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The Druid's Companion

Selection Day

By E.L. MartinPublished 2 years ago 8 min read
The Druid's Companion
Photo by Rosie Sun on Unsplash

"Of course, the elves get to choose before the half-elf." Morgana huffed before continuing, "Pointless ceremony."

She pouted in a far woodland corner sitting sideways atop a large moss-covered stone feeling justified for her uproar.

"Oh come on, Morgan! Everyone knows this isn't about race; it's about beauty. Of course you're going last!" Jack teased. Under his breath he murmured, "And why Amara is first."

His eyes stared longingly at her before Morgana abruptly slapped his mouth shut.

"Disgusting creatures such as you have no business even looking at Amara." she stated, correcting him with a smack from her staff.

However, Morgana herself could scarcely tear her eyes away from the gorgeous wonder. Amara's skin was a deep rich caramel color brightened with gold undertones. Her eyes were similarly striking. Her hair glowed as brilliant and bright as the moonlight. Elves were known for their beauty, but Amara was exceptional.

"I wonder which companion animal she'll choose." Jack commented.

Now that many of the adolescents within their Druidic tribe had achieved age fifteen, a companion selection ceremony was held. The forest home of their woodland tribe was teeming with wildlife. Despite Morgana's griping, the tribe's elders insisted each child would be provided an animal companion of their choosing.

Morgana responded to Jack's curiosity. "Don't you know? She'll miraculously find a white owl to symbolize her purity, wisdom, and beauty." Morgana's eyes rolled as she spoke, and her words came off as flat and clipped. Sarcasm and jealousy emanated from her very being as she placed her hands on her chin and gathered her knees underneath herself.

Jack gave her no response. Morgana took his silence for a subtle consensus as the group of youngsters watched a white owl light on Amara's shoulder.

By Alfred Kenneally on Unsplash

"I have chosen my companion animal!" Amara proclaimed while holding the owl on her arm like a falconer.

The elders announced, "Assuredly, this owl symbolizes your purity, wisdom, and beauty! We would have expected nothing less for your grace."

Morgana mouthed and mimicked their words before remarking "how predictable." Jack and a few others let out muffled chuckles.

"What animal do you think suits you?" Eldora asked, turning to Morgana.

Jack couldn't contain himself from interjecting, "a snake, probably!"

Morgana elbowed Jack forcefully. He knew how badly she despised the "slither bellies"; though she considered for a moment how convenient it would be to use their venom on a poisoned arrow. She supposed that could prove advantageous to a certain degree.

"It doesn't matter. I'll get what I get. I suppose I'll be happy with whatever is left." Morgana stated not even attempting to hide the disappointment in her voice.

"You don't have to be like that." Eldora replied, "Don't you know that your specific companion animal will innately be attracted to you? Our companion animal is our natural destiny."

"I thought that was a fairy tale the elders used for entertaining children. Don't they always tell tales like that to "preserve childhood innocence and hope" or whatever? I've heard travelers explain it differently; so much so that I find that ideology laughable." Morgana explained adding finger quote motions for the parts that needed it.

Eldora acted offended. "This is why many of us avoid talking to you, half-blood."

"Sorry, I thought you were taking pity on me by including me in a conversation in the first place; or maybe you're trying to reassure yourself regarding your selection options since you're the last pure-blooded elf before the "halfies" get their turn. You're not like Jack here who actually takes an interest in people, after all."

"I'm glad you see my worth." Jack responded placing his fist to his chest.

Morgana rolled her eyes. The boy was annoying, but at least he was simple and steadfast. As much as she hated to admit it, he was the only friend she could count on despite being the prankster that he was. She wondered which animal he would pair with; though, she dared not ask. She knew her inquiry would only be met with some half-witted sarcasm and a snarky grin.

Jack's magnetic presence had always attracted a variety of woodland creatures. Morgana suspected that he could have chosen from any of them. If not for their friendship, she would have envied him more than Amara. He had a wild, restless spirit; the very same that enhanced their comradery as the two had that attribute in common. But when it came to woodland creatures, Jack possessed a gentle nature that Morgana found unusual to exist within the same reckless person.

It came to pass that when his selection time came, he surprised elders and contemporaries alike by his insistence on traveling farther than their home forest to locate his companion. Jack sensed things on intuition, and felt as though a presence was guiding him to where he was needed. Upon his persuasion, the tribe elders consented to his leave request and agreed to celebrate his portion of the ceremony upon his return.

Morgana did not find this particularly unusual for Jack. He was one of the few who had been influenced by travelers passing through their lands. He confided his traveling and expedition wishes only to Morgana. Of all their peers, she felt he was most inclined to seek his own path. He may have been a pure-blooded elf born of proud lineage and loving parents, but that made no difference to his view of himself. Morgana wished him luck in his journey ahead as they said their goodbyes. She wistfully watched him leave. She hoped she would see him upon his return, however, her intuition told her that he had no intentions of returning at all. Before making haste on his quest, he turned back to Morgana with a sharp, glee-filled smile that only confirmed this supposition.

She couldn't blame him for doing what was best for him; but in that moment, Morgana knew her fate had already been sealed. She could predict the future actions of her elven tribe mates and elders. The one unpredictable party and cohort she could always count on was now gone.

One by one, the selection ceremony proceeded. Eldora received a hawk that he proceeded to stroke lovingly with one hand while gloating to Morgana.

"I told you I'm destined for great things. Look at my falcon's striking appearance. Destiny prevailed regardless of what your beloved and ignorant travelers may have contested."

Morgana scoffed and remarked, "Humph! If destiny prevailed over sheer dumb luck, you would have received a rat to rightfully match your personality. Your companion animal proves nothing of your or the elders' claims. Your commentary on the matter only tells me it is you who needs convinced of your beliefs, not me. I'm not the one who began a sermon seeking validation."

Eldora bit his tongue and turned his back, obviously offended before murmuring under his breath, "We'll see what you get, you little wretch!"

Morgana felt quite pleased with herself after quietly chuckling at his remarks. She knew he only talked to her because of Jack and his desire to gain ranks within their Druidic society. He was jealous that Jack would waste his time with a "halfie" instead of a noble pure elf like himself.

If he had ever gotten to know Jack for who he was, he would have realized that belittling her or attempting frivolous conversation would get him nowhere. Jack never questioned her loyalty, despite her bitter attitude. He also knew that someone of her social stature could not use him to gain a higher position. Morgana sought only one thing; comradery.

She was alone, and Jack found that advantageous. In his own way, he was alone too. He often told her as much, but Morgana believed they were alone in contrasting ways. While Jack seemed constantly surrounded with ideas, adventures, and discoveries created from his own mind, Morgana found herself plagued when left alone to her own internal thoughts. She held an inner darkness that she couldn't fathom corrupting Jack. Instead, he projected hope, light, opportunity, and boundless optimism. She wondered how someone wielding such power could associate themselves with someone like her, but then again she already knew that answer.

The "halfies" all took their turns. Morgana looked disdainfully when a few seemed to cheer about choosing rats and snakes. One happily found a wolf pup, and Morgana felt a semblance of joy watching the two interact. The additional bonus was watching the horror on the tribal council's face as they had to acknowledge that a wolf willingly chose a "halfie" for his companion.

"Hah! That'll teach them!" Morgana said with pride.

By Marek Szturc on Unsplash

Dusk and nightfall came swiftly. By now Morgana was the only participant remaining, and her impatience was getting the best of her. Morgana had not been forgotten. She had been intentionally excluded, as per usual. Only through Jack's presence and persistence had she been begrudgingly recognized. His absence gave the council members the opportune chance to delay her companion selection. Why such action was necessary, she was unsure, but this exclusion only intensified her anger and darkness.

The council thanked their gods for the many new companions their tribe adolescents had obtained. Their chieftain followed up this prayer with congratulatory remarks and an order for the tribe members participating in the ceremony to make clean up and nightfall preparations. Her caretaker, the tribal healer, came to urge her to perform those very same duties before bed. He half-heartedly attempted to reassure her that she would undergo her ceremony at a later date. After all, many "halfies" were ordinarily senior in age to the pure-blooded selection ceremony participants due to tribal hierarchy. The only reason so many "halfies" received companions this year was because the population of offspring had decreased.

Morgana burned internally, but kept her mouth shut. This man had taken her in, and she was under his strict medical care. Without him, she would have difficulty keeping her conditions at bay. She knew she was cursed, but this healer kept the severity of such hidden. Even if hiding the truth of her condition was somehow serving his purpose, it also aided her. She planned to seek out better treatment someday, but she preferred to at least have her animal companion along for the trip. The delay in companion selection had now temporarily hindered her quest, and she deemed it unforgivable.

Morgana had a seething place, and plenty of time to herself. She was treated as a slave and tasked with what others considered "unbearable" duties, but that made no matter to her. It gave her that time to herself. She busied her mind with what she prioritized while she busied her hands and body with habitual work that required no thought. Her tribal elders might not have noticed it, but Morgana was changing.

Her empowerment was rising, and her memory was intently sustained. She was growing to like loneliness as an outlet for her wrath. She was getting smarter, wiser, and planning more thoroughly. Vengeance would undoubtedly be taken upon those who dealt with her harshly, and it would be dealt in due time. Patience was an attribute the tribe had taught her unwittingly. After all, she learned to wait at their hands. She was becoming satisfied and coy. She was also behaving in a manner that her guardian found more favorable. By taking his instruction and building his trust through chores and favors, she was proving herself to be reliable. That reliability was necessary to gain knowledge of her medicines without depending on him. No longer would those be held over her head.

It was during these changes that she felt a force calling to her; the presence seemed to appear, flit, and vanish at will as if blending with the autumn foliage as she tried to track it. Underneath a tree trunk laid a mottled fox resembling the markings she bore upon her face, hair, and skin. "You finally found me." the creature smirked.

By Geran de Klerk on Unsplash


About the Creator

E.L. Martin

Powered by Nature, Humanity, Humor, Food, Lifestyle, Fiction, and Culture; Oh, and a questionable amount of coffee.

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  1. Eye opening

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  2. Heartfelt and relatable

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  3. On-point and relevant

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  • Pam Reeder2 years ago

    Looking forward to more!

E.L. MartinWritten by E.L. Martin

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