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The Solstice Fire

A Story Inspired By Angie Livingstone's "The Solstice Fire" For The Vocal Summer Solstice Challenge

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished 11 days ago Updated 4 days ago 2 min read
The Solstice Fire, By Angie Livingstone, The Glittering Fox


This is inspired by a painting by Angie Livingstone, The Glittering Fox. Her Etsy Page and Facebook group are below for you to visit and discover more of her amazing work.

The music is "Solstice Fire" a beautiful Harp piece from Jim Spalink

The Solstice Fire

Every Solstice the community gathered at the Place of Trees and Stones. The trees and stones were ancient and had been there when the few houses became a village.

After a time the community noticed that at Solstice Time, Summer and Winter, there was a light at the Place of Trees and Stones. This was very early in the history of the community, and today, each Soltcie everyone goes to the Place of Trees and Stones to see the Soltice Fire.

The Solstice Fire has become a Ritual of Rejuvenation.

The fortunes of the community ebb and flow but they hit their highest point after the Solstice Fire. In the months after life was good.

Problems were solved, sickness disappeared and good fortune flowed through the community.

No one questions the benevolence of The Solstice Fire and it meant that people stayed close to the community even when there were options to move away. more houses were built as the population grew, and maybe one day, this village would be a town.

It was a place full of happiness, fun and love.

There were no hotels or bed and breakfasts, so all visitors were transient, having meals and coffee or enjoying the local shops, so The Solstice Fire was only known to the community.

They need not feel a need to share as they thought it would be destroyed if outsiders came in and publicised it. It was an open secret.

Although life was good, the Solstice Fire was always eagerly awaited because the community knew that life would be even better after the Solstice Fire appeared.

The village had its share of trauma, but everyone always helped everyone else, and maybe that was due to the spirit of The Solstice Fire.

No one felt alone or unwanted, they all felt part of the community. Everyone knew their neighbours and always looked after each other.

Crime was almost non-existent, just the odd bit of shoplifting and graffiti from youngsters passing through, but nothing serious.

At The Place of Trees and Stones, the community had seen the Solstice Fire burn brightly and fade and they knew The Ritual of Rejuvenation was over for another Solstice.

They all left in high spirits, knowing that life would be better for everyone, solutions to problems would be sorted, and many other things would improve once again.

This was the only place for them, they would never leave.

That was because they wanted to be here. Their lives were close to perfect. They wanted for nothing. No one felt they were missing out.

They loved their Solice Fire, and they loved and cared for their community, how could they not?

Every day was better than before but they still looked forward to their next visit to The Place OF Trees And Stones, The Solstice Fire and The Rejuvenation Ritual.

Short StoryMicrofictionFantasy

About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales & Poems

7(1.2m) ֎ Fb ֎ Px ֎ Pn ֎

X ֎ In ֎ YT (0.2m) ֎ T

Vocal Tips


Call Me LesGina HeatherCaroline


DaphsamMisty MelissaMa Coombs


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Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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Comments (6)

  • Novel Allen10 days ago

    A beautiful concept Mike, build a solstice fire for Vocal, we could all go and get rejuvenated whenever we felt the need. Love the artwork and music,

  • A very sweet and lovely piece brother 💕

  • Shirley Belk10 days ago

    "No one felt alone or unwanted," this is great!

  • 💙 I absolutely loved this & the touching music.🎵🎵🎵

  • Carol Townend10 days ago

    I enjoyed this read. I found it interesting. There were things I learned that I never knew about Solstice, and it made for very enlightening reading.

  • Oh wow, this was brimming with positivity. Loved your story!

Mike Singleton - MikeydredWritten by Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

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