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Somewhere Only We Know

Chapter One - Eli

By Jaz LeighPublished about a year ago 5 min read

The bell chimed as I walked through the door to the café. After putting my backpack in my locker, I tied my apron around my waist and joined Liam in setting up the counter. Ralph – early as always – was sat in the corner with his newspaper.

“Mornin’ fellas,” I yawned as I tightened my ponytail.

“Good morning superior being!” Liam saluted, grinning at his usual alternative to ‘boss lady’.

“Morning’” the older man mumbled.

I rolled my eyes with a smile.

“Ready for your usual, Ralph?” I called as I topped up the coffee grinder.

“Whenever you are, sweet.”

The usual morning rush had slowed and I was wiping down some tables when I noticed a girl in the far corner. Her blonde curls fell over her shoulder in a low ponytail, and I could see her wire-framed glasses sliding down her nose. It made me smile. Walking back to the counter, I nudged the boy working with me.

“When did she come in?” I muttered, nodding in her direction.

“Hm?” His light brown eyes were unfocused until my question registered. “Oh! Uh maybe an hour or so ago? You were in the kitchen when she came in.”

“Right...” my voice sounded far-away to my own ears.

She had what appeared to be a textbook in front of her, a half-finished iced latte to the side, and the cap of a highlighter between her teeth. Heat began creeping up my neck to my cheeks. What a little nerd.

I had only taken two steps in her direction before she jolted. She frantically grabbed her phone, wincing when she saw the screen. Her belongings were messily stuffed into her bag before she rushed out the door. With a sigh, I turned back to the counter. Liam was watching me with an eyebrow raised, a teasing smirk on his lips.

“Shut up,” I grumbled.

He raised his hands in surrender.

“I didn’t even say anything.”

A deep chuckle came from behind me, and I rolled my eyes when a warm hand landed on my head.

“You didn’t have to,” Ralph grinned, “Don’t worry Eli, I’m sure you’ll see her again.”

A stubborn ‘huff’ escaped my lips and I turned towards the storage room, mumbling as I walked away.

“It’s whatever...I don’t even know her.”

“But you want to~” Liam sang as I disappeared from his view.

Damn it...he was right.

Closing time rolled around quickly. Liam had left for his evening class 5PM, so I was left to clean and lock up. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I checked it quickly.

Sam: drinks tonight? on me 😉 [18:57]

Me: sure why not. see you at 8 x [18:59]

Immediately after sending my reply, a head of blonde curls flashed in my mind. I shook the thought away. She’d never be interested anyway.

It was 7:15PM by the time I pulled into my driveway. It wouldn’t take me long to get ready; there were worse things to smell of than coffee. After feeding Salem and topping up his water, I went to change into some black jeans and a dark green shirt. Once dressed, I touched up my eyeliner and headed out.

The walk to the bar didn’t take long, and soon enough, the light-up sign of ‘Ems’ came into view. My companion’s thick black hair and short red dress caught my eye immediately and I smiled. It had been a while since we’d seen each other. I’d been trying to put some distance between us but I always found myself coming back. The woman was leaning across the bar, trying to see what new spirits they had on the shelf. The smile on my face twisted into a grimace when I caught a man drunkenly approaching her from the corner of my eye. I walked over quickly, grabbing the hand he had reached out to her tightly.

“Mind not touching my girl?” I hissed, my eyes narrowing into a glare and accent thickening with my anger.

The ravenette spun around to face us, her eyes widening in surprise. When she saw the bruising grip I had on the man’s fingers, she blushed, reaching to rest her hand on my arm.

“Don’t get us kicked out already, Liz,” she pouted, pulling me to her side and side-eyeing the man before us.

I clicked my tongue.

“Fuck off b’fore I make you,” I muttered.

He backed off quickly, scurrying back to his friends who had been watching in amusement. Sighing, I wrapped an arm around Sam’s waist and tugged her close.

“How’re ya, Sammy?”

“All the better for seeing you,” she grinned, “it’s been so long.”

“Yeah...sorry ‘bout that.”

“It’s cool,” she shrugged, “what’re you having?”

She went back to her position – leaning on the bar – and I moved to stand behind her, caging her between my arms. With one arm leaning on the wooden surface, my other hand rested on her hip.

Several shots and many whiskies later, we were sat in a booth with barely any distance between us. Both of her legs were over mine while my arm curled around her waist. My free hand sat on her thigh.

“I missed you, Liz,” Sam purred, her lips brushed against my ear.

My breath caught in my throat, and I leaned my head against the back of the seat, tilting my head to face her.

“I missed you too, angel.” My voice was soft, whispered so low that had we not been so close, I don’t think she would have heard me.

One of her hands reached up to cup my cheek while the other toyed with the hair at the base of my neck where my undercut was starting to grow out. She brought her face closer to mine, her lips so close I could feel her breath mingling with my own.

“Come back to my place?”


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Jaz Leigh

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    Jaz LeighWritten by Jaz Leigh

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