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The Busboy part III


By L. Lane BaileyPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 10 min read
The Busboy part III
Photo by Sam Rios on Unsplash

Monday, 1 June 1981

“Hey Tracy. You ready for your last book report of the year?”

“I am, Cy. Let’s go,” she responded as she took his arm and walked out to his car. She waited a moment while he opened the door. She slipped into the seat, setting her supplies down on the bench between them, as she always did.

They were heading to Surfrider at the yacht club. It was a slow night so they didn’t think they would have a problem taking up a table for a long time, as they studied.

“What’s the book this time? I hope I’ve read it…”

“It’s a little different this time. I had to pick an author and write about how their writing affected how I looked at the world. I picked Ayn Rand.”

“Good choice. So, what do you think?”

They spent a couple of hours organizing her thoughts on Rand’s writing. There were two things that quickly occurred to Tracy. The first was that she wasn’t getting much input from Cy. He was asking questions, but not giving many opinions. The second was that she had plenty of her own opinions. And Cy was supporting her, challenging her and helping her sharpen her thought process.

As they were getting ready to leave, she grabbed his hand.

“Cy, can we talk for a minute?”

“Sure, what’s on your mind?” Cy asked, scared she was going to tell him that now that school was almost over, their dates could stop.

“A few things… I don’t have my final grades, but I’m pretty sure I owe you a dinner. Even if I completely blow this last report, I should still squeak out an A.”

“You don’t have to, you know.”

“We made a deal and I never go back on my deals.”

“Cool. What else is on your mind?”

She chickened out. She wanted to tell him how much she really liked him and how happy spending time with him made her feel. She wanted to tell him that she wished he’d kiss her.

“Nothing… never mind.”

They slid out of the booth and walked out to the car. He opened the doors for her. When he got her home, he walked her to the door. She was a little surprised when Cy hugged her before she could hug him. But he chickened out on going for a kiss. She gave him one, though. Part of her was glad that he didn’t press for the kiss.

Sunday, 14 June 1981

“Jack!” Cy said from just beyond the hostess station.

“Cy? I didn’t know you worked here. What’s up?” Jack Dixon answered.

Jack had been a friend of Cy’s for a couple of years. He was another one of the Theater Tech crowd. He was sort of popular, but not really stuck on himself like some of the super popular people.

“Yeah, I’ve been here for a few months. Living the life, busing the tables.” He paused. “I thought that was you when I saw you walk out. Did you forget something? Are you going to introduce me to your lovely date?”

“Amy, this is Cy,” Jack said.

“Hi Amy. I’m pleased to finally meet you.” Turning to Jack again, “You guys look a little spooked, is everything ok?”

“Yeah, man, it’s…”

“No,” Amy said, cutting Jack off. “It isn’t. There is a guy out in the parking lot that I kind of know, that is parked next to us and I don’t think he is going to let us drive away without a fight.”

Cy quickly figured out it was the jealous ex-boyfriend,

“Paul Murphy?”

“Amy’s eyes widened, “How’d you know?”

“Amy Prince, Head Cheerleader, most popular girl in school… conspicuously dating Paul Murphy, forever. Kind of adds up. That guy is a world class ass.”

Amy looked at Cy, “But I didn’t think you knew me… you asked Jonathan to introduce me.”

“No… I asked him to introduce me to you. I’ve known you since the first Pep Rally. Every guy in school knows you,” Cy said, with a bit of a smirk. “But I was pretty sure that you didn’t know me. Only a few girls at school even know my name. And most of them won’t admit it.

“I have an idea. All of the waitresses here owe me favors, and I might be able to talk one of them into providing a distraction. I know just the girl… and she is VERY distracting, if you catch my drift.”

Cy walked over to Tracy.

“Tracy, can you help me out with something?”

“Sure, what’s up?”

“One of my friends from school is having a problem. There is a guy in the parking lot that would probably pound him into the sand if he caught him with the girl he’s with. This guy, Paul, used to date her and he’s a huge asshole.”

“How much do you need my help?” she asked.

“Whatever it takes. Heck, if it means I have to let you off the hook for taking me to dinner, I’d do it for Jack, he’s a good guy.”

“Can you get someone to cover my tables for a few minutes?”

“I’ll take care of it,” he told her before walking back over to Jack and Amy.

“I think I have it covered. You owe me though, Jack,” Cy told his friend.

“What do we do?” Jack asked.

“Ok, here’s the plan. Tracy, the blonde girl, is going to go outside for a smoke. She doesn’t really smoke; she just walks around with a cigarette every time she has a break… it’s really funny...” as Cy went off on a tangent.

“Cy, focus, Man. Stay on topic,” Jack interrupted.

“Sorry. I told you, she’s distracting... Anyway, she is going to walk out with a cigarette, see him, and ask him for a light. She thinks she can get him to walk away long enough for you to get in the car and drive away. Oh… here she comes.”

Tracy joined Cy and his friends.

“Hi, I’m Tracy. You must be Jack. Any friend of Cy’s…”

“Hi, Tracy. Yes, I’m Jack. This is Amy… my girlfriend,” He said with a grin breaking out.

“There is a guy out there in a black BMW parked next to us. We’re pretty sure he’s looking for a fight. Can you distract him?”

“Cy is always saying that I’m really distracting… I can try,” Tracy said with a big smile.

“Ok, we’ll come out in a minute then,” Amy said. “Thank you. We’ll owe you one.”

Tracy smiled and turned away to walk out the front door. She stopped at the corner of the building and pulled out a cigarette. She held it up for a minute, looking around. The guy was still in his car.

She looked right at him, then walked a few steps toward the car. “Got a light?” she asked.

He stepped out of the car and walked toward her. He glanced toward the door, then turned fully toward her. Just after he stepped past the corner of the building, he lit her cigarette.

“You waiting for one of the waitresses?” she asked, innocently.

“Yeah, something like that.”

“If you tell me who, I can let her know.”

“That’s ok. I’m pretty early.”

She started making some small talk to keep him distracted. His attention was pretty well focused on her, though.

After a couple of minutes, Cy leaned out the door, then stepped back in and told them the coast was clear.

A few minutes later Tracy walked back in and straight up to Cy.

“And don’t think you are getting off going out with me again THAT easily, Cyril Litton” she said and then walked away, leaving a baffled Cy in her wake.

Friday, 19 June 1981

Cy was sitting at home on a Friday night… which was unusual for him. Normally he worked on Fridays, but his boss had called and told him that he didn’t need to come in for his shift.

Oddly, every Friday night as he was busing tables and rushing around the restaurant taking care of whatever needed taking care of, he had a million thoughts about what he could do if he just didn’t have to work. And now, he was sitting at home in his living room, staring at the news. He couldn’t think of a single thing to do.

He didn’t expect the doorbell to ring… he didn’t even know who would expect him to be at home.

“Hi, Cy,” Tracy said as Cy opened the door.

“Hey, Tracy, what’re you doing here? How did you even know I was home… or where I lived?”

“Well, I got you kicked off your shift tonight. And so, I guessed you might be at home… and I asked the manager for your address, when I was getting you kicked off the shift,” she answered with a big smile. “Glad to see me?”

“Tracy, I have to say that seeing you never sucks,” Cy responded.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means that you’re freaking gorgeous, Tracy,” Cy laughed. “And tonight, I have to say that you look fantastic. I’m always glad to see you.”

Tracy gave him a big smile, and a hug. “Thank you.”

“To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?”

“I’m here to take you out on our date. I got an A in Lit. Not just any A, either. Because of your help, I killed it. Ninety-eight. So, Chi-Chi’s on me.”

“Sure… but you know you don’t owe me, right?”

“Don’t argue with me, Litton. Go get changed… you aren’t going to be arm candy looking like that. No T-shirts, no jeans. And wear a tie.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Cy answered as he turned to run up the stairs and change.

Tracy walked into the living room and sat down on the couch to wait for Cy to get ready. He bounded down the stairs a few minutes later. He left a note for his parents and headed out with Tracy. As they approached the car, she tried to open the door of her 280Z, but he said that wasn’t happening… he would still be doing all the door opening. She relented and let him have his way on that point.

After they ordered their food, Tracy decided it was time to have the chat she’d been wanting to have. She’d practiced dozens of times…

“Cyril Litton, we need to have a talk. Please let me say what I need to say without stopping me. It might be hard for me. I’ve never done this before.”

Cy was seriously wondering what was going on. Either it was pretty good… and she did seem to be in a pretty good mood… or it was really bad.

“Cy, when I asked you to help me with that book report back in February, I had no intention of dating you. Frankly, I was more used to dating guys like Alex. And, obviously, you know I went out with him again when he was in town a couple of weeks ago. That was unplanned. But apparently, he is moving back here.

“Regardless, I did a lot of reflecting, especially after seeing him again. I worked through some of that with my mom, and a lot of it just writing things down. It wasn’t right. I didn’t like acting like that. And I had NO idea he planned on going to Darryl’s, not that it made a difference in the end.

“When he asked me out, my very first thought was that I couldn’t do you that way. Then I thought ‘we aren’t in an exclusive relationship’. So, I agreed. And the whole rest of the night I felt like a cheater.

“Cy, I want you to be my boyfriend. I want you to kiss me when you walk me to the door. I want to hold your hand.”

“Wow, I don’t know what to say.”

“Cy, you are SO different from anyone I have ever been with. You really try to make me stronger. And you make me want to push myself to be better.”

Cy reached across the table and took Tracy’s hand. He pulled it to his lips and kissed the back of her hand. “I guess we’re a couple now then,” Cy said with a big smile.

“Can I tell you something?”


“The first time we studied, I did it because you are the absolute prettiest girl I’ve ever talked to. Ever. But then, you surprised me. You started off right where I thought you would be… you hadn’t read the book and you were hoping I’d help you because you were pretty. But then as we talked, I saw that really wasn’t who you were. You showed me you were really smart.

“The next time, when you had been challenged and came prepared, you showed that you were SO much more than just a pretty face. And each time we’ve been around each other, you have shown me so much more of your depth. I’m not here because you are pretty. I’m here because you are an amazing person.”

“Then I guess we’re dating now!” Tracy responded. She smiled sweetly at Cy. She knew what he meant. She had spent a lot of time trying to coast on her looks, but he’d pushed her beyond that. He was the first guy to really challenge her and the last guy she expected a challenge to come from.

This, along with part I and part II are a full short story from my book Who, What, When, Why? part of the Dixon-Prince series. The date format is inherited from those books. If you enjoy the story, I'd love for you to check out the other stories in the book.

Amy Prince and Jack Dixon from the story above are the main characters in the Dixon-Prince series, which is about to have its 6th book published. If you want to read more of their story, the first book is Planning Vengeance.

Below are links to the first two parts, in case you missed them.

Short Story

About the Creator

L. Lane Bailey

Dad, Husband, Author, Jeeper, former Pro Photographer. I have 15 novels on Amazon. I write action/thrillers with a side of romance. You can also find me on my blog. I offer a free ebook to blog subscribers.

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    L. Lane BaileyWritten by L. Lane Bailey

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