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Roger the World’s Greatest Therapy Dog and the Haunted Hospital

Roger the World’s Greatest Therapy Dog

By Jmjulius15 JayPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

It was October 31st, Halloween and Roger was working at the hospital. All the therapy dogs were wearing Halloween costumes so they could win the annual costume contest. First prize is a life time supply of dog bones. Roger was wearing a vampire costume. Roger was wearing a black cape and he had fake vampire tangs in his mouth. Harry the black lab was wearing a mummy costume.

Roger said ’’Nice mummy costume, Harry.”

Harry said ’’Thanks Roger, I used super glue and wrapped myself in toilet paper.” Ruby was dressed like a witch and she was wearing a black witch hat.

Ruby gave Roger a kiss and said’’ Happy Halloween, my handsome little vampire.

Roger said ’’Happy Halloween, my beautiful little witch.”

Marvin was dressed as a mail man. He was wearing a blue baseball hat that said ’’Mail Man” and carrying a big black bag full of letters. Willie the Wiener Dog was dressed as a hot dog. Roger laughed and said ’’Nice costume, Willie.”

Willie said’’Shut up Roger, that’s not what your mom said in my dog house last night.”

Eddie was wearing a red collar and the name tag had the name Roger on it.

Eddie said ’’Hey Roger, do you like my costume? I’m you for Halloween.”

Roger looked at Eddie and said ”Hey, is that my collar? I’ve been looking for it.”

Eddie said ’’Yes, I promise I’ll give it back after Halloween.” Roger took a closer look at Eddie and noticed he had vampire thangs.

”Are you a vampire too?”

’’Yes!” ’’Awesome!”

The costume contest was about to start. Paul the CP Puppy was wearing glasses, a dark blue T- shirt, long black pants, and he was walking with two tiny black canes.

Roger said ’’Paul, who are you suppose to be for Halloween?”

’’I’m Jules Michael Julius.”

’’Who’s that?”

Paul was surprised and said ’’You don’t know who Jules Michael Julius is? He’s only the greatest writer who ever lived. He was born with cerebral palsy just like me, and I’ve read all his stories.” Harry said ’’Jules Michael Julius his stories are terrible and stupid, who wants to read a story about a rabbit named Detective Hosancarrot?”

Paul said’’ His stories are awesome, you’ll see I’ll win the costume contest.”

As the costume contest was about to start.

A loud voice spoke in the hospital and it said ’’Happy Halloween, everyone you have until midnight tonight to leave this hospital or you all will pay.”

After the voice stopped speaking. The entire hospital became invested with fleas and everyone was getting bit.

Later that day, as the hospital were getting rid of all the fleas. Everyone in the hospital were scared, especially Roger. Roger and all the therapy dog decided to leave the hospital and never come back. As Roger and all the therapy dogs were walking towards the exit doors. Marvin said ’’Hey, where’s everyone going?”

Roger said ’’The hospital is haunted. Everyone decided to leave and never come back.”

Marvin said’’ What? No one is allowed to leave. It’s time I told all of you the story of how the hospital became haunted.”

“A long time ago, there was a therapy dog named Louie. He was a yellow lab but his fur was solid white like a ghost. Louie loved pulling pranks and scaring all the patients. Halloween was his favorite and he decided to scare and old lady who just had heart surgery. Louie scared the old lady so bad she had a heart attack. The old lady was ok but, I had no choice. I had to fire Louie. Louie was so mad, he said’’ You will all be very sorry,” and ran out of the hospital. Before leaving for good Louie wanted to scare one of the ambulance drivers, so Louie Jumped in front of a moving ambulance. The driver didn’t see him and Louie got hit and run over. Now every Halloween his spirit haunts the hospital.”

Roger said’’ That was a great story, Marvin but I’m still leaving.”

Ruby said’’ “I know my brave boyfriend isn’t afraid of a ghost.”

Roger said “Ruby, I think you mean your new boyfriend is brave and isn’t afraid of ghosts.” Marvin said ’’Don’t worry Louie just likes to scare everyone, he won’t actually do anything.” Paul said ’’Louie ruined the costume contest.”

Marvin said ’’Don’t worry Paul, we will have a costume contest.”

Meanwhile across the street Leonard K. Cat was introducing his new invention to the other therapy cats.

Leonard said’’ Happy Halloween, my new invention is perfect for tonight.” Leonard was holding a small collar in his paws held it up in the air and said ’’The Ghostly Collar can turn anyone who wears it invisible. Tonight I will turn myself invisible, pretend to be a ghost, and scare Roger and the other therapy mutts.”

Leonard K. Cat was very happy about his plan, but then Lucy K. Kitty was wearing a fish costume and she said ’’Leonard, are you wearing your fish costume?”

’’Honey, I told you I don’t wear Halloween costumes. Even if I did wear a costume. I wouldn’t dress up as a fish.”

Lucy slapped Leonard with her paw and said “I spent 40 dollars on a fish costume and you are going to wear it and look Super adorable.”

’’Ok, Lucy.”

At 11:30 that night Roger and the other therapy dogs were working late. All the therapy dogs were scared of what Louie might do at midnight. Suddenly all the lights in the hospital went out. Roger and all the therapy dogs got scared and started to panic.

Then a voice said ’’Happy Halloween, you stupid therapy mutts.”

Roger realized that it wasn’t Louie it was just Leonard K. Cat. The lights came back on. All the therapy dogs saw Leonard K. Cat wearing a fish costume. Roger and all the therapy dogs started to laugh.

Leonard said ’’Stop laughing at my halloween costume, you stupid therapy mutts.”

Lucy K. Kitty was standing next to Leonard K. Cat wearing her fish costume. Leonard was crying and said’’I told you I didn’t want to wear this stupid fish costume. Everyone’s laughing at me.”

’’You look so adorable.”

Leonard said ’’Honey, we’re cats we don’t dress up as fish, even if it’s Halloween.”

Roger said ’’Leonard K. Cat, what are you doing here? There is a ghost haunting the hospital.” Leonard said ’’There’s a ghost haunting the hospital already; I was going to turn myself invisible with my ghostly collar and scare all you stupid therapy mutts. My plan is ruined.”

Roger looked at the watch on his paw and saw it was midnight. All the lights in the hospital went out again, and the ghost of Louie said ’’I thought I told all of you to leave this hospital and never come back. Now you all shall pay.”

Marvin said ’’What do you want Louie?”

Louie said ’’Marvin my old boss, I want revenge because you fired me all those years ago.” Marvin said ’’Louie, I only fired you because you were scaring people all the time.”

’’Yeah, well, you are going to be sorry now, and by the way you all have stupid Halloween costumes on.There are two cats in fish costumes and I don’t even know who the puppy with cerebral palsy is suppose to be.”

Paul the CP Puppy said ”I’m Jules Michael Julius the writer.”

Louie started laughing and said’’ Jules Michael Julius his stories are so stupid. I could write better stories than him and I’m a dead therapy dog.”

Marvin said ’’Louie, you have to leave this hospital.”

’’The only way I can leave this hospital if the ambulance that killed me. Ambulance 31 is destroyed.”

Roger knew what he had to do. He had to destroy ambulance 31. Roger had a plan. Roger asked to borrow Leonard K. Cat’s ghostly collar.

Leonard said ’’No way Roger, you stupid therapy mutt.”

’’If ambulance 31 isn’t destroyed Louie will haunt the hospital forever.”

Ok Roger, you stupid therapy mutt,” and gave Roger his ghostly collar. ’’Also I need to borrow one of those small bombs you have.”

“What makes you think I carry around small bombs?”

Roger just looked at Leonard.

’’Ok, you can borrow one of my bombs too. Leonard handed a small round bomb. “Thanks!”

Roger was wearing the ghostly collar and he quickly turned himself invisible and walked over to the hospital elevator. Roger got in the elevator and went down to the ambulance garage. Once Roger was in the ambulance garage he looked around for ambulance 31. When Roger found ambulance 31. He went go put the bomb in the passenger seat but the door was locked. Suddenly Roger saw Marvin flying in the sky. He knew it was Louie. Marvin landed on the ground.

“Hey, Roger!”

’’Louie, why are you in Marvin’s body?”

’’Because I’m a ghost and I can posses anyones body I want. If you let me run you over with a ambulance you will become a ghost and you can possess any body you want.”

“No thanks, I like being alive.”

’’Are you sure? If your a ghost we can haunt the hospital together.” ’’No, I’m not a bad therapy dog like you.”

“Well, If you don’t want to be friends,” then I’m afraid I must kill you.” Louie punched Roger. Roger fell to the ground and was knocked out. A few minutes later, Roger woke up in the back of the ambulance and saw that Marvin was tied up and sleeping on the ground.

Louie was driving the ambulance and said ’’If this ambulance is destroyed I’m going to make sure you two are destroyed with it.”

Louie had the small bomb sitting on the passenger seat. The bomb was Roger untied Marvin with his paws and woke him up.

Marvin was surprised and said ’’Roger, what’s going on?”

’’Louie, is driving the ambulance and he’s going to blow us up!”

’’We have to get out of here!”

Marvin and Roger tried to open the back doors of the ambulance, they wouldn’t open. Louie laughed and said ’’Good luck, the back doors are locked.”

As Louie was driving the ambulance he was eating a bowl of candy and turned up the radio and started singing.

Roger started to panic and said ’’His singing is terrible, I don’t want to die like this.”

Marvin said,’’ Don’t worry Roger will get out of here. Roger said ’’I hope Michael doesn’t get another dog if I die. If he gets another dog I am going to definitely going to haunt him.”

Louie was still eating his bowl of candy and he said’’ I hate the fun sized chocolate bars their is nothing fun about them.”

Roger quickly realized that he was still wearing the Ghostly Collar and he knew with the collar he can turn himself into a ghost and go through the ambulance doors. The ambulance was going to blow up in 20

seconds. Roger said ’’Marvin, I have an idea. I need you to hold my paw. Roger held out his paw. Marvin grabbed Roger’s paw. Roger turned on the Ghostly Collar and both Roger and Marvin turned into ghosts. Then they walked through the ambulance doors. When Louie noticed that Roger and Marvin were gone. The ambulance was about to blow up in 5 seconds. Louie’s final word was “No,” and the ambulance exploded.

Marvin and Roger were still ghosts and in the middle of the street. Marvin said ’’Great job Roger, thanks to you, Louie will no longer haunt the hospital anymore.”

’’Does that mean I get a raise?”


’’Marvin, your mail man costume is stupid.”

The next day at the hospital everyone was in their costume and they had the costume contest again. Paul the CP Puppy won first place and a life time supply of dog bones.

Paul said ’’I told all of you Jules Michael Julius was a great costume.”

Roger said’’ His stories are still awful.”

Leonard K. Cat and Lucy K. Kitty got second place for their fish costumes.

Leonard said ’’Next year I’m going to wear my tiger costume and I’m going to win first place.” Halloween was over and Louie wasn’t going to haunt the hospital anymore, but in a repair shop ambulance 31 was being rebuilt.


About the Creator

Jmjulius15 Jay

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    Jmjulius15 JayWritten by Jmjulius15 Jay

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