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The Same Eyes

A Journey Beyond Reflections

By KAVI SENPublished 6 months ago 4 min read
The Same Eyes

In the small, picturesque village of Willowbrook, nestled deep within a dense forest, there was a legend that sent shivers down the spines of its inhabitants. The legend of "The Same Eyes" had been passed down through generations, whispered around campfires and told to children as a cautionary tale. It was said that every year on the night of a full moon, a ghostly figure would appear, bearing the same eyes as someone in the village. The catch was that the person with the matching eyes would meet a strange and unexpected fate.

As the full moon approached one crisp autumn evening, the villagers gathered in the village square, their faces etched with both fear and curiosity. Among them was a young man named Samuel, whose striking, emerald-green eyes were the talk of the town. Samuel had always been proud of his unique eye color, but tonight, it filled him with an unsettling sense of dread.

The village square was illuminated by the pale glow of the full moon, casting eerie shadows that danced on the cobblestone streets. As the clock struck midnight, a hushed silence fell upon the crowd, broken only by the rustling of leaves in the autumn breeze.

And then, it happened.

A figure emerged from the shadows, cloaked in a tattered, gray robe. Its face was obscured, but its eyes glowed with an unnatural intensity. The villagers gasped as they realized that the ghostly figure's eyes were the exact shade of Samuel's emerald-green gaze.

Samuel's heart pounded in his chest as the figure approached him, its footsteps echoing in the stillness of the night. The villagers watched in suspense, unable to tear their eyes away from the eerie spectacle unfolding before them.

The figure extended a bony hand towards Samuel and spoke in a voice that seemed to come from the depths of the underworld. "You," it whispered, "you have the same eyes."

Fear gripped Samuel, but he managed to stammer, "Wh-who are you?"

"I am the keeper of fate," the figure replied cryptically. "Tonight, you shall bear witness to the consequences of sharing your eyes with the supernatural."

With a wave of its hand, the figure conjured a spectral image that hovered before Samuel's eyes. It was a vision of a shadowy forest, eerily similar to the one surrounding Willowbrook. In the vision, Samuel saw himself, lost and disoriented, wandering through the dense woods as an otherworldly mist enveloped him.

The vision continued to unfold, revealing a series of bizarre and chilling events. Samuel watched in horror as his doppelgänger in the vision encountered eerie creatures and experienced strange phenomena, all while desperately trying to find his way home.

The ghostly figure lowered its hood, revealing a face that mirrored Samuel's own. It spoke again, "You will live the life of the vision, and your fate shall be determined by the choices you make in the supernatural realm."

Before Samuel could protest, he was enveloped in a blinding light, and the world around him dissolved into darkness.

When Samuel awoke, he found himself standing in the same shadowy forest he had seen in the vision. Panic surged through him as he realized that he was living out the very events he had witnessed earlier. It was as if he had been transported into a nightmarish alternate reality.

As he navigated through the dense undergrowth, Samuel encountered creatures that defied logic and reason—a talking owl with eyes that glowed like the moon, a mischievous squirrel with an uncanny ability to mimic his every move, and a ghostly figure that seemed to be both friend and foe.

Each encounter presented Samuel with choices that would shape his fate in this strange world. He had to rely on his wits and courage to navigate the surreal landscape, all the while wondering if he would ever find his way back to Willowbrook.

Back in the village, the villagers were left in suspense, wondering what had become of Samuel. They had witnessed the ghostly figure's pronouncement and had been consumed by a mixture of fear and curiosity.

Days turned into weeks, and as the full moon once again loomed on the horizon, the villagers gathered in the square, their anxiety palpable. Would Samuel return, or had he become another victim of "The Same Eyes"?

Just as the clock struck midnight, Samuel emerged from the forest, his clothes tattered and his face etched with exhaustion. The villagers rushed to his side, eager to hear his tale.

Samuel recounted his harrowing journey, filled with bizarre encounters and impossible choices. He described the talking owl, the mimic squirrel, and the enigmatic ghostly figure. As he spoke, the villagers listened in rapt attention, their fear slowly transforming into awe.

When Samuel finally reached the conclusion of his story, he revealed the most astonishing detail of all—the ghostly figure he had encountered in the supernatural realm had indeed been his own reflection. It was as if he had faced his inner fears and doubts, and in doing so, had emerged stronger and wiser.

The villagers, once afraid of "The Same Eyes," now regarded Samuel as a hero who had defied the legend and returned from the supernatural realm. They celebrated his bravery and marveled at the strange and wondrous world he had described.

From that day forward, the legend of "The Same Eyes" took on a new meaning in Willowbrook. It became a symbol of facing one's inner demons and emerging stronger for it. Samuel's emerald-green eyes were no longer a source of dread but a reminder that even in the face of the unknown, courage and resilience could lead to unexpected adventures and extraordinary discoveries.


Young AdultthrillerStream of ConsciousnessShort StoryMysteryHorror

About the Creator


I'm Dr. Kavisen. Past 17 years as a Professor and 20 years as a Trainer, Life Skill Coach, and Entrepreneur. As the former Managing Director at SEN Groups (4 years) and Operations Director in an MNC (2 years), my leadership stands strong.

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    KAVI SENWritten by KAVI SEN

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