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Not Another Troy Lover...

~James & Oneg's Gossip Cab ๐Ÿš• Micro-Fiction Challenge~

By Tiffany Gordon Published 10 months ago โ€ข 2 min read
Not Another Troy Lover...
Photo by Waldemar on Unsplash

This is my response to James and Oneg's Gossip Cab Challenge!

Here is the prompt:

"Write a micro fiction (under 250 words) as a cab driver who just picked up a customer- what story do you hear? What tea was just spilled? Gossip overheard? How much do you find out before the ride is over?"

Here is a link to all of James and Oneg's summer writing challenges. I am tagging anyone who is interested! Please feel free to join in! There is no deadline!

Here is my Gossip Cab Challenge Entry! It's over the word limit but it's finally done! :) Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! ๐Ÿ˜


An African-American woman hopped into my cab about 15 minutes ago. She looked to be about forty-five and was out of breath. She had three shopping bags in each hand and was dressed in a burgundy dress suit and matching heels. My first thought was that she was too well dressed to be taking a cab.

Earlier that morning I had found out that my favorite politician Troy Evanston, was running for president. Upon hearing that great news, I had to do my part to ensure that good ole' TE won. We definitely needed someone like him to whip this country into shape and to stop giving all of those handouts to the poor & lazy.

Based on this lady's looks, she didn't seem to be taking advantage of the welfare system like most of the folks that I pick up so I figured that she could probably relate to my excitement about Troy Evanston's bid. I decided to test the waters.

Hey pretty lady where are you headed? I asked as I admired her beautiful eyes through the rearview mirror.

"Middlebrook Way," she responded politely.

"That's a pretty ritzy neighborhood. You must do pretty well. Are you a doctor or a lawyer?" I inquired with a confident smile.

"Um... I do ok. No, I'm an Art Therapist," she responded with pride.

"Nice!" I said as I nodded my approval.

This woman seemed hardworking. This was my chance to get another vote for Troy. I thought to myself.

Right as I was about to broach the subject with her, her cell phone rang.

This is what I overheard:

"Hey girl!" (Pause)

"Ughh... cousin give it a rest! I'm not voting for Troy Evanston. He is a closed-minded, classist with zero compassion for the less fortunate! He's always saying that poor people are unmotivated and lazy but what does he know about real work? He was gifted all of his money via a trust fund!"

"Girl, leave me alone! You know I don't do politricks! I rely on the Lord and the Lord alone for my needs."

"Now, I've got to go! Talk to ya later," she said as she abruptly hung up.

Right at that very moment she happened to spot the Troy Evanston campaign sticker on my dashboard. She immediately rolled her eyes and said,"Not another Troy lover! Dude let me out; I'll walk home!"

Before I could respond and while we were at a red light she hopped out of the cab and slammed the door so hard that I thought it might break.

"Oh well," I said aloud with a shrug,"on to the next one."


About the Creator

Tiffany Gordon

I am a super-spiritual, fun-loving artist, writer, & peer-counselor residing in the Pacific Northwest. I am also an Institute of Children's Literature alumna who enjoys writing about the triumph of the human spirit.

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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Comments (17)

  • Gina C.9 months ago

    This was fun and so entertaining, Tiffany!! ๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธ Not sure how I missed this! I've been on and off of Vocal lately and just trying to drop by to see what I've missed out on! This is awesome :)

  • Heather Hubler10 months ago

    I don't blame her one bit! What a great microfiction story...I was pulled right in, and it kept me invested to the end. Great work!!

  • Good take on the challenge, these prompts are excellent for our creative juices

  • Novel Allen10 months ago

    Uh, I think I was tagged for this challenge. You making me work too hard to top this. Great gossip cab, you lucky she even talked to you in a civil-ish manner.

  • C. H. Richard10 months ago

    I would be pounding on the doors! Let me out! Also, congratulations I think this is 100 story for you โค๏ธ

  • Test10 months ago

    Suoer cool. I loved the watyyou used speech and also the light heated way tou managed a political them ๐Ÿค

  • Mother Combs10 months ago

    Good take in the challenge

  • Nice job showing both perspectives well done

  • Looks like she had her priorities straight, lol! Loved your story, Tiffy!

  • Oneg In The Arctic10 months ago

    Nicely done! I like how we got both the driver and the lady's perspective, and you did it so smoothly too!

  • My first thought was, "Do you have any idea what it's like to be 'poor & lazy'?" My second thought was, "Have you ever been thought to be 'poor & lazy' while you're working your rear end off trying to scrape together enough to make ends meet, all while trying to raise yourself up from your circumstances?" I'm guessing you do & you have, my friend. Applause.

  • Babs Iverson10 months ago

    Spectacular storytelling!!! Fantastically written!!! Loved it!!!๐Ÿ’•โค๏ธโค๏ธ

  • James U. Rizzi10 months ago

    what a wonderful use of political satire, plus the whole story was so smooth, like butter on a skillet very nice

  • Interesting story. I have never looked at government programs such as social security, medicare, medicaid, disability, etc as a government handout. I look at it as our tax dollars at work for the people. Case in point right now both my mom and I live off of our tax dollars. My mom collects social security and I collect payments from medicaid. I had to leave my job in order to take care of my mom. Now I have qualified for Medicaid and through the In-Home Supportive Services program I finally got a paycheck. But I don't see it as a handout from the government. I see it as my tax dollars coming back to me. Most of the very poor people that I know work and have always worked and they do not want to be poor they want to get out of poverty but seems like with certain sectors of our population the opportunities are stacked up against them. Anyhow good story and it did make me think.

  • Dana Stewart10 months ago

    LOL, girl rather walk than ride with a Troy Evanston supporter. Great job Tiffany

  • Wow ๐Ÿ˜ฎ, no chance lol ๐Ÿ˜† Great Story!

Tiffany Gordon Written by Tiffany Gordon

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