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The Blue Room with the Yellow Curtains (Chapter 2)

The main character meets the receptionist late one night while staying at a hotel room for her honeymoon.

By🪲Published 2 years ago 3 min read
The Blue Room with the Yellow Curtains (Chapter 2)
Photo by Tanner Marquis on Unsplash

After some time, Alan finally gets up and walks to the bed. I greet him with a kiss, still staring at the ceiling.

"You hit your head so hard, you started hallucinating." Alan giggled. I roll my eyes and slide deeper into the bed. "Maybe I'm just tired." I finally say. There's no use in fighting it, and I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I snapped back from the daydream and took another cigarette. I sparked a match and slowly lit the end of it, thinking about what happened later that night. I sunk into the couch, and raised my hand to my cheek. The cigarette smoke next to my face gave me comfort to continue reminiscing. I looked over to Alan and saw that he had fallen asleep, his hand in his trousers and his mouth wide open, letting out a snore. The sight of this made me laugh loudly, which caused him to suddenly wake up.

"What day is it?" he immediately says, which caused me to laugh even harder. After settling down, I wipe a tear from my eye and check my watch. "It's 9:45. Want to order Chinese before the restaurant closes?"

He nods, and picks up the telephone. After a while, he puts on a coat and steps out. I leap over to the record player and play some Ella Fitzgerald. Listening to her sing always brought me to a happier place, and made me feel as if my aura turned a cool blue.

The feeling of the hue made me go back to my memory of our honeymoon vacation. I remember how cold the room felt that night. I cuddled close to my husband, who held me tight while he was asleep.

I thought to myself how it shouldn't be so cold, considering that it was still summertime. Maybe it was just the AC. After being freed from the grasp of Alan, I quietly walked outside to warm myself up. Opening the door, I gasp to see the receptionist greeting me.

"Hows the room?" he asked coldly. I cover my mouth, trying to close my mouth that opened from shock. "It's a bit cold but it's a perfect room."

"It's usually this cold at this time of the year." he responds. I make a face, silently disagreeing with him. In Florida, it was always either warm or unbearably hot. I should know, I lived there since I was a child. Suddenly, the chilly air blows violently, feeling as if it was blowing through me.

"It's July!" I exclaimed, hugging my robe closer to my chest. I felt the receptionist eyes on my chest. The feeling made me wanna scream, but i decided to not react. Instead, I glared at him.

My reaction seemed to have no effect, as he continued to come closer to me. I backed inside and immediately shut the door in his face. I watched his shadow from under the door. I held my breath, as I watched closely, waiting for him to leave.

After a while, I see him slowly walk away from the door. I can hear him drag his left foot as he walked. I sighed a huge breath of relief.

I slowly crawl back into bed and hug Alan close. He responds with a kiss on my forehead. I try to get the cold stare from the creepy receptionist from my mind by thinking positive thoughts and eventually fall asleep.

The dream that I had that night I will never forget.


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About the Creator🪲

---- Article & Fictional Writer On Vocal. Media ---

☀️ Host of the "A Collaboration of my Emotions” podcast ☀️

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