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The Boogie Man

The true idea of insanity

By Ceo Of DyingPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

"The cabin in the woods had been abandoned for years, but one night, a candle burned in the window." The state trooper, Ralph Fredrick, said, reading the newspaper.

He glared at the newspaper for a few moments. Suddenly he dropped it, “we have three more days to finish this case. You both are my best investigators! Do not let me down! We cannot have another death occur due to both of your carelessness. Do you understand?!”

“Yes, trooper,” I said, bowing as a sign of respect.

“Yes, trooper.” My partner, Benjamin Parks, said, copying my exact movement.

“Good. You both may leave. I expect to see you back in my office by 7 o’clock.”

Benjamin has been my partner for years. He’s always been a creepy, lonely guy, but he always seems to find the next clue. So I don’t question it. It does make me think, though. Is he the serial killer we've been searching for?


My husband, Andrew, is already here; I see his car. I got out of my car and walked up the driveway. I stuck my key in the lock and slowly opened the door.

“Hi, sweetheart, how was work?” Andrew said, standing at the entrance in the dark.

“Jesus, Andrew. You need to stop doing that.” I said, a little startled.

He smiled, turned on the lights, then took my coat and hung it up. He grabbed my hand and directed me to the kitchen. We both sat down at our kitchen island.

“I made your favorite Chicken Marsala!” He said, staring at me with his arctic blue eyes, “eat up. It's a bit late. You and I have to be up early for work tomorrow.”

“Yea, yea, I will. I am sorry I'm late. I have been so caught up with this serial killer case that I don't even know if anything is real or not.” “Well, have you found any more leads? I know it's been a while since you and your team have found anything.” He said, rubbing my back.

I turned to him and gazed at him. He had never been interested in cases before, especially not serial killer cases, so why did he take an interest in this one? I mean, just the thought of a person murdering another person, reason or not, made Andrews' skin crawl. He would tense up and cover his eyes whenever I spoke about them. Heck, he would even show the same reaction to poorly edited CGI films. So I am more than shocked to find out my BFG of a boyfriend is so curious about the biggest serial killer Westwood has ever seen.

Today was a big day for us investigators. We heard rumors that candlelight was spotted in one of the windows on the second floor of the abandoned cabin. We wanted clues, so we went.

We arrived on the scene with bright candlelight beaming through both windows on the second floor. Benjamin and I rushed inside to see nothing but rundown old furniture.

There was a ladder off to the side leading up to the second floor. Benjamin slowly went up to it, and I stayed behind to check for other clues.

“Rosa. Call for backup.” Benjamin said, still on the second floor.

“I called, but why? What’s up there?” “C-come see for yourself.” He said, as his voice began to break.

I climbed up the ladder and saw Ben standing in the dark. I turned on my torch, and my eyes almost popped out of sockets.

“Bodies everywhere. All bloody and piled on top of each other. Everyone was dead except one: a little, almost unrecognizable girl with blood dripping from her eye sockets. I darted to her carefully because I didn't want to startle her. I picked her up, and she was light as a feather. She clung to me as we slowly crept down the ladder.” I explained, shaking my head still in disbelief.

“Oh my, how could someone do that to a little girl?” Andrew mumbled, showing little to no remorse.

“She called him the Boogie Man. All she could remember was that he was tall, and his eyes glowed in the nighttime.” I said, getting up from my chair.

I felt dizzy, and the world started to spin. Everything slowly started to go black as Andrew bent down with panic on his face.

Andrew's point of view

She is my wife, but I don’t feel bad. She’s getting too far onto my case. Why was she so good at what she did?

I picked her unconscious body up off the floor and carried her bridal style to our bedroom. I tucked her in and kissed her forehead. “I'm sorry, hun, I just had to do it,” I ran out the bedroom door, through the foyer, and out the front door. I had to finish off that girl.

Rosa’s point of view

I got out of bed as soon as I heard the door shut. How stupid did he think I was? He tried to kill me off right there. Well, thanks to his mysterious nature recently, he has to take Benijams place on the top suspect's list.

I grabbed my phone and my Glock and ran out the door. Was I about to kill my husband? Fuck. Why did my heart always come through when a serious movement like this came through? But was he my husband?

I looked up ahead, and I saw him sprinting up the street. I didn't run the 200-meter dash in high school and university for no reason. I started running as fast as I could after him, but boy, could he run.

He was heading for the hospital parking lot. I continued to sprint while I pulled my Glock out and loaded a round in it. I shot at him. Bang. I missed. He started to sprint even faster. He was going to get there first. I continued to sprint as fast as I could.

I pulled out my phone and called for backup. “Benjamin Benjiman, come in. I found who we are looking for. Call everyone on duty right now.”

He quickly responded, “you found who? The Boogie Man?” “Yes, you fucking idiot!! I found him. I’m chasing after him as we speak. I know who he is; he’s headed for the hospital. He’s after the little girl!!”

“I’m coming. Everyone in the area is only a few miles away. But how did you find him? We’ve been looking for him for months!!” Benjamin exclaimed frantically.

I didn’t respond. I couldn’t. My breathing was short and heavy as I was still sprinting. “Rosa, who is it?!” He screamed. “Over.” I ended the radio message.

I pulled out my Glock again and shot at him. Bang. I missed. Again. Bang. I missed. Fuck. Two rounds left. I was gaining on him. And I was gaining on him fast.

We were right in front of the parking lot. I shot again. Bang. I grazed his shoulder. He finally looked back, and we locked eyes. He smirked at me as he waited there for me to catch up.

“You’re insane!” I screamed. I held my gun right up to his head.

“Be careful, hun; you only have one bullet.” He started staring into my eyes.

“Don’t call me that! You’re insane! You’re not my husband.” I stuttered, my hands violently shaking.

“You don’t know what that word even means.” He cackled.

He sprinted into the parking lot. I quickly followed, carefully not to waste my last bullet.

What did he mean by that? Of course, I know what insane means. I'm a cop, an investigator. I have a degree. Insanity is repeating the same task over and over, expecting something different. Insanity is a permanent disorder of the mind. Insanity is utter madness. I know what it means! I don't know what he's talking about.

I had to reach the 25th floor. That's how tall the parking structure is. I never took the stairs. It always gave me an eerie feeling. But no time for myths or twisted thoughts. I had to catch him.

I climbed up ten stairs until I saw the first number plaque. Number 10 in bold black letters. I started to go up faster; I was almost on his trail. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. I suddenly felt a rush of adrenaline as I could see his boots just ahead of me. 22, 23, 24, 24. I went back down on two flights. 24. I rushed faster up the stairs for what felt like hours. 24, 24, 24, 24. They all said 24. Oh, fuck..

Richard’s [r] point of view

“She climbed and climbed but never reached the top. They say she was never seen again. Some say the Boogie Man still lurks around. In the windows and the shadows, looking out for any kids who were up past their bedtimes.” I read to my children.

“That can't be real! I don't believe in the Boogie Man.” My son said, folding his arms.

“Well, you should; you’ll never know where he might be.” I laughed.

“It's just fictional!” “You’re right, my boy, but how can we be sure?” I said, turning off their lights.

“Good night, dad,” they all said in unison. “Good night. Don't let the boogie man get you.” I said, locking the door.

Childs [b] point of view

“Sis, you don't believe in dads stupid stories, right?” I said, pulling up my blankets. “I'd rather not take any chances.” She said, pulling the blankets over her head.

“Bro, are you afraid of the Boogie Man too?” I said, laughing. “Of course I am!” He shrieked.

They could be so foolish when it came to dads stupid stories. I mean, the Boogie Man?

I looked into the darkness, and I saw glowing blue eyes in the dark. It was probably just dad being creepy again. I turned around and faced the wall.

Suddenly I felt something heavy on my chest. I opened my eyes, and there he was. Arctic blue eyes. Length Figure. It was the Boogie Man. I tried to scream, but I couldn't. He was pressing on my lungs and vocal cords.

“You don't believe in the Boogie Man?”


Insanity isn't repeating the same task over and over again. Insanity knows that you are trapped. It knows that no matter how hard you try, it will always stay the same.

Each flight, each path, and each door will inevitably lead to the same thing—that same number.

Insanity realizes that running is pointless.

Insanity realizes that no matter how many times you fall asleep, it will never change.

Insanity realizes what you have with your spouse is not accurate.

Insanity is when you finally lose hope and feed into the madness.


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Ceo Of Dying

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    Ceo Of DyingWritten by Ceo Of Dying

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