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The Cat of Ra's Wrath

A mischievous street cat becomes entangled with a vengeful god and a desperate pharaoh

By Sherif SaadPublished 4 days ago 13 min read

Chapter 1: Whiskers and Woe

Cairo's bustling streets were a cacophony of shouts, haggling vendors, and the honking of donkey carts. But amidst the chaos, a ginger blur navigated with practiced ease.

This was Bastet, a street cat of unmatched agility and cunning. She weaved between legs, snatched unsuspecting scraps, and ruled over her alleyway kingdom with an iron paw.

Bastet wasn't your average feline. She possessed an uncanny intelligence, a glint of mischief in her amber eyes that spoke of an ancient spirit trapped in a tiny body.

Today, however, that mischief was tinged with unease. An unsettling chill hung in the air, a prickling sensation on her fur.

As she stalked towards a promising pile of discarded fish bones, the ground trembled. A booming voice, thick with rage, echoed down the dusty alleyways.

"Foolish Pharaoh! Your arrogance will be your downfall! You have defied Ra, the Sun God, and now his wrath will consume you!"

Bastet flattened her ears, fur bristling. Gods rarely manifested themselves in the mortal realm, and when they did, it usually meant trouble.

This voice, however, sent a shiver down her spine. It vibrated with an ancient power, a threat as real as a hissing snake.

Curiosity, that feline weakness, overcame Bastet's fear. She stalked towards the source of the voice, her keen senses picking up on the faint scent of incense and desperation. It led her to a hidden courtyard within a grand palace – the Pharaoh's private gardens.

Here, under the watchful gaze of a towering statue of Ra, knelt a young Pharaoh, his face etched with worry. His crimson robes were streaked with ash, and his eyes filled with a desperate plea.

"Ra, forgive my transgression," he pleaded. "I sought only to bring prosperity to my people. Please, show me mercy!"

But the voice boomed again, filled with scorn. "Lies! You sought to usurp my power, to control the sun itself. There is no mercy for such arrogance!"

The Pharaoh's shoulders slumped in defeat. He looked around frantically, his eyes landing on Bastet perched on a nearby wall. With a flicker of hope, he called out.

"Little cat, can you hear me? You seem… different. Do you carry any wisdom from the feline gods?"

Bastet, surprised at being addressed, tilted her head. This Pharaoh, unlike others who saw only pests in her kind, seemed to sense something more. She leaped down from the wall, her paw steps light on the polished stones.

"Speak, Pharaoh," she said, her voice a low purr that resonated with surprising authority. "Tell me your plight, and perhaps I, Bastet, can offer a solution."

The Pharaoh's jaw slackened. A talking cat? Was this some sort of divine intervention? He hesitantly recounted his story.

Driven by ambition and a desire to end a famine threatening his kingdom, he had attempted to harness the power of the sun, a power that resided solely with Ra.

Bastet listened intently. While the Pharaoh's actions were indeed foolish, she couldn't help but empathize with his desperation. Her kingdom, the alleyways, faced hardship too, thanks to the weakened sun.

Looking into the Pharaoh's pleading eyes, Bastet knew she couldn't remain aloof. An ancient prophecy flickered in her mind, a story passed down through generations of feline deities – a prophecy of a cat destined to act as a bridge between gods and mortals, a cat of Ra's wrath.

Bastet, the mischievous street cat, felt a weight settle upon her tiny shoulders. It seemed fate, for once, had bigger plans for her than just napping in sunbeams and stealing tuna.

The first chapter ends with Bastet, a seemingly ordinary street cat, discovering a hidden connection to the gods.

Now entangled with a vengeful god and a desperate pharaoh, she must decide whether to embrace her destiny or slink back into her comfortable life of scraps and sunbeams.

Chapter 2: Whispers of the Sands

The weight of the prophecy pressed heavily on Bastet. A cat mediating between gods and mortals? It seemed absurd, a plotline stolen from a particularly hairball-inducing dream. Yet, the desperate pleas of the Pharaoh and the undeniable tremor that had shaken the city left little room for doubt.

The Pharaoh, Menes, was understandably bewildered. A talking cat, however wise, couldn't be the answer to his predicament. Yet, a flicker of hope remained in his eyes, a lifeline he grasped at with trembling hands.

"You spoke of a solution, Bastet," Menes said, his voice low. "Can you truly help me appease Ra's wrath?"

Bastet crouched, studying the Pharaoh with narrowed eyes. She lacked the knowledge of the grand feline gods of old, her wisdom gleaned from stolen scraps of conversation among alley cats and the occasional musing of a lazy temple guard.

But desperation often birthed creativity. "There might be a way," she purred, more for her own confidence than Menes's. "The prophecy spoke of an ancient artifact, the Eye of Aten. Legend says it holds a fragment of Ra's power, something that might appease his fury."

Menes's face lit up. "The Eye of Aten! It's said to be lost in the Great Desert, guarded by sandstorms and mythical creatures."

"Sounds like a purrfect adventure," Bastet quipped, trying to mask a tremor of fear. The desert was a vast and unforgiving landscape, a place where even the bravest feline wouldn't dare to tread.

"But how will we find it?" Menes looked around the opulent garden, a stark contrast to the barren desert.

Bastet scanned the courtyard, her gaze falling on a wizened old man tending the rose bushes. He wore the garb of a royal scholar, his face etched with the wisdom of years spent deciphering ancient scrolls.

"We might need someone who speaks the language of the sands," Bastet said, nudging Menes subtly towards the scholar.

The scholar, startled by the Pharaoh's sudden presence, looked at Bastet with a bewildered expression. Menes, however, quickly explained the situation, omitting the talking cat part for obvious reasons.

The scholar, whose name was Imhotep, listened intently, his brow furrowed in thought. "The Eye of Aten is indeed lost," he admitted finally. "But there might be a map leading to its location, hidden within the royal archives."

Thus began a frantic search. While Imhotep delved into dusty scrolls, Bastet, relying on her feline prowess, scouted the palace, sniffing out hidden passages and forgotten rooms. Finally, after hours of frantic searching, Imhotep emerged, a triumphant glint in his eyes.

He had found the map, faded and brittle, but containing cryptic symbols and a crudely drawn path leading deep into the heart of the Great Desert. It was a dangerous journey, filled with unknowns, but it offered the only hope of appeasing Ra and saving the kingdom.

As dawn painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, Bastet stood in the palace courtyard beside Menes and Imhotep. A caravan of camels, laden with supplies, stood ready. Menes looked down at Bastet, a flicker of doubt clouding his face.

"Are you sure about this, little cat?" he asked.

Bastet puffed out her chest, her ginger fur bristling slightly. "A cat never backs down from a challenge," she declared, her voice ringing with newfound conviction. "Besides, who else are you going to find to lead you through the desert, chase away pesky sand scorpions, and maybe even offer a bit of moral support?"

Menes chuckled, a sound surprisingly light considering the weight of their quest. "Very well, Bastet, cat of mystery. Let us see what destiny has in store for us in the sands."

The second chapter ends with an unlikely trio - a desperate Pharaoh, a wise old scholar, and a streetwise cat - embarking on a perilous journey into the heart of the desert.

With the fate of the kingdom hanging in the balance, Bastet must navigate the scorching sands, face unknown dangers, and find the legendary Eye of Aten to appease the wrath of the Sun God.

Chapter 3: Whispers in the Dunes

The relentless sun beat down on the vast expanse of the Great Desert. Sand stretched as far as the eye could see, a shimmering sea of gold beneath the merciless sky. The caravan trudged on, a line of camels laden with supplies, led by a weathered Bedouin guide named Nasir.

Bastet perched atop a camel's hump, her fur singed by the relentless heat. The desert was a harsh mistress, a landscape devoid of the familiar alleyway shadows and juicy scraps she was accustomed to. Hunger gnawed at her belly, and the ever-present threat of dehydration loomed large.

Menes, clad in lighter traveling garb, rode beside Imhotep, who scanned the map with a furrowed brow. They spoke in hushed tones, the weight of their mission settling heavily upon them.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the sand, Nasir, the guide, stopped the caravan. "We camp here tonight," he announced, his voice raspy. "A sandstorm is brewing."

Bastet, ears twitching at the ominous news, watched as Nasir and the other guides erected makeshift tents. The wind picked up, a low howl that carried a gritty sting. The air grew thick with dust, and the once clear sky turned a menacing yellow.

Night fell, but sleep was a precious commodity. The wind howled like a banshee, and the sand whipped against the tents, threatening to tear them apart. Bastet huddled inside Menes's tent, seeking a sliver of warmth.

"This storm won't subside any time soon," Menes said, his voice strained. "The map says we need to cross the Shifting Sands tomorrow."

Imhotep, ever the pragmatist, sighed. "The Shifting Sands are a treacherous dune field. They change with the wind, making navigation nearly impossible."

Bastet, emboldened by a newfound courage, jumped onto Menes's lap. "Perhaps I can help," she purred. "Cats have an uncanny ability to sense changes in the wind. I might be able to guide us through the dunes."

Menes looked at her, a flicker of doubt lingering in his eyes. "A cat? Leading us through a sandstorm?"

Bastet met his gaze, her amber eyes burning bright. "Underestimate a cat at your own peril, Pharaoh. We may be small, but we are resourceful and clever."

Menes studied her for a long moment, then a smile broke through his worry. "Very well, Bastet. But if you lead us astray, prepare for a rather stern lecture."

Bastet chuckled, a sound like rumbling purrs. "Deal."

The next morning, the sandstorm raged unabated. Visibility was near zero, the world reduced to a swirling vortex of dust and wind. Despite the harsh conditions, they had to move. Menes mounted his camel, Imhotep clinging onto a support saddle behind him.

Bastet, perched atop Nasir's camel, navigated by instinct and the subtle shifts in the wind. She would meow commands, a language Nasir understood through their shared experience with desert creatures.

The journey was arduous, a test of their endurance and trust. But Bastet, drawing on her feline agility and sense of direction, led them through the treacherous dunes. Hours bled into an eternity, until finally, just as despair threatened to engulf them, the storm began to subside.

Emerging from the dust haze, they found themselves standing on a vast plateau. In the distance, a towering sandstone structure glinted faintly in the afternoon sun. It was the Temple of Aten, a forgotten monument said to hold the legendary Eye of Aten.

Relief washed over them, a bittersweet cocktail mixed with the fatigue of their harrowing journey. They had conquered the Shifting Sands, but the challenge – and the danger – was far from over.

The third chapter ends with Bastet and her companions overcoming a major obstacle – the treacherous Shifting Sands. However, their journey isn't over yet.

The Temple of Aten looms before them, harboring both the potential solution to their problem and the unknown dangers that lie within.

Chapter 4: Whispers of the Forgotten God

The Temple of Aten rose from the desert floor like a skeletal hand reaching for the sky. Its once-polished sandstone was bleached white by the relentless sun, etched with hieroglyphs that spoke of a forgotten god.

Bastet, perched on Menes's shoulder, surveyed the scene with a cautious eye. Though small, she bristled with a sense of foreboding. This temple hadn't been touched by time – it had been abandoned, a silent testament to some unknown calamity.

Menes, his face etched with a mixture of determination and apprehension, dismounted his camel. "This is it," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "The Eye of Aten might be hidden within these walls."

Imhotep, ever the scholar, studied the hieroglyphs with a keen eye. "These markings speak of trials," he muttered, tracing a symbol with his finger. "The Eye is not freely given. We must prove ourselves worthy."

Thus began their descent into the temple's depths. The air inside was cool and stale, heavy with the scent of dust and forgotten offerings. The flickering torchlight cast long, grotesque shadows on the walls, where faded murals depicted scenes of ancient rituals.

They navigated a maze of crumbling corridors, each step echoing eerily in the vast silence. Bastet, using her heightened senses, led the way, sniffing out hidden passages and alerting them to crumbling steps.

The first trial came in the form of a gauntlet of traps. Razor-sharp blades shot from hidden slots, poisoned darts whizzed through the air, and the floor gave way beneath Menes, sending him crashing into a hidden chamber.

Thankfully, Bastet, agile and quick, managed to land on a ledge just out of reach of the collapsing floor, and with a series of daring leaps, guided Menes back to safety.

The next challenge was a labyrinthine puzzle. Imhotep, with his knowledge of ancient scripts, deciphered the cryptic symbols carved onto the walls, each one offering a clue to unlocking the next passage.

Hours bled into an eternity, frustration and fatigue gnawing at them. But finally, with a triumphant cry, Imhotep unlocked the final door.

Beyond it lay a vast chamber, its ceiling supported by towering columns. In the center, bathed in a shaft of sunlight filtering through a hole in the roof, stood a golden pedestal. Upon it rested a single, flawless amethyst – the Eye of Aten.

As Bastet cautiously approached the pedestal, the air crackled with a strange energy. A disembodied voice, deep and booming, echoed through the chamber.

"You have faced my trials," the voice boomed. "But are you worthy of the Eye's power?"

Bastet looked around, searching for the source of the voice. "We seek the Eye not for power," she declared, her voice ringing out despite her trembling. "We need it to appease the wrath of Ra and save our kingdom from famine."

The voice rumbled, filled with skepticism. "Foolish mortals. You seek to control a god's power for your own gain. Do you understand the consequences?"

Menes stepped forward, his voice firm. "We understand the risk. But we also understand the cost of inaction. Our people suffer. We are willing to take responsibility for the power of the Eye, to use it wisely."

A tense silence followed. Then, the voice softened a fraction. "Very well. The Eye is yours, but use it wisely. It holds not just the power of the sun, but also its fury."

With a flash of light, the Eye of Aten levitated into Menes's outstretched hand. The chamber pulsed with an ethereal glow, and then, just as quickly, the light faded.

Relief and exhaustion washed over them. They had not only found the Eye but had also convinced the forgotten god of their sincerity. Yet, the journey back was long and arduous.

They emerged from the temple, blinking in the harsh sunlight, forever changed by their encounter with the power that resided within the ancient walls.

The fourth chapter ends with Bastet and her companions overcoming the trials within the Temple of Aten. They find the Eye but are warned of the power it holds.

With their mission accomplished, they begin their long journey back, forever marked by their encounter with the forgotten god.

Chapter 5: The End

The journey back to the palace was filled with a newfound sense of purpose. The Eye of Aten, pulsating with a faint amethyst glow in Menes's palm, felt heavy with responsibility. They weren't just returning victorious; they were carrying the hope of a starving kingdom.

News of their arrival preceded them. Crowds surged outside the palace gates, their faces etched with despair and a desperate plea for salvation. Menes, with Bastet perched on his shoulder, addressed his people from the balcony.

"My people," he boomed, his voice filled with newfound strength. "I have returned with a gift – the Eye of Aten."

A gasp rippled through the crowd, followed by a wave of hopeful murmurs. Menes explained their arduous journey, the trials they faced, and the warnings of the forgotten god. He spoke of Bastet's courage and Imhotep's wisdom, both integral parts of their success.

Following the advice of Imhotep, who had deciphered further instructions on the map, they constructed a grand altar at the heart of the city, facing the east where the sun rose. On the altar, bathed in the first rays of dawn, they placed the Eye of Aten.

As the sun touched the amethyst, a blinding light erupted, flooding the city. A gentle warmth suffused the air, chasing away the lingering chill of the previous days. The people cheered, a joyous sound that echoed through the streets.

The famine, slowly but surely, began to recede. Rains returned, nourishing the parched land. Crops sprung up with renewed vigor, their leaves glistening under the benevolent sun. Ra's wrath had been appeased, replaced by a gentle warmth that promised prosperity.

Bastet, now a revered figure in the kingdom, became the Pharaoh's official advisor. Though she still enjoyed a good nap in a sunbeam and a well-placed pilfered fish, her life had taken on a new meaning.

She became a bridge between mortals and the divine, a reminder that courage and compassion could overcome even the wrath of a god.

Years passed, and the story of Bastet, the Cat of Ra's Wrath, became a legend, whispered in the bustling streets of Cairo.

It was a tale of an unlikely hero, a mischievous street cat who, with a little bit of feline cunning and a whole lot of heart, helped save a kingdom and bring balance between gods and mortals.

The final chapter ends with Bastet finding her place as a revered figure in the kingdom. Ra's wrath has been appeased, and the kingdom thrives.

The legend of the Cat of Ra's Wrath serves as a reminder of the power of courage, compassion, and even a mischievous street cat.

Young AdultthrillerStream of ConsciousnessShort StorySeriesScriptSci FiSatirePsychologicalMysteryMicrofictionLoveHumorHorrorHolidayHistoricalFantasyFan FictionfamilyFableExcerptClassicalAdventure

About the Creator

Sherif Saad

Hey there, fellow word enthusiasts! I'm Sherif, and I'm thrilled to embark on this creative journey with you

I'm a passionate writer with a love for storytelling that knows no bounds diving into the world of words.

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Comments (8)

  • Susan Gilesabout 10 hours ago

    Awesome and Fantastic story

  • Dawnxisoul393artabout 10 hours ago

    Read again, wonderful mate, the sense of unease and anticipation builds as the ground trembles and a mysterious voice echoes through the alleyways, it leaves the reader eager to uncover the source of this disturbance, thanks for sharing!

  • I really enjoyed this great story

  • Stephan Rodgers2 days ago

    Awesome story. Thanks for sharing

  • Cindy Lange3 days ago

    This article is amazing. Thanks for sharing. Keep posting!

  • Well done brother.

  • The introduction leaves readers eager to uncover the secrets hidden within the Pharaoh's private gardens, your storytelling prowess shines through, and we're excited to follow Bastet's journey further, wonderful job, a nice weekend!

Sherif SaadWritten by Sherif Saad

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