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Stay Blazz'd Part 1

My Life Is a Shit Show

By Denise MillerPublished 2 years ago Updated 6 months ago 13 min read
Based On A True Story


Dakota Blazz

Bessie Jean "Dakota's Mom"

Emma Jean "Dakota's Sister"

Jackson "Dakota's Brother"

Dakota's Well Trained Dog's




The Team

Shayla Jackson "The Fighter"

Alison Davis "The Hacker"

McKenna Price "The Fixer"

Lance Davis "Surveillance"

Tameron "Dakota's narcissistic abusive Ex-girlfriend

Greg/Big Daddy "The Man Dakota Is Secretly In love with."

"Present Day"

As a middle aged Bisexual woman (43) that smokes a lot of weed and I don't take care of myself. I chain smoke Blunts for fun.....

I have the same damn routine every morning I wake up..

I Light up a Blunt pickup my phone open up the app order me a Carmel Frappe and one of those ham and cheese croissant.

As I'm driving to pickup my order I have a mental breakdown on the way to Starbucks, its like clockwork at 9:34am. I am in full blown tears having an anxiety/panic attack, trying to figure out if today will be my 13th reason because I have not finished the last series from my book. I have 3 months and I haven't even started yet…

I have an interview this morning, with a journalist from the magazine "Queens Of Cannabis". I don't think I'm gonna make it...

I am the CEO of 3 companies.

I have a blog, that I have won serval awards for. I have a vlog is on Instagram and Tiktok, and Facebook.

I started my own corporation Blaqq Widdow's Inc

I have an LLC 1st Ladies of Cannabis which I sell my own stands of Cannabis.

I own a clothing store called Blazzup Boutique. website

My personal life is just that.. PERSONAL..

Am I single, Yes.... But Do I have a Big Daddy, Also Yes!

My name is Dakota Denise Lorraine Blaqq aka Dakota Blazz or The Blaqq Widdow of Cannabis.

My life has been a complete shit show since birth.. 10/31/1978 at 11:56pm but since my "Dad" who isn't my biological dad I didn't find that out until I was 33 fucking years old.

When I was 33 years old my mom had a mid life crisis called a family meeting, saying she need to tell all of us a few secrets that she's been holding on to..

My mom sits down at the table with me and my siblings and straight out the gate starts with.....

Mom: "I've Offed 5 people"

My brother: Mom what do you mean?



We'll get back to that.

But my dad thought having a baby born on Halloween was sign, I'd become some devil child, and worship Satan or some stupid shit like that.

So he was able to somehow get them in 1978 to change the date and time of my birthday to November 1st 1978 12:01am

How'd he do that…. Listen my dad was a rolling stone, he was fucking one of the nurses in the hospital, who was somehow was the nurse on duty and was there in the delivery room helping my mom.

My mother remembers nothing about my birth other than the fact that she had to drive herself to the hospital because my dad was nowhere to be found. She remembers the doctor saying she's in labor. The next thing she remembers is waking up in the room on November 1st like what happen as the nurse is bringing me in to her.

The nurses name was Lorraine, and for 33 years I couldn’t figure out why I hated my middle name so much and why Halloween is my favorite holiday… Now I know....

To understand my life we got to go back I mean way back to when I was -6 months old. My mom was 6m pregnant with me when she and I almost died . My dad pointed a Double barrel shotgun right at her belly and pulled the trigger because he believed my mom had cheated on him…..

She did.... But we'll come back to that...

My childhood was filled with domestic violence, molestation, and child abuse, and drug use.

I was sexaully molested/assulted by my 1st cousin. I was around 3 years old when it stated… I remember being dropped off at my aunt Floras 's house by my dad because my mom had to work my dad didn’t work but he didn’t want to watch me so my aunt did…. My aunt always put me in this room with a small TV with a mattress on the floor.

Hello Kitty was always on the tv playing as my cousin walked in the room and sat next to me and started touching me.

When my dad picked me up he would always ask if I had been a good girl for my cousin.

My dad was unable to walk due to an injury he stationed. He was out gambling and stole money from who someone on October 30th 1978 and they throw him off the 5th floor balcony. He broke his back and was confined to a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down.

The reason my mom couldn't find my dad is because he was in the same hospital fighting for his life in the same hospital just on a different floor..

So at the age of 3 I was being taken to drug houses to pick up my dads drugs from the dealers and since he couldn’t walk that meant I had to go in to the trap houses to get his drugs. He would put the money in an old pack of cigarettes then tell me to go in.. When he did not have money he used me as payment . When I didn’t come in the dealers house with the pack of cigs he knew what that meant. He would take me in the back room and do what he needed to get off and send me back outside to my dad with the drugs..

When I got back in the car my dad would have a rose waiting for me saying this is for you being a good girl for daddy… This is the reasons I Hate Hello Kitty and Flowers!

My Home Life stresses me TF out Too!

I have two kids.

Mackenzie 23 my first born 3pound 3oz my twin my only daughter is the pain in my ass… Her mouth is bad she cusses me out every fucking time I talk to her, because she thinks she the mom here and doesn’t like the choices I've made.

Her dad Malik has done nothing but bad mouth and talk shit on me through 23years he has had about 8136 girlfriends had a son with one of them and now a wife and another baby. And that man still talking shit on me.

Nah Yawl not understanding, every last one of his girlfriends and now currently his wife as well Hates me!!!! Here's the kicker I have never met most of his exes or his wife but they all hated me so much they wanted to fight me over this short ass 5'3 shrimp dick nigga… TF yawl can have him..

Now don’t get me wrong I did have to lay hands on at least two of them bitches for talking shit… They didn’t realize ONSITE MEAN ONSITE BITCH….

My son Tyler 18 just graduated high school is the apple of my eye..

Straight A student , when I ask him to do something there's no back talk, he just says okay Mom and does it…. He is on the basketball he's known as the Clutch….

That boy is dam near perfect… Never has been disrespectful to me or anyone else..

His dad Tyquan, that big ass 6'9 250 pound bitch has been a deadbeat since I told him I was pregnant.

At 6m I found out I was having a boy I called his house his momma answered the phone said He's not here,

I said Oh okay tell him I'm having a boy.

She said excuse me….

I said I'm pregnant and its boy.

That woman hung up the phone on me so fast….

I guess calling her son..

My phone rang 10 min later.. Its him Yelling at me why I told his momma I was pregnant and people in our business..

I'm like nigga 1st off she's your mother not a stranger 2nd I thought she already knew… For two years I was thinking I was the girlfriend. Come find out I was the side chick and had no fucking clue.

He told me this information, 45 minutes after giving birth to his first child.

As I laid in the that hospital in pain drugged up on so much medication.

I blacked out....

All I remember is waking up to my baby daddy bleeding from a big ass hole in his head.... Apparently I hit him over the head with a IV pole..... He needed 15 staples in his head....

He had a good job, was general manager at a popular restaurant chain. And yes I put his ass on child support… Understand that for the next 18years my son NEVER received a birthday gift, card, call or text. Never received a Christmas present..

Oh, wait I lied the year my son turned 5yrs old his dad stopped by with a bag of hand me downs clothes and shoes his sister Tisha gave him from her kids. Were talking about clothes with stains and holes in them. Shoes that were either two sizes to big or three sizes smaller, and a mans old spice body wash set I mean with the aftershave included and everything…

The situation between me and him became him, his mom Trina, and his sister Tisha against me…

It got toxic and came to blows…. Tisha called me an unfit mother, why because it was December 21st and when I dropped my son off over there for visit. I said I don’t wanna see my kid until next year.

I believe the math wasn’t mathing for her.

Next year was in 11 days…

Tisha just got out of prison for being the get away driver when her baby daddy robbed a store but I'm an unfit mother.. Bitch you did 7years in prison for that crime.. And still to this day she has an Ass Kicking coming because my son told me she use to pour hot sauce in his mouth after he would fall asleep. She use to put my baby on the porch in the middle of winter with no coat on or shoes, for like 30 mins because she didn’t like me… I didn't find this out until my son turned 13.. My son waited until he was 13 to tell by then I couldn’t do anything.

Anyway back to the story, his sister Tisha called me an unfit mother…..

So I pulled up over there and kicked Tisha ass, left her leaking. Then the momma came talking shit. I popped her she fell, then here comes big ass 6'9 250p Baby daddy…. I kicked him in the dick he fell I popped him like 4 times, then his new baby momma come outside talking shit mind you she is very pregnant she swings at me and of course misses I slapped fire from her ass right across the face… Now if all of them would have came at me all at once they might have got me..

I said might have but I doubt it…

I stepped back and looked at all four of these fools laying in the middle of the street I picked my son up off the porch grabbed is baby bag and rolled out I heard sirens a bitch has to go!!!!

Not to mention Me and Shay Blew up his car in his job parking lot during the lunch rush when I was 4m pregnant all because he told me to go to Hell and stick my baby up my ass…

Listen its been over 18 yrs I hope the statute of limitations has past if not the next chapter is me going TF to jail!!!!!

I've never been married, I've been asked serval times and only seem to make down the isles at… Kroger.

No I'm not that I'm afraid of commitment, I just get bored really quick and need my space. I don’t want live with my person when I get married we will live like two blocks from each other and don’t come over my house without calling and I will probably never come to your house. That not the point… I've heard absence make the heart grow fonder…

Meet The Team...

Shayla Jackson "The Fighter"

Manager of my LLC 1st Ladies of Cannabis Marijuana dispensary.

aka Shay-Shay Known as the BAD INFLUENCE… She is Outgoing, Loud Outspoken, unapologetic and doesn't GIVE A FUCK!!!!!!!!!!.

She is a 3rd degree black belt. So she kicks ass and take names later… Her attitude is outrageous just like her choice of hair color… Shay is well known for dying her hair loud and colorful with bright pinks, greens purples my favorite color she wears is Fire engine RED……. I hadn't seen her in 2 days which is unusual because that bitch is always at my house smoking up my damn weed and drinking my damn Wine…… Then walks in with this Red ass Hair takes the blunt out my ashtray and starts puffing away…. If you need to hide a body Shays the one I am calling..

Then there's Alison (with 1 L)

" The Hacker"

Manager of my clothing store Blazzup Boutique.

aka Ali Cat She is Known for being the quiet one, The Nerd. Ali is like an FBI agent just without the badge and the security clearance..

I call her my Peace, my thinker she always tries to talk me out of bad decisions … She is so sweet and caring loving, a great listener. Nothing pisses her off…. But if you spell her name with 2 LL's as in "Allison" she will grow horns and smoke starts coming out her ears and at that point she will come unhinged fast AF…. But if you ever need a hacker to hack a computer system, or an email or texts or if you think your girl/boyfriend is cheating on you, That bitch Ali with 1 L will find some shit out in a matter of minutes….

Then we have the only Man of the group Lance


CO-CEO of all my businesses and my only brand ambassador.. Aka. Puffessor Widdow He a mix of Morris Chestnut, with Michel Ealy's eyes with Idris' body…. This man is Fucking Gorgeous!!

He smokes sooo much weed but always on top of his shit though.

This man can sale anything… He can sale RX glasses to Blind Man he is great at what he does….

He is known as the Rock….. He keeps all us girls in check, if we are fighting Lance is there to break it up and will put us in a size 4x t-shirt and make us stand there until we apologize to each other…

Listen Professor is a photographer, meaning if you call Ali with 1 L and need to find out if your man or woman id cheating on you she is gonna send him, and you will get the clearest video of the cheater…When I say up close and personal I mean his surveillances skills are off the scale better than any investigator at the FBI …..

We have McKenna Jaxson..

aka "The Fixer" Crime Scene Clean Up.

General manager of Blazzup Boutique and 1st Ladies of Cannabis.

McKenna has about 8 degrees, she a certified physician. Past her bar exam on the first try, and got a perfect score.... There was an investigation, they thought she got her hands on a copy of the test.... She has a degree in forensics, specializing in blood spatter and is a firearm's expert.

She became the was youngest district attorney to ever be elected in our town.

Ashely: So lets talk about your personal life…..

Dakota: I'm sorry I don’t understand the question….

Ashely: Are you seeing anyone at the moment?

Dakota: Cut!!!!!!

Ashely: We are not on a movie set this is an interview Dakota…

Words: 2785


About the Creator

Denise Miller

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    Denise MillerWritten by Denise Miller

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