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The Storm is Here

The Cruel Continent Ch. 16

By Rebecca PattonPublished 19 days ago 12 min read
The Storm is Here
Photo by Jack B on Unsplash

“Grarvuntiess? What are you talking about? You killed-hey!” Haganto heard Tarron say. “He...he just dived back into the river! Just...what is he planning?”

For once, Haganto wished that he didn’t have the answer.

“True vengeance,” Haganto muttered without realizing it. Whether Tarron heard him or not, it didn’t matter.

The last battle started all because Agron killed Grarvuntiess’s son. If Agron truly wanted to repeat history, he had to start at the beginning.

And what better way to do that than to smash the egg that Agron knew belonged to the dragon with Grarvuntiess’s blood in his veins?

As such, Haganto had no time to repeat himself.

“Farewell Tarron,” he quickly said, too tensed to feel bad about the abrupt goodbye. When the communication stone finally stopped glowing, Haganto rushed to put it away, only to fumble it at the last second, causing it to fall and splatter on the ground.

Haganto barely spared the broken stone a glance before grabbing Animo off his arm and placing him on a nearby rock.

“Undrenth! Agron is coming! No matter what, stay inside!” Haganto yelled, knowing that Undrenth wouldn’t be able to answer him, as well as that his order was a needless one.

Unless she wanted her egg to die, Undrenth couldn’t leave the cave.

“Protect Undrenth!” Haganto ordered Animo as he pointed at the baby weasel, not expecting him to actually be able to protect the dragon. Haganto just wanted Animo to stay put and out of danger.

Not having enough time to see if Animo would stay on the rock, for he wasted too much time already, Haganto turned around and raced down the mountain.

During one of his short patrols outside, he saw a river that, thanks to both rainfall and snowmelt, started on the middle of this side of the mountain. If his memory proved correct, this river went off towards the closest giant village, Sluarsall, and did not directly connect to the one by Tarron and the army. Not that Agron needed a direct water source to get to this mountain quickly.

But finding this particular river would still delay him, a delay that Haganto was grateful for.

As he raced down the mountain, Haganto briefly wondered if he should have told Tarron that Agron was heading here. Haganto could use all the help he could get to protect Undrenth from Agron. He wouldn’t even have to tell them that Zuthiss was Grarvuntiess’s grandchild, or about Zuthiss’s egg, just that Agron wanted to kill the nearest dragon before fighting another war. But as quickly as that thought appeared in his mind, he was able to quickly rationalize it away. Tarron and the army would not be able to get here in time, even the giants would take some time to arrive. No, they were better waiting by the river as planned.

However, with luck, Haganto would be able to stop Agron once and for all and the army wouldn’t have to fight him.

With luck.

Haganto finally reached the headwater. He looked around carefully, his years of monster hunting the only reason he was able to do so calmly. The river was still, and his surroundings were tranquil and seemingly had no trace of Agron's presence. There was a chance that Agron had arrived already and passed by him undetected but Haganto doubted it. He could hear the occasional sound of a woodland creature. If Agron had arrived, there would only be silence. Even so, Haganto took out his club and gripped it tightly.

He had to protect Undrenth and the egg, he promised Zuthiss.

Haganto breathed slowly as he looked back at the river, which was flowing down the mountain peacefully. But he knew that it could change at any moment, that Agron could jump out and attack the moment he let his guard down. And even if Haganto didn’t let his guard down, Agron could very well slice him up before he could even lift his club to defend.

He was no nimble elf maiden after all.

As Haganto shifted his feet slightly, a loose rock made itself known when it slipped underneath his foot, causing him to stumble. Thankfully, Haganto was able to regain his footing quite quickly.

However, the squeak that he heard was more than enough to make his heart skip a beat.

“Animo?!” Haganto called out as he turned his head and looked down to see the baby weasel hanging onto his trousers for dear life. Animo, upon seeing that he had been caught, cheekily trilled.

How...Animo must have jumped onto Haganto as soon as he had turned around. How in the world did Haganto not notice Animo clinging onto his leg?!

“Animo!” Haganto chastised as he quickly reached down and grabbed Animo, who still didn’t look repentant. “You can’t be here! You-”

Animo’s eyes suddenly widened as his mouth opened, only for no sound to come out.

Haganto didn’t dare think about it before he spun around, swinging his club right as he heard a splashing sound. Haganto’s club collided with something black, which was sent flying to his left before crashing to the ground. He rolled on the ground once before he quickly got up like Haganto didn’t hit him with a club. When Haganto finally got a good look at him, the icy cold hand of fear seized his heart, temporarily stopping his next breath from leaving his throat.

Agron looked worse than he could ever have imagined.

The Residuin’s skin was pitch black, and much like Alanus’s song, it did overlap itself in tight folds around his slender physique, as if Agron forced his giant skin to fit him. Agron’s legs were similar to that of a spider with the way they protruded from his body, but that was where the similarities ended. Agron’s legs had two bony knees that jutted upwards and all four of his feet looked much like a human’s hands, except his toes were longer than a human’s fingers. His nails were black like his skin that easily dug into the ground.

Agron was currently crouched down so low that he would barely reach Haganto’s knees, though Haganto had a feeling he could crouch down as low as the ground if he wanted to. Agron’s torso was about as long as the average ten-year-old boy, though if Agron could stand on his hind legs, Haganto would guess he would be much taller than Alanus. If only because Agron’s neck was at least a couple of feet long and was currently curved upwards, like a curious snake. Agron had two upper fangs that barely touched his bottom lip and in contrast to the rest of his body, they were pearly white.

But the thing about Agron that honestly scared Haganto the most was Agron’s eyes. The irises were the color of fresh blood, but instead of just the pupils being black, both sclerae were black too. And they were staring right into Haganto’s own eyes as if Agron could see his soul.

Then Agron sneered as he turned his head upside down like he was interested in what he saw.

“You...I’ve heard of you,” Agron spoke slowly, his sly and raspy voice making Haganto feel like snakes were sliding down his bare back. “You’re Haganto.”

“And what of it?” Haganto replied as he slowly brought the hand still holding Animo to his chest. Thankfully, as soon as he touched his chest and loosened his grip, Animo immediately dove into his favorite pocket.

It was not the safest place for the baby weasel, but it was the best Haganto could do at the moment.

“...Why?” Agron eventually asked as he tilted his head, which was still upside down.

“Why what?” Haganto asked back.

“ you fight for them?” Agron clarified before taking a step to his right, his eyes still fixed on Haganto. “ are like me. No like you. You are the only one of your are hated. Just for being alive. As soon as you were were hated. So...why? Why do you...risk your life for them? For their safety? For their happiness?”

Agron climbed onto a big rock beside him before turning his head sideways so that it was level with the ground.

“Do you think...they will ever respect you? Ever accept you? you?”

Haganto was immediately reminded of the words that the harpy asked him at the start of all this.

“Why is someone like you defending a wretch like her...Wait, don’t tell me you actually wish you were a real human?”

Haganto thought about Animo, Alanus, Alberad, Zuthiss, and Tarron, and all their various forms of either affection or respect towards him. He thought about when he rescued the girl from that harpy, she had snuggled against him. He even thought about Tolden the baker, and how grateful he had been when Haganto accepted his commission.

He then thought back to his time with the Brazug tribe, who hated and mistreated him every second he had been with them. How they made him feel alone, and how they hurt him so much Haganto had little will to fight to survive. But then Alberad and the other elves of Filla Aethel rescued him and showed him that life could be so much better, that it didn’t have to be filled with pain. Afterwards, Haganto found people like Alanus who accepted him as a friend too.

Was it really that hard to understand that Haganto just wanted to share what he had been given? Hope for a better life?

“Some care,” Haganto finally admitted. Then he clutched his club with both hands. “And even if they didn’t, I simply want to, much like how you simply want to bring about death and despair. I could explain more, but...does my answer really matter to you?”

Agron stayed silent for a moment before snapping his head back into its original position.


Without another word, Agron leaped from the rock, his nails aiming right for Haganto’s face. Even though Agron was fast, Haganto saw this coming and was able to block the attack. Agron’s sneer only turned into a grin as he nimbly grabbed onto Haganto’s club with all four feet and reached his head out to bite Haganto’s neck. Haganto quickly jerked his head back and swung his club towards the ground to smash Agron against the ground. However, Agron just let go and when he landed on the ground, he rolled away to safety before Haganto’s club could hit him.

Without missing a beat, Agron got on all four legs and jumped towards Haganto again. Haganto sidestepped the attack, his nose missing Agron’s nails by a mere inch. He swung his club at Agron as soon as the Residuin landed on the ground, but thanks to Agron turning his head completely backwards when he passed Haganto, he was able to safely jump to the side.

Haganto gritted his teeth as he swung his club at Agron once again, knowing that he couldn’t let up or else he and the ones depending on him would die. With a gleeful sneer on his face, Agron jumped backwards over a small cliff. Haganto quickly followed after him, even going so far as to jump after him. The height of the cliff was only about ten feet but thanks to Haganto’s weight and size, he was quickly catching up to Agron. Haganto raised his club, aiming to succeed in smashing Agron against the ground this time.

Agron suddenly grabbed onto a tree branch and disappeared into the overgrowth.

Haganto safely landed on the ground with a loud thud and stood up, both hands still on his club as he looked around. However, overgrowth was thick in this area of the mountain, making it hard for Haganto to spot him easily. He could hear leaves rustling, and every time he turned his head in the noise’s direction, Agron was nowhere to be found.

But he was there. He was just moving faster than Haganto’s eyes.

Haganto breathed slowly as he tried to calm himself. Agron had led him to a trap but Haganto had no time to beat himself up for falling for it. His only hope was to focus and listen close-

A tree branch snapped behind him.

Haganto quickly stepped to the side just in time for a black blur to fly past him, colliding with his club, and causing the weapon to get ripped from his hands. As Agron tumbled to the ground ahead of him, Haganto spied a rock the size of his palm within arm’s reach. He quickly grabbed the rock and threw it at Agron, hitting him square in the head. Agron grunted as he fell back and away from the club. Haganto raced towards his weapon and grabbed it right as Agron lunged at him.

He raised the club in time to block Agron’s claws from digging into him, but the force of the lunge made him lose his balance and fall to the ground with Agron on top of him.

With a delighted and malicious grin, Agron stretched out his neck towards Haganto’s neck, his gleaming sharp teeth poised to bite.

Haganto moved his head in an attempt to dodge, though deep down he knew that it would be of no use.

Something hissed. No, not something, someone Haganto realized with horror as he felt Animo climb out of his pocket. Haganto opened his mouth to order Animo to get away, to leave him behind, to save himself, but it was too late. Animo jumped onto Agron’s neck and after scurrying down to his head, the weasel kit bit into Agron’s eye.

Agron instantly reared his head back, a high-pitched screech leaving his elongated throat.

For a brief moment, Haganto couldn’t help but stare in shock.

Was...was that a cry of pain?

Then the moment was gone and with a harsh shake of his head, Agron tossed little Animo off his head and sent him flying off into the distance, where Haganto couldn’t see him.

“Animo!” Grief, anxiety, and rage suddenly bombarded Haganto, giving him the strength to both knee and throw Agron clear off him. His mind focused on finishing this fight, to end his enemy once and for all, Haganto quickly rolled away from Agron and got to his feet, gripping his club tightly.

Agron was back on all fours, glaring at him with hatred with both eyes, though one was mostly closed, a small stream of black blood dripping down from it. Haganto knew that it was only out of stubborn pride that Agron was keeping that eye open.

In a way, it was amazing how so simple yet so difficult the answer to defeating Agron was. Despite all the hits that Haganto landed on him before now, Agron never seemed hurt, he just bounced back with that wicked sneer on his face. But now that sneer was long gone and it made sense.

After all, just because Agron’s skin was impenetrable didn’t mean that his eyes were.

And all it took was for Animo to sacrifice himself to show Haganto the way.

Haganto shook his head as he gripped his club tightly with both hands. He couldn’t afford to dwell on Animo and his uncertain fate right now, not when Agron was right in front of him, not when Agron needed to die to avenge all the deaths he had caused. Not when Agron needed to die to prevent any others from getting killed and tortured by his teeth and nails.

Not when Agron’s eyes were such small targets.

Agron lunged for him with a rage-filled battle cry. Haganto stepped to the side and swung his club. With a satisfying thump, his club hit Agron in the face, specifically the eyes. Agron grunted as he flew to the side and tumbled to the ground, with Haganto quickly rushing after him. When he reached a short distance from Agron, who was facing away from him, he jumped the rest of the way and landed right on Agron’s back. When he felt the breath leave Agron’s body, Haganto slammed his club down on Agron’s neck, pinning it to the ground. Haganto quickly took his knife out and brought it down, aiming for his injured eye.

This had to work, if it didn’t, then-

Agron turned his head completely backwards and despite Haganto pinning half of his neck down, shot his head out.

Haganto wasn’t able to stop Agron’s teeth from sinking into his arm.

Previous: Chapter 15:

Next: Chapter 17:


About the Creator

Rebecca Patton

Ever since discovering Roald Dahl, I wanted to be an author who would delight and move her readers through her stories. I also wrote my debut novel, "Of Demons and Deception" on Amazon.


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  • T. Lichta day ago


Rebecca PattonWritten by Rebecca Patton

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