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Random Days: part 1

Just a uni writing experiment

By Ash DigestPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Random Days: part 1
Photo by andreas kretschmer on Unsplash

So, for my uni, I have to write a story, and here is the first draft of the first part I have done today, will share the rest once I have finished writing up, editing and submitted the story for my assignment. Hope you enjoy part 1!


Crystal was new to Adelaide. She had moved for study for an undergrad course, but had come from a small country town, so moving was a big adjustment, especially to this city, so much bigger and louder than where she had come from.

So many people.

So much traffic all hours of the day and night.

So much noise.

It was honestly a little overwhelming.

But she wanted this course, she loved art and writing, and this course was all about that. Whether she got a job out of it, she didn’t know, but hopefully at least it would help her learn a few tips and tricks for her hobbies…but hopefully she might get a job through it?

That she was unclear on.

But it was only her first semester, and she was currently studying part time, so she had some time to figure it out and look around.

But she needed to get away from all that noise, that city life. She felt so out of place and alone, even though she was living close to family, it wasn’t the same. Everything felt like she didn’t belong.

She needed to clear her head.

Hence why she was now in her car, driving who knows where just to…not think.

Could explore, she figured. Get to know my new city, my new kicks. Maybe I might make a friend? I don’t know.

Beach…there were quite a few beaches from what she was told in Adelaide. Beaches were always her favourite place, it was always such a good getaway option.

Pulling over real quick, Crystal pulled out her phone and googled the nearest beach to her.

Christies Beach…alright, bet, that’s where she’d go.

Pulling up the directions, Crystal went back onto the road and began heading towards Christies.

Maybe I could go for a swim…oh wait…

Not only had she not brought any swimming gear, but looking around, she realized there were so many grey clouds filling the sky…very dark clouds, too…

Maybe it won’t rain? Maybe it’s just pass-

And with that thought, suddenly the rain started bucketing down. And not lightly either, it was coming down really hard. Turning on her headlights and her wipers, Crystal sighed and slumped in her seat while slowing to a stop at a traffic light. So much for getting out, looks like I’m stuck back in my room to study, and do chores and study and chores and…


I don’t wanna do that right now, I’ve done that for the past few days straight, surely there’s something to do, right?

Could keep driving around, she wondered as the light turned green and she continued down the road, still following the directions down to the beach.

Could just have a drive past, and then see what else is there…

Yeah, that seems like the best option, good place to start at least.

As she arrived shortly afterwards, the rain started to get worse. Despite putting her wipers on the fastest setting, she could barely see through the rain that was assaulting her windshield. Everything was blurry she couldn’t even see her bonnet.

I need to pull over.

Her side windows weren’t being too badly assaulted, so she used them to navigate her way to the nearest car spot along the beach. Shaking the whole time cause this was her first time being out in such hard rain by herself as she was on her P1’s, Crystal managed to safely pull into a car spot and turn her car off.

Once it was off, she slumped back in her seat, letting out a breath that she had been holding for a little while.

I made it…I’m safe now…

She still had her car lights on just in case people were driving past trying to find a spot to pull over so they’d see her.

This is why I hate driving…wish we didn’t have to get our licence…

Breathe, Crystal.

It’s okay.

She kept repeating this to herself until her breathe slowed and her body started to relax. Sitting in a warm car, and the sound of the rain falling down outside, helped ease her senses back to the present moment…and it was oddly relaxing. If she had money, she’d go to the nearest beach restaurant and buy a hot chocolate to rest in her car with and listen to the rain. Wish I had paid attention to the weather before leaving, I would’ve brought my Oodie or blanket and brought money for a hot chocolate and could be snuggled up in my car in the rain with…with a book, by the beach!

That actually sounded like a good idea.

Definitely have to do that next time.

Looking out her side windows, Crystal sighed. Now they were streaming with rain and she could barely see out of them. But there were some blurry…lights? She could just make out that seemed to move into a couple spots next to her.

Oh, it’s another car, they want to wait out the rain like I am.

But then she heard a car door open and…wait, are they getting out???? In this weather?!?!

Dark blurry objects started to materialize in her windows and she watched as they moved out. Something stepped briefly out in front of her front car lights and sure enough it was a couple people in black rain gear and carrying bright multi-coloured umbrellas taking a stroll along the beach sidewalk….what on earth????

“They’re aware it’s raining, right?” she muttered, shaking her head.

This is why you’re a hermit, this is why you don’t like dealing with people, she reminded herself, thankful for this moment to reaffirm her desire to not open up her bubble too much…not that she really ever had before anyway, but you know, technical details that didn’t matter.


Part 2 is coming soon!

Young AdultShort StoryExcerptClassicalAdventure

About the Creator

Ash Digest

One of eight kids, loves photography, writing, sketching, painting and singing! Would add dancing, but I still suck at that lol. I love all things pirate, sci-fi, romantic and fantasy, and hope you enjoy this journey with me :)

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Comments (2)

  • J. Jayabout a year ago

    Intriguing! I definitely feel Crystal's struggle of trying to figure out her life as a young adult in a new environment. It was very relatable. I also enjoyed the gloomy rain atmosphere you created. It felt both cozy and eerie. Also, in case you were wondering, I found this story because of your post on the Vocal Media Discord. Thanks for sharing it!

  • Ian Readabout a year ago

    Interested to see where this goes! Good first start!

Ash DigestWritten by Ash Digest

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