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The Shattered Soul

A Fiction that is pure non-fiction.

By Syeda Ayesha ArshadPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

A huge crowd assembled in the auditorium. The hustle-bustle of drama, an epic orchestra seemed to play in the minds of Dramatic performers, hosts and organizers and yet waiting to be played on the stage.

An aura that signalled enthusiasm among the participants and the audience displayed the magnificence of the event.

There was continuous chatter among the Spectators. Every single person in the room was awed by the Grand event taking place in a Medical College.

The reasonably spread fact or it be a rumour that medical college is a hub of studies and strictness seemed to be wiped out in the arena of this Medical College.

"Umm, hi! You are the Host for the event I suppose?" A student who probably looked like a fresher just out of breath asked a sophomore, who was backstage rehearsing for the event.

"Yes, I'll be hosting. Why do you ask?" The young lady replied.

"The headmaster has some orders for you. Here's the note." The student handed her the note.

"I will check it. Thank you!" She smiled and turned to take a seat on one of the backstage chairs.

She turned open the double-folded note and started reading the printed words.

It read:

"Respected host! Due to some recent unrest among the members of the Dramatic Society, it is unfortunate that you can no longer host the event………

She had only read until these lines that her palms started sweating, her hands started shivering slightly.

She couldn't dream of no longer hosting the event. She had prepared with such enthusiasm. Such valour she had gathered since the previous days to overcome her stage fright. If it hadn't been for the events taking place at the college, she couldn't have taken the stage without the help of her seniors. She was just a sophomore, a student in the second year of medical school. Such utter perfection she had aimed for the performance.

She proceeded to read the bitter words clasped in her hands.

".... It is nothing to be worried about. I am sorry to announce this to you but the decision had to be made. An Alumni of the college, who is highly experienced at the work will proceed to host the event. Yours truly, the headmaster."

She had tears welled up in her eyes. Her body felt like it was sinking. She was on the verge of getting ripped into fractions. She couldn't hold her tears back and crumpled the note and threw it on the floor, racing through the backstage door to God knew where.

It was a devastating moment in her life. A moment that shattered her confidence to pieces. Her mind was all fuzzed by the words on the note. Her body couldn't allow her to walk any further but she raced along the college grounds to her classroom.

The classroom was vacant because all the students were waiting in the auditorium to attend the occasion. Her class-fellows who had cheered her up, to take part in the event, to host with full confidence, were waiting to see her shine on the stage. Little did they know the opportunity had been snatched from her.

She stopped crying, stood up, and went to wash her face. She looked at her reflection in the mirror of the bathroom.

The once confident bold face was now swollen slightly and her face was red all over. She vowed not to take out a tear for something that wasn't destined to be hers.

She wasn't the person who could fight for her rights, not yet she thought. Deep inside she wanted to hide, but she knew this wasn't the end of her life.

She couldn't stress out on such a thing. But all those days and lectures she had wasted just for the sake of helping society grow. Was it all in vain? Was it not in her fortune to be a part of the event? Why had she invited so many people over to attend the fest just because she was performing!

She cleared her mind of all the thoughts that swarmed through her brain. She couldn't waste one more second for this nasty world.

She gathered her courage, took her backpack, and went off to the library. She could utilise this duration to recover the lectures she couldn't attend because of the meetings of society.

Yet there she was, immersed in heavy bound textbooks and on the other side of the building, a high drama was taking place.

Short Story

About the Creator

Syeda Ayesha Arshad

Ayesha, a Medical Student & Wattpad Ambassador from Pakistan, a Content writer, interested in writing fiction stories ranging from Horror & Mystery to epic adventures & non-fiction on Trendy topics. Go enjoy the stories and articles!

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Comments (1)

  • Athar baigabout a year ago

    Superb 👍👌

Syeda Ayesha ArshadWritten by Syeda Ayesha Arshad

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