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New World Order

Love Survives Destruction

By Annette KorolenkoPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Worldwide genocide succeeded in Unison.

All that was left of the world was destruction of all cities. Buildings crumbled to rubble and dust.

The United States mission to destroy the majority of their population in cities succeeded.

Their own missiles killing 95% of Americans.

1% of farmers were not targeted.

4% of government officials lived in underground cities

with electronics and luxuries when the genocide took place worldwide. The plan was for the government officials to rule human beings, training them to serve the Cause, New World Order.

The women were separated from the men into colonies with 24 hour camera surveillance inside the huge army size tents. They were expected to work the government farms from dawn till dusk, with no pay in horrid primitive conditions. Their clothes were uniforms made out of scratchy burlap. On their feet were rubber gollashes causing painful bleeding blisters.

Men were relocated to army barracks to be trained as government soldiers to manufacture the food into freeze dried food with brain altering drugs added.

Children were imediately taken from their mothers to be raised in state run facilities underground for the New World Order controlled by the government.

When they grew up they were allowed to have only 1 child that was removed to be indoctrinated by the State. They were raised to represent the new world values and to serve the government

Women and men were sterilized immediately for population control.

No emotions of love, compassion or anger were allowed. The freeze dried food was purposely drugged with mind altering drugs to dull the senses. Water was infused purposely with dangerously high amounts of flouride to cause brain disfunction and early death.

Mobile phones, computers and all electronic devices

were confiscated and destroyed. Only the government underground had access.

Before the world destruction of cities, the United States realized they would need translators for the future to communicate with other governments.

Their only concern was that foreign translators may try to overthrow the government. They chose to invite only Gypsy Royalty and their immediate family from European countries for their language skills.

They researched and knew that gypsies would never leave their romantic culture to overthrow a government.

Gypsies originated from Northern India, Punjab region, nomadic people entering Europe in the 8th to 10 century. Gypsies were never interested in being acclimated in Europe or mixing with other nationalities. It was forbidden.

Gypsies lived a free nomadic lifestyle. Many envied their vibrant,carefree, romantic lifestyle.

The King was always the gypsy who had acquired excellent liguistic skills of that country they roamed through. Each King was in charge of communicating with foreign governments for his tribe.

They lived separately in the forest within their own cultures, language and identity. They were known for singing their mesmerizing, romantic melodies and playing accordians, violins and tambourines. Dancing wildly every night around their campfires.

Locals often hired them as musicians to entertain at weddings. They would roam cities only to play music and read fortunes for tips.

Gypsy Royalty was allowed to eat undrugged food

and maintain their language and customs.

They were employed by the U.S govermment with special priveleges and travel clearance on private planes.

On the northern border a gypsy princess

was hired to fly to Cananda on a private jet.

She spoke French fluently.

Canada had a small population of 38 million with country size almost equal to the U.S.

Most cities were destroyed. Few people survived.

Government officials didn't survive

as missiles rained down on their small cities.

Only the province of French Quebec survived were french was spoken.

They were not interested in New World Order and domination of the little population under a million that was left.

The Gypsy princesses name was Roma hired to

hand deliver documents stating the U.S. would not interfere in their countries policies.

Roma' s wild beauty could put any man in a trance.

Her black eyes like coal were hypnotizing. Her skin was the color of chocolate. On her exposed neck and cleavage she wore a tiny heart pendant hanging from a thin lether strap, extending down to her voluptous cleavage.

The heart pendant was golden colored Amber. It was an ancient heirloom from a Gypsy Prince. It was handed down from his forefathers to give to Princess Roma, who he was betrothed to. Both of their bloods were inserted into the Amber locket with a syringe at their betrothal.

Her black curly hair was long extending beyond her waist. She wore a traditional white peasant blouse

embroidered in bold red and orange flowers. Her long, wide black skirt had bright orange and red flowers.

She was allowed by the U.S. to wear the clothing of her culture because of her scarce, in demand French linguistic skills.

Her Gypsy Prince named Duke, for nobility, was waiting for her arrival in Canada.

As she got out of the jeep, the driver assisted her in taking out her ancient trunk with her dowry inside.

She walked to the fence of the tiny airport to see the orange sunset. A shooting star flashed across the sky.

This was a sign of good luck for her future.

Tears started streaming down her face as Roma turned around and saw the rubble and destruction behind her of a city in ruins. She thought of the couple's in Love who were being fed mind altering drugs. How horrible to be forced to live in a world as prisoners without passion, sensuality, and Love....

Fan Fiction

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    AKWritten by Annette Korolenko

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