“You see, they helped me get to Cartoon Island. There were three of them and their names were Computer, Assistant, and Program. Hey, Superhero Smiley Face.”

He appeared as a transparent figure and asked crankily, “Yes, what is it?”

“Do you know what happened to Computer, Assistant, and Program?” asked Jeremiah.

“Ah, yes. They introduced themselves right after you beat the giant metal creatures and I took over to get you home. They followed me back here. They said that they would hide in your school. They also gave me some numbers, too. Of course, I have no clue what good numbers are gonna do here.”

“Those numbers might be their transmission numbers. What are the numbers?”

“Switch to me and I’ll put them in.”

“Okay. Transform!”

A tornado appeared around him. Everything started flying around.

He turned into Superhero Smiley Face. The tornado disappeared and everything landed neatly, and everything was spotless. Talk about a quick cleanup.

Jeremiah appeared as a transparent figure and said, “Thanks for cleaning up the place for me.”

SSF looked around and said, “You’re welcome. Greg…”

“Boss,” corrected the boss.

“Boss, why is everything so dusty except for the door and the magic box?” inquired Superhero Smiley Face.

“You’ll find out soon enough, along with the 20 teams ago question,” said the boss.

“I got one more question for you. How do you work this thing?” asked SSF.

“You should have just told Jeremiah the numbers. He could have figured it out. You act like you never seen technology before.”

“What in the multiverse is technology?”

Jeremiah and the boss were both stunned by this question. Jeremiah, still in shock, asked, “What planet are you from? Mars?”

“No. Mars is also a new one to me. I’m from Planet Smiley Face,” said SSF.

“I never heard of that planet before. Of course, we’re still trying to make ships that can leave this solar system,” said the boss.

“Okay. I’ll switch back to Jeremiah,” said SSF.

He went outside and a minute later Jeremiah came in.

“So, is the teleporter calibrated, already?” asked Jeremiah.

“Yes. Why?” asked the boss.

“’Cause I’m going to contact my friends,” said Jeremiah.

“Okay. Just get here before tonight’s meteor shower.”


He ended the transmission. Then, he called Computer. Meanwhile, in the school’s library/computer lab, Computer receives the transmission. Computer, Assistant, and Program got out of their disguises as regular computers and answered. Assistant and Program appeared on the actual camera side of the screen. Computer appeared on the CGI side of the screen.

“Hey, Jeremiah. What’s up?” asked Computer.

“Yeah. What’s up?” asked Assistant like a gangster.

“I’m curious to know what’s going on,” said Program calmly.

“I got a job at this super-secret organization called the Superheroes. They even gave me a base called Sector 17. If you want, you can come live here,” said Jeremiah.

“Is it okay with your boss?” asked Computer.

“You mean I got to ask permission?” asked Jeremiah, shocked.

“Well, duh. What are you, an idiot?” asked Assistant.

“No. I’m just the new guy,” said Jeremiah.

“Even the new guy should know that,” said Program.

“Your point?” asked a cocky Jeremiah.

“Just dial him up and ask,” angrily said Computer.

“Alright! Alright! Take a chill pill. I didn’t even know computers had emotions,” said an annoyed Jeremiah.

“We’re special,” said Assistant.

He dialed the boss while he was enjoying his luxuries (bad timing). He quickly got in his suit (he was in his underwear) and answered.

“Hey, boss. I was wondering if my friends could live at Sector 17,” said Jeremiah.

“Are they good at cleaning?” asked the boss.

“Ask them yourselves,” said Jeremiah as he put them on the line.

“Why is one of them computer generated?” inquired the boss.

“Because his screen is being used,” said Jeremiah.

“Okay. They can stay. Bye,” said the boss hurriedly.

He hung up and went back to what he was doing.

“It’s settled, then,” said Jeremiah.

“Beats staying here,” said Program.

“I’m tracking your location, now,” said Computer.

“Good. I’ll send you the instructions on how to get in.”

A few minutes later,

Computer, Assistant, and Program came in.

“Welcome to Sector 17,” said Jeremiah.

“I didn’t expect your base to be underground,” said Assistant.

“Well, I got to go do a mission. See you later,” said Jeremiah.

He hoped on the teleporter and teleported to Superhero HQ 5.

Jeremiah is at Superhero HQ 5. It’s quite amazing. So amazing that you could die. Nah, I’m just kidding. People started looking at him.

“How did a kid get in here?” exclaimed one person in disbelief.

“I don’t know,” stated another person.

“What is he doing here?” asked a third, again, in disbelief.

“Umm…I’m Jeremiah Ellison, leader of Sector 17. I was sent here by the boss,” said Jeremiah nervously.

Everyone started laughing.

“They must be getting desperate to keep Sector 17 up if they’re recruiting kids,” said a laughing fourth person.

“I bet that he’s going to die before his first mission,” said a cocky fifth person.

Jeremiah got mad about that last one. His eyes started glowing blue. The base started shaking. Crystal spikes started coming out of the floor. People who could fly or levitate started doing so. Everybody else started running. The person who said the last thing said, “I take it back. He’s dangerous.” Everyone else agreed. One of his eyes switched from blue to red. Suddenly, he got a headache and a dark, eerie voice in his head said, “He’s just saying that out of fear. Destroy him. Destroy them all.”

Jeremiah thought to the voice, “No. I don’t know who you are but get out of my head!”

His red eye turned blue. His eyes stopped glowing and he saw the destruction he caused.

“Oh, man. What happened here? I hope I didn’t miss any fun,” said Jeremiah.

Some guy who had a tornado where his legs should be (literally) with black hair and green eyes, who was wearing a lab coat, was clearing a path by ramming into the crystals at top speed. After a path was cleared up, the tornado guy went up to Jeremiah. His tornado turned into legs.

“Hello. My name is Hurricane. So, you’re Jeremiah. The boss has told me great things about you and your potential. First of all, let’s prevent everyone from making the same mistake twice before we move on,” said the tornado guy.

“Hurricane, huh? Well, I got four questions for you. First, what did you mean by preventing everyone from making the same mistake twice? Second, move on to what? Third, what happened here? The last thing I remember was talking to someone who looked exactly like me except he had glowing red eyes,” said Jeremiah.

Superhero Smiley Face appeared as a transparent figure [or in ghost form (whichever suits your fancy)] and thought, “Of course he doesn’t remember anything due to a side effect in the power stage. What he said does make me wonder. Does he have an evil force inside of him?”

“I can’t believe you’re thinking of food at a time like this,” said a shocked Hurricane.

“What? I’m hungry. Plus, I’m a growing boy,” stated Jeremiah.

Meanwhile, just outside the Earth’s atmosphere.

A meteor shower is about to hit Earth. Question is, are those even meteors?

Back at Superhero HQ 5,

“Can you fly or levitate?” asked Hurricane.

“I can levitate,” said Jeremiah.

“Good. Follow me, then,” said Hurricane as he turned his legs into a tornado, once again.

Jeremiah started levitating. But, he lost control, went up really fast, and hit the ceiling.

“What happened? I’m usually good at levitating.”

“Maybe not. I’ve seen this plenty of times before. Has all the other times you levitated were in combat?”


“That settles it. Your combat instincts enabled you to do it before. Since you’re not in combat, you need some practice, basically.”

“I see. If you’re going to explain anything else, explain when lunch is, again.”

“Ignoring that, I’ll clear a path and we’ll walk there.”

“Ok, Hurricane or should I say tornado guy,” said Jeremiah with a lot of enthusiasm.

“I’m ignoring that too.”

Hurricane started clearing a path. Jeremiah tried going down but he almost hit a spike at blinding speed. Hurricane caught him and put him down. He went back to clearing a path. It sure was a good thing that the whole HQ wasn’t covered in spikes. Eventually, they made it to Superhero HQ 5’s lab and enter it. Once inside, Hurricane attached Jeremiah to a strange machine upon entry.

“Don’t worry. This won’t hurt a bit,” said Hurricane.

“Usually when people say that, they either mean it’s painless or it’s gonna hurt a whole lot. I sure hope you mean painless,” said Jeremiah scared.

“Don’t worry. It’s painless,” alleged Hurricane as he pressed a button.

An anvil hit Jeremiah on the head.

“I thought you said it was painless!” shouted Jeremiah in pain.

“I accidently pressed the wrong button. I still don’t know why we have a ‘hit the person with an anvil’ button on this machine,” said Hurricane scratching his head.

“Well, make sure you press the right button, next time!” said Jeremiah angrily.

“Alright! Alright!” said Hurricane annoyed as he turned it on.

It scanned Jeremiah. Afterwards, a data figure in Jeremiah’s likeness appeared on screen. Then, a bunch of meteors appeared on the screen. Next, the energy flow emanating from the Orb appeared in the data figure.

“Fascinating. The Orb is even more powerful than we imagined,” said Hurricane.

“Really!” asked Jeremiah interested by this.

“Really. It looks like it’s so powerful that you actually have to worry about your power level going up instead of going down. You certainly are a rare case.”

“I am?”

“Yes, you are. Now, time to do what we were planning to do.”

He zoomed in on the meteors in the meteors section of the screen. This revealed that the meteors weren’t meteors. They were Orbs. A new section appeared on the screen. On that section, he started comparing the energy signatures from the other Orbs to Jeremiah’s Orb. It was almost an exact match.

“THERE IS MORE THAN ONE ORB!” exclaimed Jeremiah in disbelief.

SSF appeared and said worried, “Oh no. The Evil Orbs have found us.”

“Evil Orbs?”

“Nice name. Especially since these Orbs are dark, twisted versions of your Orb. Luckily for us, these Evil Orbs are less powerful than your Orb. With that in mind, they probably have fewer powers as well. This requires further investigation,” said Hurricane.

The Evil Orbs entered Earth’s atmosphere. Fire started forming around them. Before they hit the ground, a few of them disappeared. When they landed, it created a bunch of energy waves. The energy signals disappeared. The signals of the Evil Orbs that disappeared before landing reappeared.

“That’s odd. These signals have been here for years. Plus, they belong to some of the baddest and most dangerous villains there is.”

“Could it be possible that the Orbs that disappeared time-traveled?”

“That is a good possibility. Let me check to see if it’s possible.”

He checked the energy level of the Orb. Then, he compared it to the energy signatures.

“Fascinating. We are going to have to tell the boss about this.”

“Good idea. Can we get some lunch, first?” tried Jeremiah.



They exited the lab and walked over to the communications room. Once inside they contacted the boss and explained their findings regarding the Evil Orbs in comparison to Jeremiah’s Orb.

After looking at the data himself and cross-referencing it, the boss responds, “That explains a lot. The Evil Orbs that time-traveled went up to 50 years ago. We need to round up these corrupted people,” noted the boss as pictures of people appeared on screen.

“What will we do once we capture them?” inquired Hurricane.

“Jeremiah has the Good Orb. As you said and I quote, ‘the Good Orb is more powerful than the Evil Orbs.’ In theory, we should be able to use it to destroy the Evil Orbs,” stated the boss.

“Great thinking. Quick Question. Should we have Jeremiah capture one of them since we’re getting him involved in this, already? Despite how ill prepared he is?” asked Hurricane.

“Good idea. Jeremiah, listen up,” said the boss.

“Sir, yes, sir,” saluted Jeremiah who was there the whole time.

All of the pictures disappeared except for one. This one showed a picture of a ordinary looking guy with brown hair and blue eyes. Stats appeared next to the picture.

“This is John. He’s the closest one of this group to your sector. His specialty is fire powers. You have to be extremely careful when trying to apprehend him. He is very dangerous,” warned the boss.

“Got it. On a serious note, when is lunch, anyway? I’m starving,” blurted Jeremiah.

“Seriously? What is it with you and food?” wondered Hurricane.

“He does have a point. I’m getting hungry, myself,” stated the boss.

“You’re joking, right?” questioned Hurricane hoping for a yes.

“Nope. But, I’ll wait until my lunch break. Jeremiah, Hurricane will take you to the cafeteria so you can get some lunch. Afterwards, he will give you your equipment. You will have to build your own ship. Hurricane will give you the parts and help with that, as well. Good luck!” noted the boss.

He hung up. Hurricane took Jeremiah to the cafeteria.


Hurricane was giving Jeremiah his equipment in the lab. He got out a weird gun thing that winds up.

“This is a memory eraser. I know it seems a bit low tech compared to what you’ve been seeing lately. We can’t upgrade it due to the limited amount of forgettons. The newer ones would use up a lot more forgettons than these,” noted Hurricane.

“Hate to interrupt, but what are forgettons?” asked Jeremiah.

“Good question. You see, forgettons are a very rare energy source with memory erasing capabilities,” answered Hurricane.

“That answers my question.”

“Anyway, these memory erasers can last up to 10 years on a single forgetton. To activate it, turn the crank three times. To determine the quantity of memory you want to erase, wind it up a bit more. One loop equals four months.”

“I see. You got anything I can carry it with?” asked Jeremiah.

“Yes. Use this pouch,” said Hurricane as he handed Jeremiah a pouch.

Jeremiah took it and put his memory eraser in it.

“Next up, we need to get your ship built. Follow me to the storage room so we can get the parts you need,” instructed Hurricane.

They went over to the storage room. There were enough parts there for 20 ships the size of a continent.

“Ok, here are the parts. For the next step, we got to think of ideas,” said Hurricane.

“How about a rocket that can change into different vehicles that go well with different terrains and even has a battle mode?” inquired Jeremiah.

“That is…an excellent idea. We can even install a neural interface that would allow your license to change with your vehicles.”

“Awesome. Wait a minute I need a license? But, I’m only seven!” complained Jeremiah.

“Luckily for you, I’m a lawyer in my cover job. If I can’t convince them, I can sue them,” crowed Hurricane.

“I hope you know what you’re doing,” choked Jeremiah.

“Don’t worry. I’ll get you the license and if I don’t, I’m probably dead,” reassured Hurricane.

“Good luck,” wished Jeremiah.

“Thanks,” said Hurricane.

Jeremiah thought, “You’re going to need it.”

Hurricane went to have a chat with the Committee. In this kind of situation, I would normally be very surprised if he succeeds. However, I’m from the future and I know what happens.


Hurricane finally came out of the conference room with Jeremiah’s license. However, when Jeremiah saw it, it was blank.

“It was hard convincing the Committee to give you a license. But, I put up a convincing argument. Eventually, they agreed to the terms. Especially when I mentioned the boss,” mentioned Hurricane deviously.

“Ok. Quick question, why is my license blank?”

“Because of the neural interface. It won’t activate until your shape-shifting ship is complete.”

“Shape-shifting ship? What kind of a name is that? I’m thinking, Changing Rocket because rocket mode will be the main mode.”

“Technically, shape-shifting ship wasn’t a name. It was a description,” implied Hurricane.

“Okay. Whatever you say,” said Jeremiah sarcastically.

“Ah, whatever. Let’s just get on with step two,” said Hurricane annoyed.

“What’s step two?” asked a curious Jeremiah.

“Building it,” replied Hurricane.


One Construction Montage later.

The Changing Rocket was complete.

“Since we have finally completed the Changing Rocket, we only have one more thing to do. We just have to put your license in that slot for it to sync up with your Changing Rocket and activate its neural interface,” explained Hurricane.

“I’m on it,” said Jeremiah.

He put his license in the slot. Afterwards, his info appeared on it.

“Is that it?” asked Jeremiah.

“I believe so. Good luck with your mission. And here, take this Operations Manual,” wished Hurricane as he gave Jeremiah a book.

“I helped built it. That means I should know how it works. Otherwise, I would be an idiot,” stated Jeremiah.

“Good point. Well, good luck with your mission,” wished Hurricane.

Jeremiah left Superhero HQ 5 passing a frozen ship on its way in while tracking John’s signal with his radar.

Meanwhile, where John was.

“These people are being hunted down even more than usual,” said John as he was looking at the same list of people who already have Evil Orbs, “Question is, what do these people have in common? And am I on the list, too? I better hide my power, just in case. Besides, my power source has been acting wonky ever since that first planet-wide wave of energy. I wonder if there is a connection to that energy and what’s going on now. I’ll find out soon enough.”

He started suppressing his power.

Meanwhile, back where Jeremiah was.

John’s signal on the radar disappeared.

“That isn’t good. I guess I’ll have to find him the same way as on T.V. Ask around a bar that is a major bad guy hangout. I’ll need a disguise, first. Maybe my Emergency Watch has a disguise mode.”

He activated his Emergency Watch and started searching through it. It did have a disguise mode. He activated it. Now, he has a disguise and is about to crash into a mountain. Wait a minute, that isn’t good. Jeremiah, look out. He looked, saw the mountain, and made a sharp U-turn.

“That was close. By the way, who are you? And why do you look like me except a lot older?”

I’m the narrator and a future clone of you. I’m not talking to you readers. I’m just breaking the 4th Wall. Wait, did I just cause a time paradox?

“Considering the fabric of the universe hasn’t come undone and we’re still here, I say we’re safe.”

Phew, that’s a relief. And, it’s actually the multiverse. Oops, I did it again. Jeremiah put the Changing Rocket on autopilot.

“I see. Let’s get back to the story before the readers get cranky,” suggested Jeremiah.

Agreed. The Changing Rocket landed. Jeremiah said, “Here, already. That was fast.” He turned his Changing Rocket into a motorcycle. His license changed from a rocket license to a class M Driver’s license. He went inside and straight to the counter.

“Aren’t you a little young to be hanging around here?” inquired the bartender.

“Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. It’s none of your concern. I’m looking for a guy named John who supposedly has fire powers. Heard of him?” asked Jeremiah in a very calm tone of voice.

“You don’t want to mess with him. He is one of the most wanted criminals on the planet. So, just go back to your mommy and stay there.”

Jeremiah started choking him and advised, “I warn you that somebody already made that mistake today and it didn’t turn out pretty.”

Jeremiah eyes started glowing red and he threw the bartender across the bar. His eyes stopped glowing and he fell back a bit. As you probably guessed, the flying bartender caught everyone’s attention.

“Talk about weak,” stated one person.

“He was beaten by a kid,” blurted another.

“I’ll take care of him,” growled a third while he was cracking his knuckles.

He went up to Jeremiah and lost when Jeremiah used Fire Strike on him. Fire Strike is a power where Jeremiah makes a short string-like fire source that can hit enemies just like a whip. That person hit the wall.

“He’s stronger than I thought,” panted the person who just lost.

“Get him!” shouted a fourth.

Everyone started attacking Jeremiah. He used Fire Strike on five of them. One tried attacking him from above. Rocks started forming around his left leg in a boot shape. He kicked him with the rock boot. It was a knockout. His pocket started glowing. He checked his power list while punching some guy in the face behind him, and saw that he had a new power, Earth Kick. Jeremiah ducked from some guy about to kick him from above and used Earth Kick from behind. Another guy tried to slice him with a sword. He spun around to dodge it, stole his sword, and sliced him with it. Another person tried to attack him from behind. He grabbed that person and flipped him into another person. Everyone except the bartender was knocked out.

He went up to him, grabbed him by his shirt and demanded, “I told you not to underestimate me. Now, I’ll ask again. Do you know where I can find John or not?”

“In St. Louis. The entrance to his hideout is in the Arch,” confessed the freighted bartender.

He dropped the bartender. When he was outside, he got on his Changing Rocket: Motorcycle Mode and rode away in Motorcycle Mode for a bit before switching back to rocket mode and blasting off to St. Louis at breakneck speed.

It didn’t take him long to arrive at St. Louis and when he got close to the Arch, his Orb started reacting. He quickly put his Changing Rocket on autopilot right before his eyes started glowing blue. The Orb took over from there. He started levitating toward the middle of the Arch’s inner left side and went through it like a ghost. He didn’t come out the other side, as you would expect. Actually, he was in some sort of weird cave. His eyes stopped glowing.

He quickly realized his situation and hid himself. While in hiding, he activated Superhero Mode on his Emergency Watch. A data sphere appeared around him. In that data sphere, he is converted into data. After the conversion, it downloads his regular clothes and uploads his customized uniform. Afterwards, he is rematerialized and ready for action. The data sphere disappeared and he came out as Robot Boy. John came out of the bathroom and he saw Robot Boy.

“Who are you? And how did you find this place, which quite frankly surprises me, especially because of your age? On the other hand, I was pretty good myself close to your age,” inquired John.

“The name is Robot Boy. As of location, I kind of roughed up the person who told me a bit. I won’t give any details. I will tell you this. My mission is to free your mind from the Evil Orb’s corruption,” answered Robot Boy.

“Is that what you call my power source? An Evil Orb?” inquired John.

“Yes. But, you aren’t the only one with an Orb. Our powers may have many similarities, but at least my Orb doesn’t corrupt me like those Evil ones.”

“So, what? I’ll clobber you into many different tiny pieces.”

“Bring it on.”

“If you insist. You can have the first move because I’m a good sport.”

“Alrighty, then. That sounds good to me.”

Robot Boy used Fire Strike. John did the same thing. They collided. John started shooting fireballs at RB. He did a forward flip to dodge. Right before he landed, he used Earth Kick on him. It was a direct hit on his face. John quickly made a fireball and had it hit Jeremiah’s face. His face had a huge burn mark on it. He looked in the mirror and saw the burn. “Why you little son of a gun!” barked Robot Boy. Robot Boy’s eyes started glowing blue. He used Earth Kick on John and he hit the wall. He rebounded quickly and used a double Fire Strike with a spin. It smacked him good and he went whirling down to the floor. Robot Boy performed a low kick that made John trip.

John got up and said, “Well now, I’m impressed. You forced me to use my best attack. Prepare yourself for Ring of Fire.”

“Ring of Fire, eh? What do you think this is? A circus act?” inquired Jeremiah.

“Nope. And trust me when I say, you will regret those words,” guaranteed John.

Rings of Fire appeared. Next, a lock-on signal made of fire appeared on Robot Boy’s forehead. Last, John shot a fireball. Robot Boy stopped, dropped, and rolled because he could feel the fiery lock-on signal. Meanwhile, the fireball went through the rings of fire, which, in turn, amplified it. Robot Boy was running around in circles screaming, “Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!” while the fireball was chasing him. Eventually, Robot Boy jumped in a glass of water. I bet you’re wondering, how is this possible? You see the glass of water was gigantic. Talk about overkill. Anyway, as he was celebrating, the fireball hit him. It caused him to fly out of the Arch. John went to watch. Robot Boy was levitating up.

“I bet you didn’t know I could levi…” crowed Robot Boy as he hit his head on the top of the Arch.

He started falling. Robot Boy quickly got out his Emergency Watch and input a code. His Changing Rocket came out of nowhere, caught him, and started retreating. He blacked out.


About the Creator

Jeremiah Ellison

Hello, my name is Jeremiah Ellison and I'm here to post content that I hope you will like. I mainly specialize in Sci-fi, action, and apparently psychological horror as of recently. I hope you enjoy my content.


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    Jeremiah EllisonWritten by Jeremiah Ellison

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