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The sun isn't silent or still

The Love that moves the Sun and other stars. Paradiso canto 33:145 Dante

By Katherine D. GrahamPublished 6 days ago Updated 6 days ago 6 min read

On the longest day of the year, a town revives an ancient solstice ritual and discovers its unexpected power.

Bob recalled the opening ceremony. The director had spoken. “ My dearest constituents, we have been blessed with good skies for the next three days and nights. Many of you will watch the sun appear at sunrise and sunset, at almost the same place and time, before it starts drifting to the south.”

With a sweeping motion, the mayor waved his arm. In the center of the field, there was a labyrinth made of ten concentric circles and moving walls. “May the forces be with you in this ultimate game of Solitaire and may many of you advance to the center of the labyrinth. ”

Bob and many colleagues had been invited to the town because of their intellectual pursuits using number theory. They worked and played hard. Many had honed their skills of Solitaire, also called Perseverance or Patience and ‘cabala’, meaning secret knowledge while playing with cards, or Cruel or the game Chinese dragon, Zhonghu yitiao long, on the computer. Their goal was to improve brain function using intention, intuition, intellect and will, to help them prepare for luck. Some say this is tapping into the lifeforce.’

Bob appreciated the depth of the game. Cards are thought to be the key to lost mystical wisdom written by Toth, the Egyptian god of inspired written knowledge. The card reader transcends linguistic, cultural, geographic, and temporal barriers using the subconscious and translates archetypes. The suit of pentacles, (diamonds), is associated with finances and domestic issues and is needed to ground the mystical work and the transformations of the physical manifestations of Earth. Hearts are associated with cups, that flow with emotions of love, vulnerability and art. Clubs are wands, that carry and fire that burns through education, intellect, and the musings of youth. Spades, associated with digging for wisdom and swords cut the air and cause transformation. Specific cards give more complex answers .

Solitaire uses 52 cards arranged in four groups of thirteen, that resemble the thirteen constellations, and lunar months and the 52 weeks of a year over four seasons. Solitaire was used in divination, often during spring solstice when the Sun king starts a new run. The importance of Sun kings and Queens of the Night, originate from before myths of Helios and Nyx . Around 1279 BC, during the early Dynastic periods of Egypt, and the Canaan and Syrian dynasties, knowledge of the night sky, was used to navigate the Nubian desert wastelands. During this time, the pole star was in Thuban, the dragon constellation. As the pole star shifted to Polaris, many myths were infused with stories of the dragon being slain. The primal dragon goddess of the sea, Tiamat was slain by Marduk, because she created monsters. Archangel Michael killed the dragon who was said to hold sin. The dragon character Vritra, the enveloper that personifies drought, was killed by Indra of the Rig Veda. The Canaanite god, Kothar, the skilled craftsman, was syncretized with Soroush in Iran, and the Armenian St. Sarkis the Warrior, Perseus, Hercules, and St. George, the military saint, architect, soothsayer, and magician, who all slayed the dragon that demanded a sacrifice of a beautiful maiden each day.

However, several leader were said to receive illumination from a greater power and drink from the fountain of life in the land of Darkness, while riding on the creature of the waves. They include the Babylonian God, Oannes, Shiva, and one of his epithets, Pasupathi, the Lord of animals, and the Vedic prophet, Al - Khadir, said to be the tutor of Moses. They were the afrad, the masterless unique ones, the solitary sages. At Chartres, until recently, before the black Virgin turned white, there was a carving of Jesus, peacefully floating above a docile lion and smiling dragon, suggesting that it was not so much that Jesus had mastered, conquered, or tamed the beasts, but that he had been invited to interact with them.

On this solstice, Bob found a stillness, in the light or dark hours, and accessed and interpreted the Holy equation, given to each individual by the universe, to help find their way and lead others. Day and night, Bob played Solitaire, resting as needed. Bob aligned with the spirit of the omniscient dragon. He rode on the invisible forces of the dragon fractal curve, that control nature’s patterns and pathways along the coastlines of oceans, rivers, lands, clouds and throughout the cosmos, time, and space.

He was energized as he progressed along each of the levels of the labyrinth. Being immersed in the game inspired him to enter into a ‘mindless state’, letting free will transcend ego to serve a larger, authentic reality.

Competition was not at stake. Self-realization that could help humanity move forward was the goal.

He tapped into the power of the pendulum. Bob deciphered a deeper code. Some called him a trickster; others identified him as a magician who can use sleight of hand and illusion, to shuffle the deck. He was able to juggle intelligence to arrange and interpret how to use what is pulled from the stack, to create something from nothing.

His brain chemistry synchronized with the thrumming rhythm of noiseless vibrations. His thoughts and fantasies left, and the chance encounter of frequencies of vibrations let him move through time and space and find ways to see potential.

Mary Stuart, while in prison, is said to have learned the game Solitaire from the alchemist and mathematician John Dee. The French mathematician, Pellison, is said to have introduced the oracular gifts of Solitaire to artists and intellectuals at the court of Louis XIV, the self-proclaimed sun king. As a Heliophysicist, Bob had the ability to align the iron in his blood and his breath with the movement of the breath of the planets and Sun, as it wobbles in the arm of Orion in the Milky Way galaxy.

Bob experienced a maunder, idly dreaming about being a small part of a far greater vastness. Edward Maunder studied historical records of solar flares and the magnetic cycle. He discovered a maunder minimum, with minimal sunspot activity, occurred between 1645- 1715, during the reign of Louise XlV. The Maunder Minimum is thought to have caused the little ice age, with global temperatures dropping 1 degree C. Bob realized that the maunder maximum was appearing at the same time as global warming. The clockwork universe has an 11-year cycle of sunspots, that complicate possibilities. Solar flare maximum and minimum, or other act of nature, could increase complications to survival, and increase effects of man’s excessive use of resources.

Bob made it to the center of the labyrinth. As one of the victors of the games in this test market town, Bob was asked to address the eager audience. He was the window dressing. His words and actions would influence global change and direct the future.

“The world has already experienced five extinction events. It is inevitable, that civilization, as it is known, will change, but the potential of humanity has increased. Growing populations can be used to face the future challenges.

“Each individual arranges possibilities that are in the air, to withstand the unknown and maintain flexible attachments. I call attachments love. Attachments hold an eternal and unchangeable wisdom, power, and holiness, that in a flash, can release the potential of justice, goodness, and truth.

“By playing Solitaire’, translated as ‘ the sun is silent’ during the ‘solstice; derived from the root words, ‘Sol’ meaning the sun, and ‘stice,’ meaning to stay still, we can divine ways to resolve doubts and manage possibilities to find solutions that work. Ideas will be copied, and burst like a fountain, out of the dark void.

However, pay attention! Any modern thought is soon outdated. The sun shines longest at the June solstice, then begins to die off until it is reborn after the December solstice. Be aware. Depending upon from which pole the solstice is experienced, the effects are opposite.”

Bob bowed, then left the stage in silence. The audience applauded.

Short Story

About the Creator

Katherine D. Graham

My stories are intended to teach facts, supported by science as we know it. Science often reflects myths. Both can help survival in an ever-changing world.

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Comments (2)

  • Katherine D. Graham (Author)5 days ago

    thanks for reading and the comment.

  • "Bob had the ability to align the iron in his blood and his breath with the movement of the breath of the planets and Sun, as it wobbles in the arm of Orion in the Milky Way galaxy." Whoaaaaa, this ability of Bob really impressed me! Loved your take on this challenge!

Katherine D. GrahamWritten by Katherine D. Graham

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