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The Goddess Within

Rise of the Sea Witch

By Nicole FennPublished 9 months ago 6 min read
Zoltan Tasi

Mother Moon come to me,

I call and ask this of thee,

Help me feel your strength again,

and find the Goddess that resides within.

It was, more or less, part of the initiation for them. To sit in the light of the Full Moon surrounded by that which calls to them all within in the safety of the trees. With offering in hand, they’d call to Mother Moon, to Hecate, to any deity that spoke to them in the past or current lifetime. Of course, they didn’t have to search for a deity, didn’t have to wait for the whispered words of their voices throughout their daily routines. The coven welcomed all Witches, whether they practiced Witchcraft or were Wiccan. As long as respect was paid to one another and to their practices, each Witch had their turn to sit within the circle of protective stones and whatever was called to their hearts.

And on this particular Full Moon, a new Witch to the coven found herself sitting with her head held high, gaze fixed towards the beauty of the moon’s reflected light bathing the trees amongst them and her surrounding stars. Or rather, what stars could shine through the light pollution from the nearby city. The coven’s current head, a woman who called herself Aradia, took her time in placing pebbles and rocks in a circle to protect as another Witch - whom she had yet to learn her name - lit the few candles along each point of the shielding pentagram within the circle. But, what none of them were expecting were the items she had decided to place around her as her calling items.

Seashells of varying forms, sand from the beach, a couple of jars of salt water, dried seaweed, and dried sea stars.

While no one outright judged her for these items, many were curious being that they were hundreds of miles from the ocean, from any significant body of water. Why would she choose the path of a Sea Witch if the closest water source was a small pond towards the center of the forest they were currently in?

Cosmic Witches, Crystal, Hedge, Plant, Kitchen, and even Gray Witches; all could be found within this coven. A Sea Witch was certainly new and a first for them. But, she would also be their 13th member, the final member the coven’s been seeking for years. And if Aradia saw something within this new witch, a power that would only amplify the sanguine magick that’s bound the coven for decades; then they’d have to accept her. Because, regardless, she couldn’t shake the ocean’s pull.

Growing up, the ocean was not only a place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the world, but a sanctuary of sorts to her. The hypnotic push and pull of the waves, how the sea foam would tickle and kiss her toes as she’d stand just along the water’s edge. The wind would card its fingers through her hair, the sea salt and spray decorating her locks like jewels and drops of dew on the forest foliage. And she’d never feel more at home, more at peace, and connected to the world spinning under her feet than in those moments.

Now, this was her chance to use similar calming practices within her new coven. Some would be stressed and overwhelmed by their every day, their 9 - 5s putting too much strain and sucking the very magick from them. Some have even come to her already requesting her guidance. A spell jar of shells and water, with a bit of glitter powder, was a specialty of hers as she’d request the stressed witch to chant “I am ok, I am calm” while shaking the jar. The combination of swirling water and the soft clinking of shells was enough to quiet even their most stressed witch - Aurora - the coven’s kitchen witch who was notorious for her wonderful meals when the coven would come together; but not without the added anxiety of cooking for so many people. Aurora had even requested a special jar at some point, keeping it on the windowsill in front of the kitchen’s sink, next to all the drying herbs of course.

Regardless if her practice was “odd” compared to the rest, she couldn’t disregard the feeling of immense belonging whenever she was helping her fellow sisters. Whether it was introducing them to shell runes, showing off her - very well chaotically organized - Book of Tides, or how to make candles with larger sea shells; they all respected her path and welcomed her with open arms.

The next deep inhale was sharp as the air around them started to cool during the night's progression. However, when Aradia was finally done placing the stones around her, an honest nervousness settled upon her shoulders as she was centered in the limelight.

Aradia gave her a gentle smile, noticing the slight hesitation to worry her brows, and extended her palms out to encourage the coven to join hands around the circle. Her voice was a peaceful lilt as the elder witch closed her eyes and spoke,

“Hecate, Mother Moon, and to all the guides and deities; the Sisters of the Sacred Meadows wish to welcome a new witch to our coven, Miss Lana Barlowe. A Sea Witch who, during her first weeks with the coven, has proved an immense help and sense of comfort to many of us, especially those in need of revitalization with our magick.”

Aradia opened her eyes to rest upon the young witch in the circle’s center, “Have you chosen a deity, my dear? If you’ve decided so.”

“Amphitrite, ma’am.”

The elder witch beamed, “Amphitrite, Goddess of the sea and wife of Poseidon, guide this young Sea Witch along her path, and help to bring about her incredible potential both within the coven and within her life.”

The words spoken brought a chill along Lana’s arms, goosebumps rising in the wake as a strong breeze rustled the leaves surrounding them. She could smell it then, the unmistakable scent of sea salt, and a subtle smile broke out on her own features with her gaze pinned to the sky.

“You may recite the spell now, my dear.”

Lana cleared her throat, reaching for a shell along the inside of the circle - her favorite shell - to clasp within her palm. With grip tight, she recounted, “Mother Moon come to me, I call and ask this of thee, help me feel your strength again," A welt started to form in her throat, "- and find the Goddess that resides within.”

It was a warmth, an intense warmth that overtook her and straightened her spine to sit taller within the circle. Tears started to brim her bottom lids at the immense and sudden feeling of connection with everything around her. The rest of the coven surrounding her started humming the tune to a song known only amongst them, a song created for the coven during its inception decades ago. But, as haunting as the melody could be, especially surrounded by the rich darkness of night; it felt empowering to be at the center of it all as the moon’s light seeped through the whisps of clouds above to bathe them all in the cool glow. The sharper edges of the shell started to sting along the soft skin of her palm as she tightened her grip on it, the song reaching the end as they all spoke in unison, “Blessed be.”

Aradia beamed, squeezing the hands of the two witches on either side of her.

“Welcome - officially - to the coven of the Sisters of the Sacred Meadows, Lana. I hope you find happiness and light with us and continue to grow your magick and strength as a Sea Witch.”

The smile stretched along her features but was the most genuine smile she’s given in a long time. The rest of the coven cheered for her, some even running into the circle to pull her into a hug until all 13 members were huddled together in an embrace. The squeals of laughter, giggles, and consistent spew of “welcomes” were smothering Lana at the very center.

And yet, even if she was the coven’s only Sea Witch - even while hundreds of miles from the sea - she was welcomed easily. Even if her own magick wasn’t as strong as some of the other witches, huddled here together as they were, she only felt that spark within her burst into a scorching flame. Knowing that only the love and support from her sisters, and for herself, would keep that flame strong and burning bright.

May your forge burn bright. Blessed be.

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About the Creator

Nicole Fenn

Young, living - thriving? Writing every emotion, idea, or dream that intrigues me enough to put into a long string of words for others to absorb - in the hopes that someone relates, understands, and appreciates.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

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  2. Eye opening

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  3. Heartfelt and relatable

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  4. On-point and relevant

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Comments (1)

  • Veronica Coldiron9 months ago

    I love the pull of the tide in relation to the way the writing kind of ebbed and flowed to set the mood. GREAT story! 😉 Definitely a new fan!

Nicole FennWritten by Nicole Fenn

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