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The Heart in Chaos

Finding what was lost

By Rebecca HackneyPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

It has been almost two years since the world was thrust into chaos. First there was a war which led to an outbreak of a deadly plague. Once the plague was controlled and a cure was found another war was fought for said cure. The outcome of that war was the world being torn into pieces with leaders rising from the ashes and making new colonies. New colonies with new rules and a new way to run things which made them not get along. Instead of breaking out into another war the two colonies decided that they would be peaceful and just divide the land. The people got to decide which side they wanted to live on, but once they picked a side they had to stay there forever. However, there were a few outsiders who just roamed wherever they pleased.

Raven was one of those outsiders, she didn’t believe in the way the leaders wanted to run things. She got a job working for people within and outside the colonies as a lost item tracker. Basically, she found things for people, and it was an actual job, so she was able to cross the boarders without problems. However, no matter how hard she looked she could not find the thing she lost.

Raven looked at her map trying to decide the best route to the town in which her next job was located. She got the call early that morning about a little girl wanting a stuffed teddy bear dressed like a ballerina for her upcoming birthday. Raven couldn’t say no to children, so she took the job however the only place that has those type of toys is the Toy Zone. The Toy Zone was located in between the two colonies, most people did not go there fearing they would run into the other colony members. So most of the time the outsiders were hired although not every outsider would take this type of job. Finding the best way to town Raven folded the map up and put in back in her backpack. She took out her binoculars to get a better lay of the land and her locket slipped out of her bag. Picking up the heart shaped locket brought back so many memories of the thing she lost and vowed to find one day. Placing the necklace back in the bag she got moving, she had until that evening to deliver the teddy bear.

Upon arriving at Toy Zone Raven saw that there was already an outsider inside. Usually all the outsiders stayed to themselves, that is why they are outsiders. Sometimes they crossed paths with each other but some of them were bad and Raven wanted to stay far away from those ones. Climbing out her jeep she locked the door and headed inside. She nodded to the men already in the room and went to the stuffed animal section of the store. On the top shelf she found her prize, but Raven was short so she could not reach it. She looked around looking for a ladder or something to reach it with when the other outsider reached up and grabbed the bear. Raven looked at him then he handed her the bear.

“Um, thanks.” Raven said.

“No problem. You on a job or picking out something for you.” He said with a chuckle.

“Uh, that doesn’t concern you.” She said walking away.

“Just trying to be friendly, no need to be rude.”

Raven got to the counter not giving the man another look or thought. She had a job to do there was no time to try and make friends.

Item purchased and stowed away Raven headed off towards the North colony to deliver it. Halfway there she realized she was being followed by the man who helped her with the bear. Great, she thought, what does he want? She kept going towards the colony thinking the man might have his own business he was dealing with. Then a loud bang sounded at her right and Raven saw a big truck heading straight for her. She sped up and took a sharp turn to the left to avoid being hit. The truck missed her but started chasing her, the man from the store came out of no where and hit the truck knocking it into a ditch. Raven kept moving forward not sure what to think.

Right before she got to the border crossing into the colony Raven pulled over and stopped so she could eat some lunch. She checked her rearview and saw the man again, he pulled up right beside her and rolled down his window.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well usually when a truck it trying to run me off the road, I get a little cautious.”

“Listen, dude, I fine and its not the first time someone has tried a stunt like this.”

“Josh is my name and you are welcome by the way. Figured I would say it since you aren’t likely too.”

“Oh right. I’ve seen to have forgot my manners. Thank you so much Josh.” She said sarcastically.

“Do you know why he is after you at least? Do you know who he is?”

“Probably for my job, especially if he hasn’t had one in while. No, I didn’t recognize him.”

“Yeah, like a pink bear is worth a lot.” He said rolling his eyes.

“It is to the little girl I got it for. Why do you care anyway? Most of us stay to ourselves.”

“I’m not like most of us. Besides, I have my reasons.” He said looking away.

Raven didn’t know what to think of Josh, she trusted people before and got hurt in more ways than one. Josh seemed genuine though and he did help her with the truck guy.

“Listen, I’m sorry. You are right, you have been helpful when you didn’t need to be. Thank you, Josh.” Raven said with a smile.

“Yeah, don’t mention it.” Josh said smiling back. He didn’t know what to think of this woman. He got the call early that morning to protect her at all costs. He didn’t know why or who hired him but a job was a job. Josh usually didn’t do protection calls but he needed the money.

“So there is something you should know”, Josh said as Raven started packing up her stuff, “The reason I am here is because I got a call to protect you. I don’t know the details or who is fitting the bill but apparently you’re in danger.”

Raven started laughing, someone wanted her protected, ha yeah right! She looked over at Josh and noticed the confused look on his face.

“Oh you’re serious. Well I have a item to drop off but you can come along I guess.”

“No guessing about it. I’m coming with you. If the truck running you off the road wasn’t indication your life was in danger, I don’t know what is.”

Raven shrugged her shoulders and started her jeep maybe having him tag along wouldn’t be so bad.

They arrived at the house and gave the girl her bear. The girl was thrilled and her parents gave Raven a nice tip. Back at her jeep Raven stashed the money into her bag and her heart locket fell out again, Josh picked it up and looked inside. Raven snatched it from him and put it around her neck.

“Is that why you became an outsider? So you can find what you lost? Believe me, I know about that.”

“You do? What did you lose?” Raven asked looking at her heart shaped locket.

“Doesn’t matter now. We need to figure out who is after you.”

Raven and Josh talked about who could be after her, but Raven came up blank. What was even more mysterious to Raven was the fact that someone wanted her protected. So she was stuck with Josh until the threat passed or they found out who was after her. They decided to track down the man with the truck to see who sent him. Raven looked at her locket one more time then tucked it into her shirt. Josh parked his vehicle and just rode with Raven; it was easier that way. They got back to the truck but the driver was gone so they looked inside for any clues.

“Look here is a receipt for the gas station by the Toy Zone. He must have been following you for a while.” Josh stated handing Raven the receipt.

“No phone, computer or notes though about who hired him.”

“I have a safe house set up we can go there until we figure out more. Found his license so at least we can do some research on him.”

“I don’t know. You say someone hired you to protect me but where is the proof?”

Josh took out his phone and showed her the text with the protection order. Satisfied that he proved his point he started walking back towards the jeep when shots rang out. He shoved Raven behind him, took out his gun and started firing back. Raven ran towards the jeep while Josh covered her. Raven started the jeep up and put it between Josh and the shooter, Josh climbed in and Raven floored it heading to the safe house.

At the safe house Josh noticed a black SUV already there, odd he thought. Might be another hitman or might be the person who hired him. Either way he would be cautious. He looked at Raven, she was looking at the SUV and glancing around. She looked scared, which she had every right to be.

“Hey, it will be okay. We will watch for a little while see what’s up with the SUV, then I’ll go in.” He said reassuring her with a smile.

“Ok. So what is it you lost?” Raven asked changing the topic.

“My sister. I found her but it was too late, she was gone.”

“I’m sorry.” She said placing her hand on his arm.

“He’s cute by the way”, he said referring to the picture in her locket, “What’s his name?”

“Willow. I lost him when the war broke out, been trying to find him since.”

“I’ll keep a look out.”

“Thanks. Look someone is coming out the house.”

Josh turned to the house and saw a man walk out with a phone; a second later Josh’s phone rang. It was the man who hired him to protect Raven, odd he thought, Josh didn’t know the man would be at the safe house. They got out the jeep and slowly approached the house, Josh on high alert. Once they got closer Raven recognized the man and ran towards him wrapping him in a hug.

“Uncle John! I thought you were dead.” She said releasing him.

“That’s what I wanted people to think, but then I found out someone realized I was alive and are using my favorite niece to get to me by putting a hit on you. So I hired Josh here to protect you and bring you here.”

“You could have called me. What about the hit?”

“I knew they were watching so didn’t want to risk them tracking me down. Plus if I called you, you wouldn’t have believed it was me. The hit is taken care of, no need to worry anymore.” Uncle John said smiling.

Woof! Woof!

“What’s that?” Raven asked just as a German shepherd bounded down the porch steps and tackled her. “Willow! Oh Willow, hey boy! Oh, I’ve missed you!” She said while giving the dog hugs.

“Where did you find him?” Josh asked.

“I know how much he means to Raven so I put word out and someone dropped him off. Been keeping him until I could let her know.” John said.

“Thank you, thank you so much!” Raven said hugging John again then walking into the house with Willow.

Things were starting to look better.


About the Creator

Rebecca Hackney

Love writing and taking readers on a journey.

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    Rebecca HackneyWritten by Rebecca Hackney

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