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The Dance Of Eternity

Promises of forever. Half-torn hearts stringed with the magical looms, An Elysian soul found her querencia in the darkness of plight.

By Hridya SharmaPublished 6 months ago 13 min read

The Dance Of Eternity

The tribunal of fate,

Promises of forever.

Half-torn hearts stringed with the magical looms,

An Elysian soul found her querencia in the darkness of plight.

I am Mikasa, and this is my story

The enchanting tale of glim, glam, and glory.

Let’s begin my recital,

The testimony of destiny changes the course of my life to what it entitles. All I could see was darkness. Where I could no longer see the brightness of the sun, the light though just above my head. The sunlight penetrated through the dense throughs, but I couldn’t feel anything. Maybe death laid its embrace on my body, the numbness rendered my entire body with a sense of serenity. And that very something copulated with all my senses, giving birth to an emotional orgasm within me.The charms of the enchanted woods lingered all over me, as I closed my eyes. There was something in the air, I knew for sure which could only be felt.As I was in my thoughts, I traveled back to my past. The time when everything was different, the time when I was in a quest for my identity.

It was the time of my childhood. I was eight back then. My father was a soldier in the army of Shiganshina. Everything was fair and life was eventful as the same. And fate decided to change the game. Father returned from duty, and we were having our dinner. There was a sudden knock at the door. When we opened the door, there was no one standing. Father was intuitive, he knew something was wrong.

He told us to go inside and lock the door. I wanted to stay with him. Something in me said I should be with him. He said, “Mikasa you are the destined protector of Shiganshina, I am telling you this now because this may be the last time I see you, my child! Tears welled up in my eyes, I didn’t want to leave my father. But he pushed me inside and locked the door. I could hear screams of him fighting and being injured. The man killed my father, he hid behind the door when we opened it.

He had come to take me, I was destined to be killed that day. Father saved me, he fought with destiny to sacrifice his life for his country. Mother held me to her bosom with teary eyes. She looked straight into the eye and said, “ My brave girl, you need to be on your own now. YOU are the master of your fate and the captain of our life. Always remember I and your dad loved you, you need to go from here.

This is my magic book, this will help you in the future. I cried, “ No mother, I do not want to lose you too.” She recited a spell and I was in the base camp. I looked around and the soldiers gathered all around, they showed the way to Erin. He was the king of Shiganshina, his father was brutally murdered by their enemies. He was made king at the age of four. When I entered his room, he signaled me to come inside. His magic ball was right in front of us, it reflected my death. The death of my innocence, the death of my heart, I ceased to live. I saw the corpses of my mother and father, as they lay covered with pools of blood. Their bodies were brutally tortured.

My spirit now wanted revenge, Erin saw the flame of hatred burning in my eyes. He told me,” Your parents sacrificed their lives for the country, their bodies will be honored and you now have to honor their sacrifice. He handed the sword to me and said, “You must protect me now, to protect this country. To honor your parents and seek revenge. My eyes welled up with blood, and every ounce of my being shouted in unison, “ I am at your service my lord.”

A decade passed by.

I became the best soldier they ever had, I fought many battles. I was the shield that protected Erin, from every danger. He never told me who killed my parents. And I like an obedient child waited for her master to tell me. He told me, “When the time is right, I will tell you everything. I believed every word he said. For somewhere deep within my heart, he had a special place. But fate, the sneaky master always takes the comfortable realities out of your life and plunges your existence into the dreary bottom of the unknown.

It was mid of June when I went on a battle in an unknown land. The land was somewhere in Europe. We emerged victorious in the battle. As I returned from the battle, I rested in my camp. There was a sudden change in the air, the sky turned grey. I kindled the lamp and when I went outside. Boom! The light thundered and had no sense of what was going on. As I opened my eyes I was in a very strange place. Where everything was new. I could see everyone wearing different clothes. As I saw myself in the mirror, I was terrified. This wasn’t me, I was in a new form, a new identity. Shocked by the new reality.

I ran out of thee room. I heard three men talking The first man said, “Hans you chose the right girl, she looks like a delicious piece of cake.” To which the second man replied, “ she is no ordinary girl, she is more than she looks. The third man was quiet, He said nothing but as I saw his face I was terrified. He was the killer I had seen at my place. Hans said,” Klaus, do you think she remembers anything.”

Klaus remained silent. Tyron replied, “ we can kill her now, she is no longer of our use now. Her mortal body has been killed. But we cannot kill her so her soul has been transferred! Klaus looked at him with bloodshot eyes and Tryon stopped talking, I wanted to know who I was, where I had come and who was this person I was now. So many questions raced through my heart, but all I knew was I had to take revenge, to find out the truth.

To seek the purpose of my life. I stood quietly and heard the rest of the conversation. Tryon continued, “ Klaus, we have to kill her, the sacrifice is performed. We cannot let her live, even though in another body. If she remembers anything, she can regain her powers and kill us. Hans said,” only if she does.” Tyron said, “ I will test her, let me spend the night with her. If she does anything, I will kill her. If she doesn’t I can have fun.”

He smiled coyly.

Klaus held him by his neck and spoke for the first time. “don’t you dare touch her Tyron, she is my prisoner. I will deal with her my way. And then he stormed out of the room. I hid behind the door. There was something in him that intrigued me, that made me want to know him. But I regained my sense of self and remembered my purpose. I went back to the room and searched for things that could help me understand what was going on. As I searched the room, I found nothing. Except for a diary.

The diary was old and rusty, it had a lock over it. Which could only be opened with a spell, mother had a similar diary. It had something written over it, “This is forever.” I found it amusing. There were sudden footsteps, I immediately kept the diary away and pretended to be asleep. Hans entered the room and with him were three house helpers. He instructed them to wake me up and gear up for the dinner. “Klaus wants to have dinner with her, you better dress her in his favorite dress. The lady smiled and said, “ Sir considered the job done.”

Hans left. The lady patted my head and helped me get ready. She replied, “It is great to see you back Cami, Klaus was gloomy without you.” I smiled at her. I got to know, my soul was transferred into Cami’s body.

Cami was Klaus’s wife, the love of his life. But how did she die? Why did he choose her body? Gazillions of questions raced through my mind. The lady said madam let’s go for dinner, you are ready. As I walked down the staircase, I saw Klaus in a black suit. He looked deceivingly handsome, but his eyes were. His eyes had a tinge of sadness like he was searching for solace. As I traced down each step, our eyes met. His eyes scanned cami’s body, and he smiled. My heart pounded, in that very moment of silence I wanted to embrace him. But the memory of my parents’ death stopped me.

I sat at the dinner table and none of us uttered a single word. After the dinner was over, Klaus disappeared. I roamed around the house and saw the beautiful mansion. As I walked by I saw a family portrait.

It was called the Mikealsons. I strode my way through the entire house. Everything was really beautiful until I saw a mysterious room. Everything else was brightly lit, but there was strange darkness around there. As I went forward, Hans stopped by. He said. “Don’t go there, you will regret going there. I asked him why can’t go there. He replied that it was Klaus’s instruction that no one will be allowed there. I took my steps back and left the room. As I went back to my room, all I wanted to know was about that secret chamber. Something in me said that all my answers were buried there.

The next day I saw the three of them leaving the house. I went down and instructed the servants to clean my room. I went to the secret chamber. It was locked and there was a similar kind of lock as that of the diary. There was a note on the door, “it is forever.” The household lady came and told me, “ Madam don’t go near the room, Klaus sir has told us not to let you go. I told her,” I am his wife, I can go wherever I want to. She came near me and told me to come with her. I was suspicious of her actions, but she smiled at me and said I mean you no harm. She took me to Klaus’s room. As I went behind her, she removed a box. It was a box of family collectibles. She showed me pictures of Klaus and his family

I asked her, “Why are you showing me all this.” She replied, “ Sir told me to.” She showed me pictures of his childhood, his teenage days, and all his family members. I felt I should ask her about him. I said. “Where is his family and why does Klaus live alone? She told me, “ While you were gone, there were a lot of catastrophic things that happened with Klaus!

He was on a trip with his family when there was a pack of werewolves who attacked the Mikelsons. The Mikelson being the originals, the strongest of them all, killed most of them. It was until Liem, their trusted servant, betrayed them. He divulged their secret to the werewolves. The originals are the strongest vampires, who cannot be killed even by the bite of the werewolves. But they could only be killed by one thing, the oak knife. Liem told this to the werewolves and they staked all his family with them.

But Klaus killed all of them before they could kill him. He remained alive but died as his life was his family. I felt sorry for him, something was there that lay beyond the convoluted reality. That night again we had dinner together and I followed Klaus this time. He went out of the house and met Hans in the middle square. As I hid behind the tree, there was a pat on my back. It was Tyron. I was terrified. He said he meant no harm. He told me to follow him. I followed him and he stopped. I know you are here for revenge for your parent’s death and I can help you with that. Thunderstruck by his words.

I asked him why he wanted to help me. He replied, “Klaus killed my family too .” He is more of my enemy than yours, he killed your family because they were the key to his immortality, of him being the eternal hybrid. I asked him how they were the reason for him being the eternal hybrid. They were the barriers that separated him from you, you were the key to his eternity. As you were the fated warrior of your kingdom, Klaus needed a brave soul for the sacrifice of the spell.

The spell that made him immortal, the eternal hybrid. But since you are the fated one, you could die only if you wish to. So the only option left with him was to transfer your soul to another body. Now he is immortal and has turned into a hybrid. A half vampire and a half werewolf.

For me the entire world stopped, I could not feel the beat of my heart. The man I felt sorry for was a brutal killer who cared only about himself. At that very moment, I decided to kill him. Tyrion replied, “ I know only the way to weaken his body, but the only way to kill him is… I asked what was the only way to kill him.

He replied I don’t know that exactly but only you can do that. I asked him why me and not him. He said, “ Years earlier Klaus fell in love with Cami, a human. She fell very ill and the only way to heal her was to make her a vampire. Klaus fed her his blood and she became a vampire. But to his misfortune, while he turned her into a vampire he forgot that whenever a vampire turns a human into a vampire their bodies get linked. Klaus was happy that he saved cami’s life.

But when he went to war, he was brutally injured and Cami died out of the torture. As he returned, he found Cami and remembered that he didn’t chant the spell to detach their bodies. Klaus cried for a person for the real first time and died alive.

And once a vampire dies, he or she can be brought to life again. But Cami had taken a promise from Klaus that she didn’t want to be alive again if she died while being a vampire. Cami didn’t want to kill others to be alive. Klaus turned into a monster after that. And the only person that can kill him is you, Mikasa. Since you and he are interlinked, he will not do anything to you. And you after killing him can be transferred to your body.

I jolted to the ground in grief. Something in me was not ready to believe that Klaus killed my family. I rushed back home and opened the drawer in which the diary was kept. As I held it, the lock was open. I read it, it was Cami’s diary. Tears welled down my cheeks and read every anecdote of their lives. The day they met and the day when she last saw Klaus. There was a note at the end of the diary.

“to whoever reads this diary after I am gone. Please take care of Klaus, there is more to the allure of his darkness.

His soul is as human as others. I closed the diary. Hans suddenly entered the room and told me,” Klaus is waiting for you in the secret chamber. I nodded and went there. Klaus smiled and said welcome, Mikasa. Welcome to my world. I know you want to kill me and you can do so. But before that, I want to tell you something. He showed me a book, and to my shock, I shouted

He said in unison, this is your mother’s book.

The book of magic!

Your mother and my mother were best of friends Mikasa, they went to the same school of magic. My mother told me I had to save your family, so that day I came to your house to save you from the people who wanted to kill your mother and father and you. But the people were clever and had dark magical powers, they took my form and killed your parents. I said I couldn’t believe him and rushed out of the house. As I rushed outside there was again the same looms of darkness. With a sudden flash of light, I was in the forest of enchantments And I couldn’t move.

I saw Tyron approaching, he smiled coyly at me and said, “ Mikasa you are such a fool. You believed me the entire time. I said I have done nothing to Klaus .He replied, “ I knew you long before that. I am your master and order you to kill Klaus. To my horror, he changed his form and it was none other than Erin. He said, “ I killed your mother and father, not Klaus. And today I will kill you and Klaus will be killed too. As he rendered me with the knife, I laid paralyzed with disbelief and shame. The guilt of not believing Klaus and not trusting him hurt my soul more than the knife could. I lay in stillness with every passing moment as Tryron neared his footsteps to pay me the final heed of rendering my soul. As I grimaced over my final moments of time, Klaus entered the forest and struck his head with a sphere. Blood dripped from Klaus’s body as he held me.

He said, “ Kill me with the oak knife and you will be transferred to your body. I have chanted the spell. I gasped for my breath and asked him why did he want to save me. He replied,” I don’t want to live a life of misery anymore, I want to die in peace.

I couldn’t save Cami but I want to save you.

The spell I performed to become eternal and the reason I transferred your soul was Because Erin had captivated your body and with his dark magic he wanted to control you and couldn’t let that happen. So I had to save you and this was the only way. Now I have honored my mother’s promise, you can stake the old knife within me and you will be freed forever. I held his hand and said, I love you Klaus, and if this is meant for us. I will die with you.

I kissed his head and together our souls danced with eternity.

©Hridya Sharma

Short StoryYoung AdultLoveFantasyFan FictionClassicalAdventure

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Hridya Sharma

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    Hridya SharmaWritten by Hridya Sharma

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