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The Rose and Her Family

In this article, I want to share with you a little bit of the interesting story named "The Rose and Her Family

By GokilaPublished about a year ago 8 min read

Once upon a time, in a beautiful garden nestled in a quiet corner of the world, there lived a family of roses. They were a proud and noble family, with roots that ran deep and petals that shone like jewels in the sunlight. There were red roses and pink roses, white roses and yellow roses, all of them living together in harmony.

The youngest of the family was a rose named Rosalind. She was a beautiful flower, with soft pink petals and a sweet fragrance that wafted through the air. But unlike her siblings, Rosalind had a small deformity on one of her petals - a tiny bump that set her apart from the others. She had always felt self-conscious about it and had tried to hide it from the world.

One day, the garden was abuzz with excitement as the annual flower show was approaching. The roses were busy preparing themselves for the event, pruning their petals, and practicing their poses. Rosalind watched from the sidelines, feeling nervous and unsure of herself. She wished she could be like the other roses, with their perfect petals and confident demeanor.

The day of the flower show arrived, and the garden was transformed into a beautiful display of colors and fragrances. The judges walked around, admiring the various flowers and taking notes. Rosalind's family was in full bloom, standing tall and proud as the judges approached. But as they neared Rosalind, she felt a pang of anxiety. What would they think of her small deformity? Would they judge her and find her unworthy of recognition?

The judges reached Rosalind and took a closer look at her petals. They examined her closely, taking in every detail. Rosalind held her breath, waiting for their verdict. But to her surprise, the judges smiled and praised her unique beauty. They admired her soft pink petals and the delicate fragrance that surrounded her. They even commented on the small bump on her petal, saying that it added to her charm and made her stand out from the others.

Rosalind was overjoyed. She had never felt so proud of herself before. She realized that she had been too focused on her differences and had forgotten to appreciate her own unique qualities. She looked around at the other flowers, and saw that they too had their own special traits. The daisies had their bright yellow centers, the sunflowers had their towering height, and the lilies had their delicate curves. Each flower was unique in its own way, and that was what made them all so beautiful.

After the flower show, Rosalind returned home with her family, feeling happier than ever before. She had learned an important lesson - that she didn't have to be like everyone else to be strong and beautiful. She had her own unique qualities that made her special, just like her siblings.

Over the next few weeks, Rosalind spent time with her family, basking in their love and admiration. She felt grateful for their support and knew that they would always be there for her, no matter what. As the days passed, Rosalind's petals grew stronger and her fragrance grew sweeter, and she felt more confident than ever before.

One day, a new family of flowers moved into the garden next door. They were all different kinds of flowers, from daffodils to tulips to snapdragons. Rosalind and her family welcomed them warmly, and soon they were all playing and talking together.

As Rosalind got to know the new flowers, she realized that they all had their own unique qualities, just like her. The daffodils were bright and cheerful, the tulips were elegant and graceful, and the snapdragons were spunky and fun. Rosalind was fascinated by them all and enjoyed learning about their different backgrounds and experiences.

As time passed, Rosalind grew closer to one of the new flowers - a tulip named Thomas. Thomas was different from any flower Rosalind had ever met before. He had a regal air about him, with his long, slender stem and delicate petals that shone like gold in the sunlight. Rosalind found herself drawn to his elegance and sophistication, and soon they became fast friends.

One day, as Rosalind and Thomas were walking through the garden, they came across a group of flowers who were making fun of a little daisy with crooked petals. Rosalind felt a pang of sadness as she remembered how she had once felt ashamed of her own deformity. She knew she had to do something to help the little daisy feel better.

So, she approached the group of flowers and spoke up. "Why are you making fun of this little daisy?" she asked. "She is just as beautiful and special as any of us."

The other flowers looked at Rosalind in surprise. They had never heard a rose defend a daisy before. But Rosalind didn't back down. She continued to speak out, encouraging the other flowers to appreciate and celebrate their differences.

To Rosalind's delight, the other flowers soon began to see things her way. They apologized to the little daisy and welcomed her into their group, celebrating her unique beauty and charm.

From that day on, Rosalind became known as a champion of diversity and acceptance in the garden. She continued to make friends with all kinds of flowers, from roses to daisies to sunflowers. And she inspired others to do the same, creating a more inclusive and loving community in the garden.

As time went on, Rosalind realized that her small deformity had been a blessing in disguise. It had taught her an important lesson about self-acceptance and had led her to make friends with flowers of all kinds. She was grateful for the love and support of her family, and for the new friendships she had made in the garden.

In the end, Rosalind learned that beauty comes in many different form, and that we should embrace and celebrate our differences rather than trying to conform to what we think is "normal". By accepting ourselves and others for who we truly are, we can create a more inclusive and loving world - one where all flowers, no matter their shape, size, or color, are valued and appreciated for their unique qualities.

As Rosalind continued to explore the garden and meet new flowers, she noticed that not all flowers were as accepting and kind as she had hoped. Some flowers were still hung up on their own beauty and didn't appreciate others who didn't fit their mold.

One day, Rosalind overheard a group of lilies talking about how only certain flowers were truly beautiful, and how others should just try to blend in and not stand out too much. Rosalind was dismayed to hear this kind of talk, and she knew she had to do something about it.

So, she organized a meeting with all the flowers in the garden. At the meeting, Rosalind spoke passionately about the need for acceptance and tolerance in the garden. She reminded everyone that each flower was unique and special in its own way, and that beauty came in many different forms.

To Rosalind's surprise, not everyone was receptive to her message. Some flowers still clung to their own narrow definition of beauty and refused to accept others who didn't fit that mold.

Undeterred, Rosalind continued to spread her message of acceptance and tolerance. She started a club for flowers that wanted to celebrate diversity, and she invited flowers of all kinds to join. Slowly but surely, more and more flowers began to see the value in her message and joined her cause.

Then Rosalind was walking through the garden, she saw a group of snapdragons teasing a new flower that had just arrived in the garden. The flower, a small and delicate forget-me-not, was clearly upset by the taunts of the snapdragons.

Rosalind knew she had to intervene. She approached the group of snapdragons and spoke up. "Why are you teasing this little forget-me-not?" she asked. "She is just as special and beautiful as any of us."

The snapdragons looked at Rosalind in surprise. They had never heard a rose defend a forget-me-not before. But Rosalind didn't back down. She continued to speak out, encouraging the snapdragons to appreciate and celebrate the forget-me-not's unique qualities.

To Rosalind's delight, the snapdragons soon began to see things her way. They apologized to the forget-me-not and welcomed her into their group, celebrating her unique beauty and charm.

Over time, Rosalind's message of acceptance and tolerance began to spread throughout the garden. More and more flowers joined her club, and together they worked to create a more inclusive and loving community.

And so, Rosalind continued to live her life in the garden, spreading her message of acceptance and love to all the flowers she met. Though there were still those who clung to narrow definitions of beauty, Rosalind knew that she had made a difference in the lives of many flowers. And she was proud to be known as the rose who stood up for diversity and inclusion in the garden.

As the years went by, the garden continued to thrive and change. New flowers arrived, and old ones faded away. But Rosalind remained a constant presence in the garden, always working to create a more accepting and loving community.

Eventually, Rosalind's efforts paid off in a big way. The garden was chosen to host a prestigious flower show, where gardens from all over the country would compete for top honors. Rosalind was excited about the opportunity to showcase the garden's diversity and beauty to a wider audience.

But when the judges arrived, Rosalind was disappointed to see that many of them seemed to have the same narrow view of beauty that she had encountered in the past. They passed over many of the garden's most unique and interesting flowers, favoring instead those that fit their own preconceived notions of what a flower should look like.

Rosalind was discouraged, but she didn't give up. She knew that the beauty of the garden was more than skin deep, and she continued to work tirelessly to promote the values of acceptance and diversity.

In the end, the garden didn't win the top prize at the flower show. But Rosalind didn't mind. She knew that the garden was special in its own way, and that its beauty was something that couldn't be judged by anyone else's standards.

And so, Rosalind continued to live her life in the garden, spreading her message of acceptance and love to all the flowers she met. Though there were still those who clung to narrow definitions of beauty, Rosalind knew that she had made a difference in the lives of many flowers. And she was proud to be known as the rose who stood up for diversity and inclusion in the garden.


The story of Rosalind and her family shows the power of acceptance and the beauty of diversity. Through her courage and determination, Rosalind was able to create a more loving and inclusive community in the garden, where flowers of all shapes, sizes, and colors could thrive and be appreciated for their unique qualities. Though there were still those who clung to narrow definitions of beauty, Rosalind's message of acceptance and love had a lasting impact on the garden and its inhabitants.


1. Acceptance and tolerance are key to creating a more loving and inclusive community.

2. Beauty comes in many different forms, and we should celebrate diversity rather than try to conform to narrow standards of beauty.

3. It takes courage and determination to stand up for what we believe in, but the impact of our actions can be profound and long-lasting.


About the Creator


She is an astrophile, introvert,

loves to read books all day long,

addicts in healthy lifestyle

and having curiosity to know about new things.

Life Is As Beautiful As You Make It. Contentment Is The Key To Happiness. Peace Be Upon The Saviour.

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Comments (1)

  • HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)about a year ago

    Great job ❤️💯✨👍

GokilaWritten by Gokila

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