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the jellyfish

a meager fish swabs in a garnish of coral

By The ecinmyPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
the jellyfish
Photo by Adam Rhodes on Unsplash

"Hey, Emi."

An overcoat of yellow drips in rain drizzles as in a boy of brown tailored froliccs waits in a mid-afternoon hurdle with a phone.

He nods in a gentle gust of wind as he is in a wait for a taxi cab. "See you then."


A book is being written by a young girl named Emi. She is perched on her desk chair in her bedroom, thinking about how to manage a few characters in a plot of fantastical mystery.

Her mom walks in the room holding a plate of warm cookies and cake. "Hi dear, please have these before you go."

Emi, with a glow of happy, says thank you and takes the plate in a shy manner. "Thank you mom."


The boy is standing aside a tourist message board, waiting for his date. In a bout of whimsical notation, a girl is keen of him, walking in long red rainboots and a wind jacket.

She is perched in a shy but daring love and is wanting to say hi to her boyfriend.

"Hi, Melo." Emi is in a blush of red.

Melo bounces in a love and looks at her eyes. "I have something for you."

He takes off his backpack and begins to scavenge an item within. He takes out a small boat carved in cinder-wood and shows it to her.

"This is for you. My uncle and I have been working on it."

Emi falls in a stault anxiety and love as she wonders her gift in even redder a blush. "Thank you, my dear."

"Let me hold on to it until when we depart."



The two are a walk in a room of immense proportions. From two sides are a n aquatic exhibit of dazzling fishes in colors of yellow and orange and purple.

As the two stand close, the girl points at a peculiar fish of orange in white stripes as it swishes on in a current of gentle waves. An architecture of coral reef is a house for this little fish, and as in a bubble of conversation, it joins in a dance of other little fish.

"That is a school of fish mingling in a maturity of fish lessons." Melo talks.

Emi nods in a gloom of date-ship as she is in an interest to convene her love with a gift of her own.


As Melo observes the section on particular fishes, her date is in a weak prance as she thinks of a manner to please him.

These jellyfish, in a trout of upheaval, must flurry on in a search for copepodes. Melo is in a thought.

A jellyfish is in a flurry as it floats in a deep blue amongst bright lunar lights of kuhli and killifish. Melo smirks in a delight. I hope these fish are taken care of.

Emi walks around in a haste of thought to see her date gleaming beside a glass of small jellyfish. She tidly smiles and so too slightly observe the fish from a distance.

Her thought strays as she notices a poster above the glass that says "Fish can be purchased if in a request." She gasps in a sudden bout of love as she grabs the nearest rail and subtlety drools over her gift-bringeth.


"Please, I would like to purchase a small jellyfish." Emi asks a courtier. The courtier bows in agreement and leads her to a desk.

"I must have a name and a kind of jellyfish please."

Emi lays a finger in wait and returns to her boyfriend, still in a scene of observement. "Hi dear."

Melo glances at her and gives her a slight bump with his fist. "Hi, my baby."

"What is a jellyfish in your taste?"

Melo ponders and points at a small cute one with a transparent overcoat. "Awesome." Emi walks back to the courtier and gives him a name and a type of jellyfish.

"Thank you, young lady."


Once in a depart of sorts, the two are in a walk to a train station.

"Wait, my date."

Melo steps back and towards her as she takes out a water bag from her pouch.

Melo, in an aghast of a dream, holds out his hands to the little jellyfish in the small bag. "My dear! What a gift for me."

Emi blushes in a swish of her small jacket as her date glovers over his new pet.


About the Creator

The ecinmy

To the honorary gesture of the westworth village, I do encumber to create the stories of the pastive nature of the grove to which I can further create a surther of mine to village thence.

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The ecinmyWritten by The ecinmy

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