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The Devil's Playground

Part One

By KelPublished about a year ago 7 min read
The Devil's Playground
Photo by Lorenzo Fustaino on Unsplash

I never expected to receive an invitation like this. It came out of the blue, a sleek black envelope with a gold seal that looked like it belonged to another era. The invitation itself was embossed with intricate designs, and read:

"You have been selected to participate in a unique game unlike any other. If you choose to accept, please arrive at the designated location at midnight on the night of the next full moon."

As I read the words, my curiosity was piqued. I had always been a fan of puzzles and games, and the idea of something unique and mysterious was too tempting to resist. So, despite my better judgment, I found myself making the journey to the remote location specified on the invitation. As I drove through the winding roads and dense forests, the moon cast an eerie glow on the landscape. The silence of the night was broken only by the rustling of leaves and the occasional hoot of an owl. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched, that something was lurking in the shadows.

Finally, I arrived at a clearing in the woods, where a large tent had been set up. The tent was illuminated by a few dimly lit lanterns, casting strange shadows on the ground. A small group of people were gathered around a table, talking in hushed tones. They all looked as nervous and unsure as I felt. As I approached the table, I noticed that each person was holding a sleek black envelope identical to mine. One of the players handed me a small slip of paper. It read:

"Welcome to the Devil's Playground. The game is about to begin. Are you ready?"

My heart raced as I looked around at the others. They were an eclectic mix of people, ranging from young to old, and each with a look of curiosity and trepidation on their faces. It was clear that we were all here for the same reason: to find out what this game was all about. Suddenly, the flap of the tent opened, and a tall figure dressed in a cloak stepped inside. They didn't say a word, but their presence alone commanded attention. We all looked at them, waiting for some kind of explanation.

The figure's cloak billowed in the wind as they began to speak in a deep, commanding voice. "Welcome," they said. "You have been chosen to play a game unlike any other. The rules are simple: you will be presented with a series of challenges, and you must use your wit and skill to overcome them. Fail, and you will be eliminated. The last player standing will win a prize beyond your wildest dreams."

I couldn't help but feel a shiver run down my spine. This was no ordinary game. There was something dark and sinister about it, something that made my instincts scream at me to leave.

But I didn't. Something inside me, some twisted curiosity or desire for adventure, kept me there. And so, as the game's host laid out the rules and the stakes, I found myself nodding along, determined to see this thing through to the end.

The host handed out small slips of paper, each with a different symbol on it. They told us to keep the symbols secret, and to remember them well, as they would be important in the challenges to come. And then, with a flick of their cloak, the host was gone. We were left alone in the tent, the sounds of the forest outside the only thing keeping us company.

As I looked around at the other players, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. We were all strangers, brought together by this mysterious game. Who were these people, and what were they capable of?

The host had left us with nothing but our symbols and a vague sense of dread. I felt like I was in the middle of a horror movie, waiting for the first jump scare.

And then, it began. A sudden gust of wind knocked out the lanterns, plunging the tent into complete darkness. I heard a few gasps from the other players, and felt the tension in the air rise.

But then, a dim light flickered on in the center of the table, illuminating a small box. Inside the box was a puzzle, and a note that read:

"Complete this puzzle to move on to the next challenge. But be warned: time is running out."

I looked at the puzzle, trying to make sense of it. It was a jumble of symbols and numbers, with no clear pattern. I could feel the other players' eyes on me, waiting for me to make the first move.

I took a deep breath and began to work on the puzzle. My hands shook as I tried to match the symbols and numbers, but eventually, something clicked. The puzzle pieces fell into place, and a small chime sounded, signaling that I had solved it. But there was no time to celebrate. The box opened, and a piece of paper fluttered out. It read:

"Congratulations, you have passed the first challenge. But remember, the game is just beginning."

The lights came back on, and I saw that the other players had also solved their puzzles. We all looked at each other, unsure of what to do next. But then, a voice boomed from a speaker in the corner of the tent.

"Players, please proceed to the next challenge. Follow the path through the woods, and do not stray from the trail."

We all looked at each other, then made our way out of the tent. The moon was full and bright, casting an eerie glow on the forest. The path was marked with small lanterns, and we could hear strange noises coming from the darkness beyond.

As we walked, I felt a sense of dread wash over me. This game was no ordinary puzzle or scavenger hunt. There was something dark and dangerous lurking in the woods, and I knew that we were in for a fight. But I didn't have time to dwell on my fears. The path led us to a clearing, where a tall fence had been erected. The fence was covered in razor wire, and there was a gate with a keypad on the other side.

The speaker crackled to life again. "Players, the next challenge awaits. Enter the code to unlock the gate, and proceed to the other side."

We looked at each other, unsure of what the code could be. But then, I remembered my symbol from the previous challenge. It was a series of numbers, and they matched the numbers on the keypad.

I punched in the code, and the gate clicked open. We rushed through, eager to see what lay ahead. But what we found was beyond our worst nightmares. As we stepped through the gate, a cold wind blew through the clearing. We found ourselves in front of a dilapidated mansion, its once-grand façade now covered in vines and moss. The windows were boarded up, and the front door hung on its hinges.

The speaker crackled to life once more. "Welcome to the haunted house. Your next challenge awaits you inside. But be warned: this house is cursed, and those who enter may never leave."

I hesitated for a moment, but then I saw the other players already making their way inside. I followed them, trying to ignore the feeling of dread in my stomach.

As soon as we stepped inside, we were hit with a wave of musty air. The floorboards creaked beneath our feet, and the wallpaper peeled from the walls. It was as if the house itself was alive, and it didn't want us there.

We made our way through the dark corridors, following the symbols that had been painted on the walls. They led us to a room at the end of the hallway, where a table had been set up. On the table was a large puzzle box, with a note that read: "Solve this puzzle to move on to the next challenge. But be warned: time is running out, and the house will not make it easy for you."

I opened the puzzle box, and found that it was filled with small metal balls. The goal was to maneuver the balls through a maze, and into the correct slots. But every time I made progress, the house seemed to shift and twist, making the puzzle more difficult.

I could hear the other players grunting and swearing as they worked on their own puzzles. The tension in the room was palpable, and I felt like the walls were closing in on us. But then, I heard a sudden scream from one of the players. I turned to see that they had been caught in a trap, their hand ensnared in a hidden wire. Blood dripped from their fingers, and I felt a surge of panic.

We all rushed to help, trying to free the player from the trap. But the house seemed to be fighting against us, and it took several minutes before we were able to release them.

By the time we were finished, the other players had solved their puzzles and moved on to the next challenge. I hurried to catch up, my heart pounding in my chest.

We made our way to the back of the house, where a set of stairs led down to the basement. The speaker crackled to life again. "Players, your final challenge awaits you in the basement. But be warned: the Devil himself guards the way. Are you brave enough to face him?" I didn't know if I was brave enough, but I knew that I had come too far to turn back now. I took a deep breath, and followed the other players down the stairs, into the darkness below.


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Comments (1)

  • Test6 months ago

    Awesome story!!! Loved it!!!❤️

KelWritten by Kel

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