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The Nine Brothers and the Celestial Bride

An Epic of Resilience and Love

By Franz·CabotPublished 4 days ago 4 min read

In a time when the world was young and untamed, nine brothers dwelled together, united in kinship and labor. They tilled the fertile earth and hunted the wild beasts, their lives a harmonious blend of toil and camaraderie. Yet, one fateful day, a perplexing mystery befell them. Upon their fields, they toiled by sunlight, only to find their efforts undone by moonlight, as if the earth itself rebelled against their industry.

Determined to unveil the enigma, the siblings armed themselves with bows and arrows, taking turns to vigilantly guard their reclaimed land. As the moon ascended, cloaking the world in silver, an apparition appeared—an ancient crone with hair as white as snow, her wrinkled hands smoothing the furrows they had ploughed. The brothers aimed their weapons, ready to defend their hard work, but the crone spoke words of prophecy: "Desist your labors, for the heavens shall soon tremble, and a deluge will wash over the land. Slay your cattle, feast upon their flesh, fashion sustenance from their meat, and escape this doom by crafting sturdy sacks from their hides."

Obedient to her counsel, the siblings set about their grim tasks. The eldest brother advised coarse needles and thin threads for swift construction, but the youngest insisted on fine needles and thick cords to ensure impermeability. Disregarding their youngest sibling's plea, seven of the brothers followed the elder's guidance, scoffing at the notion of meticulous craftsmanship during such dire times. Only the youngest persevered in his methodical approach.

When the great flood arrived, swallowing homes and fields alike, each brother mounted his respective hide, navigating towards a colossal tree that towered like a nine-story palace above the waters. The youngest, buoyed by his watertight craft, scaled the heights with ease, reaching the pinnacle well before his kin. His siblings struggled against the relentless surge, clinging to diminishing perches as the flood engulfed them one by one, their cries silenced by the tempestuous waves.

After seven days and nights, the waters receded, leaving desolation in their wake. With dwindling provisions, the youngest survivor released a cat and a hen to test the safety of the now-exposed ground. Their reassuring calls signaled the all-clear, and he descended to traverse the desolate expanse alone.

His journey led him to a distant plume of smoke, where he discovered a maiden tending swine—a celestial nymph banished to the earthly realm. Moved by his plight, she guided him to the heavens, concealing him within a water barrel to evade the scrutiny of the gods. Time passed, and the pair fell deeply in love, resolved to forge a life together upon the forsaken earth.

Word of their clandestine affair reached the ears of the mighty deity, who erupted in fury. To thwart their union, he imposed impossible tasks upon the mortal suitor. First, he demanded the felling of trees across nine mountains. Despite arduous labor, each sunrise revealed the forest restored to its former glory. Undeterred, the nymph provided nine blades, ensuring victory through strategic placement. Next, the deity commanded the clearing of the fallen timber, a task conquered with the aid of nine torches. Then came the planting of nine hillsides with buckwheat, accomplished through the deployment of nine hoes. Lastly, the collection of the harvest was achieved using nine baskets.

Unwilling to relent, the deity devised one final challenge: procuring milk from a fearsome tigress. With ingenuity, the nymph devised a plan, dressing her lover in the pelt of a cub to infiltrate the den and extract the precious liquid. Confronted with undeniable evidence, the deity grudgingly conceded defeat, allowing the lovers to descend to the mortal plane.

Upon their return, the earth teemed with predatory beasts intent on devouring the couple. In response, the man fashioned ropes and bows to protect their burgeoning settlement. Curious about human endeavors, a raven spied upon them, misinterpreting their actions as self-harm, spreading false rumors amongst the animal kingdom. The next day, the man unleashed his newly crafted weaponry, targeting the deceitful bird, which screeched in pain, henceforth known for its ominous caw.

Seeking speech to communicate with the animals, mankind implored the deity for assistance. Responding to their plea, the deity dispatched emissaries to distribute sacred water contained within vessels of varying materials. Swift creatures and those endowed with flight hastened to claim the precious liquid, neglecting the earthenware cup. Observing the chaos, a toad, trampled by the stampede, was rescued by a compassionate human. Grateful for his kindness, the amphibian whispered advice: "Drink only from the humble vessel, and leave a sip for me."

True to his word, the man consumed the contents of the earthenware cup, granting him the gift of articulate speech. Arriving too late to partake in the divine offering, the toad settled for the remaining mouthful in a wooden bowl, explaining its croak—the sole remnant of potential eloquence.

Thus concludes the tale of the nine brothers and the celestial bride, a saga of endurance and devotion, illustrating the transformative power of love and the indomitable spirit of humanity.


About the Creator


Just a naive and sentimental individual, resemblinga drifting boat~

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    Franz·CabotWritten by Franz·Cabot

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