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A short story by DeQuon Foster

By Dequon FosterPublished 3 years ago 7 min read


“If you would have never told her, we wouldn’t be in this situation,” yelled Anna. Damien just sat there, absorbing all her negative energy.

Damien is in deep trouble. He got caught sneaking back into his room late last night by his mother; he was very intoxicated, so me made a whole bunch of noise getting in.

“Damien?! I know that’s not you sneaking in your window,” his mom warned. She tried to open the door, but it was locked, which prompted her to knock on the door a few times. Afterwards Damien finally climbed in and fell on his wrist, spraining it. He didn’t feel this though, because of his intoxication.

“Damien, I heard that! Open up this door right now!” his mom exclaimed. “I don’t have any clothes on though Mom,” whined Damien, before he was cut off abruptly.

“I didn’t ask all of that, I asked you to open this door. Don’t make me ask you again- I thought I said no locked doors unless you’re in the bathroom,” said his mom. “Okay Mom, give me a second, gotta grab... clothes,” stuttered Damien.

After 2 minutes, Damien finally unlocked his room door. His mom opened it with such quickness you would think she was the Flash.

“Why does it smell like tree in here?! Have you been smoking?! And is that alcohol I smell too? You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, young man,” his mom interjected. Damien blabbered and sputtered a make believe story, which he thought was great. His mom, not so much.

“You expect me to believe you left the house at 11pm, went to your friend Brandon’s house, and played video games??” his mom asked. “It’s 4am, Damien. I just so happened to be using the bathroom, and heard you making quite the racket. Did you go to Anna’s house?!”

Damien couldn’t even fully comprehend everything his mom was saying, but he got the gist of it. And he heard Anna, his girlfriend’s name, which perked his ears up.

“Yeah, Brandon dropped me off at Anna’s house after we... were done gaming. And he took me back here afterwards too, we got some fast food on the way.”

“Dont lie to me; were you and Brandon smoking? Because it looks like it to me.”

“Yes, but only a little bit I swear! I drank 2 shots only, Mom. I know how you feel about me drinking, which is why I only drank 2. Brandon was trying to make me drink more, but I told him no. And then he took me to Anna’s house, it was I think 2am? Me and her just watched some Netflix and I started falling asleep, so I called Brandon to-”

“What did you and Anna do?”

“.....slept together.”

His mom sat there in disbelief. “I have no words for you. We will talk more about this in the morning. Good night,” his mom told him. “Ok good night.”


The morning after, Damien slept in until 11am. His door got a knock on it, so he asked who it was. His dad burst it open, which startled Damien. “You can’t talk to Brandon’s anymore. And you’re going to Anna’s house to apologize to her mom,” Damien’s dad told him. “Dad why?” His dad ignored him and just closed the door. “Get ready to go,” was all he said from behind the door.

Damien got ready and was in the car in 20 minutes. Once he got to Anna’s house, he got dropped off. “We’ll be back in an hour to come get you,” his parents told him.

“Hey Mrs. Jones! Is Anna here, by chance?” he asked. “Hi Damien! Of course, she’s right in her room; come on in, Mrs. Jones said. Damien came in and sat on Anna’s bed. He told her about the night before, and how he got caught up in the situation.

“If you would have never told her, we wouldn’t be in this situation,” yelled Anna. Damien just sat there, absorbing all her negative energy. “Dude, I was cross faded,” Damien told her. “I wasn’t in the best state to lie. Plus, I already tried lying to her about Brandon. She doesn’t know that I have a car yet.”

“I don’t care.” Anna simply told him. “You shouldn’t have told her- just make up a story gosh,” Anna complained. “You know how I feel about your parents. I don’t want them to think I’m some freaky girl who just wants to get in their son’s pants!”

Mrs. Jones was listening in on the conversation; she happened to be doing laundry and heard Anna raise her voice.

“Okay but why did you insist on sneaking me in?” Damien protested. “Why did you whine and beg me to come over? How come the appointment couldn’t wait until the morning? Afternoon? Another day?”

“Because you were really really high, and you know I love it when you’re like that,” Anna reassured. “Plus you brought me something to drink, so I was really loving that idea.”

Mrs. Jones was appalled! Her daughter was drinking alcohol without her knowing— and snuck her boyfriend in too! She knew not to stay for too long, because her heart started beating very fast. She thought of all the possibilities that could happen as a result of this. Thought of all the bad things that could happen to her precious daughter, which made her spiral into other things...

“Mrs. Jones! I am so sorry!” Damien exclaimed. He flung open the door, angry at his girlfriend, and ran face first into her mom! “I had no idea you were right outside, I had to use the bathroom very suddenly and—”

“Mom, were you listening to our conversation?” Anna curiously asked. Mrs. Jones just looked at her daughter with a look of distaste, wonder and amazement.

“Damien, I think it’s about time for you to head back home,” her mom said. She just stared into oblivion with such mixed emotions. “Okay Mrs. Jones.... as you wish,” Damien hesitated. As he got up to leave, he went to the bathroom.

“Anna, are you serious right now?!” her mom questioned. “What made you think any of that was okay?”

“I didn’t think it was okay, I just wanted to have a little fun. It’s so boring in here, and you barely let me do anything. Like remember the other day when—”

“Stay in here. I’ll walk Damien out of the house,” her mom abruptly said.


Damien splashed water on his face. He was very worried about what Mrs. Jones heard them say! His mind raced for a bit, and after about 5 minutes he walked out of the bathroom. Mrs. Jones was sitting on the living room couch.

“Come here for a minute, Damien.” She patted on the cushion directly next to her. Damien cautiously sat down, and folded his hands in his lap.

“My daughter Anna really likes you. I like you too. But what you did last night was unacceptable. I can’t believe you thought you could do all of that and get away with it.”

Damien hung his head. He was so deeply saddened by her words, and he tried to come up with some words, a phrase, anything to say in response. He cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak...

And he got kissed on the lips!! By his girlfriend’s mom!!

It was so quick and firm, he thought it was a dream. But she gave him that look in her eyes that meant she wanted him. He waited a second, then tried to talk again. She planted another kiss on his lips, and another, and another; eventually, they’re both laying on the couch having a full blown make out session!

Anna was minding her business in her room, but heard a very loud kissing noise. This prompted her to open her door to investigate, because she knows Damien didn’t leave yet. She pokes her head around the corner....

And sees her boyfriend and her mom kissing!! She yells at the top of her lungs in disbelief, which forces the two apart. “MOM! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY BOYFRIEND!?!?” Her mom looked dazed. “I just wanted to *burp* have a little fun,” was her response. She had a huge smirk on her face, and a bit of liquid on her chin.

Mrs. Jones had been drinking. When Damien went to the bathroom, she went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of cognac. She then proceeded to drink 3 shots, then drank another to top it off. After hiding the evidence, she rushed to the living room just in time to hear Damien opening the bathroom door; she then called him over.

Anna was in total shock. “I’m definitely telling Dad about this!” she exclaimed. “Mom, how could you?” She ran to her room, bawling her eyes out. Damien looked as if he had seen a ghost.

“I think maybe I should go comfort her,” he suggested. “No, she’ll be fine. Show me what you and her did last night,” Mrs. Jones commanded. They both went into her room; Damien’s phone was ringing and ringing from phone calls from his parents. His parents decided to come up to the door...

TO BE CONTINUED................

Short Story

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    Dequon FosterWritten by Dequon Foster

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