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The Butterfly Effect

What if George Washington died during the Revolutionary War?

By Jeremiah EllisonPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
The Butterfly Effect
Photo by Library of Congress on Unsplash

Part 1: The Revoluntionary War

Back in 1776, General George Washington is having his trusty crew row across a lake in order to ambush the British army. The crewmate right behind him rowing suddenly feels a sudden pressure in his nostrils.


The force of his sneeze sends his head back suddenly hitting the rear of General Washington with enough force to knock him off-balance causing him to fall in the lake. The soldiers look down where he fell as he sank to the bottom, the weight of his musket causing him to sink down further. He tries to swim back up, but inevitably drowns. And that was the story of how General Washington died and failed his soldiers. They were able to just barely succeed in the ambush that day thanks to the many field simulations they done before, but after Washington’s death command of the American forces was handed over to John Hancock who proved to be incompetent on the field of the battle. Even with the help of the Native Americans, he proved time and time again that he was not cut out for the field of battle as he kept falling for the enemies traps and eventually died after reloading his musket the wrong way causing him to shoot his own head off.

John Hancock’s lousy leadership in the war allowed the British the perfect opportunity to launch a counter-attack on the Americans. John didn’t always follow the Native Americans’ advice thus making it easier for the British to lure them out into the open. Thanks to some successful captures, they found out the source for the Americans’ advantage in the War: the Native Americans. The British then decided to commit total genocide of Native Americans leading to the loss of the greatest asset America in the Revolutionary War. It took about 10 years to eliminate all the tribes, but they eventually succeeded and apprehended the American Resistance.

Shortly afterwards, the King and Queen of England arrived in America themselves where the Americans launched one last desperate ambush, but they were no match for the royal guard. The king personally took it upon himself to burn the Declaration of Independence in front of the very people who were hoping for the freedom it would provide them in a public demonstration of power. From there, he told all Americans to relinquish their weapons or be horribly executed. As an example, he held a public execution right then and there of everyone who signed the Declaration of Independence along with many major figures of the Revolutionary War.

Defeated and demoralized, America relinquished its weapons and surrendered to the British Empire where it became the British Colonies once more before it was renamed to New England.

Part 2: World War II

The year is 1942 and the British navy is facing a war like it’s never seen before. Htiler has started his assault on the world plunging it in its entirety into World War II. Dissatisfied with the ending of World War I, known back then as the Great War he decided to personally lead Germany on a crusade against all who oppose them making them believe that they are superior to all races. Thus, World War II begun.

Currently, the British Navy is trying to combat the aerial forces of the Luftwaffle bombers. Despite their best efforts, they’re no match for the German aircraft as they drop their bombs onto the many ships of the Navy. Meanwhile, Panzer tanks are attacking them from the dock launching myriads of ballista at the ships. Many ships start sinking into the dark, murky depths as the crew scrambles towards the lifeboats. A tank fires another volley launching many people into the water and killing many others. The ships sank and Germany seizes control of England.

The few survivors that were able to escape moved inland in order to locate the king and queen. Upon hearing the news, they were enraged by the Germans’ conduct and sent a myriad of troops to oppose them. In order to strengthen their numbers, they drafted the citizens of New England as soldiers and ordered to fight in the name of Great Britain. Alas, it did not go as planned. Germany’s blitzkrieg strategy was still highly effective against the British army. New England were more likely to either desert the army or commit suicide. Usually by pointing their gun at their head. However, many have also kept themselves informed of the events of WWII and decided to side with the lesser of two evils becoming some of the best soldiers New England had to offer.

Eventually, the British did make it to the royal palace. However, when they got there the king and queen had already fled to New England. From there they directed their forces and cooperated with the Allied Powers for the D-Day invasion of France. But, their plans were leaked to the enemy. A few of the citizens of New England were fed up with the king and queen’s rule and decided to ally with the Axis powers. They infiltrated the British army and used it as a means to find out the plans of the Allied Powers. With that information, the German occupied region of Normandy was further fortified and prepared for the attack. The Allies lost as their armies were decimated, one right after the other. It was a bloody massacre that affected the entirety of the Allied Powers.

There wasn’t a single survivor and if there was, they were never found. While the Allies were twiddling trying to figure out their next move, Japan decided to deal the finishing blow. It bombed Pearl Harbor in the outer reaches of New England destroying whatever military might they had left. Afterwards, they surrendered and as a gesture of good will relinquished New England to the hands of the Nazis.

Part 3: War in New England

“Ok, as we all learned throughout history, the Nazi party has been occupying New England ever since 1942 when they blitzkrieged the Navy in Great Britain and destroy the entirety of the British Naval Forces. They tried offsetting this loss by deploying troops drafted in New England over to Britain, who unfortunately all died during D-Day. When our defenses were weakened, Japan sent in a strike team and bombed Pearl Harbor and after our catastrophic loss there, gave the territory over to the Nazi party as a gesture of good will. Now, it was very clear from the get-go how little the monarchy cared for the residents of New England as they worked us just as bad as slaves leaving most citizens at the brink of exhaustion. Things improved a bit around 1830 when the abolishment of the Slave Trade got the British citizens to question the conditions in New England, but that was just them saving face. That brings us here to the present day. The Nazis are ten times worse than the British monarchy, yet we don’t want the monarchy back either. We are here to incite a rebellion, much like General Washington attempted back in 1776 before his untimely demise. The plan is simple, we secure the port town of Waterloo Crescendo. From there, we have to drive the Nazis back into their boats. Once inside, we let them take off until they’re about 10 knots from the harbor and then we detonate the bombs we plant inside them beforehand. The biggest problem is their aircraft. We will have to preemptively take care of those first. Which is where Louie comes in. Thanks to his study of Aeronautics Engineering, he can sabotage the planes causing them to crash 5 minutes after launching. Jackson and Laura will be coming with me in order to lead the frontal assault. Hugh and Fiona will infiltrate the Nazis’ boats and place the bombs. Everyone else will be assisting in the assault. We can’t let what happened to poor Lenny happen to anyone else.”

Everyone took a moment of silence to lament the loss of Lenny, one of the previously last surviving Jews before 2 months ago when the Nazis caught him and publicly executed him as an example. The rebellion leader lifted his head up and ordered his troops to move out. Everyone grabbed a myriad of different weapons which included a variety of rifles and machine guns that the group has been smuggling for the past 2 years now thanks to the help of the local mafia. Everyone geared up and went to their assignments.

Louie along with two other soldiers, one male and one female went over to the Waterloo Crescendo Air Strip/hanger. Louie is a short, pale man who is more geared for technical work than actual military duty. The two soldiers put mufflers on their rifles and shot at the two Nazis guarding the door. A third one just happened to be walking by at the time and saw them die but he was shot down before he could call for backup. The soldiers dragged the dead soldiers out of sight and stole their clothes. Louie already came in an engineering outfit in order to blend in. They opened the door into the building containing several aircraft. For now, it was unoccupied, and Louie quickly got to work. It took two hours in order to sabotage all the planes but once that was said and done, they gave the all clear on their burner phone.

Simultaneously, Hugh and Fiona were in their Nazi military uniform onboard one of the many vessels. Hugh is a tall, toned black man with hazel eyes who walks with an air of authority around him while Fiona is a slightly shorter and slightly tanned white woman with blond hair and green eyes who serves as his second in command. Prior to joining the rebellion, Hugh and Fiona initially worked for the Nazi army fully buying their propaganda that they were constantly airing all the time. However, during their time served they witnessed unspeakable acts of atrocity against humanity that showcased how vile Hitler’s ideology was. The first time was enough to make Hugh run out of the room and barf in the nearby toilet. Him and Fiona shared the same sentiments about the crimes against humanity the Nazis were committing which later blossomed into love. They have been engaged three months now and they plan to host their wedding after the mission if all goes according to plan. Thanks to their ranks in the army, Hugh himself being a general they were allowed to access any part of the ship that they so desired, without question. This made easy to apply the C4 in all the ships in remote rooms nobody would ever think twice about. It took them about an hour to finish their “inspections”, but upon completion he and Fiona saluted their fellow soldiers and walked away. Once they were out of sight and earshot, Hugh took out his burner phone and gave his “all clear”.

The commander of the rebellion, Jason DiMartino hung up his phone and turns around to his troops.

“Men, for far too long those Nazi bastards have been committing mass genocide left and right ever since World War 2. It started with the Jews, but that wasn’t enough for them. So they started targeting people of other faiths, ethnicities, and even sexual orientation. The only thing keeping them from exterminating us completely is the sheer lack of manpower on their side. Well, I say no more! Let’s go kick some Nazi ass and revive the name of America!”

The army cheered and Jason led them towards the dock. They started out by throwing grenades in the battlefield creating a huge smokescreen. Gunfire could be heard everywhere as the shots came from the smokescreen hitting several Nazis. The Nazis start scrambling onto the docks and return fire. One rebellion gets out a machine gun and starts making short work of several soldiers. Jason advances out of the smokescreen and fires at several Nazi soldiers. Plenty of their own men are being gunned down by the Nazis with several causalities on their side as well. Jason walks back into the smoke as odd green balls roll into the Nazi forces. The rebels put on their gas masks as the tear gas sprays from the balls. This makes it very tough for them to aim. The admiral in charge issues an air strike.

The planes leave the hangars and quickly go down to the docks but upon reaching them the engine blows out in every single one of them. The pilots eject themselves as the planes crash in the ocean narrowly missing the boats and one on the dock. The rebellion runs as the plane crash lands setting off a massive explosion. They quickly run into a nearby building behind some crates as the explosion completely decimates the dock blasting apart the windows of the warehouse setting off a chain reaction that detonated all the bombs on the ships at once destroying them. The cloud from the explosion could be seen in all of Waterloo Crescendo. No Nazis survived. Not every rebellion soldier made it to cover. Jason walks out of the warehouse surveying the blaze that was once the Waterloo docks. They won, but at what cost?


About the Creator

Jeremiah Ellison

Hello, my name is Jeremiah Ellison and I'm here to post content that I hope you will like. I mainly specialize in Sci-fi, action, and apparently psychological horror as of recently. I hope you enjoy my content.


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    Jeremiah EllisonWritten by Jeremiah Ellison

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