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The Menders

The gods' intervention, a Jali and Raxis story

By Beth Imperial-RogersPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
The Menders
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

When the gods summon, it’s best not to keep them waiting. But Jali was on the 8th dimension testing out new wave surfing techniques, and only Who knew where Raxis was off to. When they finally arrived at HQ, the gods known as Morpheus were impatient. They were lesser gods, not having fully achieved the One, nonetheless, they were a deity.

“We have an important assignment for you that is temporally bound,” said Morpheus. “As you know,” Morpheus continued, “when there are over 1 million prayer requests from a planet, we must implement your skills. This is from a small solar system, that had only two planets with sentient beings. The first planet’s beings were able to ascend, but the other…well you may have heard of it. It was one of our first experiments, evolving sentient beings from single cell entities in liquid oxygen/hydrogen and resulted in multiple sentient beings. We would have wiped the experiment if we had known it would take so long to move from sentience to enlightenment but, as you know, we are prohibited from destroying planets once sentiency has been achieved. They are still operating on primarily the 3rd dimension.”

“Why didn’t you send the miracle team, since that only requires 1000 prayers?” Raxis replied grumpily, assignments on lower dimensions were literally a drag, requiring fully energy expenditure. “Oh, we have, multiple miracle workers have been there over their timeline, but those beings have managed to corrupt the miracles every time” said Morpheus, “and unfortunately, based on calculations across the 3rd dimensional frameworks, there is an 80% chance their self-destruction will also cause the demise of their entire galaxy, including their solar system sibling and others who have already made it to stages of enlightenment. Because they are temporally bound, time truly is of essence and requires your mending. One of their self-imposed boundaries, which they call ‘countries’ has two groups, which coexist physically, and have jockeyed for dominion. Now their ideological beliefs have caused a reality split. This split has been so contentious that the 3rd dimension there has begun to fracture with two separate streams of reality occurring in the same time space continuum. One would have thought they would have learned, after what they called their Civil War, but in this second Civil War one party is imminently planning to use weaponry that could annihilate the entire planet, which they are buying from another country who is ostensibly their enemy. We cannot wipe this planet now, the true enlightened sentient beings who are still living in that liquid oxygen/hydrogen will be killed, yet if these other beings use their weaponry, the aquatic beings will also die. You see how convoluted this is?” Jali and Raxis did not have to be told that the outcome also determined Morpheus’ own status and chance to be part of the One.

Morpheus produced a heart shaped locket. “Here”, they said to Jali and Raxis, “the one who that planet has been known as Mary was given this on its last miracle team mission. It can be divided into halves; you each will take a half. It will provide you with a grounding mechanism to allow you to take 3D form and communicate with each other while you are in physicality. This is a system where the perpetuation of the species is based in a binary reproductive format. You will be assuming the forms of the reproduction- capable half of their binary gender formats, specifically the ones who are partnered to the two ones who are leading their followers in this reality split. We don’t understand why, in this binary format these beings have evolved into, the leadership roles have been given to those who are not capable of reproducing additional beings; they would be extinct without the forms they call female. Do you see how primitive these beings are, barely sentient? But the females do seem to have ability to sway the male entities so we are hopeful you will be able to do your work effectively. To facilitate your entry into these female forms, we will be placing the souls of these two into a dream state.”

Raxis snorted in disgust. “These systems that are tied to duality will never evolve without understanding the implicit connection between all things. But all we need is a single point of agreement to initiate the mend. How difficult can that be?”

Raxis and Jali arrived into their forms as soon as the wives’ souls had been removed and placed in hibernation. “I hate these skin suits, they are so damn restrictive,” Raxis growled into the locket piece. “At least you don’t have to put on this binding cloth around your loins too,” replied Jali, “you immersed the dossiers on these females, right? We need to be able to simulate them without causing alarm.” “Yeah, let’s get going. My male is getting ready to meet with his council, and I need to help him dress. I plan to encourage him to offer a reconciliatory proposition to your male,” said Raxis, “Jali, are you there, I didn’t hear a response. Gods, I also hate this mouth noise bit, it’s so much easier to mind meld.” After a moment, Jali responded, panting “I tried also to help my male dress, but he wanted to engage in copulation when he had stripped down to his skin suit. This whole binary thing is so repulsive. I had to put a block on her body system to prevent reproductive response. I asked him if I could go to that meeting with that other leader who he hopes to buy those weapons from, but he told me that I would have to ‘entertain’ that leader’s female companion. Maybe I can convince her to help.”

A few hours later, the two communicated via the lockets. Neither had made any progress in their efforts. They received approval from Morpheus to assist them in working in their males’ dream time. “A break from the skin suit,” Raxis sighed in relief, “it’ll be much easier not to maneuver through the bowels that is the 3rd dimension.” In their males’ dreams, they showed them the imminent consequences of the path both were leading their followers along. “My male,” communicated Jali, "woke and said he had the most marvelous dream that your male and his followers were annihilated and proceeded to give me details. When I asked him about impact on the water dwellers, he told me not to worry, he’d put two in the armored unit we would hide in. He also said that we had enough supplies and a few thousand of his followers to last until the winds blew away the nuclear toxins, and when we emerge a few months later, there will only be beautiful clear space for us to all spread out in and rebuild. He said he was like the new Noah, and our hideaway the ark. It’s good I was able to locate information on this myth of theirs. Furthermore, when I tried to speak to the female companion of the other country’s leader, she laughed and told me she was only there to serve his desires.

“My male,” reported Raxis, “told me he had the most disturbing nightmare, but knew the solution to the issue. He felt that the weaponry available to his people was sufficient to cause what he called a ‘stalemate’ and that surely your male would not be reckless enough to proceed with deploying his weapons. And while he is concerned, he believes his ‘purity of intent’ will keep catastrophe from occurring, and feels that your male, who he called the offspring of Lucifer, will be stopped by Jehovah. As if Jehovah could do anything to prevent that, they are creators, and you know Jehovah, once they create, they enjoy sitting back and observing how it unfolds. They have no ability to stop their creations once sentiency is achieved. That whole 'self determination thing'. What now?” Jali was quiet for a moment. “We will work in their dream time to show them how an outcome of harmony will be the best for all concerned.

When they next communicated, Jali told Raxis that her male said he had the most terrible nightmare, where he felt he had been disempowered by compromising with Raxis’ male. Conversely, Raxis’s male was elated to have a dream where Jali’s male finally “saw the light” and conceded.

Jali and Raxis had yet to find that single thread of unity to implement the mend and were running short of options. Jali proposed that they jointly announce their desire to come to some form of unification together in order to prevent catastrophe. “Surely that will be effective” Jali said.

The crowd went into an incensed frenzy when Jali and Raxis appeared together with their message. “Kill the bitches” both sides yelled, for the first time in accord. Their bodyguards barely got them away from the raving crowd. But a strange thing occurred, the mending thread appeared. “We must continue to provoke the groups to unite against us” Raxis communicated, “even if these two females are sacrificed.”

They contacted Morpheus, while the humans slept, to provide an update. “We’ve been in contact with Jehovah. They’ve been busy crating realities for those galactic beings who are still dependent on disposable physical forms once those bodies have terminated. While they designed the world on that planet, none of us like creating in 3D. Nevertheless, if your mending fails to complete, the Jehovah are willing to collaborate on a mirror dream world with us, to temporarily house the enlightened beings on that planet. However, they will need to return once you have fully mended the reality split and the planet is again habitable, as the mirror world is not a stable reality. Green Tara and Quan Yin have agreed that if that there is the possibility of significant damage to the planet they will work together to protect and restore the planet but will also mark the destroyers as no longer sentient and they will be terminated” replied Morpheus.

For the humans, the final straw was when Raxis and Jali held their locket halves up and joined the two pieces. The groups converged to watch Raxis and Jali be hung from the gallows, chained together at their necks, the now fused heart locket the symbol of their traitorous act. Even their males were united in their anger and feelings of betrayal. At that moment, two reality streams merged into a single 3D time space continuum. Raxis and Jali left their skin suits, sighing in relief.

But Raxis’ male, upon seeing his wife's body hanging lifelessly, could not hold back his intense rage and initiated an air strike against Jali’s male. On earth, the Rapture had begun.


About the Creator

Beth Imperial-Rogers

Social worker, teacher, maker of all sorts

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    BIWritten by Beth Imperial-Rogers

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