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Poking a Vampire

Set within the Rifts RPG Universe

By AlexPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

The Coalition Army marched forth, their destination the Vampire Kingdoms of the south. No war with the Kingdoms had ever been attempted before, and small skirmishes had proven them to be a foe to be wary of. But the Vampires were steward foes of humanity, and the Coalition had a duty to protect humans and as such each soldier marched with grim determination. As they got further and further south the sky grew steadily darker until finally the land seemed to be perpetually night; not only that but while most beasts would avoid such a large group unless pressed the creatures of these lands charged recklessly, most were quickly dispatched by well prepared fire but every so often a Coalition soldier would be dragged to his death,

No army met them, nothing barred their way. The unease grew. Several miles into mexico they reached a small village, easily spotted in advance of the marching column 2 specialist commandos were dispatched to investigate, one approached and set up overwatch within a bush while the other crept forward. Looked to be about the size for 200 people or so and activity was visible within, the specialist crept all the way to the outer buildings and looked in...Everything seemed normal. People went about their day, children ran in the streets, nothing unusual happening. Both specialists returned and a short discussion ensued about what is to be done. In the end it was decided that the risk was too great for them to be left alive, a full purge must be done. As such the soldiers prepared themselves for the grim duty before them and set out. Riot Guard in the front, shields raised, while Infantry prepared to shoot from behind in a rough phalanx. The sound of hundreds of booted feet are hard to disguise, as the villagers became aware of the approaching force they at first looked on in confusion...The first salvo took out a dozen people and the intent of the invaders became clear, screams filled the air as the Coalition forces moved in unopposed. Specialists took up sniper nests on roofs, while borgs made openings through walls and the main forces spread out into groups. Guard in front with Soldiers behind, methodically cutting down all they found. Around the village swarmed hunters, skycycles quickly catching and eliminating those that sought to flee. As grim as it was, the process was moving smoothly...until Specialists started not checking in. one by one the snipers guns were falling silent. Silent as death itself, something was hunting those that were isolated, quickly commanding all forces back into a group 200 meters from the edge of the village, just as the troops started to turn around a great screech filled the air, like the sounds of a thousand screaming banshees and from the dark they came. Their skin was ashen like that of a corpse, yellowed claws extended from their fingers and sharpened teeth wrapped around the screams that echoed from their throats; nearly invisible in the darkness they came with a speed and swiftness that defied human ability.

Knowing he needed to buy the soldiers time to regroup the Coalition command let loose his reserve force, over 200 Dog Boys loped across the ground to meet the charge head on, and meet it they did. The two sides crashed together with the sound of tearing flesh mixed with inhuman screeches and dog-like yelps. It was no match, the Dog boys were bred to be perfect for what they do and mages all throughout North America fear their howl; but the foes they faced now cared not for any of that and they threw the dogs through the air like children. Dozens of them died but for each that fell 3 Dog Boys were ripped apart.

The Command looked on, uncaring. They were mutants and only lived as long as they served a purpose, today that purpose was to die for it bought them the time they needed to regroup and slowly dozens of squads were rejoining the main group and forming up, the soldiers and guards streaming from the burning village. Those Specialists that had made it back, nearly half their number depleted, had taken aim towards the raging conflict, calmly popping head shots into the swarm when they could.

It was then that the next wave struck, unseen high in the sky where Giant Bats, fell creatures the size of a horse swooped down silently from the sky directly into the stream of soldiers trying to regroup grabbing them and flying back into the air, their dismembered bodies falling to the earth. From the ground within the village burst out hideous forms, the head of a canine sits upon the body of a monkey, razor sharp black claws extend from each finger and tuffs of shaggy hair run down it’s neck and back. One of the more learned specialists recognized the creatures, Chupacabra they were called. Realizing that a full regroup would be near impossible the Coalition fell back into its training, their soldiers quickly forming small circles with the riot shields forming a wall and the soldiers firing over them. The creatures fell all around them, dozens dying to the disciplined fire of the troops. Finally freed of the Dog Boys the first group attacked again, heading for the main group. Hundreds died, their grey bodies turning to ash in the hail of lasers.

Then something strange happened, noticed by one of the borgs designated to guard the command group and as such was not firing, instead focusing on watching for threats to his charges, he watched as the mist off to the side began to colless and form into that of a man. Wearing dark clothes with pale skin. He calmly walked forward towards the group, the borg turned and took a few steps forward. “Freeze, desist at once or be neutralized” The robotic voice called out. He did not stop walking as a smile grew on his face, revealing sharp pointed canines. Recognizing at once a vampire the borg opened fire, a hail of lasers cutting through the air but the man was gone.

A breath of wind caused him to turn. Behind him stood the Vampire, a quick movement and the world was spinning. That was the last image the robotic optics saw, as the head was punched clean of the body. The rest of the command had noticed and opened fire upon the creature. He did not move quick enough this time and the blasts hit, flaying the skin from his bones, the smell of atomized flesh filled the air. Such was the intensity of nearly 30 lasers all trained on one spot when they stopped firing all that remained was a skeleton in boots. The command group returned to their discussion, losses had been high but a victory may be achieved, then one of the Dog Boys barked; and they turned to see the skeleton suddenly regrowing flesh, organs, then muscle, and finally skin. They stared in horrified disbelief as the creature stood reformed and smiling.

A mocking chuckle escaped his lips “HA HA! Did you think those creatures were vampires? You fools! Your weapons cannot strike me down, and today you shall die for your arrogance” And he advanced again. Now the command released a secondary reserve of Dog Boys, over 2 dozen leaping at the vampire fangs bared they landed atop him, literally covering him with their bodys teeth and claws raking across his body. He threw the entire group off him like a bunch of rags, still standing and unmoved the wounds began to close.

That was enough for the Coalition officers, they ordered a full retreat. The Dog Boys they sent to slow the vamp down while hunters made darting sweeps at the other groups to make space for the soldiers and guard to retreat. The Vampires’ mocking laugh followed them “You shall pay for disturbing our rest!” And run they did, all the way back to Chi-Town never once looking back to the horror that is the Vampire Kingdoms, his final words echoing in their ears

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    AlexWritten by Alex

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