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By Nicole GrantPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

“I have the privilege & honor of presenting to you: The President of the United States. Jeff Bezos”

A pre-recorded applause plays as the camera pans through a pseudo-congressional chamber revealing an audience of congressional vectors: brown machines with wheels for feet, human-like hands, a screen for a face and signature Amazon smile.

Jeff Bezos walks to the podium.

“Vice President Bloomberg, Members of the Legis-Vector. My fellow Americans.

When I took office 16 years ago amidst the greatest financial crisis in history, I knew. Action was necessary, not only action but thoughtful action: to stop, think & act more efficiently. I couldn’t afford the freedom of failure. Responsibility was too great.

I applied the management techniques I learned as Amazon’s CEO to the way I’d govern, starting from the top. The economy.

We’re told to think of the economy as this one pie.

The American Pie.

You know the story:

Hen makes a pie.



Not too tart

Not too sweet.

Sitting in the window.

The whole farm shows up, saying, ‘I want a slice of that pie!’

Hen says ‘No.It’s mine’

Everyone’s hangry, yelling,

‘Hen can’t eat that whole pie! She’s rampant with greed! This is tyranny!’

So Hen cuts the pie into 4 slices for herself & dearest friends Rooster, Cow & Pig.

Goat cries from the crowd.

‘I don’t have a slice. This is unfair’

‘You’re right.’ Cat agrees. ‘Pig is fatter than all of us.’

Sheep concedes ‘Yeah, Porky doesn’t need a slice that big.’

So Pig, now insecure about his weight, cuts his slice into four. One piece for him, Goat, Cat & Sheep.

Dog (seeing the effectiveness) decides to give it a try. Dog convinces Cow to give him half of his slice.

Now everyone has a slice.

Problem Solved.

Crisis Averted.

Everyone’s happy.



Goat is enraged.

‘Dog has more than me! We need to redistribute the pie so everyone's slice is equal!’

Horse trots in. ‘I haven’t gotten a sli-.’

Hen yells ‘Enough! Tomorrow I will make a bigger pie & everyone can get a slice.’

The next day, as promised.

Hen shows up.

Brand new bigger pie.

Everyone from yesterday shows up waiting to get their slice.

As Hen sets the pie out, Bird flies in.

Homes! Que tal! I heard there was tarta!’

Hen says ‘Yes. We have enough for everyone’

She cuts 10 slices to split evenly with everyone.

Equal slices.

Everyone’s happy.



Goat finishes his slice, then complains to Rooster,

‘We all would’ve gotten bigger slices! Bird was never promised a slice! He made our slices smaller.

Rooster replies ‘You’re not entitled to Hen’s pie, there’s only one pie, take what you get.’

Hen says ‘Rooster’s right. I have one oven. I can only make one pie.’

You see, Hen had an efficiency problem.

What Hen should’ve done was charge everyone $1 per slice, then used the money to buy more ingredients & a new oven that can make four pies at once.

Now there are four pies everyday, enough for everyone to have as much as they want.

If you look at the economy as one pie, no matter the size, once the pie is split, someone won’t get a slice, some slices will be bigger than others.

But if you find out how to use that pie to create a system where getting a slice is accessible for everyone.

Everyone is satisfied.

They all live happily ever after.

The End.

Hen was a traditional manager not a radical manager.

As Amazon’s CEO as well as in my presidency. I’ve improved efficiency by margins that allow us to use dividends to expand our economic and legislative system ensuring everyone has access to basic needs, disposable income, and 100% Satisfaction.”

I’m proud to say, through automation, creative economics, and the help of the American people. We have successfully reached 100% Satisfaction for All Americans!

We go into 2048, more efficient than ever. More safe. More fair. More satisfied.

The Blue Deal has provided Universal Basic Dividends to every American.

The prohibition of human labor has put an end to suicide, stress, work-related deaths, anxiety and human suffering.”

Our Prime Infinity Program has ended hunger nationally and provided every American with infinite instant access to anything their heart desires.

Our vector taskforce has automated more than 45 million tasks, allowing us to focus on our own satisfaction. Speaking of satisfaction.

Hey Vector, How’s our satisfaction index?”

The camera cuts to close ups of 535 congressional vectors, Each one with an abbreviation showing which voice they represent. The vector screens start loading up percentages going from red to green. Each screen loads up a percentage of 100%. The vectors start simultaneously spewing out percentages in robotic harmony.

“100% Satisfaction among women”

"100% Satisfaction among men”

"100% Satisfaction among the American economy”

“My fellow Americans. The state of the union is strong!”

The camera pans out as a wipe transition reveals a patriotic motion graphic with in bold font 2048 STATE OF THE UNION.

We hear a soft fade in of Hail to the Chief as a soft woman’s voice says “The 2048 State of the Union will be back after these short messages from our sponsors.”

Stars and Stripes Forever fades in. We see a vector Uncle Sam pointing at the viewer. Below him the words “WE WANT YOU” in bold print.

The vector speaks. “We want you! To exercise your duty as a gear in the machine that keeps our legislative process functioning. By purchasing shares with one of our 535 voices in the Legis-Vector your voice will be heard.”

The camera cuts to different types of vectors saying:

“A share with LULU is a voice for women”

“A share with NKE is a voice for men”

“A share with BA is a voice for our military”

“A share with AMZN is a voice for our country’s economy.”

“All sold out? No Problem! Try our Market Share program.”

Wipe to reveal logo: The words MARKET SHARE in light font with a vector robot smiling/hugging words together.

“Making democracy accessible to everyone.

To use your voice. Just say ‘Hey Vector!’ then ‘Invest In Change’.”

A sweeping motion graphic slides across the screen revealing Legis-Vector quill cursive text on a scroll between two American flags.

“Legis-vector. Invest in Change”

The ad fades out.

Hail to the Chief fades in again as the State of the Union graphic wipes across the screen.

“VP Bloomberg loves to brag about the country's growth. But me. I'm a numbers guy. So I’ll let the numbers speak for themselves.

We have eliminated 100% of American poverty, homelessness and food insecurity at virtually no cost.

In 2048, the $1000 Prime Infinity Fee deducted from your monthly $2000 dividend has helped grow, pick, cook and deliver more than 6 trillion tons of food to American families and provide adequate housing, healthcare, and education to over 300 million Americans.”

Military deaths at 0%

Violent Police-Related Incidents excluding prison down to 0%,

We’ve gotten 24 million guns off the streets since 2032.

Crime rate down to 10%

Pregnancy related death at 0%.

All sexually transmitted diseases at 0%

Teen pregnancy at 0%

With Surri-vector/Hedo-Vector. We delivered over 2 million healthy babies and overpopulation has slowed by 50%.

But we need more.

I know. What else Jeff?

I’ve always been a person who likes to explore endless possibilities. I won’t rest until every American is 100% satisfied.

I believe consumerism is how we live better than our grandparents.

Don’t think so? Ask your grandpa about “The Old Days.

I used to spend summers at my grandparents ranch. I have plenty of 'the Old Days stories.'

“Jeff, You kids have it easy! We had to tie our books together with a belt and walk 10 miles to school. Everyday!’

I always thought, Why are you proud of that?

I always loved numbers, so I calculated: 10 miles everyday, 3.5 hours walk, factor in to/from, 180 school days, 13 school years. By his own admission, my grandfather spent 16,380 hours, almost 2 years of his life just walking on the side of the road with books on a belt.

With today’s reality of in-home learning, I sometimes feel my grandfather was wrong.”

As Amazon’s CEO, politicians always wanted me to create more jobs.

‘Create more jobs Jeff. Don’t automate, that's taking away jobs from people. The jobs make the people happy Jeff. Create them.’

So I did. As it turns out, everyone was actually very unhappy. Even those same politicians.

In addition, to their unhappiness, our efficiency dropped. We left our users dissatisfied to create jobs that didn’t create happiness. Jobs doing tasks that would be easier and faster if automated.

Today we hear stories of grandpas, proud of the time they spent sorting packages into boxes and fulfilling orders. Are they wrong?

No and here’s why. Much like my grandfather’s generation. We've industrialized our system.

One day some guy said ‘I’m gonna make a bag to put books in, so kids walking won’t have to drag a belt book along the road.’

Then some lady said there’s no reason kids should be walking 10 miles to school. Let’s make public transportation for students, so then “The School Bus”

And well today you just wake up, turn on the vector screen & boom.

The History & Education Network: ‘Tiiiiimmmmme for school.’

Much like my grandfather, your grandparents have also paved the way for us. They helped us train algorithms, understand the best practices, and integrate data we needed to create a better system and evolve.

At its core, that’s the purpose of technology.

Technology was how our grandfathers lived a life better than their grandparents. Consumerism will be how our grandchildren will live better than us.

Every-time You order a no-cost item Prime Infinity, you help fund the future of this country.

Whether it’s a Nutella Oreo Sandwich, or heart-shaped locket, you let us know what you like.

Your consumption, much like your grandparents' jobs, gives us the data we need to create a better system and evolve.”

Hail to the Chief plays again as the State of the Union graphic wipes over the screen. We hear, “The 2048 State of the Union will be back after thes-”…….

Sound malfunctions.

Screen glitches.

Goes black.

Glitches again

A man with a scraggly unkempt appearance emerges on screen.

“America, A storm is upon us that will show us how our inaction has changed us in ways we thought impossible.

My name is Desdemono Supplanter. I worked for NASA in the old days. My sector focused on studying and preparing for another Carrington Event.

The original in 1859 was one of the biggest solar flares ever recorded. It knocked out electricity globally. Fortunately, the most advanced technology, at the time was the telegraph. It was a mild inconvenience and went largely unnoticed for centuries.

We warned of the dangers of automating NASA, but were forced to cease all work on projects unrelated to Moon Exploration. We were told our efforts were obsessive and the costs outweighed the probability and consequences.

Today our entire existence relies on electricity and another Carrington Event would be devastating. We will see glowing skies, and failure of all electronic devices.

The UBD system and all banking systems will fail.

The vectors that replaced our workforce, will fail.

The hedo-vectors that comfort you emotionally and sexually will fail.

The Surri-vectors carrying your unborn children will fail,

Nothing will work. All of the work will be up to you.


It could all be temporary. Could be days, weeks, months. It would be hubris to say I’m certain. But if we act hastily without thinking, there will be consequences, just as if we think but don’t act.

Over the past few decades several scientists have maintained a guide to survival. This will help us to remain calm as a communit----’

The screen glitches again, then goes black.


About the Creator

Nicole Grant

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    Nicole GrantWritten by Nicole Grant

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