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The Chop Shop Part 1

By Kenneth G. Belliveau

By Reel VibesPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
The Chop Shop Part 1
Photo by todd kent on Unsplash

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

"Mr. Lewis, it is the first of the month. You can't dodge me forever."

Bradley Lewis, 31, sits upright on the couch. He pushes his hair off his face. Bradley makes his way to the door as his young daughter makes her way out of her bedroom rubbing her eyes.

"Go back to bed sweetheart"

Bang. Bang. Bang.

"I know you are home Mr. Lewis"

Bradley scrambles and cleans up. He makes his way to the door in only his underwear.

"Mr. Lewis, you owe me rent and I want it by tomorrow morning".

"You didn't need to scare my kid dude. I know I owe you. My kid had some medical expenses. I promise you will have it by tomorrow."

"You said that last month too and only gave it to me 5 days later."

"Alright. Alright. Cut a man some slack Davies. My kid has been in and out of the hospital. The Garage cut my hours."

"You have 24 hours. Not an extra minute or the sheriff will escort you out of here. I am sick and tired of this back and forth with you".

Bradley watches out the window as Davies huffs and puffs down the laneway of the trailer park. He walks over to the fridge. There is a half eaten pack of hotdogs and a loaf of bread.

"Are you hungry sweetheart?"

"No daddy. Are we in trouble?"

"Dont you worry about any of that. I got us."

She sits down at the table and grabs a slice of bread from the plate in the middle. Bradley smiles at his little girl.

After breakfast she prepares herself for school and they walk along the trail. It is cold outside as Bradley rubs his hands together and his breath can be seen. His daughter wears oversized gloves clearly meant for adults. When they approach the school doors Bradley kneels down to get a hug from his little girl.

"You have a good day at school sweet Sasha"

Sasha throws herself into her fathers arms. Bradley smiles and kisses his daughter on the forehead.

"Daddy, I hope we don't lose the house because the doctors had to fix me."

"Don't you ever blame yourself for that. You come first. You got sick. I handled that. I got this too. I will see you after school."

Sasha hands Bradley his gloves back. She runs into the school. She turns once inside the first set of doors to wave at her father. Bradley blows her a kiss in return before walking away from the school.

He finds his way to the garage. He is dressed for work. He enters the office to talk with the owner Peter. Peter is on the phone. Bradley takes a seat in an oil stained raggedy old office chair. Peter gives him the one second hand single. Bradley rubs his hands together to warm them up now that he is indoors. Finally after a few moments Peter hangs up the phone.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Brad. What's up?"

"I know business has been a little slow lately but I was really hoping you could pay me two weeks up front. I am a little short on a few things due to Sasha and her health issues."

"Bradley, I have a family too. With these uncertain times and business having declined for almost a whole year I just can't front that"

"Please Peter. I know business is not booming but it has been picking back up and I promise I will work off the time. I will stay double. Sasha can stay with my sister at nights until I can pick her up."

"Brad. I am sorry. I know times have been tough but I just can't do it right now."

Those words stung. His expression had to read desperate. It was immediately after hearing those words that Bradley came up with a plan. It was not a smart plan but it was the only one he had. He was only going to invoice half the amounts paid in cash and pocket the rest. He figured by the time Peter caught on it he would at least have enough to cover his debts. Bradley knew the risk of doing something like but all he could think about was Sasha and how disappointed she would be if they needed to move again. Seeing her broken down and sad trumped all logical thinking in his brain. Bradley began executing his plan without even thinking. He pocketed 500 before noon on some massive engine block work and other things. All he needed was 750 by the end of the day.

It worked out perfectly. He pocketed 815 dollars by the end of the day. He did feel bad because the money was not his but he would find a way to pay it back over time. He went over to the school to pick up Sasha when his work was complete for the day. He stacked the invoices on Peter's desk like he always does before leaving so Peter did not feel like anything was out of place when we came back after dinner to count the deposit. Bradley knew the process. Peter always turned to him to count the money when family emergencies arose. Bradley did not have any malicious intent and immediately went straight to Davies to clear things up.

"Davies, I got your money." Bradley shouted as he entered the office.

"16 hrs and 43 minutes late Mr. Lewis. My secretary and I had a bet. She said you would scramble at the last minute. Huh. "

"You are lucky my kid is here right now Davies. That was low"

Davies chuckles and Sasha hugs her fathers leg as they walk out of the office together. They walk down to the corner store together and pick out cheaper food items like rice and ramen noodles and some generic name soda brands off the shelf. This is like heaven for Sasha. Bradley throws in her favorite candy bar.

A moment of Euphoria for the Lewis family. They had extra cash to spend. What Bradley had forgotten was that sometimes what you think you know as truth is not. Peter wanted to lend him the money but some gambling debts and some favors were going to cost him and Bradley a lot more than they realized at this very moment.


About the Creator

Reel Vibes

All things pop culture. Movies, TV, Music,Comics as well as some dabbling into the Sports world. If you can record it, watch it and play it back. I have an opinion.

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    Reel VibesWritten by Reel Vibes

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