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The Heart of The World

Salvation versus Destruction

By Pamela JohnsonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
The Heart of The World
Photo by shannon VanDenHeuvel on Unsplash

The Kingdom Has Fallen! We are at the mercy of those aligned with the Kingdom. We are but a small band of outcasts who have chosen not to conform to the rules of the realm. The rulers seek us for our conspiracy. We are relegated to hiding amongst the debris of destroyed buildings in the midst of decaying corpses scattered among the fallen concrete. Rebels are we, alluding the leaders that have forced their ideals on unsuspecting citizens. We refused to be hypnotized by their summons of power, forced edicts, liberties, imagined created wars, and control of our bodies. The Supremacists have designed a universe based on their own notorious greed. We are driven into madness! Our band of outlaws must run! They must not capture a single one of us! This minute number of us are the caretakers of life. We are driven by the secret that we carry among us. We take turns concealing the little silver heart shaped locket on our bodies camouflaged by our hair and flesh. This gift we choose to steal from the Principality of the Kingdom. This is an unappreciated gift that is misunderstood by those who rule. Put into their hands to be misused is not an option. The precious heart shaped locket holding in its interior the truth, love, breath, and water of life. The locket is our last grasp of control over destruction by those immersed in their own self possession of power. The silver heart shaped locket is the heart of the universe, the last link to survival. Shaped into a heart because the locket is the heart of our world and contains our life essence. Too long has the heart of the world been unfastened from its podium, laid aside to tarnish. Now the rivers are no longer flowing and the "so called" superiors are discerning the possibility of their broken thinking. The are beginning to realize the little silver locket robbed blatantly from their possession was not just a beautiful piece of jewelry to be worn without understanding the impact of its worth. Are they deciphering that it had properties beyond their fragment of comprehension? We this small group of twenty know this and are willing to protect the infinite value of our necklace with our lives. We understand this silver shining object ties us to the Creator of all things. This is the purpose of our flight, why we run in earnest to prevent our silver medal from entering the hands of those that would darken it and use it to gain knowledge beyond their capacity to use it wisely. In the wrong hands it would not be a source of resusitation but one of further destruction.

We navigate our way to the summit of Chimborazo in a country once known as Ecuador. This is the farthest point away from the earth's center. If we can ascend this peak we can open our treasured locket and release its life forces. The waters of the earth would again flow freely, no longer locked in the well of simple tolerance of the Kingdom. The water not just to be used for the sole intention of sustenance, but for the revival of the earth and cleansing of distorted attitudes. This tiny silver necklace may salvage some of what we lost before the collapse. We are followed and live in constant fear but that can not be allowed to preclude us in our mission, for it is one that can Not fail. We the keepers will trudge on mounting obstacles, making sure to evade those desiring to obliterate us. We will defeat our oppressors and bring back the good that once existed in this now desolate sphere. We know that good can never be completely demolished by those enforcing their evil control of the Kingdom. There remains a thread of hope for we are a thin band of light preventing eternal darkness. We carry the tiny silver heart shaped locket and will place it on top of Chimborazo and open it. Those invisible strengths within the heart, a peaceful interlude. Perhaps, all has not been lost and we are the restorers , the catalysts for the good of mankind.

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About the Creator

Pamela Johnson

I am an amateur writer who loves expressing myself creatively through words when something brings inspiration to me. I love to read and explore all the creative arts. I enjoy hearing the expressions of others.

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    PJWritten by Pamela Johnson

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