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The Raven And The Moose

The Search

By Jasmine HarrisPublished 24 days ago 3 min read
The Raven And The Moose
Photo by Abhay Vyas on Unsplash

She caws the loudest before the dawn. Perched atop a lonely barren pine tree. What used to be a forest is now an empty meadow. Scorched grass and remanents of burnt tree stumps are all that remain. With the exception of that one lonesome pine.

No widelife remain. Not single blade of glass. Not even a spider. The raven has claimed the pine as her own for this reason. From atop the tree she sits and watches. She waits for her animal companions to return to a place that is no longer a home; even if it is only one.

Silently she sits in her usual spot on the tree. Watching cautiously across the meadow as the morning fog slowly starts to dissipate. Peacefully drifting off into a dreamless sleep in the cool October air. There was no threat of danger to keep her awake. There hadn’t been any danger in many many nights.

She sits in silence and watches closely. She waits patiently for any hint of movement. Slowly a figure starts to emerge from the fog. A creature she has never seen before. It was large and intimidating.

An unsettling sort of curiosity starts to take over. Who or what is this creature? Could it be a new companion? Or perhaps a long lost friend. Curioustiy got the best of her and she left her perch. She would find this creature if it was the last thing she ever did.

Her curiousity was slowly replace with excitement. She would no longer be alone. Hope was starting to grow within again. There was still life in is desolate place. There was a possibility she could regain her sanity.

Wandering aimlessly through this barren wasteland.This mighty beast sluggishly made his way through the fog; although it seemed to be lifting. Unbothered by the lack of creatures. Unfazed by the silence. He finds solace in the solitude. He enjoys the simple life.

He’s been on his own for most of his life, so he doesn’t mind the silence. In fact he quite prefers it. He never really cared much for the other creatures anyway. They were more of a burden than anything else. Although he had his preferences, he was starting to get lonely.

The day had come not too long ago; he decided to look for other creatures. He wanted to finally find a companion. So began his journey across this barren wasteland. He had nothing left to lose. This was his last hope.

Life has a funny way of giving you what you need when you need it. The moose simply needed a sign. Something to keep him going. He was starting to lose hope when a sound in the distance caught his attention. It was music to his ears. Like a song he forgot the tune too. It was faint, but he knew he heard it.

Steadily he picked up his pace. Keeping his eyes turned up towards the sky. He had to find the source of the noise. He was determined to no longer be alone. This was his last chance for a companion. He was ready to finally move on with his life.

After what seemed like an eternity the raven and the moose finally spotted each other. This was what they had both been searching for. Although they were the last creatures that either one of them were expecting to see, it was a welcome sight. They could finally move on and stop searching.

They knew nothing of each other but had all the time in the world to learn. It was worth the wait and worth the search. They didn’t know what this new chapter would bring but that was fine by them. If they could survive this barren waste land, they could survive anything.

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    Jasmine HarrisWritten by Jasmine Harris

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