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The Journey

The Journey that help me make a special friend.

By Kabir KhanPublished 12 days ago 4 min read
The Journey
Photo by Matt Foxx on Unsplash

It is said that a long journey teaches you a lot of things. But in my case until now, it had taught me only the different versions of boredom. It was the start of the winter semester in my college, and so, I was again on a journey by train for the covering up of the distance of 800 kilometers between my hometown and my destination. Since I always travel alone, so I find new ways to pass my time, be it by reading a new novel or be it just by sleeping for most of the part of my journey. This time I had chosen the latter. It was 5 in the evening, when I woke up a little nauseous and drowsy from the extra long sleep that I have had. "It is still going to take 12 hours", I thought to myself, and with a sigh of boredom I sat by the window, since it was winter time the dusk had started to fall early and the blazing orange sky was lighting my mood. Just then the train halted at a station, and a middle-aged couple entered my coach and sat on the seat next to mine. Along with them there was a girl wearing a cream color jacket and a black trouser, I did not see her face at the first instance, as I was a complete mess after waking up, and neither had I washed my face nor my hair was brushed properly. And I did not want to ruin my first impression on her. I was deliberately avoiding any contact with the family and specially with her, and since I was a total stranger to them it was to my advantage. I had not seen her yet, but had heard her. Her voice was like melted chocolate, so smooth and so soothing, that it seemed her words were melting down my ear giving me a sensation of peace and harmony, hence calming my mind. As soon as the three were settled and were engaged in conversation, I saw a chance to silently go to the washroom and look like a human being from this planet, and so I grabbed this opportunity. When I came back from the washroom, there was a different situation awaiting me, by now now the girl was sitting by the window opposite to mine and was partly conversing with her family members and partly looking outside the window. As the train left, I sat down on my seat. This was the first time I saw her face, she had a fair complexion, with eyes so big and bright as if they could hold the entire secrets of the universe and yet would still have some space left. Her cheeks looked soft and smooth like a baby's skin, her lips were cherry pink that opened to spell only sweetness. For a moment, I just couldn't take my eyes off her face or rather I didn't want to.As the sun was setting rapidly, the dying sun rays were falling on her face as if they wanted to give their energy to her. And her face was happily accepting it, and hence was glowing with a positive aura. Then for a second she looked at me, her gleaming eyes made me senseless for a second, and then my mind jolted back, and as a quick reaction I started looking down. I was literally cursing my self at that time, that how could I be so naive to behave like a stalker. I couldn't speak a word after that, I wanted to apologize but couldn't because I was feeling shameful for my recent actions. As the train was gaining speed, the cold breeze was gushing in through the windows, making her more and more shriveled in her jacket. It was now, that I had realized that she was not quite clad for this harsh weather. As the time passed it was becoming more clear. I thought to myself I wish I could do something for her, and then it suddenly struck me. Why don't I give my blanket to her, I don't need one, I am properly clad. So I did it, I offered her my blanket, with a smile on my face, I leaned towards her a little bit and let it out to her so that she could take it. For a moment she seemed surprised by the sudden act of generosity by a stranger sitting next to her, but then she with her heart warming smile, graciously accepted it. I felt a little relieved but with a tinge of sadness because I wanted to talk with her, but again couldn't speak a word, I then just sat back, without speaking a word. Then after a few minutes, a voice as clear as the yosemite waterfall and as soft as a rose flower reached my ear saying, "Hi, thanks for the blanket, my name is Richa and you are?," while her goddess like eyes were upon me waiting for an answer, I sat there startled for a moment, then I introduced myself, and so the conversation began. The conversation we had was long, it seemed as if we had known each other for a long time. Her charisma, and vibrant nature never made me feel that I was a complete stranger to her. I never wanted this conversation to end, but it did as her destination arrived. And since that day, we are friends and I hope we remain forever. It is said that good memories are etched into the mind, but my this meeting with her has been etched in my heart, and she with her grace and adorable eyes will always remain there.


About the Creator

Kabir Khan

I am a student, writing is my passion

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    Kabir KhanWritten by Kabir Khan

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